精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

After my husband died suddenly from a heart attack, my world crashed around me. I was overwhelmed (不知所措) with the      of earning a living,      the little children.

One     evening I came home from work to find a big beautiful German shepherd (牧羊犬) on our   . This wonderful strong animal      to enter the house and make it his     . The children took an instant liking to “German” and begged me to let him in. I agreed to let him sleep in the basement until the next day,     we could inquire around the neighborhood for his   . That night I slept      for the first time in many weeks.

The following morning we      to find German’s owner, but with no results. On Sunday I took the children on a picnic and we drove off without him. When we stopped to get gas at a local station, we were      to see German racing to the gas station after us.     was he going to be left behind.

On Monday morning I let him out for a run when the children got ready for school. As evening came and German didn’t appear, we were all     . The next Friday evening, German was back on our doorstep. Again we took him in, and again he stayed      Monday morning. This pattern repeated itself every weekend for almost 10 months. We grew more and more      of German. We stopped thinking about      he belonged — he belonged to us. As German became part of the family, he considered      his duty to take up his position by the front door and remained there until the morning.

Each week, between German’s visits, I grew a little stronger, a little braver; every weekend I enjoyed his     . Then one Monday morning we      his head and let him out for what turned out to be the last time. He never came back. I believe German was sent because he was needed, and because no matter how     and alone we feel, somehow, somewhere, someone knows and cares. We are never really alone.

A. duties                   B. ways                       C. purposes                D. focuses

A. caring for             B. looking for              C. waking up        D. taking up

A. Friday           B. Saturday                 C. Sunday                   D. Monday

A. gate                    B. street                      C. road                       D. doorstep

A. regretted              B. forced                     C. intended                 D. encouraged

A. nest               B. home                      C. kitchen                   D. destination

A. where                   B. when                      C. while                       D. as

A. advice         B. gifts                        C. owner                     D. situation

A. comfortably B. smoothly                 C. meaningfully           D. peacefully

A. tried                    B. managed                C. succeeded          D. failed

A. happy                 B. glad                        C. amazed                  D. pleased

A. No wonder  B. No way                   C. No doubt                D. No use

A. wondered         B. lost                         C. worried            D. disappointed

A. before                B. until                        C. since                      D. once

A. aware                 B. sure                        C. fond                        D. anxious

A. who                  B. where                     C. whom                     D. which

A. it                       B. that                         C. this                         D. one

A. friend                  B. company                C. factory                    D. story

A. beat                    B. hit                           C. wounded                D. patted

A. excited              B. satisfied           C. abandoned                    D. interrupted

【小题1】A【小题2】A【小题3】A【小题4】D【小题5】C【小题6】B【小题7】B【小题8】C【小题9】D【小题10】A【小题11】C【小题12】B【小题13】D【小题14】B【小题15】C 【小题16】B【小题17】A【小题18】B【小题19】D【小题20】C


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:022

1. Words fail to________________(表达)my meaning.

2. We admire him for his________________(勇敢的)conduct.

3. Please treat people and animals with________________(人性).

4. What the Great Wall is like is beyond________________(描述).

5. They set up a monument in________________(纪念)of the well-known hero.

6. The student answered the question with c    (自信).

7. If you don’t help me, I’ll h    (缠绕)you after my death.

8. He p    (参加)in their discussion last weekend.

9. After he came to himself, he found all his b   (财物)gone.

10. He is a man of w   (智慧).



科目:高中英语 来源:导练必修一英语译林版 译林版 题型:030



S:Shop assistant

W:Could you help me please?I’m looking for something for my h  1  

birthday next week and I just can’t seem to think of anything to buy.

S:Certainly, madam.You don’t have anything s  2   in mind?

W:Right.I just don’t know.

S:How about a nice silk tie?We have some handsome ties that just arrived f  3  Italy.

W:Not a tie.I gave him o  4   for Christmas and he’s never w  5   it.He hates ties.

S:What about this?He can use it after he shaves himself.

W:I don’t know.He has never used that kind of thing very often.He might not care for that e  6  .Can you think of any other thing?

S:I believe I have just the thing.This w  7   is something any man would be proud of o  8  .It has a very deep money pocket.

W:That d  9   sound nice.Please w  10   it.Would you put this card in with it?

S:Certainly.It will take just a few minutes.

W:All right.I’ll wait.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

对话填空  (满分10分)


A: Lucy, do you have any (76) p_______ for this weekend?

B: Yes. I’ll go to the village to visit my grandpa. It’s his 77th (77) b_____.

A: Congratulations! By the way, aren’t your grandparents living with you?

B: After my grandma passed away 3 years ago, my grandpa decided to live (78) a____. We have invited him to live with us several times, but he (79) r____.

A: Why? I think he would be nicely taken (80) c____ of if he lived with you.

B: We all do. He said he couldn’t leave his old neighborhood (81) w_____ all of his old friends lived. (82) B_____, he didn’t want to lose his independence.

A: It doesn’t matter if he is in good (83) h____, is he?

B: No. he suffers from a disease that needs close attention.

A: I’m sorry to hear that. But how can he live alone (84) u___ this condition?

B: Luckily, with the help of a new technology, which uses placed home sensors to record motion in key spots, such as the bathroom and bedroom, he can live in his own space, and we don’t (85) w____ about him.

A: How great it is!












科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When I was a kid, I got interested in astronomy.

I used to wonder how big the u______ might be and   __________

what are “behind” the stars. But as I grew up, I h______ __________

had any time to  ______ (发展) my hobby because of too __________

much work. Many times I would like to observe an object

in the night ______, but I was either too tired or busy working__________

or I had to look after my kids. So I ______(鼓励) them to  __________

observe the stars together ______me and I even read kids’__________

astronomy books to them. By having a ______(共同的) hobby we__________

spent time together and we all found it interesting.

   While reading astronomy books, I u______ how many  __________

interesting things there are outside of this ______(行星). __________I realized that the information opens a door to a h______ __________

world of interesting things.


科目:高中英语 来源:北京专项题 题型:填空题

1. Fresh fruit and vegetables c_______ plentiful Vitamin C.
2. Very few people s________ in losing weight and keeping it off.
3. It wouldn't do you any h________ to get some experience first.
4. He showed no m_______ to his enemies.
5. Your mistake resulted in heavy l_______.
6. Dave didn't r_______ to any of her emails, which made her angry.
7. It is a rule that our baggage should be i_______ by customs officers (海关人员).
8. I am busy, so I have to e_______ a housekeeper to look after my children.

