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根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 在答题卡相应的位置上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词)
【小题1】.. Of all the subjects, ________ (地理) is little John’s favorite.
【小题2】.. When he was very young, the boy dreamed of becoming a ________ (飞行员).
【小题3】.. Now more and more people are _______(开始) to understand the importance of good health.
【小题4】. I have been ________ (深深地) impressed by a number of experiences in her life.
【小题5】. When I entered the room, I found the old man ________ (坐) himself in the armchair.
【小题6】.. It’s reported that several ________ (欧洲) countries have been involved in that country’s civil war.
【小题7】.. Mr. Green managed to fasten the suitcase with ________ (钉子).
【小题8】.. When you’re enthusiastic about something, you’re ________ (可能) to do whatever you can to get it.
【小题9】.. Father suggested that Li Lei ________ (刮) off his beard immediately.
【小题10】.. Many people now make it a rule to buy cards for their friends before ________ (圣诞节).

【小题1】. geography 
【小题1】. pilot
【小题1】. beginning/starting
【小题1】. deeply
【小题1】. seating
【小题1】. European
【小题1】. nails
【小题1】. likely
【小题1】. shave 
【小题1】. Christmas



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年吉林长春实验中学高二上第一次月考英语A卷试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】It is good manners to _______ (问候) each other with a smile.
【小题2】Since the exam is _______ (靠近), all the students are busy with lessons.
【小题3】You can see _______ (各种各样的) kinds of animas in the preserve.
【小题4】Do you know the _______ (长度) of the river?
【小题5】They finally gained _______ (允许进入) to the party.
【小题6】The soldiers _______ (摆动)their arms at the same pace as they marched.
【小题7】Only a _______ (少数) of the students were for his opinion.
【小题8】Who is to _______ (代表) our school to attend the conference?
【小题9】_______(成年人)should set good examples to children.
【小题10】In such weather, I prefer to stay in my _______ (宿舍), reading novels.
【小题11】Don’t be too _______ (好奇的) about others’ personal affairs.
【小题12】In most cases he had great courage to _______ (克服) difficulties.
【小题13】_______ (旅游业) in our city is developing very fast.
【小题14】We should take his health into _______ (考虑).
【小题15】On no _______ (场合)can we behave like that.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河北省正定中学高二第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】The country has come under ______ (严重的)criticism for its human rights record.
【小题2】I cannot ______(集中) on my work when I’m hungry.
【小题3】She was ______(乐观的)about the future of the company but the rest were pessimistic.
【小题4】The house is situated in very pleasant ______(环境).
【小题5】The job is not finished but is still in ______.(过程)
【小题6】My colleague ______(安排) for a taxi to pick me up this morning.
【小题7】After a hard day’s work, I felt______(彻底的)tired.
【小题8】After class, thousands of students ______(涌入)into the dining hall.
【小题9】The ______ (瞬间)I saw him I knew he was angry.
【小题10】He has ______(获得)a reputation as this country's premier solo violinist.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省2009-2010学年度高一第二学期期中考试(英语) 题型:单词拼写





66.Junk food is food that has a lot of ________ (卡路里)but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals. 66. _________

67. People who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of holidays without all the              67. ________

68.I took my ______(电容器) to a shed in the fields where I could do my experiment.     68 _________          

69.Earthquake are________(极其) difficult to predict.                                69 _________           

70.The teacher stopped to drink some water and then she___(继续)to give her lessons.      70.________ 

71.What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival?                  71. __________         

72.This new model is of high ________ (质量)but it is not expensive     72.__________        

73.He paused, waiting for her to_______(领会)the information.          73. __________        

74.Of all the resources on earth, nothing is as________(珍贵)as a drop of water. 74,_________         

75.On Peace Day, no fightings and_________(冲突) are allowed.                  75. _______        



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年甘肃省兰州市高二下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:单词拼写


66. The Chinese revolution broke out in the 1st _______(十年) of the 20th century.66 ________

67. She was ________(责备)for the failure of their marriage.              67________

68. We __________(递送)your order to your door!                      68________

69. The smell is __________(熟悉)to everyone who lives near a bakery.     69________

70. South Korea is an __________(亚洲)country.                       70________

71. They still need a lot of new _________(设备).                      71________

72.American English slightly _________(不同) from British English.         72________

73. You don’t seem ________(热情)about the suggestion.                  73________

74. A person who is filled with_________(雄心) usually woks hard..          74________

75. ______________(各种各样)goods are on sale in the supermarket.      75________



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





66.Junk food is food that has a lot of ________ (卡路里)but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals. 66. _________

67. People who celebrate Kwanzaa can enjoy the spirit of holidays without all the               67. ________

68.I took my ______(电容器) to a shed in the fields where I could do my experiment.     68 _________          

69.Earthquake are________(极其) difficult to predict.                                 69 _________           

70.The teacher stopped to drink some water and then she___(继续 )to give her lessons.      70.________ 

71.What are the ________(原则) of the Spring Festival?                  71. __________         

72.This new model is of high ________ (质量)but it is not expensive     72.__________        

73.He paused, waiting for her to_______(领会)the information.          73. __________        

74.Of all the resources on earth, nothing is as________(珍贵)as a drop of water. 74,_________          

75.On Peace Day, no fightings and_________(冲突) are allowed.                  75. _______        

