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   When I was younger,I spent all the money I got. After a couple of years,I began wondering why I didn’t have any savings. Things had to change. It was then that I opened a bank account. Even saving just a tiny amount each month can make quite a difference,so my advice would be for children like me to open an account and start saving.


   My advice is abe strict and know what you,re spending”. I keep a budget(预算) so that I know exactly how much money I can spend on clothes,how much on going out with my friends and how much I need to save. I now work at the weekend,so I don't have to ask,my parents for pocket money.


    I always get pocket money from my parents. I would buy a coffee here or a sanSwich there,and even though that only means two or three pounds a time,it soon increases in amount. One day I made a list of all the things I'd bought that week and it really surprised me. I'd spent 30 pounds on,well,nothing really!If I could give anyone advice,I would tell them to always ask themselves,Do I really need this?” 


     My dad lost his job recently,so my pocket money stopped. Now I'm doing a part-time job on Tuesdays and Fridays. It isn't a lot,but it is enough. Not only have I become more responsible about money and how I spend it,but I feel good that I'm working for it and not just relying on my parents. My advice to anyone is not to expect money to always be there and make sure you save enough for a rainy day.

21. According to the text,Megan .

   A. has always spent money wisely

   B. finds it hard to save any money

   C. puts some of her money in the bank

   D. doesn't have to worry about money 

22. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to the money.

   A. Laura saved on food

   B. Laura spent on unimportant things

   C. Laura received from her parents

   D. Laura borrowed from her friends

23. Both Jamie and Olivia .

   A. have a part-time job

   B. get a lot of pocket money

   C. have opened a bank account

   D. spend a lot on clothes

24. The text is mainly about .

   A. making money

   B. borrowing money

   C. raising money

   D. managing money

21.C 22. B 23. A 24. D

21.C.细节理解题。由第一段中的I opened a bank account 和 Megan 给出 的建议可知,她现在会把一部分钱存进银行,故选C项。

22. B.篇章结构.题。由该段中的I would buy a coffee here or a sandwich there,and even though that only means two or three pounds a time 可 知,这儿买一杯咖啡,那儿买一个三明治,即便是一次只会用掉两三英 镑,可是这些钱累计起来就是一大笔,所以it在此是指花费在那些并不 重要的东西上的金钱,故选B项。

23. A.细节理解题。由第二段中的I now work at the weekend 和第四段中的 I'm doing a part-time job on Tuesdays and Fridays可知,他们俩都 有一份兼职工作,故选A项。

24. D.主旨大意题。由文中四位青少年 所讲述的亲身经历和他们所给出的 建议可知,本文主要是谈论如何理财的,故选D项。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高一新课标 > 第45期2015-2016年高一新课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. It' s doubtful (还有没有空座位了 ) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     Have you ever traveled around by bike? This spring my older brother and I 41 the busy city and spent a long weekend 42 in the countryside. Our speed was only around 14 kph,but we didn't 43 . We had't come to break any speed records,44 . All we wanted was some 45 air and a break from schoolwork. 

      We really 46 ourselves while cycling along traffic-free country paths. There was plenty of sunshine, 47 it was quite cold, 48 in the mornings. The good news was that soon we 49 as we rode along. Our only 50 was when my brakes (刹车) started making a terrible noise. But I didn't care as it gave us an 51 to visit a cafe while a bike mechanic (机修工) had a look at it.

      Every few kilometers there was a 52 where we could talk with local people. One of the women was very 53 and showed us the way when we got lost. On Saturday night we were 54 at 2 a.m. by some young people. They kept singing loudly in the next room,which made us 55 all night. We felt very 56 when we got up the next morning. Soon we 57 . We were more cheerful on the way when the sun came out. 58,things like that happened only once. Anyway I still like traveling around by bike — it's 59 and it's flm. If you’ re looking for a short break that' s active and cheap,then cycling is a great 60 !

41. A. left    B. visited      C. found   D. reached

42. A. painting   B. studying   C. teaching   D. cycling

43. A. regret   B. mind     C. fail   D. realize

44. A. at last   B. as well   C. after all   D. at most

45. A. fresh   B. thin   C. cool   D. dry

46. A. hurt   B. hated      C. changed   D. enjoyed

47. A. but   B. so   C. or   D. unless

48. A. probably   B. especially    C. specially   D. immediately

49. A. came back   B. gave up    C. warmed up   D. calmed down

50. A. wish   B. problem    C. decision   D. memory

51. A. order   B. opinion   C. excuse   D. explanation

52. A. city   B. lake     C. school   D. village

53. A. friendly   B. honest   C. stupid   D. nervous 

54. A. saved   B. paid    C. woken   D. greeted

55. A. excited   B. sleepless    C. speechless   D. frightened

56. A. shy   B. busy     C. bored   D. tired

57. A. set off   B. called back    C. settled down   D. broke down

58. A. Strangely   B. Doubtfully    C. Luckily   D. Naturally

59. A. true   B. simple    C. difficult   D. dangerous

60. A. goal   B. dream      C. result   D. choice


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task II. Read the text and match the time with the events.

Time                       Events

1. 1930                   A. Only fifty million tons of rice could be produced in China.

2. 1950                   B. Yuan Longping became the first person to grow super hybrid rice. .

3. 1953                   C. Yuan Longping was bom.

4. 1973                   D. Yuan Longping graduated from college.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Sam decided to (过新生活) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. There were at least three g  grand-parents,parents and children — at the wedding.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. 我昨天找书的时候,偶然发现了这张照片。

I      when looking for a book yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. John tried to get rid of his fears.

John tried to   his fears.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. After a while I got b with the film and left the cinema.

