精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情


1I haven’t heard of my friend for a long time , can you tell me what happened to her.

2We’re dying for know why the flight was out of touch.

3I happened to mention you to him other day.

4Much of what was said was not directly relevant for my case.

5It is difficult for the old man to adjust to live in the big city.

6Yesterday there was a sports meeting in our school with hundreds of students participate.

7He does works hard at his lessons.

8We were on the point of talking happily while someone knocked at the door.

9You'd better go now ,and you'll miss the train.

10Dry up the wet clothes in the sun ,please.




3other 前加the



6participate ---participating



9and--- or / otherwise


【解析】 本文为单句改错,改错题要注意在固定搭配方面,词形变化,时态及语态方面的错误。同时也要从句意通顺的角度考虑其连词的运用正确与否


考查短语辨析。句意: heard of…,为固定搭配,意为“听说”而 heard from为固定搭配,意为“收到的来信” 。故把of改为from


考查介词辨析。句意:我们渴望知道为什么飞机失去了联系。be dying to渴望,急切去做某事,后面动词不定式,而be dying for sth意为“渴望得到某物”for后要跟名词/代词/动词的ing形式,分析句子可知,本句中for后面的宾语是动词原形know,故把for改为to

3other 前加the

考查固定搭配句意:前几天我碰巧向他提起过你。the other day为固定搭配,意为“ 前几天在不久前”。而other day 意为“其他日”。根据句意可知,是the other day。故 other 前加the。


考查固定搭配。句意:所说的大部分与我的案子没有直接关系。be relevant to,为固定搭配,意为“与…有关”。故 for改为to


考查固定搭配。句意:那位老人很难适应住在大城市里的生活。Adapt to doing,为固定搭配,意为“适应…..”,因此把live改为living

6participate ---participating

考查非谓语作宾语补足语。句意:昨天我们学校有一场运动会,有几百名学生参加。分析句子可知,participate students的宾语补足语,二者是主动关系,故用动词ing形式。故把participate 改为participating。


考查强调句。句意:他确实努力学习功课。分析句子可知,本句是强调谓语动词work。在英语中强调谓语动词works的第三人称已放在助动词does上了,故works 要用动词原形。故把works改为work

我们在说话或写文章时,为了要突出句子中的某一部分,我们通常会使用某种方法或手段使它突出,以便能引起他人的注意,这就是强调,与此相关的句子就是强调句(但It is / was...that...结构)但强调句型不能强调谓语动词。如果需要强调谓语时,用助动词do / doesdid。此种强调只用助动词do ( does/did) +动词原形,没有别的形式表示强调。要注意:

(1) 句子中不能用其他的助动词。只在动词前使用助动词do表示对该动词的强调。如:

Do be careful with that thief! 务必小心那个小偷!

I do hope you’ll stay for lunch. 我真的希望你留下吃午饭。


He does look tired. 他确实显得很疲倦。

He did come but soon went back. 他的确来过,但很快就回去了。

(3)这样用的do只用于现在时或过去式(即只有do,does,did这样的形式),不能用于进行时、完成时等形式(如不用于is doing, has done)

(4)另外,do 还经常用于祈使句中表示强调。如:


Do come with us. 请一定要和我们一起去。

Please! Do be quiet a moment! 求求你们! 安静一会儿!


Do try this fish. 请尝尝这鱼。

Do have another cup of coffee. 请再喝杯咖啡吧。



9and--- or / otherwise

考查连词。句意:你最好现在就走,否则的话你就赶不上火车了。分析句意可知,是否则的话,只有or / otherwise 才有此意,故把and改为 or / otherwise


考查副词。句意:请把湿衣服放在太阳下晒晒。而dry up 干涸枯竭干透;dry out使干变干。分析句子可知,是“晒干”之意,故把up改为out。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Angela a 28-year-old Canadian, was driving to visit friends in another city 800 kilometres away. Her kids, 5-year-old Lexi and 10-week-old Peter, were fed and the car was1 with all the necessities for a road trip: toys, milk powder and snacks.
The long journey had begun to2Peter, who started to cry. Angela inserted a nursery rhyme CD into the stereo and hoped it would help3him down. The soft music had a4effect. In no time, both children became5. Angela's eyes 6too, for just a few seconds.
When Lexi suddenly woke up, she found it was7. Airbags obsured (遮挡) all the windows. Lexi's neck hurt and Peter was crying loudly. She pulled the handle of the door, but the door was8. Turning onto her side, Lexi kicked at the door9it flopped (猛地打开) open.
That's when Lexi 10 her mother in the front seat. She tried to wake her up but Angela didn't11. At that time Lexi found their car was on a steep hill and it was kept from12by a large tree.
Her shoes had come off, but Lexi felt no13as she climbed over glass and rocks up the embankment (路堤) to the14her mother had driven off.
A driver was traveling on the highway15he saw a tiny child jumping up and down,16her arms, crying for help. He pulled over, and the child told him her mother needed help. The driver looked around but saw17. The barefoot child pointed to the destroyed car downhill. Without 18, he ran down the hill. Twenty minutes later, an19came. Angela was rushed to the hospital.
Later that year, the Royal Canadian Humane Association awarded Lexi a Bronze Medal for20.
(1)A.covered B.packed C.shared D.provided
(2)A.interest B.confuse C.bother D.frighten
(3)A.calm B.let C.bring D.put
(4)A.relaxing B.exciting C.natural D.different
(5)A.noisy B.happy C.concerned D.quiet
(6)A.opened B.rolled C.closed D.brightened
(7)A.dangerous B.convenient C.sunny D.dark
(8)A.broken B.open C.stuck D.repaired
(9)A.when B.until C.since D.after
(10)A.witnessed B.spotted C.realized D.remembered
(11)A.return B.respond C.look D.speak
(12)A.rolling down B.pulling over C.setting off D.getting through
(13)A.stress B.anger C.pain D.shame
(14)A.street B.forest C.route D.highway
(15)A.while B.when C.before D.until
(16)A.raising B.waving C.clapping D.stretching
(17)A.nobody B.somebody C.anybody D.everybody
(18)A.complaining B.regretting C.wondering D.hesitating
(19)A.car B.truck C.ambulance D.lorry
(20)A.strength B.intelligence C.kindness D.bravery


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1He had a strong desire for help and care for people.

2She is cold--hearted and has no sympathy to the poor.

3Her mother is not in the favour of her marriage at all.

4The singer was accompanied to the piano by her sister.

5We were much alarming by the fire in the forest.

6Germany declared war to France.

7Aged people are always envied of the young.

8Can you do me favor?

9Under that tree sit a beautiful girl.

10Where it was that the remains of the plane were found.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

How Important Is Fashion?
Is looking fashionable more important than being comfortable? Many people seem to think so, judging by the things they wear. But fashion is not everything. It is more important to be a healthy and good person.
People go to great lengths to be fashionable. Some people think they have to have a certain body type, so they go on extreme, unhealthy diets in order to change their bodies. In addition, many women wear uncomfortable fashions, such as high-heeled shoes that create blisters(水泡), tight body shapers that limit blood flow, and sticky false eyelashes(假睫毛). Men and women alike spend time and money on produces that change their natural hair color and use hot irons and blow dryers to curl or straighten their hair. Some people spend several hours a day in front of a mirror. Is fashion important enough to spend so much time and effort on changing how you look like?
If the purpose of fashion is to make a person feel good, it does not make sense that he or she would go through so much discomfort to be fashionable. Fashion should not come first. People should prioritize(优先考虑)being healthy and positive. What people wear does not indicate anything about their personalities. Instead of going on strict diets and starving, why not eat some healthy foods and then exercise? By doing these things, you can keep a healthy lifestyle and truly grow as a person.
(1)The author's main purpose in writing the text is to .
A.show readers advantages and disadvantages of dieting
B.persuade readers to value health more than fashion
C.entertain readers to value health more than fashion
D.inform readers of the latest fashion trends
(2)Which statement best represents the author's viewpoint?
A.Fashion can make people do some unhealthy things.
B.Fashion increases famous people's self-respect.
C.When you look good, you feel good.
D.People need to diet to lose weight.
(3)Which of the following activities would the author most likely recommend?
A.Shopping for bargain clothes.
B.Starting a new diet with a friend.
C.Going skating with friends.
D.Changing the hairstyle every week.
(4)Why does the author include questions in the text?
A.To enrich the content.
B.To introduce a new topic.
C.To reflect different attitudes.
D.To make readers think and give their opinions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Today we had the honor of invite Professor Hudson, a foreign teacher from Beijing University, to give us an English lesson. All of us were deeply impressing by this unforgettable English lesson. The professor began the class with an amusing English story, that attracted our attention at once. He spoke slowly and clearly so that we could follow her well. Great inspired, most of us took an active part in classroom activities. After class, many students being interviewed spoke highly of him. They said that never they experienced such interesting a class. From his lesson, we came to a conclusion what it is not so difficult to learn English but we find a good way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The __________ is the coldest continent in the world.

2We meet once a year to hold an a_____________ meeting.

3The letter of recommendation bore() the headmaster's s__________ and was effective.

4The past 20 years has w______________ great changes in Shenzhen.

5Seeing the boy climbing up to the top of the tall tree, he y_________, “be careful!”

6Because the boat was turned by big waves upside down, he had no choice but to swim to the s________ quickly.

7This road is too ___________ for two cars to go side by side. It needs widening.

8On arriving at the theme park, the first thing that I was ________ (意识到)of was its vivid colors and wise-looking buildings.

9Hearing the terrifying news, nothing could have stopped me from feeling ________ to death (吓死了)

10You manage to ____________ yourself (舍弃自己,把自己拽--) away from the luxury(奢侈享受) of the hotel.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】With the 1(develop) of industry, air pollution is getting more and more serious. In Beijing, many people suffer different kinds of illnesses because 2 air pollution. Air pollution is 3(main)caused by the following reasons. About half of the problem is caused by vehicles. There are more and more cars and buses on the roads, 4 give off poisonous gases. 35% of air pollution is caused by factories. 5 factor is the smokers. 6(smoke) does harm to other’s health as well as to that of the smokers. Besides, about 10% of air pollution is caused by other reasons. We should take some 7(measure) to fight against pollution. New fuel can be used to take 8 place of gas. We can plant more trees, grass and flowers. All in all, if everybody realize the importance of environment and does something 9(stop) pollution, the problem 10 (solve).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处错误。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Which is more important, health and wealth? Not until I witnessed my uncle’s real life I realize that health is of great important.

Devoting to his business, my uncle, a successful businessman, worked from morning till night every day with no spare time to relax himself. He often says, “I must earn much money so that I can get whatever I want”. As the consequence, he was serious ill. Rich as he was, he could do nothing but to die in the hospital bed.

So I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always on poor health, let alone live happily. If we are rich or not, we cannot ignore the importance of health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】To ensure that children from poor areas can receive fair education, the government has planned to _______ more money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.

A. announce B. allocate C. advocate D. accumulate

