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I was 11 when you were born, and in your first few years I often looked after you, bathed and dressed you and took you out for walks. I have______ memories of your childhood. Of ______you up as a “rock star”. Of watching you dance ______ nightclothes. Of your insistence that I make your school lunch ______ I put so much more peanut butter on your ______ than anyone else. Of the______ phone call we ever had----an echo (共鸣) of my own university years—when you wanted to ______ university and study dance.

Since we have grown up, I have lived through you, although you may not know it. You had the opportunity I so ______ wanted but never got ---- to train in the dancing arts. I encouraged our parents to support you because I have always ______ how my life would be if they hadn’t chosen a(n) ______ career path for me, their eldest child.

I know you have ______ to hunt for work and confidence, and that you probably wonder sometimes if you made the right choice. ______ , I am happy for you and proud that I played some small role in helping you to ______ a dream.

There is a ______ between us now. It has grown since I first left home, and in the ______ I missed your teenager years. That ______ me greatly. I imagine that you believe we have very little in common—a ______ in the city and a biologist in West Africa---but in you I ______ some of my own dreams realized.

But beyond that, even at 12 or 13 I felt as much a mother to you as an older sister. So, on the rare ______ when we see each other, I want to know everything, from your concerns, hopes to delights.

I wish, there were an arm’s ______ between us. I hope we can one day be sisters or friends again. I still make a tasty peanut butter sandwich for you.

1.A. vivid B. admirable C. awful D. painful

2.A. making B. dressing C. taking D. picking

3.A. on B. over C. in D. with

4.A. as B. while C. though D. if

5.A. noodles B. pies C. cakes D. sandwiches

6.A. longest B. farthest C. simplest D. hardest

7.A. give in to B. look away from C. drop out of D. go in for

8.A. merely B. scarcely C. perfectly D. badly

9.A. wondered B. regretted C. realized D. believed

10.A. special B. traditional C. official D. original

11.A. managed B. struggled C. preferred D. rejected

12.A. Moreover B. Therefore C. However D. Otherwise

13.A. support B. oppose C. have D. follow

14.A. plan B. promise C. conflict D. distance

15.A. experience B. process C. situation D. direction

16.A. frightens B. touches C. upsets D. comforts

17.A. dancer B. teacher assistant C. actress D. rock star

18.A. hope B. see C. keep D. remember

19.A. stages B. vacations C. spots D. occasions

20.A. width B. height C. length D. depth


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届高三第一套原创猜题(新课标I)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



A Hundred Reasons to Laugh

During one particularly dark period of my life,l didn't laugh even 15 times a day. Not_________ . For a variety of reasons , ranging from anxiety in my _________ life to overwork and tiredness,l was___________.

I felt ___________by an ocean of problems, professional and personal, with no chance of finding any way out.

Everything looked _________ .

I met my colleagues for supper the first evening. To my ____________ ,we sat around the dinner table telling funny stories. We _________ real-life incidents that had happened to each of us.I had to _________ ,even in my sadness, that it was good to laugh. And those turned out to be some of the funniest stories I had ever _________ ! My anxiety melted as I relaxed and I found myself Iaughing hard ---harder than I'd laughed for years.

The next day we worked,but we also played. We invented _________ using whatever equipment we could lay our hands on. The sheer ________ 0f playing,something else I hadn't done for far too long, _________ something within me I thought I might never recall again.

The following day I returned home and I felt better than I did in months. _________ it eventually took a lifestyle change to _________ the depression for good,laughter became a key ingredient(因素) of that _________ . I've held to it, and have found that regular and hearty _________ is essential if I want to maintain inner peace and good health.

I had discovered a great truth about laughter - it is good for the body,the mind and the spirit. It's a __________stress reliever. Have you ever laughed so hard that you doubled over,fell off your chair, spit out your food or wet your pants? You just cannot _________ muscle tension when you are laughing.

Find 100 reasons to laugh. You are_ __________to feel better, you will cope with problems more effectively and people will enjoy being _________ you. Besides unhappiness,what do you have to lose?

1.A. totally B. really C. nearly D. truly

2.A. meaningful B. valuable C. active D. personal

3.A. confused B. depressed C. frightened D. entertained

4.A. surrounded B. occupied C. swallowed D. absorbed

5.A. Miserable B. complex C. unusual D. unique

6.A. delight B. anxiety C. curiosity D. surprise

7.A. recited B. reported C. related D. recorded

8.A. prove B. admit C. know D. realize

9.A. heard B. wrote C. read D. met

10.A. excuses B. stories C. jokes D. games

11.A. importance B. value C. fun D. result

12.A. removed B. awakened C. buried D. covered

13.A. Though B. Till C. Unless D. If

14.A. lift B. prepare C. keep D. experience

15.A. style B. change C. nutrition D. food

16.A. exercise B. comfort C. encouragement D. laughter

17.A. beneficial B. mysterious C. natural D. physical

18.A. maintain B. reduce C. balance D. avoid

19.A. sensitive B. willing C. eager D. bound

20.A. around B. off C. against D. After


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁五校协作体高一下期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Imagine looking for your lost dog. You step into a cave(洞穴). But instead of the dog, you find beautiful cave paintings. You see paintings of horses, deer, and bison that are drawn in black, brown, red and yellow. Your first question would probably be "Who did this?"

This is what happened to four French boys in 1940. They found the Lascaux caves. The paintings the boys discovered in those caves are 17,000 years old. They were drawn by the ancient people called Cro-Magnons.

Cro-Magnons looked much like people of today. They used tools, such as fishing nets. But their art was extremely good. The main cave at Lascaux is called the Great Hall of Bulls, which has a picture of bulls and horses in many colors. The largest animal is 18 feet long. There are smaller animals, such as bison, stags(雄鹿) and a bear. There is also a strange spotted two-horned (两只角的) animal.

To the left of the main cave are the most famous paintings that are the drawings of multicolored animals. One painting is called Little Horses. On the ceiling are horses and cows. The most unusual sight may be in the Shaft of the Dead Man where there is a thinoceros (犀牛), a carefully drawn dead man, a wounded bison and a bird.

Why did Cro-Magnon artists do these beautiful drawings on cave walls? Did the drawings call upon some magical power? Did the Cro-Magnon people hope that the drawings would bring good luck? There is one thing the paintings seem to tell us. The Cro- Magnons were interested in the world. They looked at beauty and they understood it.

1.The author uses the word "you" in the first paragraph to _____.

A. pull the reader into the story

B. make it clear that this is a true story

C. give the reader good directions to find the caves

D. compare present-day readers with the Cro-Magnon people

2.Most of the drawings in the caves are about _____.

A. boys B. tools C. dead men D. animals

3.What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Cave paintings are beautiful.

B. Who found the beautiful cave paintings.

C. The Lascanx caves hold ancient colorful paintings.

D. Drawings of horses are on the walls of the Lascaux caves.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆八中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was growing up, my father and I always had totally different ideas. He thought that college was a waste of time, but for me it was of importance to finish college. He wanted me to work my way to the top as he had done in his field, but I wanted a different life. There was a time when we did not talk with each other.

A few months ago, I heard that my 84-year-old dad was in poor health. When he called and asked whether I could move from Colorado bank to Tennessee to help him, I knew he was seriously ill. I am his only child and so it was time to meet my father's requirement.

Two weeks after moving back, we bought a boat and started fishing again. Fishing was one of the few things that we did while I was young and that we both enjoyed. It is strange but true that as we are fishing we are able to put things that have kept us apart for so many years behind us. We are able to talk about things that we have never talked about before. Fishing has been healing the old wounds that have kept us apart.

It is not important how many fish we catch. It is about enjoying the relationship that we have not had for years. I' m 62 and he is 84. When we are on the lake fishing, it is like enjoying life. It is far better to find a way to put the unhappy past behind. I am so lucky to spend the happy time with my father in his last years. Now my heart is filled with love. A smile always graces my lips.

1.The author and his father became further apart because_______.

A. they lived very far from each other

B. they seldom went to see each other

C. they had different views on things

D. they only communicated by phone

2.For the author, fishing with his old father_____.

A. helps cure his father’s disease

B. makes him realize the importance of relaxation

C. is a good way to get close to nature

D. provides a chance for them to communicate

3.What can be the title for the text?

A. Fishing Brings Us Together

B. Forgiving Is Difficult

C. Memories of Old Days

D. My Beloved Father


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆八中高一下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The failure to _____ the basic values and laws of a country harms the survival of its democracy (民主).

A. ban B. reduce C. replace D. observe


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆八中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

So attractive ____ that we can’t wait to go there.

A. does the University Town seem

B. the University Town seems

C. the University Town does seem

D. seems the University Town


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆八中高二下期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Customers rarely have an opportunity to watch the cooks doing the cooking on the ____ although it sounds quite normal for any cook.

A. kitchen B. floor C. condition D. spot


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西上高县二中高二5月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Five reasons your scale might be wrong

1. You weigh yourself on different days each week.

In a Cornell university study published last year, researchers analyzed the food weight diaries that 80 people kept for up to a year. They found that people’s weight changed considerably throughout the week. 1. Keep weigh-in days consistent for a more accurate assessment.

2. 2.

File this one under “Yes, scientists have actually studied this.” When University of North Dakota researches weighed people with and without clothes at various times of the year, they found that men can reduce 2.5 pounds for their clothing and women can reduce around two pounds, on average.

3. You don’t take muscle gain into consideration.

You’ve heard that muscle is denser (密度大的) than fat. 3. If you start a strength-training routine, the number on the scale (秤) might not change, but you could still lost inches and drop a clothing size or two.

4. You just drank a lot of water.

It’s called water weight for a reason: Drinking one pound of water can translate to about one pound of weight. So if you stand on the scale soon after drinking an entire water bottle’s worth, you might not like what you see. 4.

5. You weigh yourself after hard exercise.

Compared with water weight, if you weigh in after a tiring cycling class, you may lose weight temporarily because you work up a good sweat . 5.

A.You miscalculate your clothing.

B.But don’t worry, it’s just a temporary gain.

C.Salty foods cause your body to save extra water.

D.In fact, it takes up only about a third as much space.

E.Jump on the scale if you need to improve.

F.You should be aware of how much water you have drunk.

G.Many people were heaviest on Mondays and lightest on Fridays.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河北邢台一中高一下第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单句改错



错误:把某词改为某词。写为:某词---某词。例如: was--were



1.Comparing with 2005, the price of grain was increased by 50%.

2.Rather than driving himself, he always prefers to ride a bicycle.

3.It will depend on if this problem can be solved.

4.I have some doubt that they can complete the task on time.

5.This teacher often helped me maybe because he felt itself his duty to do so.

6.Some of the tall trees were measured over 90 metres.

7.It’s very late to take any buses, so we have to walk home.

8.As long as I know, they live in the same neighbourhood.

9.The organization is in charge of David who is very capable of managing it.

10.We took turn to drive when going to the seaside.

