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4.The trees are behind the office building.They have lost their leaves.(用定语从句合并句子)
The treeswhich are behind the office building have lost their leaves./which have lost their leaves are behind the office building.

分析 树在办公大楼后面.他们失去了叶子.

解答 答案:which are behind the office building have lost their leaves./which have lost their leaves are behind the office building.考查句型转换.本题有两种形式的转换:1.The trees which are behind the office building have lost their leaves.译为:在办公大楼后面的树失去了叶子.2.The trees which have lost their leaves are behind the office building.译为:失去了叶子的树在办公大楼后面.

点评 同义句型转换,是把意思相同或相近的句子用不同的词汇、短语及句型表示出来.同义句的相互转换除了考查主动句与被动句,复合句与简单句之间的转换,直接引语变间接引语外,还有一些词或短语的替换,仅仅通过替换几个词或短语,而使句子意思不变,就能达到异曲同工之妙."句型转换"题是用来考查学生对句子结构变化所掌握的程度.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Kate,
Liu Hai.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Do you like music?Do you think music is one of the most important part in your life?Can you imagine what life will like without music?
As a matter of fact,music is anywhere and it is part of our life.There are many kinds of music,for an example,classical music,light music,jazz,and so on.
Music in your mind,is multifunctional.Sometime it can bring you to a fancy world.Music is a perfect way that you can express your different feelings and moods.Music can not only make you exciting,but also make you upset.Above all,music is a universally language.There is no border(界线) between music.Since sometimes you don't understand some foreign languages,it can't still prevent you from feeling the music abroad.
I am a super music lover.Music became part of my life.It is one of my true friends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.People all over the world wonderwhat it was that  happened in the plane before it crashed.(what)
全世界的人都想知道飞机坠毁前 到底发生了什么.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Recently,I have conducted a survey among my classmates on how they study.They have different learning methods.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

The radio club in our school is great because it isrun/managed by the students for the school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.I decided to go back to school in the fall of 2008 after not being happy with my current job and financial status.I obtained my Associate's Degree in May 2002 in Commercial Arts.After graduation,I had trouble obtaining a job in that field.For years,I was going from one job to another feeling unfilled,and I was not satisfied with the instability.
    I decided to go back to school for either International Business or Psychology.I weighed the pros and cons of both professions and Psychology won.I like helping my friends and family,when they go through hard situations in their life by giving them sound advice and being honest with them.Also,I was interested in"the mind".
    I was searching for online schools because my work schedule at my current job would not allow me to attend a regular class.I was nervous about starting online classes because I heard mixed stories from other friends who were taking online classes.I decided to do it anyway to experience something different.I wanted to find an online school that was affordable and reputable.Through my search,I discovered Walden University,which is specially for working adults who want to obtain a bachelor's degree or higher.The process of getting accepted was easy,which included writing an essay on why I wanted to attend their school,transferring my previous credits,etc.
    I am currently enrolled in the Bachelors program for psychology,and I am paying for college via financial-aid loans and grants.This experience has been interesting yet trying as sometimes it was difficult to balance work,school and home life.I learned a lot about psychology and myself.For example,I like writing about current events,relationships and traveling.I thought my English composition was ordinary,but after taking a few classes at Walden University,I improved my English composition and it made me feel confident enough to start writing professionally so I became a freelance (自由撰稿) writer.Currently,I am only three classes away from obtaining my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology!It was one of the best decisions I made in my life.
26.What did the author study originally when he was in college?B
A.Psychology  B.Commercial Arts   C.International Business   D.English Composition
27.What do we know about the author from Paragraph 2?C
A.He decided to study International Business at first.
B.He wanted to study two majors.
C.He liked Psychology better.
D.He chose his major with the help of his friends.
28.Why was the author nervous about starting online classes?A
A.Because he heard some negative remarks about it.
B.Because he was worried that he didn't have enough time to study.
C.Because he feared he would fail the entrance exam.
D.Because he was afraid that he didn't have enough money.
29.Which of the following best describes the author's learning experience?C
A.Dull and challenging.
B.Interesting and easy.
C.Interesting and challenging.
D.Dull and easy
30.According to the passage,the authorD.
A.was not able to find a full-time job                 
B.is most interested in writing
C.pays for his schooling with the help of his family      
D.is satisfied with his achievements.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Anne responded on July 20,2013
    Julie,most of us are never going to achieve the heights you did as the CEO of a company.I just want to say that I was so touched by your frankness.I haven't been attacked publicly ever like you,but I've suffered from depression--just recently in fact.It helps a lot to hear personal stories,and it helps to read how you might have handled things differently
Nancy responded on July 21,2013
Something in Julie drew her to artwork during a very dark time in her journey.And later she stated that it's beauty that keeps her going.Beauty and creativity can be very powerful in our lives.And it doesn't surprise me that Julie was drawn to these naturally.Anne,maybe the artistic kinds of activities Julie used will support you well as you move beyond the depressive feelings you're dealing with.

Anne responded on August 4,2013
    Nancy,thanks so much for taking the time to offer some great ideas for using creativity to help with depression.Actually during this time I've found that my creative work has been the one thing that's brought me a lot of joy.
Julie responded on August 2,2013
Nancy,thank you for your insights(深刻见解).
Chris responded on July 31,2013
    I don't normally comment on blogs,but this was a very insightful and transparent post(帖子).I could really feel that you were open and honest about everything you wrote about.Thanks for sharing and good luck with everything that you do.
ulie responded on August 9,2013
Wendy responded on July 30,2013
Julie,everything you shared here is inspiring.Thank you for having the courage to be so open.I love what you're doing here.Keep it up!
Julie responded on July 31,2013
Thank you,Wendy.
60.The above posts center on a blog passage written byB.
A.Wendy        B.Julie             C.Anne            D.Nancy
61.How many people have joined in the discussion?C
A.2             B.3               C.5                D.7
62.Nancy and Anne share the opinion thatB.
A.work can bring joy to people         
B.creativity may help reduce depression
C.beauty is the most important in life    
D.different people handle things differently
63.Which of the following about Julie is NOT true?C
A.Julie is the CEO of a company.
B.Julie was once attracted to artwork.
C.Julie has never been attacked publicly.
D.Julie was honest about her past experiences.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

My neighbor Jackie is always consideration to others.One day,I was going to deliver a speech at an institute while I found my car wouldn't get started.I rushed to the street to hire a taxi.Just at that time I come across Jackie.He was hurried going to attend his sick mother in hospital.
Furthermore,when he learned about my problems,he didn't hesitate to give me a lift.I arrived at the lecture hall in time,when the audience had been present.I owe my great thanks to my neighbour Jackie,he is a person ready to help the others at any time.

