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             Lots of students do experiments on plants for their science projects. Scientists do this as well. Have you ever heard of a lie detector? It is something that police can use to figure out if you are lying or not. The machine can feel the energy in your body. If your energy moves fast,it shows you are nervous and may be lying. If it is slow and steady,it shows you are relaxed and probably honest.

             Scientists attached these same machines to plants,not to see if they are lying of course,but to see what makes them nervous,what makes them calm,and what makes them excited. They found many interesting things. First,they discovered when live fish were being cut up or live lobsters(龙虾) were being boiled,the plants got very upset. They seemed to respond to the fear of the living seacreatures.

            Besides,scientists found the plants actually got excited when their owners were coming home. What was even more interesting was that the plants got very excited 'when the owners stepped into the room. It seemed that the plants were so connected with their owners that they could pick up their owners’ intention to come home.

Plants also seemed not to like to be cut. When the owners pulled out a pair of scissors to cut them,they got upset. Scientists tried to frighten the plants and pretended they were going to cut them,but the plants did not get nervous in that case at all. It was as if they could read the owners’ mind. So,when taking care of your plants,remember that they are sensitive and smart.

1. The first paragraph mainly talks about.

   A. why a lie detector is popular

   B. when a lie detector ean be used

   C. how a lie detector works on plants

   D. what a lie detector is and how it works

2. What was the scientists’ purpose of attaching lie detectors to plants?

   A. To help plants grow faster.

   B. To see if plants are good liars.

   C. To see what causes plants* emotional changes.

   D. To help plant owners communicate with plants.

3. The result of the experiment is that.

   A. plants were happy to work with lie detectors

   B. plants got more relaxed when they were alone

   C. plants could"protect themselves when threatened

   D. plants might understand their owners in some way

4. What did the scientists use the scissors for?

   A. Cutting the plants. 

   B. Tricking the plants. 

   C. Replacing the lie detector.

   D. Frightening the sea creatures.

1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B



1. D.段落大意题。本段主要介绍了什么是测谎仪以及它的工作原理。

2. C.细节理解题。根据第二段中的buttoseewhat makes them nervous,what makes them calm,and what makes them excited可知,科学家将测谎仪用于植物是为了了解什么会引起植物的各种情绪反应。

3. D.推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的1tseemed that the plants were so connected with their owners that they could pick up their owners’ intention 和末 段中的 It was as if they could read the owners’

mind. So,when taking care of your plants,remember that they are sensitive and smart 可知,该实验发现,植物敏感而聪明,似乎能读懂人的心 思。

4. B.细节理解题。根据末段中的Scientists tried to trick the plants and pretended they were going to cut them可知,科学家使用剪刀是假装要修剪植物,以便观察它们的反应。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第35期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

       I loved my high school. I made many good friends there and we’ re still 21 today. I also had. great 22 who I still reach out to for advice. 23,I wouldn’t  go back again. Don’t get me wrong — I had a lot of great 24 ,but there were also many days I spent worrying about the following two 25 things. I wish I could visit myself at 14 and say, "Neither of the small things will 26 .

        Fitting in. It doesn't  matter what people think about you. I wanted every person to 27 me,and only now do I realize that's 28 . No matter how 29 you are or how hard you try”there will 30 be someone who doesn’t  like you. I 31 so much about what other people thought about me that I started forgetting who I was. It was whea I started being 32 with myself and showing people who I 33 was that I started meeting people who liked me for who I was and not for who I was trying to be.

        Not getting picked for things. High school can be

34 ,especially when you try out for leadership positions in clubs. I remember that I wasii’t picked for a leadership position in high school that I desperately 35 , so I was very 36.That leadership position clearly wasn't  meant for me at that time. Later,I was able to find another club that I absolutely 37 ,and if I had been asked to take that leadership position I wouldnt have even considered 38 it. From this experience,I have learned that if I don't 39 something that I really want,I will know it isn't  meant for me and that something better is 40.

21. A. in danger   B. in debt  C. in doubt   D. in contact

22. A. sisters   B. doctors   C. teachers   D. parents

23. A. However . B. Therefore  C. Otherwise   D. Instead

24. A. presents   B. memories   C. dreams   D. choices

25. A. great   B. small   C. basic   D. strange

26. A. disappear   B. improve   C. matter   D. fail

27. A. guide   B. train   C. hug   D. like

28. A. important   B. necessary   C. terrible   D. impossible

29. A. nice   B. calm   C. patient   D. common

30. A. never   B. always   C. seldom   D. hardly

31. A. learned   B. wrote   C. heard   D. cared

32. A. honest   B. angry   C. strict,   D. bored

33. A. frequently   B. gradually   C. truly   D. finally

34. A. interesting   B. competitive  C. private   D. independent

35. A. founded   B. deserved   C. owned   D. wanted

36. A. proud   B. guilty   C. glad   D. upset

37. A. refused   B. loved   C. forgot   D. affected

38. A. advertising   B. joining   C. enjoying   D. starting

39. A. return   B. increase   C. get   D. admit

40. A. in secret   B. in advance   C. in store. D. in trouble


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。



2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

       Yesterday my younger cousin celebrated on his 16th birthday. After having big dinner together with his family,he decided to spend the night with some of his friend.He went out with them.and head to a KTV to.sing songs there. Therefore,they didn’t just sing. We were also drinking beer. And my cousin had got drunk before they final left the KTV. I was really surprising after I heard that. I don't think children before 18 should drink. They' re still students at school. Drinking will not only do harm to their healthy but also influence their studies badly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            In 2014 and 2015,a Gallup World Poll surveyed people m 119 countries. A group of scientists analyzed how people answered two of the questions: How much do you know about global warming,and how serious was it to you and your family? And they were surprised.

            Most scientists think the world's  climate changing fast,yet many people do not share the scientists,view.What's  more,how people responded depended on various reasons. These included where people livd,how;many years they'd  gone to school,how much money they earned,their gender — even things such as how polluted the air was in the place where they lived. It's the first time those have been studied for their possible link to people' s thoughts on climate change.

            Many people were not even aware of global warming. Most people in Africa and the Middle East had!never heard of the concept. In contrast,people in the wealthier and more highly educated nations were quite familiar with global warming. Among people who were : aware of global warming,those in the poorer nations i tended to judge it as a far bigger threat. And in Latin Amenca and Europe people were more likely to see global warming as a bigger menace (威胁) when they understood the role that humans have played in that : warming. In Africa people were more likely to see :

climate change as a risk if it was tied to local temperatures or air pollution.

          “To our knowledge,this is the first and only truly global study,”according to the study's  lead author Lee.; Lee says the new analysis indicates that there's  still much work to do to get the word out about global warming. Indeed,helping people in different parts of the globe  understand it may require explaining the data and risks in;very different ways. Those explanations might have to differ from one neighboring country to another.

5. What surprises scientists according to the text?

   A. People's different opinions on climate change.

   B. Different causes of global warming.

   C. The seriousness of global warming.

   D. The fast pace of climate change. t

6. What can we infer from Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Africa has suffered severe air pollution.

   B. In Europe most people have studied climate change.

   C. Most people knew about the reasons for global;warming.

   D. Highly educated people were more aware of global wanning.

7. What does Lee learn from the research findings?

   A. It takes more effort to popularize global warming.

   B. Global warming will need more data to prove.

   C. Global warming puts people at great risk.

   D. It's difficult to stop global warming.

8. Where does this text probably come from?

   A. A lesson plan.        B. A news report.

   C. A fashion magazine.   D. A tourist guidebook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          When Lydia Nash appeared on the TV programme Who wants to be a millionaire? and was fortunate enough to win £16,000,she decided to give all the money away. This wouldn't  have been surprising if she had been rich or famous,but Lydia is a 19-year-old student.

          Lydia gave all the money to a charity which helps orphans in Thailand. ul first visited the orphanage when I was seventeen,and I felt very depressed by what I saw. When I got back to England I felt angry — looking around all I could see were people who were obsessed with money. That persuaded me to return to Thailand the following year."

          After she donated the money some of her friends thought that she had made the wrong decision. “Some people said I should have saved it for a deposit,” Lydia said. aStudents always complain about being poor. But there's  an enormous difference between us and people who have absolutely no money."

          With the help of the money Lydia gave them,the charity has just finished building “Rainbow House”,a new facility that will house 50 young children.

          If Lydia had won a million pounds and not only £16,000,would she still have given away all the money? She said, “Before going on the show I thought a lot about what it would be like to have a lot of money and I realized that I wouldn't  like it at all. And as I had been to the orphanage and had seen all the work that needed to be done,I knew how useful that money could be. I definitely think I got more enjoyment from giving the money away than if I had kept it for myself."

1. Why were people surprised at Lydia's  donation?

   A. She is an orphan.

   B. She isn’t very famous.

   C. She is young and not very wealthy.

   D. She donated a large amount of money.

2. The underlined words “obsessed with” in Paragraph 2

probably mean.

   A. very proud of   B. very careless of

   C. too interested in   D. rather generous with

3. According to the text,the charity used Lydia's  money to.

   A. buy many books   B. buy some clothes

   C. build a playground   D. build a new house

4. How did Lydia feel about her donation?

   A. Regretful. B. Doubtful.

   C. Excited.   D. Hopeful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



          Kashy Keegan is a British singer and songwriter. He is best known for his song This Is My Dream.

          Keegan was bom on July 18 ,1983 in England. He wrote This Is My Dream in 2007. The song was originally a London 2012 Olympics motivational song and was later discovered by a music supervisor(音乐总监) after Keegan had (上传) it to the website The song was chosen as the theme music for a documentary series called The Challenge. And on October 27 ,2013,about 30,000 people watched Keegan perform his song This Is My Dream in Hong Kong,China. The song reached the number 1 position on a music chart outselling major international artists like Lady Gaga,Katy Perry and Justin Bieber.

          “I wrote that song seven years ago,and had never performed it,J, says Keegan,who by that time had given up on a musical career after 15 years of doing other jobs to pay for studio time. “That's the (奇异可笑之处) of life,I guess. Things happen when you least expect it." 

           Keegan has released two albums independently Kashy Keegan and Looking In until now. He moved to Hong Kong,China to pursue his music career and signed to a record label Evosound in May 2014 and released an album This Is My Dream on December 1 ,2014r He writes and produces all of his own material and is influenced by classic pop music. He says his favorite album is Tracy Chapman by Tracy Chapman because of its socially conscious lyrics.

           When asked to describe his own music,Keegan uses the words “inspiringM and “empowering” before reluctantly admitting that UI guess it is pop,but …deeper."

           Clearly,he values (实质) over style. “For me,an artist is not so much how well he sings; it's having the genuine heart behind that,” he says.

5. What do we know about This Is My Dream?

   A. It failed to reach No. 1 on a music chart.

   B. It was the 2012 London Olympics theme song.

   C. It was uploaded to the website by a music supervisor.

   D. It was chosen to be the theme music for The Challenge.

6. What Keegan says in Paragraph 3 means .

   A. he hates paying a lot for studio time

   B. he will never give up his musical career

   C. he is surprised by the success of his song

   D. he has devoted himself to music for seven years

7. The underlined word ^pursue^ in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by .

   A. prove   B. develop   C. abandon   D. complain

8. Which album does Keegan like best?

   A. Looking In.     B. Kashy Keegan.

   C. Tracy Chapman.  D. This Is My Dream.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          Feel too old or too stupid to learn a second :

language? It may be worth peraeven(坚持).A study that tracked hundreds of Scottish people for decays gives the strongest evidence that speaking an extra language slows the mental decline that accompanies ageing. The benefits hold regardless of your IQ and even if you learn vour second language as an adult. 

          Previous studies have shown that people with disease(老年痴呆) who are fluent in two languages exhibit symptoms of the condition four or five years later than people who are(只用一种语言的) .However,it has been difficult to explain the effects of knowing multiple languages.

          To resolve the issue,Thomas Bak of the Universi  of Edinburgh,UK turned to the study,which has tracked about l,l00 people bom in 1936 in and around Edinburgh. AH were monolingual English speakers at age 11 ,when they had taken a series of (认知的)           Although the study wasn't  designed to investigate language effects,itvv provides a unique research opportunity,says Ellen Bialystok at York University m Toronto,Canada,who was the first to discover that being bilingual delays the beginning of Alzheimer 's  disease .

          853 of the participants were tracked down when they were in their early 70s. Almost 262 of them had learned;to speak at least one additional language and 65 had learned it after the age of 18. Bak gave the participants cognitive tests and compared these with the test scores :from when they were 11. Those who had learned an extra;language performed better in the cognitive tests in their 70s,indicating that the extra language itself is beneficial.                 Bialystok says the cognitive benefits seen in the;Scottish study agree with her own work on blllngua people with Alzheimer' s  disease,suggesting that thei same beneficial processes are at work:

         How could languages protect the brain? A theory is that people who speak several languages constantly :activate all the available words in each one before choosing the appropriate expression,giving them some ;:mental exercise.

9. According to the text,the mental benefits of learning a second language .

   A. may decrease while ageing

   B. can change with learners’ IQ

   C. can help learners when they ’re old

   D. are related to when one starts to learn it

10. How did Thomas Bak get his conclusion?

   A. By studying Scottish history.

   B. By watching participants’ behavior.

   C. By comparing participants’ test scores.

   D. By analyzing participants’ questionnaires.

11. What can we leam about Thomas Bak's study?

   A. It was carried out in 1936. 

   B. Its result supports Bialystok's finding.

   C. It was aimed at looking into language effects.

   D. 262 of the participants failed to speak a second language.

12. Why can learning a second language benefit the brain?

   A. It can raise speakers ’ spirits.

   B. It increases mental activities.

   C. It helps reduce mental diseases.

   D. It can activate all the physical expression.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 30. —What do you think of the film Devil and Angel?

—Oh,it's one of films I have ever seen.

   A. amazing   B. more amazing

C. most amazing   D. the most amazing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. Nowadays more and more young people want

independence their parents.

