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-----Next Monday is my birthday.

-----Is that so? _____.

A. I can’t believe my eyes              B. Many happy returns of the day

C. What presents do you want            D. I’m so glad to hear that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

People do not analyse every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a__26problem. They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without__27 ; they try to find a solution by trial and error. __28_, when all of these methods__29 , the person with a problem has to start analysing. There are six__30  in analysing a problem.

__31 the person must recognise that there is a problem. For example, Sam?s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must__32  that there is a problem with his bicycle.

Next the person must__33 the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must__34 the parts that are wrong.Now the person must look for__35 that will make the problem clearer and lead to__36  solutions.For example, suppose Sam__37 that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes. __38  , he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, __39 his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully.

After__40 the problem, the person should have__41__suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example__42 ,his suggestions might be:tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones.

In the end, one__43  seems to be the solution__44 the problem. Sometimes the__45  idea comes quite__46 _because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a__47  way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum(口香糖)stuck to a brake. He__48 hits on the solution to his problem:he must__49  the brake.

Finally the solution is__50  . Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly.In short he has solved the problem.

26.A.serious        B. usual          C. similar           D. common

27.A.practice       B. thinking       C. understanding       D. help

28.A.Besides        B. Instead        C. Otherwise         D. However

29.A.fail           B. work          C. change           D. develop

30.A.ways          B. conditions      C.  stages         D. orders

31.A.First         B. Usually         C. In general         D. Most importantly

32.A.explain       B. prove           C. show            D. see

33.A.judge         B. find            C. describe        D. face

34.A.check         B. determine       C. correct         D. recover

35.A.answers       B. skills          C. explanation     D. information

36.A.possible      B. exact           C. real            D. special

37.A.hopes         B. argues          C. decides         D. suggests

38.A.In other words    B. Once in a while  C. First of all     D. At this time 

39.A.look for      B. talk to         C. agree with       D. depend on

40.A.discussing    B. settling down   C. comparing with   D. studying 

41.A.extra         B. enough          C. several          D. countless

42.A.secondly      B. again           C. also             D. alone

43.A.suggestion    B. conclusion      C. decision         D. discovery

44.A.with          B. into            C. for              D. to

45.A.next          B. clear           C. final            D. new

46.A.unexpectedly  B. late            C. clearly          D. often

47.A.simple        B. different       C. quick            D. sudden

48.A.fortunately   B. easily          C. clearly          D. immediately

49.A.clean         B. separate        C. loosen           D. remove

50.A.recorded      B. completed       C. tested           D. accepted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

They always kept on good _____ with their next-door neighbors for the children's sake.

A. friendship    B. relations    C. intentions    D. terms


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear all,

Please read Professor Hume’s email about his next lecture on Rosa I’arks.

Susan Miller


Dear Susan,

Please forward this message to students of my history class.

Besides the life story of Bosa Parks in the textbook,the students are also required to read the passage below and some related stories that can be borrowed from the school library.

Ted Hume

The early experiences of Rosa Parks (1913-2005),long known as the “mother of the civil rights movement,”were not different from those of many African-Americans at that time.The black woman,however,turned the course of American history in December 1955 when she refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man.“By sitting down,”remarked John Lewis,“she was standing up for all Americans.”

Among the numerous awards Parks received in her life were the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1996) and the Congressional Gold Medal(1999).

Parks died on Oct. 24,2005,At St. Paul A.M.E. Church in Montgomery,a large crowd including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice celebrated her life.Rice said she and others,who grew up when the political activities of Parks held public attention,might not have realized her impact(影响) on their lives,“but I can honestly say that without Mrs. Parks,I probably would not be standing here as Secretary of State.”

After her casket(灵柩) was placed at the Capitol,U.S. President Bush,members of Congress and ordinary Americans paid their respects.In American history Parks is the first woman to lie in state at the Capitol,a very high regard usually reserved for Presidents of the United States.

What is the main purpose of Susan’s email?

A.To make arrangements for Professor Hume’s class.

B.To introduce to the students Rosa Parks.

C.To help the students organize a lecture.

D.To answer Professor Hume’s last email.

What does the underlined word “forward” mean?

A.Explain.                                                       B.Send.

C.Take.                                                           D.Read.

The political impact on Rosa Parks lies in the fact that she ______.

A.helped Condoleezza Rice achieve political success

B.joined the civil rights movement at a young age

C.made racial equality a common value in American society

D.set a good example in her early life for other black Americans

How was Rosa Parks treated after her death?

A.She was named “mother of the civil rights movement”.

B.She was received by President Bush at the Capitol.

C.She was given the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

D.She was honored to lie in state at the Capitol.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When I was a child ,I spent most of the time near the sea watching the ships, large and small, go in and out of the harbor. At the age of eighteen I   1   home to take a job on a passenger   2   that sailed between San Francisco and YokohamA.I was   3   about my new adventure and a little afraid, too. For over a year, I    4   the Pacific on the Rosa Lee. The brilliant blue waters were   5   in the sunlight; under stormy skies the angry   6   became dark, dangerous, and exciting. I   7   the sea in all its glorious beauty — both when it was quiet and when it was violent.   8  , I knew it was the life for me.

After a year, during a rip from Melbourne to Honolulu, I had a very strange   9  . I have never forgotten it. We couldn’t get   10   the way in time and were hit by a violent 11  . The wind grew stronger and stronger —  12   fifty miles an hour, and mountains of water   13   the Rosa Lee over on its side. The ship rolled back only to be   14   again by the next wave. All during the rain-filled night, we worked in a frantic   15   to save the ship, but there was a breakdown in the engine room and the motors   16  . We knew that there was   17   more we could do. At dawn the Captain   18   the order to leave the ship. A few minutes later Rosa Lee   19   beneath the angry seA.All that could be   20    were a few lifeboats here and there among the waves.

1.A.left          B.went          C.landed         D.forgot

2.A.bus          B.ship           C.plane           D.train

3.A.worried    B.narrow        C.excited         D.sure

4.A.struck       B.imagined        C.remarked        D.sailed

5.A.shallow     B.terrifying       C.irregular         D.beautiful

6.A.situation  B.gains          C.waters          D.management

7.A.hated        B.loved         C.improved       D.greeted

8.A.In the end B.What’s more    C.That’s to say    D.From the beginning

9.A.dream       B.practice        C.imagination    D.experience

10.A.in         B.up              C.out of         D.down

11.A.purpose  B.storm          C.soul            D.rock

12.A.up to      B.far from       C.less than         D.behind

13.A.pushed    B.pulled          C.drew           D.looked

14.A.protected        B.attacked        C.destroyed       D.applied

15.A.request    B.decision        C.sense           D.attempt

16.A.worked  B.based           C.stooped         D.finished

17.A.nothing  B.space          C.light           D.recognized

18.A.gave       B.threw          C.forced          D.recognized

19.A.floated    B.sank           C.fell            D.pushed

20.A.enjoyed  B.criticized        C.seen           D.climbed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Beijing's temporary residency __________will be changed from next year to help the government monitor the city's massive floating population.

A. passport             B. certificate          C. permit           D. document

