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4.Poor workingconditions lead to unproductive employees.(condition)

分析 恶劣的工作环境会造成没有(工作)效果的员工.

解答 答案:conditions

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Aluminum isn't found free in nature,owing to its always ______ with other elements,most commonly with oxygen. (  )
A.being combinedB.having combinedC.combineD.combined


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.In the fall of 1985,1 was a bright-eyed girl heading to Howard University,aiming at a legal career and dreaming of sitting on a Supreme Court bench somewhere.Twenty-one years later I am still a bright-eyed dreamer and one with quite a different tale to tell.
  My grandma,an amazing woman,graduated from college at the age of 65.She was the first in our family to reach that goal.But one year after I started college,she developed cancer.I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for her.It meant that school and my personal dream would have to wait.
  Then I got married with another dream:building my family with a combination of adopted and biological children.In 1999,wc adopted our first son.To lay eyes on him was fantastic-and very emotional.A year later came our second adopted boy.Then followed son No.3.In 2003,1 gave birth to another boy.
You can imagine how fully occupied I became,raising four boys under the age of 8.Our home was a complete zoo-a joyous zoo.Not surprising,I never did make it back to college full-time.But I never gave up on the dream either.I had only one choice:to find a way.That meant taking as few as one class each semester.
  The hardest part was feeling guilty about the time I spent away from the boys.They often wanted me to stay home with them.There certainly were times I wanted to quit,but I knew I should set an example for them to follow through the rest of their lives.
  In 2007,1 graduated from the University of North Carolina.It took me over 21 years to get my college degree!
  I am not special,just single-minded.It always struck me that when you're looking at a big challenge from the outside it looks huge,but when you're in the midst of it,it just seems normal.Everything you want won*t arrive in your life on one day.It's a process.Remember:little steps add up to big dreams.

46.When the author went to Howard University,her dream was to beB.
A.a writer                               
B.a judge
C.a teacher                             
D.a doctor
47.Why did the author quit school in her second year of college?D
A.She wanted to study by herself.
B.She fell in love and got married.
C.She suffered from a serious illness.   
D.She decided to look after her grandma.
48.What can we learn about the author from Paragraphs 4 and 5?C
A.She ignored her guilty feeling for her sons.
B.She wanted to remain a full-time housewife.
C.She was busy yet happy with her family life.
D.She was too confused to make a correct choice.
49.What does the author mostly want to tell us in the last paragraph?A
A.Little by little,one goes far.
B.Failure is the mother of success.
C.Every coin has two sides.
D.Well begun,half done.
50.Which of the following can best describe the author?D
A.Innocent and single-minded.
B.Honest and responsible.
C.Ambitious and sensitive.
D.Caring and determined.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

In theabsenceof experience,he finds it quite difficulttofititwith the new job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Every person hopes they willlead a happylife in the future.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.We'll have to work two more hours a dayto complete the project as planned.(complete)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

16.It's natural to greet friends with a smile and a wave.(16)D But what happens if your face and body send mixed messages?Would someone be more likely to believe the look on your face or the way you hold your body?
Scientists have recently tackled these questions.They found that when a person is looking at your face,she might not believe what she sees if your body language doesn't match the feeling that your face shows.
(17)A Previously,they had found that the tone of a person's voice can be more important than the words that are spoken.For example,most people tend not to believe a person who says in a flat voice,"I'm so excited."
When it came to emotions conveyed by facial expressions and body language,most scientists suspected that the face was more important.To test if this was true,psychologists from the Netherlands and Boston showed people a number of pictures of isolated(孤立的)faces and isolated bodies (with faces blurred out(模糊的)) that showed anger or fear.(18)F
An angry face had low eyebrows and tight lips.A scared face had high eyebrow and a slightly open mouth.(19)E A scared body had arms forward and shoulders square,as if ready to defend.
These results told the researchers that mixed signals can confuse people.Even when people pay attention to the face,body language subtly(微妙地) influences which emotion they read.
(20)C If you want to be understood,it helps to avoid sending mixed messages.

A.Studying such mixed messages is nothing new for scientists.
B.Scientists feel new to study the mixed message that confuses people.
C.So,your body language is important for telling people how you feel.
D.When you do this,your face and body work together to show your friends that you're happy to see them.
E.An angry body had arms back and shoulders at an angle,as if ready to fight.
F.They also showed pictures in which angry or scared faces were paired with angry or scared bodies
G.Body language can sometimes be misunderstood in different culture backgrounds.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.In the clinic(诊所),I asked if Michael could be retested,so the specialist tested him again.To my(61)disappointment(disappoint),it was the same score.
Later that evening,I tearfully told Frank(62)whatI had learned that day.After talking it over,we agreed that we knew our son much(63)better(good) than the IQ test.We decided that Michael's score must have been(64)amistake and we should treat him naturally as usual.
We moved to Indiana in 1962,and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year.He got good(65)grades(grade) in the school,especially in biology and chemistry,which was a great comfort.
Michael entered Indiana University the 1965 as a pre-medical student,soon afterwards,his teachers permitted him(66)to take(take) more courses than required.In 1968,he(67)was accepted(accept) by the School of Medicine,Yale University.
(68)Interestingly(interest),Michael then asked for another IQ test.We went to the same clinic,(69)wherehe had received the test eighteen years before.This time Michael scored 126,an increase of 3 6 points.A result like(70)thatwas supposed to be impossible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.He was very attentive with his headburied(埋头) in a newspaper.

