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Should we allow modern buildings to be built next to older buildings in a historic area of a city? In order to answer this question, we must first examine whether people really want to preserve the historic feel of an area. Not all historical buildings are attractive. However, there may be other reasons — for example, economic reasons — why they should be preserved. So, let us assume that historical buildings are both attractive and important to the majority of people. What should we do then if a new building is needed?

In my view, new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style. Indeed, there are many examples in my own hometown of Tours where modern designs have been placed very successfully next to old buildings. As long as the building in question is pleasing and does not dominate (影响) its surroundings too much, it often improves the attractiveness of the area.

It is true that there are examples of new buildings which have spoilt (破坏) the area they are in, but the same can be said of some old buildings too. Yet people still speak against new buildings in historic areas. I think this is simply because people are naturally conservative(保守的) and do not like change.

Although we have to respect people’s feelings as fellow users of the buildings, I believe that it is the duty of the architect and planner to move things forward. If we always reproduced what was there before, we would all still be living in caves. Thus, I would argue against copying previous architectural styles and choose something fresh and different, even though that might be the more risky choice.

1.What does the author say about historical buildings in the first paragraph?

A. Most of them are too expensive to preserve.

B. They are more pleasing than modern buildings.

C. They have nothing to do with the historic feel of an area.

D. Some of them are not attractive.

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?

A. Some old buildings have spoilt the area they are in.

B. We should reproduce the same old buildings.

C. Buildings should not dominate their surroundings.

D. No one understands why people speak against new buildings.

3.By “move things forward” in the last paragraph, the author probably means “________”.

A. destroy old buildings

B. put things in a different place

C. choose new architectural style

D. respect people’s feelings for historical buildings

4.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To explain why people dislike change.

B. To argue that modern buildings can be built in historic areas.

C. To warn that we could end up living in caves.

D. To admit how new buildings have ruined their surroundings.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江鹤岗一中高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


Thanks for your letter. You are describing a common problem experiencing by students all over China. What you already know, the competition to get into a good university or college is very fierce, and that by turn means a heavy study load for students. I know that this can feel like terrible burden at times, but my advices to you is to keep on studying as your hard work will pay for in the end.

In the meanwhile, do you best to relax. Proper rest and relaxation are extreme important. Although I know that you are very busy, but yet I want you to try to set some time aside after class and at the weekends such that you can unwind properly.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林实验中学高一下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mark Twain was a great writer. He was from the USA. He was born in 1835. He was also a famous speaker. He was famous for his sense of humour. Many people liked to listen to him talk because he liked to tell some interesting stories to make people laugh all the time.

One day Mark Twain was going to a small town because of his writing. Before he was going to leave, one of his friends said to him that there were always a lot of mosquitoes in the town and told him that he’d better not go there. Mark Twain waved (摇动) his hand and said, “It doesn’t matter. The mosquitoes are no relatives of mine. I don’t think they will come to visit me.”

After he arrived at the town, Mark Twain stayed in a small hotel near the station. He went into his room, but when he was just about to have a rest, quite a few mosquitoes flew about him. The waiters felt very sorry about that. “I’m very sorry, Mr Mark Twain. There are too many mosquitoes in our town.” One of them said to him.

Mark Twain, however, made a joke, saying to the waiter, “The mosquitoes are very clever. They know my room number. They didn’t come into the wrong room.” What he said made all the people present laugh heartily.

But that night Mark Twain slept well. Do you know why? That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night.

1.That day Mark Twain went to the town _____.

A. to see one of his friends

B. because he was told there were a lot of mosquitoes there

C. because he wanted to do something there for his writing

D. to see one of his relatives

2.The waiters felt sorry because _____.

A. they did something wrong to Mark Twain

B. their hotel was too small

C. the room was not very clean

D. there were quite a few mosquitoes in Mark Twain’s room

3.All the people present laughed heartily because _____.

A. the mosquitoes were very clever and they didn’t come into the wrong room

B. the mosquitoes knew Mark Twain’s room number

C. Mark Twain made a joke

D. Mark Twain gave the waiters some nice presents

4.From the story we know _____.

A. no mosquitoes troubled Mark Twain in the night

B. the owner of the hotel told the waiters to look after Mark Twain well at night

C. Mark Twain didn’t have a good rest that night

D. there were not mosquitoes in the hotel any longer


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江哈尔滨第六中学高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I have a blind friend who lives in New York City. ______ we have never met face to face, we still ______ each other frequently. She is a ______ lady and has become like a sister to me. Her ______ and enthusiastic letters always ______ my spirits and the inspiring poems she shares with the world always bring a ______ to my face. She is all the more ______ due to the fact that she lost her ______ halfway through her life. She had to ______ her career and relearn to do everything that most of us take for granted. Many would have given up after such a ______ but not her. ______, she started a glorious new life full of award winning volunteer work. Her ______ are full of teaching English to new immigrants, giving comfort to ______ hearts, writing, serving her religious community, and helping others in ______ way she can.

The light of my friend’s example is a beacon (灯塔) that I try to ______ as well. Whenever I feel too ______ in my own life I look at the challenges that she has ______ in hers. She may have lost her sight but she ______ lost her soul. She knows that the eyes that really see are the eyes of the heart, and she does her best every day to follow the ______ vision that they give to her. I am sure too that their eyes of the angels watching over her are always filled with tears of ______ and that their faces are always full of shining smile.

1.A. When B. As C. Since D. Although

2.A. call B. write C. email D. encourage

3.A. remarkable B. humorous C. funny D. considerate

4.A. constant B. brief C. optimistic D. beautiful

5.A. attract B. reach C. improve D. lift

6.A. smile B. cloud C. puzzle D. look

7.A. helpful B. amazing C. sensitive D. disappointing

8.A. way B. parents C. sight D. heart

9.A. put off B. depend on C. keep on D. give up

10.A. loss B. failure C. break D. challenge

11.A. However B. Therefore C. Instead D. Then

12.A. plans B. days C. ideas D. thoughts

13.A. feeling B. touching C. breaking D. hurting

14.A. every B. some C. no D. possible

15.A. examine B. copy C. follow D. complete

16.A. cheated B. bored C. nervous D. challenged

17.A. controlled B. overcome C. passed D. overlooked

18.A. never B. still C. also D. already

19.A. lasting B. caring C. loving D. continuing

20.A. pity B. joy C. sorrow D. surprise


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西新余一中、宜春一中高三7月联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

E-books are a relatively recent invention. They are popular for a great many of reasons. An e-reader takes up much less rooms in a suitcase: perfect for people who had to take several books on holiday. Besides, lots of people don’t reread books; an e-reader mean they don’t end up with a house filling with books they’ll never look at again. People say they’re more environmentally friendly: no trees cut down for paper, or no ink is needed. However successfully these devices are, nothing can beat an appeal of a genuine book for me. After all, if I’m short in cash, I can always go to the library and borrow books for free!


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西西安市高三上第六次诊断考英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Airplane travel is obviously one of the most efficient ways to travel around the world. More and more people choose it ___1.__ the way of travelling. We all know that our lives have been changed by air travel. It is much ___2.___ (fast) to travel by plane, and air travel makes it possible to get to the other side of the world in less than one day.

In terms of ___3.__ (safe), air travel is one of the ___4.___ (option) transportation methods if you are looking for a safe way to travel. It is considered to be the safest way to travel. What’s more, it is now possible to get to destinations all over the world at __5.___ affordable price since there are cheap flights available.

There are still some __6.___ (weak) of air travel these days. Bad weather can delay flights by hours, even days. This may waste passengers’ precious time, and may even leave you ___7.__ (abandon) at the airport. ___8.___, unfortunately, your flight is canceled, there will be much more unexpected troubles __9.___ (wait) for you ahead. Besides, most airports are built far away from the downtown, so it often takes passengers quite a long time ___10.___ (get) to the airport.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西西安市高三上第六次诊断考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I gave him a warning, ________ he turned a deaf ear.

A. of which B. for which C. to that D. to which


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届陕西西安市高三上第六次诊断考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Europe’s deadly outbreak of a rare form of E. coli bacteria (大肠杆菌) has brought new attention to food safety issues. One of the problems when people get sick from food is that the simplest question is often difficult or even impossible to answer. Just what did the people eat that made them sick?

Of course, one way to avoid these medical mysteries is to keep dangerous organisms out of the food supply. This is easier said than done, but scientists keep looking for new ways.

Scientists in the United States have developed an experimental system that uses a high-tech optical scanner. The system is designed to identify the presence of contaminants(致污物) like soil or animal waste on fresh produce. These can be sources of E. coli. E. coli bacteria naturally live in the intestines (肠) of humans and many animals. Most kinds of E. coli are harmless but some can make people sick.

The new scanner can also show damage and imperfections that might make the produce unappealing to shoppers.

Scientists designed the system at a Department of Agriculture research center in Beltsville, Maryland. Moon Kim of the Agricultural Research Service led the team.

MOON KIM: “We were requested, we were asked, to develop a method to detect contamination in produce. So we started with the apple as the model sample.”

The scanner uses a high-speed camera placed over the conveyer belt that moves the produce along. As the apples move along the belt, the scanner captures images of each piece of fruit.

Moon Kim says the team hopes the system will be available before long.

MOON KIM: “We are targeting for development in commercial plants for the next several years.”

The scanner can direct a sorting machine to separate the bad apples from the good ones. The system is currently able to show the surface of only half the apple as it speeds by. The inventers hope to improve the process so it can show the whole surface.

1.What is the main topic of the text?

A. Bacteria B. A high-tech scanner

C. A camera D. Food safety

2.E. coli bacteria ________.

A. broke out all over the world

B. comes from soil or animal waste

C. is extremely harmful to health

D. does not cause illness

3.The high-tech scanner ________.

A. can help to sort out different fruits

B. make the produce appeal to shoppers

C. can only capture images of the whole apple

D. can identify the presence of contaminants

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A. The scanner needs to be improved.

B. The scanner will be available in the next several years.

C. Moon Kim is unwilling to develop the scanner.

D. The scanner is connected to a sorting machine.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆南开中学高一下学期期末测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Was it through Mary _____ was working at a high school _____ you got to know Tom?

A.who;whom B.that;which

C.who;that D.that;who

