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My bookshelves are full of dust — and with good reason.When it comes to cleaning that part of my home, I suffer from the most serious case of avoidance (回避反应症).

The thing is this: when I do set out to clean and re-organize my books, which seldom happens, I place myself into a really bad situation.No sooner do I take a title from the shelf, blow off the dust, and wipe down the cover than I find myself sitting on the floor with legs crossed and my back against the wall.Pretty soon books get piled up on my legs as I am reunited with old friends.

    It is as if these books have voices, and each wants to say its piece.“Remember me? I was given to you when you went into the Navy, so that you would never lack for companionship,” one whispers.Another says, “I was your first book of poems, given to you before you learned to love poetry.” And a third, “I was the book that made history so attractive to you.”

   Perhaps the greatest pleasure of re-organizing my books are the surprises — or better said, reunions — that occur.During my latest book-cleaning adventure, I found one that had fallen behind the shelf: “Tales of Edgar Allan Poe.” Not an unusual title, but the words written on the first page made it very special: “With Love from Mom and Dad, Christmas 1965.” What’s this? A book on the physics of lasers(激光).It is filled with mathematical statements, and I had bought it at a library sale when I was 12, not long after the laser had been invented.I couldn’t understand a bit of it, but I did learn what “laser” meant.

   What I end up with when I empty my bookshelves is a cross-section (横剖面) of my personal history.It’s like a road cut where one sees all the layers of rock going back through time to the beginning of the simplest life forms.The books I’ve read — and kept — are not just old friends.They are my résumé.

57.What could be said about the author?

     A.He is too busy to tidy up his bookshelves.

       B.He considers his books treasured possessions.

     C.He has made a lot of notes in his books.

     D.He is a lover of science books.

58.By saying that his books have voices, the author means ________ .

     A.they bring back happy memories         B.they are recorded in human voice

     C.they say a lot about human history       D.they offer good topics for discussion

59.What does the author enjoy most from re-organizing his books?

     A.Finding some missing books.            

     B.Putting books in good order.

      C.Learning something new from the books.   

      D.Rediscovering interesting stories behind some books.

60.The underlined word “résumé” in the last paragraph probably means ______.

     A.personal history     B.precious notes 

       C.good companion   D.simple life forms


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Eat your vegetables. Wash your hands. Always say “please" and“thank you". We are full of advice for our children, but when it comes to money, we often have little to say. As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners, but without any idea how to manage their money.

Here are some basics that will help guide them their entire lives:

Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save$1,000,invest(投资)it at 8%and add$100 every month,by the time she's 65,she would have$980,983!

Be careful of credit(信用).Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history,but they must be used responsibly, which means paying off your debt in time. Explain to your children that when you buy something using a credit card,you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid if you used cash.

Teach patience. Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150. Rather than paying the cash,give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putting aside,say $15 each week,he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.

Provide incentive. Tell your children the importance of saving.“For every dollar he or she agrees to save and invest rather than spend, you agree to add another dollar to the pot,”says Cathy Pareto, expert in money planning.

Explain your values. Values and money are deeply intertwined, says Eilleen Gallo, co-author of The Financially Intelligent Parent. When your child demands that you buy something, explain why you really don’t want to buy it.“You might say,‘I'd rather save that money for your education,”,advises Gallo. Every time you spend or don't spend money,you have a chance to share your values.

64. The underlined word“incentive" in paragraph 6 means _____.

A. honor          B. praise          C. excitement      D. encouragement

65. What leads the writer to write this article?

A. Parents want to know how to educate their children.

B. He wants to share his good ideas about money matters.

C. He thinks money management the most important for children.

D. Parents care little about their children's management of money.

66. The writer gives some basics to help __________ in a proper way.

A. parents teach their children how to deal with money  B. children follow their parents' instructions

C. children manage their money                    D. parents save their money


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dogs have a very good ______ of smell and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.

A. sense              B. view               C. means             D. idea


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 ------Would you mind me smoking here?

------- ______. It’s non-smoking area here.

   A. Yes, go ahead      B. I’m afraid I’ve to say yes

   C. No, please         D. No, you can’t


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Do you start now? Good ___ your trip.

A. lack of   B. luck with   C.luck to   D. lucky to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

--Thank you for listening to me with ____ pleasure.    ---It was ____ pleasure.       

       A. a, a     B. 不填,不填     C. a, the          D. 不填,a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

_____ that he has no qualifications in business management, Ken plans to gain the necessary skills by taking a part-time course.

       A. Concerning       B. Concerned  C. Being concerned       D. To concern


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Our school have planted different kinds of trees and flowers, _____ a beautiful and peaceful  

   environment for students..

  A. create          B. creating         C. to create     D. created


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—I found my mom not feeling well this morning. I’m afraid she is ill.

— _________.

A. Don’t worry too much              B. It’s nothing at all 

C. I’m sorry to hear that                D. Take it easy

