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Never _____ forget the days when _____ together with you.

A. shall I...I lived  B. shall I...did I live C. I shall...I lived  D. I shall...did I live 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

In a book called Magnificent Obsession, by Lloyd C. Douglas, a description is given of people helping others but doing it secretly. When difficult problems worried an individual, friends nearby would meet to discuss possible solutions without the individual knowing their actions. When a solution was agreed upon, one or two of the friends would carry out the plan and solve the problem secretly, to the great delight of the worried individual. The helpers would stand by privately, content with their success. No reward was given to the problem solvers, not even a sincere “thank you”, because they were never known.

This concept is popular today but in a different way. The phrase “pay it forward” is now used when one person helps another. However, the person helped may not be able to repay the person or group that helped them. So rather than return the favor to their helpers, they are supposed to help someone else in the future, which means they pay it forward. It is a sense of responsibility which makes us want to give back in equal measure to the one who has helped us. But, in this case, the responsibility turns to helping someone in the future.

Suppose your elderly grandmother pays part of your schooling. She may tell you there is no need to repay her because it is a gift from someone who loves you very much. Nothing would please her more than to have you use her money to get a good education.

You may never be able to repay her for such a gift. However, she not only gave you some money, but she provided you with an example that you should also help other people who need it.

People with serious needs are everywhere. Many are children who need better clothes, more books and even better schools. Some are elderly people who can’t afford their medicine or a doctor’s care. Consider how you can “pay it forward” rather than pay money back to your grandmother.

The helpers in the book “Magnificent Obsession” were not rewarded because ________.

A. they hadn’t solved the problems thoroughly

B. they had solved the problems secretly

C. they were friends of the worried individual

D. they expected to be paid back in the future

The underlined word “pay it forward” means ________.                    

A. to repay someone who has helped you  

B. to pay someone else who needs help

C. to help someone who has helped you

D. to help someone else who needs help

What does the writer suggest with the example of “your elderly grandmother”?

A. We should learn to respect our grandparents.

B. We should work hard to get a good education.

C. We should also lend a hand to other people in need of help.

D. We should never forget to repay people for their help.

From the passage we know ________.

A. everybody needs help

B. more children need help than elderly people

C. it costs a lot of money to “pay it forward”

D. nowadays many people help others without being repaid

By writing the passage, the author wishes people in the world to be ________.

A. unselfish                  B. mysterious                C. honest               D. unforgettable  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady beaming up at me with a smile that lit up her entire being.

She said, “Hi, girl! My name is Rose. I’m 87 years old. Can I give you a hug?”

I laughed and enthusiastically(热情地)responded, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze.

 “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel!”

 “No seriously,” I said. I was curious what may have motivated her to be taking on this challenge at her age.

 “I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!” she told me.

Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and she easily made friends wherever she went. She loved to dress up and she reveled in the attention bestowed upon her from the other students. She was living it up.

At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet. I’ll never forget what she taught us.

 “We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only two secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving success. You have to laugh and find humor everyday. You’ve got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die!” she said.

“There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn 20 years older. If I am 87 years old, and stay in bed for a year, and never do anything, I will turn 88. Anybody can grow older. But every minute counts for young men,” she added.

 “The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do. The only people who fear death are those with regrets.”

She concluded her speech by courageously singing “The Song of Rose”. She challenged each of us to study the lyrics(歌词)and live them out in our daily lives.

At the year’s end, Rose finished the college degree she had begun all those years ago. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.

13. Rose made herself known to the author in a ______ manner.

  A. serious          B. cold           C. humorous          D. crazy

14. From the information provided in the passage, we know ______.

A. Rose finished the college degree within a year

B. Rose did realize her dream of meeting a rich husband and getting married through college education

C. Rose enjoyed her campus life very much

D. Rose grew so old that she stopped playing

15. Rose delivered the speech ______.

  A. at the graduation                               B. which she prepared carefully

  C. ended with “The Song of Rose”                   D. to challenge all the other speakers

16. According to her speech, ______.

  A. whenever you have a dream, you succeed          

B. all people don’t grow up while growing older

C. Rose usually regretted having done something

D. a nine-year-old is as old as a 87-year-old if he doesn’t do anything


科目:高中英语 来源:2010~2011学年度安徽省两地三校高一第一学期期末英语卷 题型:阅读理解

At a meeting, a well-known speaker lifted up a bill of 20 dollars before starting his speech.
Facing 200 people, he asked, “Who wants this 20-dollar bill?” A great many hands were put up. Then he continued to say, “I intended to give it to any one of you, but allow me to do a thing before giving it to you.” Suddenly he crumpled (揉)it into a round mass. Then he asked, “Who wants it? ” Still some hands were lifted up.
He asked again, “Well, how could it be if I do it like this?” he threw the bill onto the ground, stepped on it and twisted it. As he picked it up, the bill had become not only dirty but wrinkled.
“Who still wants it?” Still a few people put up their hands.
“My dear friends, you have had a meaningful class. No matter how I treated this bill, you still want it, because it is worth 20 dollars. On your life road, you may be knocked down(击垮) or even broken into pieces by your determination or unfavorable situations. We may feel ourselves worth nothing, but, my darling, remember that whatever happens in the future, you should never lose your value(价值) in the God’s heart. You’re particular ---- never forget it.”
【小题1】How many times did the speaker ask the people whether they wanted the bill?

A.OnceB.TwiceC.Three timesD.Four times
【小题2】 The underlined word “wrinkled” in the third paragraph probably means ________.
A.brokenB.having small lines or folds in itC.flatD.having holes on it
【小题3】The speaker did this test in order to _____________.
A.tell the audience that one should never lose one’s own value
B.tell the audience that God values money most
C.test if some of the audience were extremely interested in money
D.play a trick on the audience
【小题4】 What would the speaker probably talk about next?
A.How money can make people crazy.B.How to avoid being knocked down in one’s life.
C.How to keep one’s value of life.D.How to give a meaningful class


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年高考二轮短文语法填空训练题(8)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

I met Kumkum at a children’s home in Delhi. It is a home 1.? children who are sick are provided treatment and care before 2. (send) to some other orphanage. Kumkum was 7 years old, and a very brave soul. Despite suffering from tuberculosis(肺结核), I never saw 3. crying. She had lost her parents and was struggling herself through this terrible disease.

Upon meeting, we took an instant liking 4.? each other. Every Saturday I would visit Kumkum and play with her. She would love to sit on my lap. It was one such moment that the child felt like 5.? (kiss) me... and I suddenly remembered that she was suffering from tuberculosis which is a communicable(传染性的)disease. I tried to stop her ? 6.? she really wanted to show her affection for me, so I overcame my fear and let her place the ? 7.?? gentle and sweet kiss on my cheek that I ever had.

Although I overcame my fear at that moment, I ? 8.? (not forgive) myself ever since for refusing her 9.?? (initial). Although the child kissed me, I think she sensed my hesitation?? 10.? she has never kissed me again. I will never forget that the most beautiful thing in this world is a child’s kiss... so full of love and innocence.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁省沈阳市四协作体高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When other nine-year–old kids were playing games , she was working at a petrol station.When other teens were studying or going out , she struggled to find a place to sleep on the street.But she overcame these terrible setbacks to win a highly competitive scholar and gain entry to Harvard University.

Her amazing story has inspired a move , “ Homeless to Harvard : The Liz Murray Story ”, shown in late April.

Liz Murray , a year- old American girl , has been writing a real-life story of willpower and determination.

Liz grew up in the shadow of two drug-addicted.There was never enough food or warm clothes in the house.Liz was the only member of the family who had a job.

Her mother had AIDS and died when Liz was just 15 years old.The effect of that loss became a turning point in her life.Connecting the environment in which she had grown up with how her mother had died , she decided to do something about it.

Liz went back to school.She threw herself into her studies , never telling her teachers that she was homeless.At night , she lived on the streets.

“ What drove me to survive had to do with understanding , by understanding that there was a whole other way of being.I had only experienced a small part of the society , ” she wrote in her book “ Breaking Night ”.

She admitted that she used envy to drive herself on.She used the benefits that come easily to others , such as a safe living environment , to encourage herself that “ next to nothing could hold me down ”.

She finished high school in just two years and won a full scholarship to study at Harvard University.But Liz decided to leave her top university for a couple of moths earlier this year in order to take care of her father , who has also developed AIDS.“ I love my parents so much.They are drug addicts.But I never forget that they love me all the time.”

Liz wants moviegoers to come away with the idea that changing your life is “ as simple a making a decision.”

1.In which order did the following thing happen to Liz ?

a.Mum died                            b.Worked at the petrol station

c.Got admitted into Harvard           d.had trouble finding a place to sleep

A.b-a-d-c           B.a-b-d-c            C.d-b –a –c       D.b-d-a –c

2.What decision did Liz make that changed her life ?

A.To go back to school                     B.To go to the best university

C.To survive                             D.To live a different life from her parents

3.What actually drove her on towards her goal ?

A.Envy                                 B.Her love for her parents

C.He Mum’s death                       D.Her willpower and determination

4.When she wrote “ I had only experienced a small part of the society ”, she _____

A.wanted to encourage herself

B.suggested something she wanted for her life

C.suggested people often look back

D.meant that she had little experience


