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5.He is easy to satisfy.Even a small success will give him a sense of ________.(  )

分析 他很容易满足.甚至是一个小小的成功都能带给他成就感.

解答 本题选B.  a sense of responsibility:责任感,a sense of achievement:成就感,a sense of humor:幽默感,a sense of direction:方向感.
由于"容易满足",故成功可以带来成就感( a sense of achievement).

点评 考查名词词义辨析.在熟记单词词义的基础上要结合上下语境,从而选出正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.I feel relaxed after visit to the countryside with my family.加 a (visit).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I'm more than happy to hear you.You told me you were having trouble learn Chinese and wanted some advices from me.
Firstly,why not to learn to sing Chinese songs?It's a good way to learn Chinese and can make you feel relaxing.Secondly,you can make some Chinese friends.Although you get along well with it,they will help you to learn Chinese.Beside,it will be helpful if you watched some Chinese TV programmes and read some Chinese novels.Finally,joining a club is also the good way to learn Chinese.In this way,you will get more chances to practice Chinese.
I hope the suggestions will be useful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Every morning,some people may have the habit of watching the astrological (占星术的)advice on the TV news before they go to work.When reading magazines,some people might first go to the section on astrological predictions to determine what's in store for them in the coming day,week or month.This interest in astrology is especially strong at the beginning of a new year.Immediately before a new year,many astrological experts are making predictions and giving advice.It seems that astrology is gaining popularity,but how popular is astrology and is it actually trustworthy?
According to a study by searchterms.com,the word astrology is the most searched topic on the Internet,and a search for astrology on Google will bring up nearly two million websites.A study by the newspaper USA Today shows that a third of all Americans believe in astrology and spend almost $100million a year on it.More surprisingly,the fastest-growing group of believers in America is made up of managers and professionals.No wonder Donald Regan,former White House Chief of Staff,said,"It's common knowledge that a large percentage of Wall Street brokers use astrology."
The most famous astrologer is Nostradamus.Long ago,he correctly predicted events such as the Second World War,the killing of U.S.President John F.Kennedy,and most recently,the attack on the World Trade Center.Another famous astrologer,Frau Elsbeth Ebertin,accurately predicted that Adolph Hitler would become Führer-the leader after she was given Hitler's birth chart.In fact,Hitler himself was a believer in astrology.It's thought that he used an astrologer throughout the Second World War.The wife of former American president Ronald Reagan,Nancy,was also a firm believer in astrology.She employed an astrologer to ask about President Reagan's future safety after the president was shot.
Though some people may consider astrology superstitious (迷信的),others think it is both a science and an art.Since the moon has an effect on the ocean,and 75percent of the human body is made up of water,it is reasonable to say that astrology,a study of the stars,may affect humans as well.Therefore,if viewed in this way,astrology may be believable and it is easy to see why it is so popular.
36.What is the main idea of the article?B
A.More and more people,especially stars,are interested in astrology.
B.Astrology is becoming popular and has some basis in science.
C.Famous astrologers can predict events correctly.
D.People should use astrology every day.
37.Which of the following events was NOT predicted by Nostradamus?D
A.The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
B.The killing of President Kennedy.
C.The outbreak of World WarⅡ.
D.The birth of Führer Hitler.
38.What can we learn from the passage?A
A.Astrology is one of the most popular topics on the Internet.
B.Astrology can help change people's lives for the better.
C.Only a few Wall Street brokers use astrology.
D.Most of Americans believe in astrology.
39.The author tends to think astrology isC.
A.boring         B.puzzling               C.believable             D.strange.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.________ good,the food was soon sold out.(  )
A.TastedB.Being tastedC.TastingD.Having tasted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Archaeologists(考古学家) studying Stonehenge and its surrounding area say they've dug up the relics of an untouched,ancient campsite that dates back to 6,000years--a find that could rewrite British prehistory.
"This is the most important discovery at Stonehenge in over 60years,"Professor Tim Darvill,a Bournemouth University archaeologist and a Stonehenge expert who did not take part in the new discovery,told the Telegraph.And as he told The Huffington Post in an email,the discovery changes earlier theories that Stonehenge was built in a landscape that was not heavily used before about 3000B.C.
The discovery was made during a dig at Blick Mead,a site about 1.5miles from Stonehenge.Researchers found charcoal(木炭) dating back to 4,000B.C.and evidence of possible buildings,according to a statement released by the university.They also dug up burnt stone and tools,as well as the remains of animals--ancient cattle that served as food for ancient hunter-gatherers.
The researchers plan further analysis on the artificial objects but say they're worried the tunnel construction (隧道建设)could damage the site and get in the way of their work.
"Blick Mead could explain what archaeologists have been searching for centuries--an answer to the story of Stonehenge's past,"David Jacques,the University of Buckingham archaeologist who discovered the campsite,told The Guardian."But our only chance to find out about the earliest part of Britain's history could be ruined if the tunnel goes ahead."
Stonehenge,a prehistoric monument made up of a ring of standing stones,lies eight miles north of Salisbury,England in Wiltshire.It has been listed as a World Heritage Site since 1986.

62.The main purpose of the passage isA
A.to introduce a recent discovery of ancient relics
B.to call on people to protect the ancient relics
C.to warn the researchers not to do further analysis
D.to attract more tourists to visit Stonehenge
63.We can learn from the passage thatA.
A.the researchers express their concern that the relics might be ruined
B.the ancient campsite has been destroyed by the construction workers
C.archaeologists are repairing artificial objects founded in the relic site
D.the tunnel construction rewrites the earliest part of Britain's history
64.In which section of a newspaper can we read this passage?D
65.What might be the best title for the passage?B
A.Stonehenge Is In Danger of Being Destroyed Because Of the Find.
B.New Stonehenge Discovery Described As Most Important In 60years.
C.A New Tunnel Is Being Constructed Under Stonehenge.
D.Stonehenge Has Been Listed as a World Heritage Site Since 1986.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Before India gained its freedom,many Westerners were extremely shocked by its poverty and so they came to serve here.A special girl  (61)called  (call)Agnes Goxa Bojaxiu was among them,who is today  (62)known  (know)as Mother Teresa.
Agnes was born on August27,1910and was just 19years old (63)when  she came to Calcutta on January 6,1929.And she never left this country.Her aim in life was(64)to serve  (serve)the sick and the poor and she dedicated her full life to this purpose.She would walk around the  (65)dangerous  (danger),dark and dirty streets of Calcutta at night,(66)offering(offer)food to the sick and shelter to the poor.When she first arrived in Calcutta,she had little money on her and was helped by a priest.
Through her efforts she managed to open several institutions  (67)to help  (help)the mentally and physically challenged children.She had a thousand institutions working under her.Mother Teresa was awarded  (68)the  Nobel Peace Prize in 1979and the Bharat Ratna in 1980.
(69)Besides  these she also received the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Peace(1972),the Templeton Foundation Award(1973).
Despite all the public praise,national and international. (70)honours  (honour),Mother Teresa remained humble.kind and generous till the end.She passed away in September 1997.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.When thinking of boutiques (精品店),we often imagine jewelry and clothing shops that women frequent.But are there boutiques for men?Yes!Nestled (坐落于) in the Hualong Mountain area of Hsinchu County lies a men's boutique.That is (25)how Kevin Lo,sales manager at Musclecar GT,describes this company (26)that/which reproduces high-quality parts for classic cars.The average customers are 40-to 65-year-old men from around the world.
Finding spare parts is (27)the biggest (big) problem for collectors of classic cars.But this company can help collectors overcome this challenge because they deal with cars built from 1932to 1974.
Using reverse engineering,Musclecar GT builds a copy of each car.When making a car,they ask that the original car be shipped to them (28)to be checked (check) and repaired.Afterward,they do a 3-D scan of the car to find missed flaws.Molds (模具) of the parts (29)are developed (develop),and necessary machinery for the production line is made.The edges of the machines are hand scanned so no faults will occur on the final product.
Skilled workers are needed for the entire production process.Knowing that only older workers had the needed skills,owner Lo Hsiuhsien then (30)encouraged (encourage) them to teach young people what they knew.These young employees,who are enthusiastic about cars,know that quality comes first.
People can order furniture or decorations for their restaurants to give them a 1950s diner feeling.They can also have couches or tables in their houses made from classic car parts.Those interested in getting a feel for (31)what this is like can easily find it at Lo Sir Classic Car Manor near Bei Pu.Visitors can stop by (32)for a cup of coffee or lunch and view some of the classic cars.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.When an ant dies,other ants take it out of the nest,often within an hour after its death.This behavior interests scientists and they wonder how ants know for sure-and so soon-that another ant is dead.
One scientist recently came up with a way to explain this ant behaviour.Dong-Hwan Choe is a biologist,a scientist who studies animals and plants.He found that ants have a chemical on the outside of their bodies that signals to other ants,"I'm dead-take me away"when it is dead.
But there's a question to answer:As we know,if an ant is dead,it stops moving.But when an ant is sleeping or knocked unconscious,it is also not moving.However,other ants don't move the living ant out of the nest.How do they know this ant is not dead?Choe found that ants have another chemical on their bodies,which tells nearby ants something like,"Wait-I'm not dead yet"when it is not dead.Choe suspects that when an ant dies,the chemical that says,"Wait I'm not dead yet"quickly goes away.When other ants detect the"dead"chemical without the"not dead yet"chemical,they move away the body.
To test his theory,Choe and his team put different chemicals on ants.When the scientists used the"I'm dead"chemical,other ants quickly moved the treated ant away.When the scientists used the"Wait-I'm not dead yet"chemical,other ants left the treated ant alone.Choe believes this behavior shows that the"not dead yet"chemical overrides the"dead"chemical when picked up by other ants.And that when an ant dies,the"not dead yet"chemical fades away.Other nearby ants then detect the remaining"dead"chemical and remove the body from the nest.
 Understanding this behavior can help scientists figure out how to stop ants from invading new places and causing problems.
57.What is the function of the first paragraph?C
A.Leading the following paragraphs.
B.Showing the main idea of the passage.
C.Introducing the background of the passage.
D.Giving a summary of the passage.
58.Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word"overrides"in the fourth paragraph?B
A.is weaker than        B.is stronger than    C.is better than    D.is worse than
59.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Living ants can also be taken away when they are not moving.
B.When an ant dies,it can tell others using a certain chemical.
C.A living ant can pretend to be dead using a special chemical.
D.Ants often use chemicals to communicate with each other.
60.Which of the following descriptions about Dong-Hwan Choe is right?C
A.Choe did this study in order to stop ants from invading new places.
B.Choe is a biologist who is only interested in animals,especially in ants.
C.Choe first came up with an idea to explain this ant behavior,and then did some tests to prove his theory.
D.Choe did the research on this ant behavior on his own.

