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Such a businessman ________ honest, he gets his money by dishonest ways.

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A.can't be
B.can't have been
C.mustn't be
D.may not be

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. She ___1___ John very much. In her ___2___ he couldn’t do anything ___3___. Every morning she would give him breakfast ___4___ bed and bring him the papers to ___5___. It isn’t really true that he was too ___6___ to work ?in fact he had tried a few ___7___. First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to ___8___ at least six windows. Then he ___9___ a bus conductor and on his second ___10___ a passenger stole his bag with all the fares(车费) collected. He ___11___ lost his job as a postman ___12___ he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people’s houses. It seemed that there was ___13___ suitable work for him. So he ___14___ to join the army. Mrs. Fant was so ___15___ about this that she told the ___16___ to all her neighbours. “My John is going to be a soldier,” she said, 揾e is going to be the best soldier there ___17___ was, I can tell you!?

Then the great day came ___18___ he was to march past the palace in the parade(接受检阅的队伍). His ___19___ mother travelled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good ___20___ in the crowd.

The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his ___21___ came in sight some of the people watching ___22___ laughing at the one who couldn’t keep pace with the others as they marched along.

But Ella Fant, who was filled with ___23___, shouted at the top of her voice: 揕ook at ___24___!They’re all out of ___25___ except my John! Isn’t he the best! ?

1. A. depended on  B. waited on   C. trusted       D. loved

2. A. hope      B. eyes    C. head   D. beliefs

3. A. wrong    B. great   C. good   D. strange

4. A. to   B. at       C. in       D. by

5. A. check     B. read    C. keep   D. sign

6. A. lazy       B. young C. weak   D. shy

7. A. ones       B. years   C. tasks   D. jobs

8. A. rub B. drop   C. break  D. clean

9. A. followed       B. met     C. became      D. found

10. A. day      B. try      C. route   D. chance

11. A. thus      B. even   C. once   D. only

12. A. even if B. so that C. because      D. though

13. A. some    B. such    C. less     D. no

14. A. began   B. promised    C. managed    D. decided

15. A. excited B. worried      C. anxious      D. curious

16. A. incident       B. change       C. news   D. matter

17. A. yet       B. even   C. never  D. just

18. A. where   B. since   C. when  D. till

19. A. proud   B. kind    C. strict   D. lucky

20. A. time     B. position      C. experience  D. impression

21. A. neighbours   B. army officer      C. mother       D. fellow soldiers

22. A. couldn’t help      B. shouldn’t burst out    C. stopped      D. kept

23. A. sadness B. happiness   C. surprise      D. regret

24. A. them    B. those   C. that     D. him

25. A. sight    B. order  C. mind   D. step


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省尤溪一中2009-2010学年高一上学期半期考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

A   37   thing happened   38   me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day __39_ I drove to go for a look in the country.
On the way back home, my   40   stopped. It was out of gas on a   41   road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone   42  could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile   43  I finally found a house near the __44__. I was glad to see it because it was getting dark.
I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair __45_. She said, “I’ve been __46__ for you here for a long time. Come in.   47   is almost ready.”
“But I only came for some gas,” I answered. I couldn’t   48   what she was talking about.
“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You   49  tea,” said she.
I quickly   50  that my car was out of   51  , but she didn’t seem to listen to me. She just kept   52  me Alfred and talking about how long it had been   53   she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I   54  .
Fortunately, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my   55 , he said, “Oh, that’s Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. She’s strange, but she wouldn’t   56  anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and never came back because of the war.”
37. A. happy   B. strange       C. common     D. bad
38. A. on B. in       C. upon   D. to
39. A. and      B. so       C. but     D. that
40. A. car       B. bus     C. bike    D. truck
41. A. narrow B. lonely C. crowded     D. busy
42. A. what     B. whom C. who    D. how
43. A. before  B. after   C. while  D. as
44. A. street    B. path    C. way    D. road
45. A. came    B. answered    C. opened       D. appeared
46. A. asking  B. looking      C. calling       D. waiting
47. A. Gas      B. Coffee       C. Tea     D. Lunch
48. A. consider       B. understand  C. accept D. think
49. A. like      B. love    C. used to like D. liking
50. A. answered     B. explained   C. refused       D. promised
51. A. gas       B. tea      C. strength      D. energy
52. A. calling  B. call     C. to call D. called
53. A. until     B. before C. since   D. when
54. A.could     B.can      C. would D. wanted
55. A. accident       B. incident      C. experience  D. surprise
56. A.hit  B. injury C. hurt    D. frighten


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年黑龙江省哈三中高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It’s really true what people say about English politeness: it’s everywhere. When squeezing past someone in a narrow aisle, people say “sorry”. When getting off a bus, English passengers say “thank you” rather than the driver. In Germany, people would never dream of doing these things. After all, squeezing past others is sometimes unavoidable, and the bus driver is only doing his job. I used to think the same way, without questioning it, until I started traveling to the British Isles and came to appreciate some more polite ways of interacting (交往) with people.
People thank each other everywhere in England, all the time. When people buy something in a shop, customers and retail assistants in most cases thank each other twice or more. In Germany, it would be exceptional to hear more than one “thank you” in such a conversation. British students thank their lecturers when leaving the room. English employers thank their employees for doing their jobs, as opposite to Germans, who would normally think that paying their workers money is already enough.
Another thing I observed during my stay was that English people rarely criticize others. Even when I was working and mistakes were pointed out to me, my employers emphasized (强调) several times that none of their words were intended as criticism. It has been my impression that by avoiding criticism, English people are making an effort to make others feel comfortable. This is also shown in other ways. British men still open doors for women, and British men are more likely to treat women to a meal than German men. However, I do need to point out here that this applies to English men a bit more than it would to Scottish men! Yes, the latter (后者) are a bit tightfisted.
【小题1】What is the author’s attitude towards English politeness?

A.He appreciatesit.B.He gives no personal opinion.
C.He thinks it is unnecessary.D.He thinks it goes too far.
【小题2】 What can we learn about customers and retail assistants in Germany?
A.A customer never says thank you to a retail assistant.
B.They may say thank you only once.
C.It’s always a retail assistant who says thank you.
D.They always say thank you to each other.
【小题3】We can learn from the last paragraph that Scottish men __________.
A.are not so willing to spend money for women
B.are more polite than English men
C.treat women in an impolite way
D.are more likely to be involved in a fighting
【小题4】The author develops the text through the method of ____________.
A.giving reasonsB.telling storiesC.giving commentsD.making comparisons


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省阜阳一中09-10学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

第三部分: 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)。
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。         A
Do you enjoy reading? Do you read newspapers or magazines? Chances are, if you do any of these activities, your pre-school child is on his way to becoming a reader.
The process of learning to read is complex, and one of the most important things to know is that parents can help their children learn to read. As children have conversations with adults, they hear both new and familiar words and their vocabulary grows.
There are many opportunities for adults and children to talk together, such as when riding in the car or in a bus, doing housework like fixing dinner, or bathing and getting ready for bed. A major part of conversation is listening. When children talk, adults listen and respond. Then children listen and respond, and so the flow of conversation happens.
Have you watched you pre-school child pretend to read to his younger sisters or brothers? Have you read his favorite story over and over? These experiences tell children that reading is fun. And when things are fun and they are repeated, your child will see letters. He begins to connect them to familiar words, especially the letters that make up his name. A natural next step for him to take is to write the letters.
When children see parents make a grocery list, they want to use a pencil and paper to make their own list. To encourage these beginning writing activities, have pencils, markers, crayons and scrap paper within your children’s reach.
The more children get connected with talking, listening, reading and writing, the easier it is for them to become active readers. While you as a parent have a big influence on these early behaviors, it is important to remember that opportunities for literacy experiences happen when you and your child share in the basic routines(日常生活)of everyday life.
56. The third paragraph tells us that parents can talk with their children__________.
A. during daily routines          B. only in quiet places
C. in their spare time           D. when they are eager to walk
57. During the process of learning to read, children may _________.
A .copy the action of the adults.
B. prefer to talk with those of their own age.
C. keep their interest in reading all the time.
D. waste a lot of paper and other materials.
58. When do children want to learn to write?
A. When their parents ask them to do so.
B. When they believe they can write well.
C. When they remember what their parents taught them.
D. When they can connect letters with familiar words.
59. The passage is written to _____________.
A. talk about parents’ influence on their children’s behavior
B. encourage parents to set a good example to their children
C. advise parents to make reading a part of their children’s daily life
D. make parents believe in the importance of early reading


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届湖南省华容县高二上学期期末考试英语试题(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


In the United States, train transportation is unpopular compared with cars and airplanes. Most people like traveling by car or by air.

Officials of the United States Department of Transportation made a study in 2001. The study is about how many miles Americans traveled by different means of transportation. They only studied trips longer than 50 miles. The study showed that fifty-six percent of all miles were traveled in personal vehicle. Forty-one percent were traveled in an airplane. Two percent were traveled in a bus. And less than one percent of miles were traveled in a train.

Amtrak is the national provider of train transportation in the United States. In the past ten years, the number of its passengers has increased by eighteen percent. Although the number of passengers has increased, it is still very small now. In countries such as France, Germany, or Japan, more people use trains.

There are several reasons why many people __________________________.

Firstly, Americans love to drive their own cars. On highways, cars can travel as fast as trains. These highways connect all major cities in America.Secondly, many travelers like to be independent. When they use their own cars they can decide when to travel. Thirdly, many buses travel between major cities. Bus travel is less costly than train travel.

In a huge country like the United States, cities are far away from each other. In some cases, travel from one city to another by train may take more than a day. Airplanes can carry passengers over long distances much faster. People who do not want to spend long time traveling by train decide to fly. For these people saving time is the most important thing.

1.What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)

2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

It’s convenient for people to decide the start-off time when they travel in their own cars.

3.Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.( Please answer within 10 words.)

4.What means of transportation do you like best when traveling, trains, cars, or planes? Why? (Please answer within 30 words)

5.Translate the underlined sentences in the last paragraph into Chinese.


