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【题目】根据最新颁布的《关于加强和改进普通高中学生综合素质评价的意见》,你校举办校园之星(Star of the Campus)评选活动,你班李华获此殊荣。请你根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文,介绍李华的综合素质情况。

要求:1. 短文内容应包括综合素质的五个方面,但不得逐字翻译;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名、校名和地名;

3. 词数120左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Being an excellent student with all-round development, Li Hua has been honored as Star of the Campus.


One possible version

Being an excellent student with all-round development, Li Hua has been honored as Star of the Campus.

He spends most of his spare time doing volunteer work at weekends, helping the old or the disabled, which shows his character of responsibility and kindness. With great intelligence, diligence, good learning methods and positive attitudes, he studies well in all the subjects and often ranks among the top three in the class. After class, he is active in the playground, music clubs and some communities. The sport he likes most is playing basketball and he has served as leader of our school basketball team for two years. He also takes great delight in Chinese opera as well as singing pop songs. Besides, he takes an active part in all sorts of social practices.

In a word, Li Hua is an outstanding student, who has set a good example for us. (131words)


试题分析:分析要求可知,根据最新颁布的《关于加强和改进普通高中学生综合素质评价的意见》,你校举办校园之星(Star of the Campus)评选活动,你班李华获此殊荣,介绍李华的综合素质情况短文应该用一般现在时,第一人称。词数120左右,不要太多或太少。尽量多使用较高级的词汇和短语以及固定句式,注意句子之间的连贯性。作文打分重点关注文体,篇章结构,语言表达的连贯性和地道性。

【亮点说明】 文中用了一些高级的短语和句式。如: which引导的非限制性定语从句,takes great delight in takes an active part in set a good example for等都很不错。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】叶诗文,1996年3月1日出生于浙江省杭州市,2010年以来在各重大游泳赛事中表现优异,成为中国泳坛首位大满贯(grand slam得主,成为新一代的中国游泳领军人物。叶诗文是怎样炼成的?近期某网站就此现象对网民做了一次调查,结果见下表。请根据下面表格的文字内容写一篇120字左右的短文,短文内容须包括表中提供的所有信息。


1. 聪明有天赋:爱动脑筋,纠正错误及时;

2. 挚爱且自律:认真从不缺席训练,保质保量完成训练任务;

3. 要强不服输:心理素质好,从容面对失败不放弃.


Born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province on Match 1st, 1996,Ye Shiwen, has been performing amazingly in different important swimming matches, being China’s first grand slam swimming champion. Her great success has aroused national concern. on the Internet.








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


An online post listing office people's four most hated modern inventions is gaining popularity. Read on to discover what modern professionals dislike.

Number one:The punch(打卡) machine.

32yearold Mr. Zhang works for an IT company. He lists the punch machine as his number one workday enemy after a number of unavoidable incidents made him late to punch in for work. Zhang says most of his colleagues are hardworking people,but they feel like the boss doesn't trust them when he uses a machine to evaluate their performance. Zhang plans to find another job at a company that does not use a punch machine.

Number two:Instant noodles.

More and more people today realize that instant noodles do not make a healthy meal,but lack of time forces many whitecollar workers to eat them instead of a regular dinner.27yearold Mr. Zhu is a salesperson who is so busy at work that he doesn't even have time to wash his socks. He regularly eats fast food takeaways or instant noodles for dinner.

Number three:Mattresses.

Some elder employees tell newcomers that having a mattress at work is just like having a home at the company. To encourage their employees to work overtime,a number of companies have issued their employees with mattresses so that they can take a rest under their desks at any time of a day. People have started refusing the mattress and taking better care of their health after the media reported on a number of people who died /span>due to overwork last year.

And last,but not least,the mobile phone.

A surgeon from a Beijing hospital says more and more whitecollar workers are turning up with a strange disease which they call “mobile phone elbow”.The patients' elbows are painful,and sometimes they can't even raise their hands. The doctor says the disease occurs when patients spend more than 4 hours on their mobiles.

【1】Why do some employees want to find a job in a company without punch machines?

A.They often meet with unavoidable incidents on their way to work.

B.They feel less trusted when evaluated with the punch machine.

C.It is unnecessary for them to punch in for work every day.

D.They can work less hard in companies without punch machines.

【2】Whitecollar workers have to eat instant noodles because they ________.

A.can't make a healthy meal

B.can't afford a regular dinner

C.don't have time to wash their socks

D.are always so busy at work

【3】In the eyes of the boss,the mattresses can ________.

A.make employees work more time

B.make the new comers love the company

C.make employees have a good rest at any time

D.take care of the employees' health

【4】According to the doctor,________.

A.the painful elbow caused by mobile phone can't be cured

B.only whitecollar workers turn up with the painful elbow

C.long time of using mobile phones possibly causes the painful elbow

D.if your elbows are painful,or you can't raise your hands,you catch the disease

【5】What is the best title of this passage?

A.Most hated modern inventions

B.Modern inventions are gaining popularity online

C.Modern inventions bring us inconvenience

D.Modern inventions and overwork


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help people to keep healthy, happy and help them to live longer.

Sports change with the season. People play different games in winter and summer. Games and sports often grow out of people's work and everyday activities. The Arabs use horses or

camels in much of their everyday life; they use them in their sports, too.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.

Some sports or games go back to thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese boxing, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become good friends. Sports help to train a person's character (性格. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace(体面.

1 According to this passage we know that __________

A. people began to play about 100 years ago

B. about 100 years ago people ran or jumped when they played

C. basketball has a longer history than volleyball

D. not all games have a long history

2 The writer didn't span>tell us in this passage that __________

A. basketball was invented in America

B. sports change with the season

C. games and sports often have a close relationship with people's work and everyday activities

D. football is played all over the world

3 People enjoy sports because __________

A. sports are interesting

B. sports help to keep people healthy, happy and help them to live longer

C. sports help to train one's character

D. all of the above

4 From this passage we can see that __________.

A. sports and games are unimportant things that people do

B. sports and games should be treated(看作 only as amusement(娱乐

C. sports and games are only useful to the old

D. none of the above is true


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





Hi, Tom,

As you know, I’m music mad.

By the way, do you love music as well?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


How Children Succeed, by Paul Tough

Journalist Tough spent five years reporting his previous (先前的) book, Whatever It Takes, a description of education activist Geoffrey Canada and the families influenced by his organization, the Harlem Children’s Zone. In this 2012 follow-up, Tough sets out to answer the difficult questions raised by Whatever It Takes: Why do some kids — particularly poor ones — succeed while others fail? And how can parents and educators help guide more children towards success?

The Death and Life of the Great American School System, by Diane Ravitch

Ravitch, a professor in New York University, takes a hard look at how public education has changed over the past twenty years, offering a reasoned explanation of popular policies, such as the emphasis (强调) on testing, and a solution (解决方法) to how to improve America’s schools.

Saving the School, by Michael Brick

When Anabel Garza became headteacher of Reagan High in Austin, Tex, she was faced with a large number of seemingly very difficult problems: A high dropout rate (辍学率) and low test scores. But as Brick writes Saving the School, a first-hand account of a year in the life of Reagan High, Garza, along with other teachers, was determined to turn things around for her school and her students.

The Flat World and Education, by Linda Darling Hammond

While scores on the tests required by “No Child Left Behind” have steadily (平稳地) risen, America’s students are always falling behind on international testing measures. Why? According to Stanford education professor Darling-Hammond, it’s because U.S. schools, “designed at the turn of the last century,” are in need of a complete change. In this book, she describes the latest education models used by schools all over the world, which she argues could offer a long-term road map to changing the American public school system.

【1】Which book answers questions from another book?

A. Saving the School.

B. How Children Succeed.

C. The Flat World and Education.

D. The Death and Life of the Great American School System.

【2】Who writes about a particular high school?

A. Diane Ravitch. B. Michael Brick.

C. Paul Tough. D. Linda Darling-Hammond.

【3】Both Diane and Linda are offering measures to _____.

A. cut down the dropout rate

B. help students get high scores

C. improve schools in America

D. guide more children to success


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Romanticism (浪漫主义) was a literary, artistic and intellectual movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century. And it reached its peak from 1800 to 1840.

Romanticism urged people to look at nature and surroundings from a scientific point of view. It was also a rebellion against scientific rationalization (合理化 ) of nature. It permitted a person's imagination and freedom in art. The concept of romanticism was present in all the major art forms, like literature, the visual arts and music.

Friedrich Schlegel, a German philosopher, writer and critic, used the term “Romantic” for the first time to name a new school of literature which arose in opposition to “Classicism”. Though the concept of Romanticism was identified much earlier, critics believe that Romanticism in English literature dates from the Lyrical Ballads. The romantics were very interested in mystery, ambition and adventure.

In the visual arts, the term Romanticism refers to a trend that appeared in the 19th century, which was characterized by opposition to the classical forms and its rules. Romanticism in the visual arts focused more on the spiritual and emotional representation of nostalgia(怀旧). Romantics used objects, like wild trees, moonlight, and so on, to convey their ideas and concepts.

In music, Romanticism was characterized by the freedom of forms and an emphasis on the emotions. It was German composers who used romanticism widely and developed this concept. Many famous composers worked in smaller forms of music that had flexible structure; for instance, ballads, solo piano music, and so on.

Romanticism influenced the literature and arts of the 18th and 19th century. The popularity of this movement declined gradually with passing time, but it has a significant place in the history of literature and art development.

