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  It was Saturday . As always, it was a busy one, for “Six days shall you labor and do all your work” was taken seriously back then. Outside,Father and Mr. Patrick next door were busy chopping firewood. Inside their own houses, Mother and Mrs. Patrick  were engaged in spring cleaning.

      Somehow the boys had slipped away to the back lot with their kites. Now, even at the risk of having Brother caught to beat carpets , they had sent him to the  kitchen for string(线). It seemed there was no limit to the heights to which kites would  fly today.

   My mother looked at the sitting room ,its furniture disorderd for a thorough sweeping, Agun she cast a look toward the window. “Come on, girls ! Let’s take string to the boys and watch them

  On the way we met Mrs. Patrick, laughing guiltily as if she were doing something

wrong, together with her girls.

   There never was such a day for flying kited! We played all our fresh string into  the boys’ kites and they went up higher and higher .We could hardly distinguish   the orange-colored spots of the kites. Now and then we slowly pulled one kite back, watching it dancing up and down it the wind, and finally bringing it down to earth , just for the joy of sending it up again.

   Even our fathers dropped their tools and joined us. Our mothers took their turn, laughing like schoolgirls. I think we were all beside ourselves. Parents forgot their  duty and their dignity; children forgot their everyday fights and little jealousies. “Perhaps it’s like this in the kingdom of heaven,”  I thought confusedly.

   It was growing dark before we all walked sleepily back to house. I suppose we   had some sort of supper. I suppose there must have been a surface tidying-up, for the house on Sunday looked clean and orderly enough. The strange thing was , we didn't mention that day afterward. I flt a little embarrassed .Surely none of the others had been as excited as I. I locked the memory up in that deepest part of me where we  keep“the things that cannot be and yet they are.”

  The years went on, then one day I was hurrying about my kitchen in a city  apartment, trying to get some work out of the way while my three-year-old insistently  cried her desire to “go park ,see duck.”

  “I can’t go!”  I said. “I have this and this to do, and when I’m through I’ll be too  tired to walk that for.”

   My mother , who was visiting us , looked up from the peas she was shelling ,“It’s a wonderful day,”she offered,“Really warm , yet there’s a fine breczc . Do you  remember that day we flew kites?”

   I stopped in my dash between stove and sink . The looked door flew open and  with it a rush of memories. “Come on.”I told my little girl. “You’re right , it’s too  good a day to miss.”

    Another decade passed. We were in the aftermath (余波)of a great war. All evening we had been asking our returned soldier, the youngest Patrick Boy, about  his experiences as a prisoner of war. He had talked freely , but now for a long time  he had been silent . What was he thinking of – what dark and horrible things?

  “Say!” A smile slipped out from his lips . “Do you remember --- no, of course  you wouldn’t . It probably didn’t make the impression on you as it did on me.”

   I hardly dared speak.“Remember what ?”

  “I used to think of that day a lot in POW camp(战俘营), when things weren’t too  good. Do you remember the day we flew the kites?”

56.Mrs. Patrick was laughing guilnly because she thought       .

A. she was too old to fly kites

B. her husband would make fun of her

C. she should have been doing her housework then

D. her girls weren’t supposed to play the boy’s game

57. By“we were all beside ourselves”, the writer means that they all      .

   A. felt confused                    B. went wild with joy

   C. looked on                      D. forgot their fights

58.  What did the writer think after the kite-flying?

A. The boys must have had more fun than the girls.

B. They should have finished their work before playing.

C. Her parents should spend more time with them.

D. All the others must have forgotten that day.

59. Why did the writer finally agree to take her little girl for an outing?

A. She suddenly remembered her duty as a mother.

B. She was reminded of the day they flew kites.

C. She had finished her work in the kitchen.

D. She thought it was a great day to play outside.

60.The youngest Patrick Boy is mentioned to show that _____ .

   A. the writer was not alone in treasuring her fond memories

   B. his experience in POW camp threw a shadow over his life

   C. childhood friendship means so much to the writer

   D. people like him really changed a lot after the war





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Although I love my life, it hasn’t been a lot of fun as I’ve been ill for 28 years.

Music has always been a great love of mine and, in my 20s, when my   21   was more manageable , I   22   ten years as a professional singer in restaurants, playing and singing folk songs.   23    that was years ago and times have changed.   24    I live with mother on a country farm.

Two years ago, I decided that I would need to have some kind of extra work to   25   my disability pension (残疾抚恤金).   26   I needed to sleep in the afternoons,  I was limited in my   27   . I decided that I would consider  28     to singing in restaurants.

My family are all musicians, so I was   29  when I went into our local music store. I explained that I wanted to sing again but using recorded karaoke music. I knew that discs were very expensive and I really didn’t have a lot of   30    to get started. And 31   you find only three to four songs out of ten on a disc that you can   32   use.

When I told the owner of the shop about my   33   ; he gave me a long thoughtful    34   . “This means a lot to you, doesn’t it?” he said. “Come with me.”

He led me   35   the crowded shop and to a bench with a large professional karaoke box on it. He placed his large hand  36   on his treasure and said, “I have 800 karaoke songs in here. You can take your  37   and I’ll record them for you. That should get you started.”

I   38   . Thanking him, I made a time with him to listen to all the songs and choose   39  that I could sing. I have come full circle with his help.

His   40  still warms my heart and makes me do just that bit extra, when I have the chance.

21. A. loneliness           B. sadness                   C. tiredness                 D. sickness

22. A. set                     B. enjoyed                    C. kept                        D. shared

23. A. Gladly                B. Eventually                C. Unfortunately           D. Surprisingly

24. A. Now                  B. Then                       C. Sometime                D. Meanwhile

25. A. add up to            B. make up for             C. get rid of                 D. take advantage of

26. A. If                             B. As                          C. Though                  D. Before

27. A. movement                B. condition                 C. choices                   D. positions

28. A. reaching out       B. living up                  C. getting on                D. going back

29. A. recognized          B. interviewed              C. found                      D. invited

30. A. money                      B. time                        C. energy                     D. knowledge

31. A. thus                   B. once                        C. seldom                    D. often

32. A. actually              B. hardly                      C. nearly                      D. formerly

33. A. job                     B. family                      C. idea                        D. offer

34. A. face                   B. view                        C. look                        D. sight

35. A. over                   B. along                       C. towards                   D. through

36. A. unhappily           B. lovingly                   C. pitifully                    D. gratefully

37. A. pick                   B. turn                         C. role                         D. step

38. A. had to cry          B. ought to cry                   C. should have cried     D. could have cried

39. A. more                 B. the ones                   C. few                         D. the rest

40. A. courage              B. devotion                  C. kindness                  D. trust



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




48. What will the government most probably provide if it is engaged in a pump-priming program?

A.Sums of money  B. Raw materials

C.Human resources. D. Media Support.

49. When Sylvia says “His speech was OK but it had no real punch”,she thinks it was not___ .

A. fluent and impressive                 B. logical and moving

C. informative and significant       D. interesting and powerful  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


One evening in February 2007 . a student named Paula Ceely brought her car to a stop on a remote in Wales . She got out to open a metal gate that blocked her path . That's when she heard the whistle sounded by the driver of a train.Her Renault Clio parked across a railway line. Second later,she watched  the train drag her car almost a kilometre down the railway tracks.

     Ceely's  near miss  made the news because she blamed it on her GPS device(导航仪).She had never driven the route before .It was dark and raining heavily . Ceely was relying on her GPS. But it made no mention of the crossing ."I put my complete trust in the device and it led me right into the path of a speeding train ,"she told the BBC.

   W ho is to blame here ? Rick Stevenson ,who tells Ceely's story in his book When Machines Fail US, finger at the limitations of technology. We put our faith in digital devices, he says,

      but our digital helpers are too often not up to the job. They are filled with small  problems. And it’s not just GPS devices: Stevenson takes us on a tour of digital disasters involving everything from mobile phones to wireless key boards.

     The problem with his argument in the book is that it’s  not clear why he only focuses digital technology,while  there may be a number of other possible  causes. A map-maker might have left the crossing off a paper map. Maybe we should blame Ceely for not paying attention. perhaps the railway authorities are at fault for poor signaling system. Or maybe someone has studied the relative dangers and worked out that there really is something specific wrong with the CPS equipment. But Stevenson doesn’t say.

It’s a problem that runs through the book. In a section on cars, Stevenson gives an accout of the advanced techniques that criminals use to defeat computer-based locking systems for cars. He offers two independent sets of figures on car theft; both show a small rise in some parts of the country. He says that once once again not all new locks have proved reliable. Perhaps, but maybe it’s also due to the shortage of policemen on the streets. Or changing social circumstances. Or some combination of these factors .

The game between humans and their smart devices  is complex. It is shaped by economics and psychology and the cultures we live in. Somewhere in the mix of those forces there may be  way a wiser use of technology.   

If there is such a way, it should involve more than just  an awareness of the shortcomings of our machines. After all, we have lived with them for thousands  of years. They have probably been fooling us for just as long .

 41 .What did Paula Ceely think was the cause of her accident?           

 A. She was not familiar with the road.           

 B. It was dark and raining heavily then.   

C. The railway works failed to give the signal.

D. Her GPS device didn’t tell her about the crossing

   42.The phrase” near miss” (paragraph 2 ) can best be replaced by _______.             

A. close bit                    B. heavy loss             C.narrow escape         D. big mistake      

  43.Which of the following would Rick Stevenson most probably agree with?             

A. Modern technology is what we can’t live without.            

B. Digital technology often falls short of out expectation.            

C. Digital devices are more reliable than they used to be.             

D. GPS error is not the only cause for Celery’s accident. 

44.In the writer’s opinion, Stevenson’s argument is________.

A. one-sided     B. reasonable      C.puzzling      D.well-based

45.What is the real concern of the writer of this article?

A.The major causes of traffic accidents and car thefts.

B.The relationship between humans and technology

C. The shortcomings of digital devices we use.           

D. The human unawareness  of technical problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


   In the more and more competitive service industry , it is no longer enough to promise customrr satisfaction. Today , customer “delighi” is what companies are trying to achieve in or order to keep and increase market share.

It is accepted in the marketing industry , and confirmed by a number of researches, that customers receiving good service will promote business by telling up to 12 other people : those treated badly will tell their tales of woe to up to 20 people, 80 percent of people who feel their complaints are handled fairly will stay loyal

     New llenges for customer care have come when peoplecan obtain  goods and services through  telephone call centers and the Intemet. For example , many companies now have to invest(投资)a lot of money in information technology and staff training in order to cope with the “phone rage”—caused by delays in answering calls ,being cut off in mid-conversation or left waiting for long periods.

“Many people do not like talking to machines ,”says Dr . Storey Senior Lecturer in Marketng at City University Business School. “Banks, for example, encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them .The aim is to make the customet feel they know you and that you can trest— the sort of comfortable feelings people have during face-to-face chats with their local branch manager.”

  Recommended ways of creating customer delight include: under-promising and over-delivering  (saying that a repair will be camed out within five hours ,but getting it done within two );replacing a faulty product immediately : throwing in a gift voucher(购物礼卷)as an unexpected “thank you” to regntlar customers ;and always returning calls ,even when they are complaints.

  Aiming for customer delight is all very well , but if services do not reach the high level promised , disappointment or worse will be the result . This can be eased by offering an aplogy and an explanation of why the service did not meet usual standards with empathy (for example,“I know how you must feel”) , and possible solutions (replacement , compensation or whatever faimess suggests best meets the case).

           Airlines face some of the tourhest challenges over customer care . Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool, while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather ,unclaimed luggage and technieal problems .

   For British Airways staff , a winning telephone style is considercd vital in handling the large volume of calls about bookings and flight times . They are trained to answer quickly ,with their name , job title and a “we are here to help” attitude. The company has investod heavily in information technology to make sure that infomation is available instantly on scren.

     British Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff are


taught to regard each other as customers requiring the highest standards of service.

   Customer care is obviously here to stay and it would be a foolish company that used slogans such as "we do as we please”. On the other  hand , the more customers are promised, the greater the risk of  disappointment.

50. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that       .

A.  complaining customers are hard to satisfy

B.  unsatisfied customers receive better service

C.  Satisfied customers catch more attention

D.  well-treated customers promote business

51. The writer mentions “phone rage”(Paragraph 3) to show that        .

A. customers often use phones to express their anger

B. people still prefer to buy goods online

C. customer care becomes more attention

D. customers rely on their phones to obtain services 

52.  What does the writer recommend to create delight?

A. Calling customers regularly    B. Giving a “thank you” note.

C. Delivering a quicker service    D. Promising more gifts.

53. If a manager should show his empathy (Paragraph6), what would he  probably say?

A.“I know how upset you must be.”   B.“I appreciate your understanding.”

C. “I’m sorry for the delay.”          D.“I know it’s our fault.”

54. Customer delight is important for airlines because      .

A. their telephone style remains anchanged

B. they are more likely to meet with complaints

C. the services cost them a lot of money

D. the policies can be applied to their staff

55. Which of the following is conveyed in this article?

A. Face-to-face service creatcs comfortable feelings among customers.

B. Companies that promise more will naturally attract more customers.

C. A company should promise less but do more in a competitive market.

D. Customer delight is more important for airlines than for banks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Anyway,I can't cheat him-it's against all my________. (2011.浙江卷)

A. emotions B. principles   C. regulations   D. opinions


