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1.Being a ________(钢琴家) became his dream since his childhood.

2. He has recovered much to the d________(高兴)of his friend.

3. Our hearts _________(流血)for the homeless people during this cold winter.

4. He's had three accidents in the past f________(两周).

5. He has__________(占据)the house without paying any rent since last year.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省模拟题 题型:填空题


1. I had a long talk with the ________ (校长) about my son.  
2. ________ (正义) has long arms.    
3. Coal has been ________ (开采) since the sixteenth century in this area.  
4. The tablets should be taken ________ (两次) a day.    
5. People were too polite to correct my ________ (语法) when I spoke English.  
6. It's not that I don't like him - on the ________ (相反), he seems very pleasant.  
7. My thoughts ________ (漫游) from the exam questions to my interview the next day.  
8. They are ________ (挣扎) to keep their heads above the water.  
9. They ordered Chinese food, and when it arrived they ate ________ (饥饿地).  
10. She ________ (耽搁) for two hours and missed the train.  


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省模拟题 题型:填空题

1.  Generally, it is good________(礼貌) to shake hands with others.
2.  Drinking alcohol in a restaurant under 16 years old is _______(禁止) in Britain.
3.  As an old saying goes, "Blood is ________(浓的) than water."
4.  When I entered the classroom, the students all looked at me _______.(好奇地)
5. December is the _________(第十二)month of a year.
6. How many _________(德国人) are going to visit their town next month?
7. Thank you for your _______ (邀请) me to your birthday party.
8. Who was in ________(负责) of the class when Mr. Smith was in hospital?
9. Our headmaster told me that meeting was of great          (价值).
10. The new idea was gradually          (认可) by many people.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省模拟题 题型:填空题

1. They come to visit me every ______(周四) without fail.  
2. His heart started to beat _____ (猛烈) when he entered the competition hall.
3. Don't worry. My problems are very _____ (相似) to yours.
4. A good pair of ______(运动鞋) is something that everyone requires.  
5. Can't you see the sign? No hunting is allowed in the _____ (自然保护区).
6. As had been______ (预料), his youngest daughter took over his company.
7. Santa Claus ______ (代表) the spirit of Christmas.
8. They're going to start an ______(高级) course in English at that institute.
9. Coca cola is a household word ______(遍及) the world.
10. The police are ______(呼吁) for information about the incident.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第一节  单词拼写  根据下列各句句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出该单词的正确形式。(共10小题; 每小题1分, 满分10分)

71. France is f          for its wine.

72. How can we d          our homeland if we don’t have an army?

73. Before visiting him, I called him up in a          .

74. No hunting is allowed in the p          .

75. He leaned over and w          something in his ear.

76. How did he           (反应) to the sudden change?

77. The drawers           (滑动)in and out easily.

78. Which country do you           (代表)?

79. He is           (摇摆) his legs on the chair.

80. His style is           (模仿)after Shakespeare.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第一节 单词拼写


71. What's your ________(态度)towards this idea?                       71. ______________

72. On an _      (极端地) cold night, the poor girl froze to death on the street. 72. _____________

73. The complaints from readers are _______(熟悉的)problems in the library services.

                                                                 73. _____________

74. I'm sure you can ________ (讨价还价) here.                          74. _____________

75. My handbag was ________(埋) under a pile of old newspapers.           75. _____________

