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________it in the flesh, I would never have known the drought in southwest China is so serious and people are suffering so much.

       A.Had I not seen         B.If I did not see

       C.Should I not see             D.Were I not seen


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Remembering your dreams will require some efforts on your part. But what your dreams can offer and tell you about yourself will be well worth   it.  Here are some tips to help recall your dreams:

1. Before going to bed, keep a clear mind. Tell yourself that “I will remember my dreams when I wake up”. This is actually a proven and effective way to recall your dreams.

2. Have a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Make this your routine. Going to bed and waking up at a regular time every day could aid in dream recollection.

3. Avoid alcohol consumption and taking medicine before going to bed. These things may prevent you from remembering your dreams.

4. Keep a pencil and a notebook next to your bed so that they will be within reach as soon as you wake up. Having a small lamp by your bedside is also a good idea, so you wake up in the middle of the night and can record your dreams immediately.

5. Do not get out of bed immediately. Upon waking from a dream, lie still in your bed, keeping your eyes closed and moving as little as possible. Let your mind wander among the images of what you have just dreamed.

6. Write down as many details in your dreams as you can, no matter how seemingly unimportant they may be. Do not judge the content or worry if they make sense.

7. Sometimes it may help to draw pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words, as the saying goes. Even if you are not an artist, a simple drawing can help to recall details of your dreams.

This passage tells you ______ . .w.^w.k.&s.5*u.c.#om.

A. some useful tips to recall your dreams         B. the way to recall your dreams

C. the reason to remember dreams              D. many details in your dreams

Which of the following ways may NOT be useful for recalling dreams?

A. Avoiding taking alcohol and medicine.   B. Not getting out of bed immediately.

C. Drinking a cup of hot milk.            D. Writing down as many details as possible.

What does the underlined “it” in the first paragraph mean? ______   

A. Remembering your dreams.               

B. Some tips to help recall your dreams.

C. Your making efforts to remember your dreams.

D. What your dreams can offer and tell you about yourself.

The author uses the saying “A  picture is worth a thousand words” to_______.

A. show that a picture is better than words

B. say a picture is equal to thousands of words

C. prove that it’s more important to draw pictures than to speak

D. indicate drawing pictures really helps to recall dreams


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年河南六市高三第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

One morning, my son, Chilly, found a carpenterworm(毛毛虫) unexpectedly and put it in a jar. Each day he couldn’t   36   to visit the little guest. Few weeks later we discovered it   37   in a cocoon (茧).

Chilly surely knew a moth (蛾) or butterfly was about to be   38  . He was   39   to know what gift nature was about to give him. Gradually we found it half transparent and we could   40   the wings of the unborn. Soon, a moth broke free, and then   41   eggs, completing its life cycle.

The next day, I   42   Chilly it was time to set it free. He took it   43   and opened the jar. It circled the yard twice, came back, and   44   on Chilly’s arm. He picked it up and threw it in the air. The moth repeated its    45   pattern. He tried over and over, but each time it would   46   to his arm so that Chilly had to give up.

 The next day he attempted to set it free again, and after a few repetitions the moth finally  47   into the grass.

Like a   48  , I believe the moth was afraid to   49   what it was comfortable with. It wanted to stay with something    50  , scared to move on and experience something unknown.

I was once that little moth. My cocoon was my mother’s   51  , in which I was comfortable, and hated to fly too far away from it. I was   52   when my first job required me to move to a new city. Humans are creatures of   53  . We resist change. However, if I hadn’t moved, I would not have experienced many   54   and wonderful things or met many of my friends. So each move gave me the   55   to learn and experience, but best of all, I met friends.

1.A. help                               B. leave                              C. stop                         D. wait

2. A. stuck                   B. wrapped                          C. developed                       D. protected

3.A. born                              B. changed                  C. raised                      D. created

4.A. upset                             B. content                           C. lucky                        D. curious

5.A. count                            B. feel                                   C. identify                             D. imagine

6.A. laid                     B. lay                           C. put                         D. placed

7.A. confirmed              B. convinced               C. concluded              D. contacted

8.A. back                              B. down                                C. aside                        D. outside

9.A. kept                    B. dropped                  C. landed                  D. lived

10.A. game                           B. flight                               C. adventure                      D. communication

11.A. return                         B. cater                                C. turn                         D. stick

12.A. walked  away       B. ran out                         C. fell down                D. flew off

13.A. moth                           B. butterfly                         C. human                   D. pet

14.A. leave                 B. stay                      C. move             D. forget

15.A. friendly                      B. similar                             C. pleasant                  D. familiar

16.A.  instruction                B. love                      C. requirement                   D. expectation

17.A. excited                       B. crazy                        C. afraid                       D. annoyed

18.A. community           B. habit                         C. conscience                      D. ambition

19. A. odd                           B. funny                                C. new                                   D. vital

20.A. courage                      B. pleasure                 C. ability                                D. purpose



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山西大同实验中学高一下期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Today, when a man steps on to the moon, or something new and important happens, the world learns about it immediately. What did the newspapers say about that first flight in 1903? Strangely enough, they said hardly anything about it at all. There are only a few reports about it in the papers. These reports said very little. Some of the things they said were not even correct.

In 1904 the Wrights built a second machine. They called it “Flyer No. Two”. They invited some reporters to a field near Dayton to watch them fly. Unfortunately, there was some mechanical(机械的) trouble with the plane and it did not fly at all that day. The newspapermen went away. They were disappointed and did not come back. The Wrights went on with their work. In 1905, they built an even better machine, “Flyer No Three”. They were able to stay upon the air for half an hour and more in the machine. Farmers and travelers on the road around the Dayton often saw them flying, but when three people told newspapermen about it, they refused to believe them.

The Wrights offered “Flyer No. Three” to the United States government. The government was not interested. They seemed to think the Wrights wanted money in order to build a plane. They did not understand the Wrights had already done this, and flown it as well. Experts were still saying that mechanical flight was impossible. At the end of 1905, the two brothers took their planes to pieces. The parts were put into a huge wooden box. It seemed nobody was interested.

1.The reporters were disappointed in 1904 because________.

A.the Wrights did not invite them

B.the plane could not stay long in the air

C.the plane did not fly at all that day

D.they had wanted to see a better machine

2.The U.S. government could not understand that________.

A.the Wrights had already built a machine that could fly

B.experts still thought flight was impossible

C.the Wrights wanted more money to build an airplane

D.“Flyer No. Three” was now in a wooden case

3.The Wrights took their plane to pieces because________.

A.they planned to go to Europe

B.nobody was interested

C.the government didn't give them any money

D.the newspapermen didn't report their flights

4.What does the underlined word “Flyer” mean?

A.Pilot.             B.Drive.            C.Plane.            D.Kite.

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Today, people are very interested in new things.

B.People in the past talked little about new things.

C.Reporters are now as interested in new happening as in the past.

D.People in the past even told each other wrong things.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽无为开城中学高一下学期第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Her frozen fingers touched the flame trying to feel alive. She could feel the warmth but it was a cold heat, as if the candle was rejecting her.

Her arms turned red because of the cold, her short sleeved shirt not giving her enough warmth. The winter air grabbed(抓住) at her arms, causing her pain, but she didn’t mind. She knew she should put her jacket on, it was winter in Connecticut, but that would be giving up. Up here, in this tree she felt safe.

She looked at the candle, surrounded by hardening wax(蜡). She placed her fingers gently on the warm green wax. This candle was a reminder of her life inside that house, a life she would have to return to eventually.

As a child, she had gotten this candle. She spent all she had on it. The beautiful crystal box (水晶盒)had caught her eye. Five whole nickels(五分币) had brought her that candle.

She gave it to her mother for Mother’s Day. Her mother had managed a smile and put it on a shelf. “It’s very pretty, honey! I will put it right here.” Since then that candle had never been moved, never been lighted, sitting dusty on a cluttered shelf that no one could see. Later on, her parents got divorced.

By now the candle was colder than the air and the darkness was complete. The snow on the ground made the night lighter and less satisfying than it had been before the first snowfall. She liked the darkness because she felt safe in it. From the glances of her friends who liked the girl she used to be. From the boys who could never figure out who she was. From her guidance counselor(顾问) whose endless worried looks never made her feel any better.

No one was outside at this time of night. She was alone in the world, just how she liked it. Just as she was about to lean back against the branch, she heard a sound.

She heard footsteps breaking the ice in the snow, heading toward her. He was making his way toward the white fence at the edge of the building, right against the road. Normally she would have ignored this person and stayed on her branch faraway from human contact, but this figure had something with him. He trudged(吃力地走) toward the white fence carrying a case. The figure reached the fence, opened the case and took out a shiny object.

She took her eyes off this figure only long enough to climb down the tree to get a better view of him. She reached the bottom and saw that the person had turned to face the street, sitting on the white fence that she and her friends once sat on. She stepped carefully on the ice, making her way toward him.

And then a beautiful sound of music came from the shiny object. She stopped and listened to it. She started walking towards the guy again. Just as she was about to step onto the snow banks, she slipped on the ice crashing to the ground. The figure turned around in surprise and a sudden recognition fell upon them both.

1.The girl was hiding in the tree at deep night to ______.

A.keep herself from the cold                B.wait for the boy to come

C.want to be left alone                     D.seek safety from any hurt

2.From the story, we can learn that ______.

A.the girl suffered a lot in her life

B.the girl’s parents divorced because of her

C.teachers and friends treated the girl badly

D.the girl used to stay in the tree when feeling sad

3.The underlined word “it” in the story refers to ______.

A.leaning back against the branch            B.being alone in the world

C.not being disturbed at night               D.it being dark with snow around

4.From the end of the story, it can be known that the girl _______.

A.knew the person                        B.knew what the object was

C.realized her wishes                      D.would never feel alone any more



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省漳州市高三七校第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

While she may be best known for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films,Emma Watson would rather be known for something else—her mind.

The 18­year­old British actress intends to put her acting career on hold to pursue higher studies at a university after she finished filming the final installment,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Watson,whose parents are both Oxford graduates,recently scored straight A's in her A­levels. She is now on a gap year before starting university.

Earlier this month,Watson applied to two of the top universities in the United States—Harvard and Yale. She admitted that Harry Potter series has brought her fame and financial security(经济保障).She has made more than £ 10 million so far,but now she “has a need to study”.

“I think the entertainment business is such a temperamental one. One minute you're up there and the next—nothing,”she said.

Watson is growing up in front of millions of viewers(观众).She was only nine years old when she started playing the role of Hermione. And the way she figured out how to deal with media attention is “try not to read too much of what is said and try to distance myself a bit from it”.

Watson has other interests. These include,interestingly,fishing and she has helped raise money for the Wild Trout(鳟鱼)Trust.

1.Which of the following topics is not mentioned in the passage?

A.Watson's interests.                      B.Watson's intention.

C.Watson's success.                       D.Watson's worries.

2.The underlined word “temperamental” in the fifth paragraph means ________.

A.difficult           B.different          C.changeable        D.practical

3.The underlined word “it” in the sixth paragraph refers to ________.

A.reading           B.media attention     C.playing the role of Hermione   D.the viewer

4.From the passage we may infer that ________.

A.Watson doesn't want to continue her acting

B.Watson felt very proud of being known as Hermione Granger

C.Watson hasn't read too much so far

D.Watson was born in a well­educated family


