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   Colour plays a big part 61. everything we do. We use it both as- a marker of identity and a way of 62. (express) our individuality (个性) through decoration. And we use different colours 63. (send) out very different messages.


   People need a sense of group identity. From the colourful traditional dress of a schoolboy,other people in Peru know 64. he comes from the Quechua community. We wear uniforms at school and work,and we dress in our favourite sports team colours to say 65. same thing — we belong to this group.


   Face-painting is an important part of many 66. (celebrate) , and these days people are starting to experiment with brightly coloured synthetic paints as well as traditional colours. In fashion-conscious Europe,the “in” colour 67.(change) every season. This autumn,for example,women are wearing shades of purple and lilac. 


   Marketing experts understand the power of colour very well. Goods in eye-catching colours stand 68. on the supermarket shelf. And compa- nies always select the colour of their brand very 69. (careful) — a calm blue for a bank 70.you can trust,dark green says quality,or brown and green means eco-friendliness.

61. in。考查介词。play a big part in 意为 “在……中起很大,用”。

62. expressing。考査动词-ing形式作宾 语的用法。设空处作介词的宾语,故 填 expressing。

63. to send。考査不定式作状语的用 法。设空处表目的,且we与send之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to send。

64. that。考查连词。设空处引导宾语从 句且从句意义及成分均完整,故填 that〇

65. the。考查定冠词。same前需用定冠词。

66. celebrations。考查名词。由 many 可 知设空处应填名词的复数形式,故填 celebrations 。

67. changes。考查一般现在时。由 every season可知,应用一般现在时, 且主语是第三人称单数,故填 changes 。

68. out。考查副词。stand ou意为“突出,显眼”。

69. carefully。考查副词。设空处修饰动 词select ,故填副词。

70. that/which。考查关系词。设空处 引导定语从句修饰bank,且在从句中 作宾语,故填that/which。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第46期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Cars,especially those 1. are valuable,need car covers to ensure that they are protected.

   If you,re looking 2. a car cover,you probably understand that the weather and the overall environment can harm 3. paint and body of

a car if it is not protected 4. (proper) .Before purchasing a car cover you need to consider the amount of time that you have your car 5. (cover) up. If you use your car as a daily 6. (drive) , it is beneficial to purchase a car cover that can be easily removed and put back on. If you simply take the car out to a show now and then,it is more advisable to purchase a cover that 7. (have) a bit more protection.

   Although it is not hugely common for cars 8. (damage) , it certainly does happen and some individuals prefer to destroy nicer cars. Many thieves also drive around in order to steal parts,or even the^ entire car. For this reason alone,9.is a great idea to keep your car covered,preventing other people from 10. (know) what type of car is under the cover.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序为校刊“英语园 地”写一篇短文,记述你救助和归还走失的小狗的 故事,并简要描述帮助别人后的感受。

   注意:1. 词数100左右;

       2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

       3. 短文的开头己给出,不计入总词数。

   I have a special story to share with you.                                                                                                                                                  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Have you ever tried a strawberry pizza? If you went to Oxnard,the Strawberry Capital of 61. World,in May,you could!

   Oxnard is in Southern California and this part of the state takes 62.(it) strawberries very seriously. At the two-day California Strawberry Festival you can taste strawberries 63.(prepare) in all sorts of ways. In addition 64.traditional treats such as strawberry shortcake,strawberry jam and strawberries dipped in chocolate,there 65. (be) strawberry pizza!This dessert pizza is topped with strawberries and cream on a sweet bread baked like a pizza. Strawberry (烤肉串) dipped in powdered sugar are 66. (absolute) delicious. And drinks made of strawberries can wash it all down.

   Oxnard is California's largest strawberry producer,67. (supply) about one-third of the state's annual strawberry production. The peak harvesting season in California runs from April through June,68. up to 10 million pint baskets of strawberries 69. (ship) daily. The festival,which attracts more than 85 ,000 visitors,features three stages with musical 70.(entertain) , 335 exhibits,clowns,artists,face-painting,contests,and a “Strawberryland” for children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   There's a new kind of bullying on the block. Rumors(谣言) ,threats , exclusion(排斥) ,and the lot have recently been accompanied by an equally dangerous but less overt(明显的) method of tearing other people down: body shame bullying.

   Body shaming can affect anyone — regardless of gender or weight — and it's been observed as a growing trend appearing in school cafeterias.

   So what does this mean exactly? Kids and teens are pressuring one another to skip lunch or eat much less food than they want. With judgmental looks and nasty comments,students intentionally make their schoolmates feel ashamed of how much they eat,leading some kids to go so far as to buy lunch and then throw it away.

   In a recent survey of over 5 ,000 Canadian middle and high school students,researchers found that teens who reported being bullied were more likely to skip meals. The bullying took place online or in-person. As scientists have previously linked bullying with depression,anxiety,and eating disorders,it's not safe to brush off an occasional meal pass as an isolated incident; it's likely to become a repeated self-destructive behavior.

   To help fight against this form of bullying,researchers suggest that schools prohibit students from hanging out in the cafeteria if they’ re not eating,requiring parent permission forms if a student wants to skip lunch,and simply asking students what they ate for lunch,which may encourage them to discuss the issue.

25. Body shame bullying .

   A. mainly hurts young girls

   B. not only affects fat people

   C. is less dangerous than threats

   D. is a traditional kind of bullying

26. Which of the following words can best replace the underlined word “nasty” in Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Unfair. B. Brief.

   C. Unkind. D. Helpful.

27. What can we' infer from Paragraph 4 about body shaming?

   A. It can be very harmful.

   B. It always takes place in-person.

   C. It can be good for people's health.

   D. It doesn’ t always cause missed meals.

28. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

   A. Different forms of bullying.

   B. A discussion about bullying.

   C. How to avoid body shame bullying.

   D. What parents should do to stop bullying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Cambridge Shakespeare Festival 2015 

Titus Andronicus 

13 July to 1 August 

Robinson College Gardens

Titus Andronicus is about a cycle of revenge(复仇) between the families of Titus,the great  Roman general,and Tamora,the Queen of the Goths.

Romeo and Juliet 

13 July to 1 August 

St John1 s College Gardens 

Romeo and Juliet are caught R between two worlds,as their families feud(长期争斗) to the death. This impressive and fast-paced production brings romance,passion(激情) and violence together.

Much Ado About Nothing 

3 August to 22 August 

Trinity College Gardens 

Beatrice 一 determined never to marry — and Benedick 一unlikely to marry,and the efforts of their friends to bring them together in the most unlikely of unions. Will there be a happy ending?


3 August to 29 August 

King's College Gardens 

This production brings together the themes of madness,the thirst for power,and the darkness of the supernatural before reaching an explosive conclusion.

A Midsummer Night's Dream 

3 August to 22 August 

St John's College Gardens 

This delightful fairy-tale story - brings to life all the magic and humour of Shakespeare's best-loved play. Why not invite your children to come along dressed as fairies to add to what promises to be a great evening!

Ticket Information 

Performances take place every evening except Sundays. All performances begin at 7:30 pm.

Tickets cost £16 and are available: Online at www.cambridgeshakespeare.com. Tickets are also available on the door and in advance from: City Centre Box Office,Wheeler Street,Cambridge.

Tel: 01223 357851. We always keep a book of tickets for sale on the door!

21. What's the main purpose of the text?

   A. To compare different plays.

   B. To show colourful campus life.

   C. To advertise some performances.

   D. To introduce Shakespeare's plays.

22. Which play will be put on for the longest time?

   A. Titus Andronicus.

   B. Macbeth.

    C. Much Ado About Nothing.

   D. Romeo and Juliet.

23. If you want to buy a ticket,you can.

   A. book one at the student centre

   B. get one in advance on the Internet

   C. buy one every evening except Sundays

   D. receive a discount at City Centre Box Office


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

Dear Li Ming,

   With the final exam comes,you must be worrying for your English again. As we all know that,there are three stages in the study of subject — preview,studying in class and review,among which review is the most important thing. Firstly,make a review plan. Secondly,carry on the review plan regularly. Don’t give in. I follow my review plan strict and have made progress in my studies. Of course,there is more than one way to review. So long as you reviewed regularly,I'm sure you can find more ways to improve you English. If you have some question about English,you may ask me. I'11 be glad to helping you.

Best regards,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                                Taking good notes

   Have you ever stared at your heavy textbook,your piles of handouts and wished you knew just what questions your teacher planned to put on the next big test? Lacking a crystal ball,most students feel they have no choice but to look through all that material,drill it into their brains,and hope they can remember the right parts at test time.

   36 If you learn the best ways to take good notes,you'11 make the job of studying for tests a lot easier from now on.

   Keep up with your assigned textbook reading.Come to class with an intefest in the material and with questions to be answered. You can develop these by thinking about and expecting the lecture and by pre-reading the text. 37 

   Date each day's notes and leave wide margins (页边空白) . Dated notes guide you to the right material to study for a test. At test time,the extra margins give you room to add more information if you need it. 38 

   Write down main ideas and underline or highlight them. Main ideas give you the “big pictureof information,the reasons why events took place. Write out a main idea whenever you think you hear one. 39 This kind of notetaking helps you connect related information,making it easier for you to remember it for a test later on.

   Use abbreviations and symbols to make notetaking easier. Here are a few simple ones:

   + plus,and

   = equal,same as,similar,like eg for example w/o without 

   40 If you write down something that doesn't make sense,talk to someone right away to clear up the problem.

   A. Write out a main idea.

   B. That's the hard way to study.

   C. See your teacher or a classmate about confusing notes.

   D. This gives you an overall sense of what the text is about.

   E. Also,the extra space will make it easier for you to find the material.

   F. When you are prepared,your teacher's comments make more sense.

   G. Then use single words or short phrases to list related details that tie into the big idea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                       Bury Trip — 24th July 2015 

We will be leaving Homerton teacher campus at 13:45. Please be at the front of the college 10 minutes early. If you are late you may miss the coach and not be able to go!If you miss the coach,you will not receive repayment!The coach is planned to arrive in Bury at 14:30,although this is dependent on traffic. You will have free time to explore and we will meet at the same location where we arrive at 17:15 to return to Homerton by approximately 18:00.

                        THINGS TO DO 

Visit the Abbey(修道院) 

The remains of this historic monument,which originally was a shrine(圣所) to Saint Edmund,a Saxon King,are well worth a visit. The Abbey is also surrounded by beautiflil gardens,and is located next to the St. Edmundsbury Cathedral.

Have a drink in The Nutshell 

This charming little bar is officially the smallest pub in Great Britain. Good things come in small packages though,and The Nutshell serves some of the region's finest drinks,as well as having fascinating historical items and photos.

Go around the brewery shop 

At the Greene King shop you can taste and buy some of the local beer,as well as food such as chutney. There are also clothing and other great gift ideas available to buy.

Several attractions are listed,but feel free to explore on your own. A Course Assistant will be around to help you throughout the trip but they will not act as a guide.

21. Those who miss the coach .

   A. can catch another coach

   B. can ask other teachers for a ride

   C. won’t get their money back

   D. are supposed to go by themselves

22. What do we know about the Abbey?

   A. It is now in ruins.

   B. It is located near a garden.

   C. It was built by Saint Edmund.

   D. It is known as the St. Edmundsbury Cathedral.

23. The visitors are advised to .

   A. take a self-guided tour

   B. find a local to serve as a guide

   C. follow the Course Assistant in the tour

   D. visit the above-mentioned attractions first

