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I asked all my teachers the same question, and they ________ gave me a different answer.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every year between February and April,when the southwest monsoon (季风)blows ,a fever seizes the Thais (泰国人).It is the kite flying in Thailand __1__a strong feeling of interest that is nothing  2   of feverish.

During the summer, in the moths of March and April ,the skies   3   cities ,towns and villages  throughout the Kingdom are   4      with kites of all descriptions --long-tailed dragons,twisting snakes ,beautiful butter-flies,or familiar cartoon characters wheeling and weaving in the waim air.

One afternoon ,a friend and long-time kite flier invited me to   5     him  at the Pramane Ground ."What's the attraction?"I asked as he flew a huge kite."Well ,you can feel  a bit of a   6    at first ."he replied,""a grown man standing there holding the end of a string and    7    up into the sky .But once you forget yourself ,you get caught up in the   8   of controlling something inthe air where you cannot follow.You're on the ground :the kite's in the air but it's you that are making it al    9    .Come on ,go fly a kite."

I took his advice in the   10   it was meant and ,holding the hand of my young daughter si that others woukd think I was only satisfying a child's   11    ,I bought a rainbow-colored snake .After a few failed runs we got the kite into the air   12    greater ease than I expected.It was only at my daughter 's crying ,"My go,my go "that I realized I'd been holding the string ,completely   13   what I was discovering was a very pleasing pastime.

Like many other    14    of popular culture ,the sport of kite flying in Thailand has been   15   down from generation to generation.Its origins(起源)are    16    probably in ancient China,although it seems likey that Thai kites are as old as the    17   itself.It was a craze    18    by everyone from the king down.

"It's a great tradition (传统),that has the    19    of bringing generations togeter,"says my friend ,"What you see today at the King's Cup is the   20    as the people of the past would have seen more than two hundred years ago."  

1.A.fires             B.fights          C.turns         D.keeps

2.A.long             B.short           C. fond         D.proud

3.A.on              B.over            C.around       D. in

4.A.alive            B.ready           C.open         D.equal

5.A.see              B.care            C.accept       D. join

6.A.hero             B.fool            C.master       D.fireman

7.A.flying           B.missing         C.staring        D. jumping

8.A.match           B.comfort         C.excitement    D.movement

9.A.happen          B.begin           C. attend       D.break

10.A.way            B.while           C.language     D. need

11.A.game           B.sport           C. request       D. best

12.A.for             B.with            C.beyond       D.under

13.A.tired of         B.fit for          C. helped with    D. devoted to

14.A.laws           B.rules           C.forms         D. researches

15.A.put            B.handed          C.sat           D.looked

16.A.rooted          B.left           C.dated          D.hoped

17.A.history         B.Kingdom       C.time          D.earth

18.A.imagined        B.used          C.enjoyed       D.told

19.A.effect           B.right         C. name         D.science

20.A.same           B.kite          C. invention      D. relation


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 Three months after the government stopped issuing(发放)or renewing permits for Internet cafes because of security(安全)concerns, some cafe owners are having financial(经济的)concerns of their own.

 The permits were stopped suddenly three months ago by the government until new safeguards could be put in place to prevent misuse of the information superhighway, but for cafe owners it’s a business breakdown with no fix in sight.

 “I handed in a request to open up an Internet cafe and received the conditions,” said the businessman Obeidallah. “I rented a place in the Sharafiah district at SR45,000 and prepared the place with equipment that cost me more than SR100,000. When I went to the local government after finishing everything, I was surprised to find that they’d stopped issuing permits for Internet cafes.”

   Having an Internet cafe without Internet is much like having a coffee shop without coffee. “I’m avoiding closing the place, but it’s been more than three months with the situation ongoing as it is.” Obeidallah said. “Who will bear the losses caused by the permit issue?”

 The decision took many cafe owners by surprise. “I asked to open an Internet cafe, and I was handed a list of all the things that were needed to follow through, such as a sign for the place, filling out forms,” said Hassan Al-Harbi.

“I did all that was asked and rented a place. And after the Haj vacation I went to the local government and they surprised me, saying that there are new rules that forbid the issuing of any more Internet cafe permits and that one can’t even renew his permit. I’ve lost more than SR80,000,” Al-harbi added.

 As for the government, officials say a method to deal with it is on the way. But security concerns come before profit(盈利).

The government stopped issuing or renewing permits for Internet cafes       .

  A.to prevent misuse of new safeguards in Internet cafes

  B.to make cafe owners earn less profit from their business

  C.to stop the use of the information superhighway on Internet

  D. to make sure of the proper use of the information superhighway

The government’s decision led to the fact that many cafe owners            .

  A.suffered heavy financial losses    

  B.asked to open up Internet cafes

  C.continued to operate Internet cafes   

  D.asked the government for payment

The underlined phrase in the last paragraph “on the way” means             .

  A.to be studied  

  B.to be put into practice

  C. to be changed    

  D.to be improved

The cafe owners found the government’s decision          .

  A.surprising and unacceptable   

  B.understandable and acceptable

  C. reasonable but surprising    

  D.surprising but acceptable


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We arranged that Kissinger would fly to Vietnam early in July and then stop in Pakistan on the way back. There he would develop a stomachache that would require him to stay in bed and not be seen by the press. Then, with President Yahya’s help, he would be taken to an airport where a Pakistani jet would fly him over the mountains to China.

Kissinger’s trip was given the code name Polo after Marco Polo, another western traveler who made history by journeying to China. Everything went quite smoothly. His slight illness in Islamabad received only small attention from reporters covering him. They accepted the story that he would be kept shut up for at least a few days and began making arrangements for their own activities.

Because of the need for complete secrecy and the lack of any direct communication facilities (设备) between Beijing and Washington, I knew that we would have no word from Kissinger while he was in China. Even after he had returned to Pakistan it would still be important to keep it secret,so before Kissinger left,we agreed on a single code word—Eureka—which he would use if his mission(使命)were successful and the presidential trip had been arranged.

On July 11, A1 Haig who knew our code word, phoned me to say that a cable from Kissinger had arrived.  

“What’s the message?” I asked.

 “Eureka,” he replied.

Kissinger stopped in Pakistan because____.

A. he had a stomachache

B. he needed President Yahya’s help in carrying out a secret plan

C. he did not want to be seen by the press

D. he would like to take a Pakistani jet on his way back

The reporters in Islamabad believed that _____.

A. Marco Polo made a trip to China

B. Kissinger would make a journey to China

C. Kissinger was making arrangements for their activities

D. Kissinger was sick

Washington would have no word from Kissinger while he was in China mainly because____.

A. the trip must be kept secret

B. President Yahya would not fly together with Kissinger

C. communication between China and Islamabad was impossible

D. Al Haig would phone to the author to tell him about Kissinger’s trip

From the passage we can infer that Kissinger’s cable carrying the message “Eureka” must have been sent____.

A. before he had left Beijing

B. soon after he had returned to Pakistan from China

C. as soon as he had arrived in Washington on July 11

D. before he retuned to Pakistan on July 11


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南京市2010届高三下学期第三次模拟考试试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解


Al had been working in this factory only eleven months, but he excelled at everything he did. He looked for new tasks-as an opportunity to gain experience. To him, mistakes were not to be denied but considered an opportunity to learn. He was, by far, the most capable man among his workmates, One day, when he was finishing his work of the day, he heard Jack calling him.

“What are you going to do about…?” asked Jack.

“I’ll come off the end rail,” interrupted Al.

“No, I mean about Joe’s promotion?”

“I’m going back to school,” Al said.

“Excuse me!”

“I’m going back to school,” Al repeated.

“You mean you’re quitting!”

Was it that simple? Is this why there was so much misery in men’s lives? “I’m going back to school” was just an excuse, and Al knew it, thought Jack, or Al would not be drunk. It seemed that Al would rather get drunk than fight for his happiness. But why? Jack had no answer.

“Yes, and I’m going back to school. I don’t know what else to do. I can’t believe that this kind of thing can happen. Maybe if I get more education and a better job, it will be different.”

“Do you really believe that?”

“Well, what do you want we to do?” Al was getting angry: “I can’t stay here! I can’t work where the most incapable get the biggest reward! I can’t kill Joe and the boss like…”

Al stopped. They both knew what this meant.

“Like I did?”

Al did not answer.

“Yes, I killed two men with my bare hands; yes, I got punished and lost my job-but I kept my soul!”

Al undertood the hidden statement. Al did not know whether it was his anger, or the beer, or both that made him less cautious in the face. He held his hands firmly. Then be heard Jack: “You’ve got the right idea, Al. You’ve got to fight.”

Al needed to think. Instead of taking the subway, he walked five miles back home. By the time he entered his bedroom, he climbed into bed. Turned off his mind, and fell asleed.

67.Choose from the following a right word to describe Jack.

A.Tough.     B.Incapable. C.Lazy. D.Talkative.

68.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Jack was not happy about Joe’s promotion.

B.Al and jack were workmates.

C.The conversation between Al and Jack happened in their workplace.

D.The conversation between Al and Jack happened during the working hours.

69.What can we infer from the underlined part?

A.Jack thinks Al has lost his soul.

B.Jack used to be a killer.

C.Al would be a killer.

D.Don’t be a killer like Jack.

70.Which of the following is true about Al at the end of the story?

A.Al felt so tired from the long walk home and couldn’t help falling asleep.

B.Al and made up his mind and knew what to do.

C.Al forgot all that had happened.

D.Al was too confused to think further.



科目:高中英语 来源:2005年高考试题(福建卷)解析版 题型:阅读理解


Three months after the government stopped issuing(发放)or renewing permits for Internet cafes because of security(安全)concerns, some cafe owners are having financial(经济的)concerns of their own.

The permits were stopped suddenly three months ago by the government until new safeguards could be put in place to prevent misuse of the information superhighway, but for cafe owners it’s a business breakdown with no fix in sight.

“I handed in a request to open up an Internet café and received the conditions,” said the businessman Obeidallah. “I rented a place in the Sharafiah district at SR45,000 and prepared the place with equipment that cost me more than SR100,000. When I went to the local government after finishing everything, I was surprised to find that they’d stopped issuing permits for Internet cafes.”

Having an Internet cafe without Internet is much like having a coffee shop without coffee. “I’m avoiding closing the place, but it’s been more than three months with the situation ongoing as it is.” Obeidallah said. “Who will bear the losses caused by the permit issue?”

The decision took many cafe owners by surprise. “I asked to open an Internet café, and I was handed a list of all the things that were needed to follow through, such as a sign for the place, filling out forms,” said Hassan Al-Harbi.

“I did all that was asked and rented a place. And after the Haj vacation I went to the local government and they surprised me, saying that there are new rules that forbid the issuing of any more Internet cafe permits and that one can’t even renew his permit. I’ve lost more than SR80,000,” Al-harbi added.

As for the government, officials say a method to deal with it is on the way. But security concerns come before profit(盈利).

1.The government stopped issuing or renewing permits for Internet cafes       .

    A. to prevent misuse of new safeguards in Internet cafes

    B. to make cafe owners earn less profit from their business

    C. to stop the use of the information superhighway on Internet

    D. to make sure of the proper use of the information superhighway

2.The government’s decision led to the fact that many cafe owners            .

    A. suffered heavy financial losses  B. asked to open up Internet cafes

    C. continued to operate Internet cafes                D. asked the government for payment

3.The underlined phrase in the last paragraph “on the way” means             .

    A. to be studied                    B. to be put into practice

    C. to be changed                    D. to be improved

4.The cafe owners found the government’s decision          .

    A. surprising and unacceptable      B. understandable and acceptable

    C. reasonable but surprising        D. surprising but acceptable


