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--- I found it no use arguing with him.

--- ____________. He is always stubborn.

   A. How come B. I couldn’t be more sure

C. It’s a deal      D. That depends


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省临海市白云中学2009-2010学年度高一第二学期第一次月考 题型:阅读理解

I was walking along Orchard Road when I realized a tall young man wearing a jacket and tie was following me. I noticed him because not many people wear a jacket and tie in the middle of a hot summer day, and I had already seen this man four times that afternoon.
To make sure he was following me, I walked on quickly, turned right into a shopping center and then stopped to look in a shop window. Soon the man appeared and stopped at another shop window. I walked on and stopped several times. When I stopped, he stopped too.
I began to be rather worried and decided to try to lose this strange man. When I saw a taxi coming, I jumped into it. As I was telling the taxi driver where to go, I found the man get into another taxi, which then followed mine. As the two taxies slowly made their way along Orchard Road, I looked back at the taxi behind, and saw that the stranger was looking out at me. At MRT station, I told the taxi driver to stop and I got out. As I was paying my fare, I saw the man was getting out of his taxi.
By now I got angry, so I turned and walked straight to him. I asked him why he was following me.  At first he said he was not following me at all, but when I threatened(威胁) to call the police, he admitted he was. He then told me that he was a news reporter and that he was writing an article on how elderly people in Singapore spend their time. He said he was observing me to gather materials for his article. 
46. What is strange about the man who followed the writer?
A. He seemed to be wearing too much.           B. He was out on such a hot day.
C. He walked quickly behind.                      D. He was a tall young man.
47. What did the stranger do when the writer jumped into a taxi?
A. He got into another taxi.                         B. He tried to stop the taxi.
C. He almost gave up following him.             D. He made his way along Orchard Road.
48. How did the writer have the stranger admit(承认) he was following him?
A. He threatened to take him to the police.            B. He called the police.
C. He said he would call the police.                             D. He talked to the police.
49. Why did the stranger follow the writer?
A. He was interested in elderly people.                  B. He often does such things.
C. He was writing a book about young people.          D. He needed materials for his article.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年河北省保定三中高一3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It was graduation day at the university where I work and a beautiful day quite unlike the first graduation I attended as a young professor. On that cold day years ago, as we watched the students walking into the hall, one of my colleagues(同事)turned to me and said, “Graduation will be one of the happiest and one of the saddest time of your life.” At my request, he answered, “Because the students you have got to know have to leave.”
As years went by, my previous confusion about my colleague’s words no longer existed. When I came across naughty students, I had to rethink why I chose to be a teacher. It obviously isn’t the money. Once a former computer science student of mine called me, asking me if I wanted to have a change. He was working at Nintendo Corporation. His salary was higher than my present one, though I have more education and have worked for over 10 years. With my programming skills, he said he could get me hired, I thanked him, but refused his kind offer.
A few days before this graduation, while working on final grades, I found a note a student had slipped in with her homework. She thanked me for being her teacher and said the things she had learned in my class – not about math, but about life – would be things she would remember long after the math skills had faded away. As I finished reading, I remembered why I had become a teacher.
Now, on this sunny graduation day, as I again observed the sea of blue hats and gowns, I did so with a deeper sense of satisfaction – I will always be grateful that I am a teacher.
【小题1】Hearing his colleague’s description of graduation for the first time, the author ______.

A.quite agreed with his colleagueB.was very puzzled
C.thought it very funnyD.was very sad
【小题2】The computer science student called the author because he ______.
A.wanted to inform the author of his present job
B.wanted the author to share his joy and satisfaction
C.tried to persuade the author to work with him
D.thought the author wasn’t fit to be a teacher
【小题3】The underlined phrase blue hats and gowns refers to ______.
A.the new graduatesB.the university colleagues
C.life memoriesD.decorations in the hall
【小题4】We can learn from the text that the author ______.
A.was only a young professor
B.didn’t do well in his work
C.taught his students more about life than math
D.was content with the job as a teacher


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省瑞安中学高三5月适应性考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Today I was at the mall waiting for friends, when a lady wearing a knit hat and a sweater came up to me and, shivering, said, “I’m homeless. Would you mind buying me some food?”
In that split second, everything I’d learned since kindergarten flashed through my mind. Don’t talk to strangers … Be a good citizen … People will take ­advantage of you … Treat others as you wish to be treated … The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return … I guess love won the debate. “Sure,” I said. “What would you like?”
She thought and then said, “I’d like to get Chinese food.” We headed upstairs. On the way she told me about when she was a teenager. She remembers taking pictures for the yearbook with her best friend. She was in the band and played basketball. She got good grades and was a good student.
She ordered soup, an egg roll, white rice, and pepper chicken. I would normally think that was a lot, but she had probably barely eaten in the last few days. I got my usual – lo mein and General Tso’s chicken.
As we ate, we got to know each other. She asked if I played any instruments. I replied that I played the violin, cello, and guitar. She told me she played the flute, piano, guitar, and violin. In the middle of our meal, I realized something. And she thought of it at exactly the same time.
“So, what’s your name?” she asked.
“I’m Claire,” I said, startled at our exact same thought. “What’s yours?”
“Joyce,” she said with a smile.
We continued talking, and she asked my favorite subjects in school and if I wanted to go to college. “Hopefully,” I replied. “I’m interested in nursing.”
“I went to college for nursing,” she said.
I was taken aback. How could we have so much in common? Was she pretending so I’d feel sympathy for her? But her eyes were genuine as she said this.
Meanwhile I was eating my lo mein, picking around the cabbage and the other vegetables. Joyce said, “If you don’t like it you can take it back.” I told her that I liked it, but was not fond of the vegetables. She broke into a big grin. “You don’t like vegetables, huh? Neither did I. But now I do.” I immediately felt guilty. How could I be picking at my food across from someone who barely gets to eat at all?
I tried my best to finish, but she seemed to sense my guilt and said, “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want it.” How could she know what I was feeling? I told her the dish was my favorite, but I just eat slowly.
She replied, “I used to like lo mein, but pepper chicken was my dad’s favorite, so I get that now.” Noticing that she used the word “was,” I assumed her dad had passed away. I found it sweet that she gave up her favorite in order to honor her dad.
She asked why I was at the mall.
“I’m waiting for friends. We’re going to see ‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,’” I replied, stumbling over the words a bit.
“‘The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,’” she echoed in awe. “What’s that about?” I realized that she didn’t see commercials for movies.
I explained the basic plot and she chuckled. “A man who is born 80 years old and ages backwards! That sounds interesting.”
She got up to get a to-go box. “Would you like one?” she asked, but I refused. I realized that this food would probably last her for a few days, and I was glad she had ordered a lot.
“Would you like these?” I asked, gesturing at the food I had left untouched. “Oh, no, thank you,” she said. “This is enough.” I got up to throw my tray away, feeling guilty about wasting so much.
“I need to meet my friends now,” I explained. “It was so nice to meet you, Joyce.”
“You too, Claire,” she replied with a smile. “Thank you.”
I headed to the theater, and she went back downstairs. It sounds like a perfect coincidence, but I can’t help but think that some force compelled us to meet. I kept puzzling, Why is Joyce homeless? It seems so unfair. She shouldn’t need people to buy her dinner. She was a nurse. She got good grades. She took pictures for her yearbook. She was the person I hope to be in the future. What went wrong? How could such a good life be rewarded with horrible luck?
I feel lucky to have run into Joyce. She changed my outlook. She is still a wonderful person, despite what the world has done to her. I wish her the best, and can only hope that the force that brought us together will help her find what she deserves in life.
【小题1】From the second paragraph we know that the writer _________.

A.debated with the girl over moral issues
B.hates having to make a quick decision
C.hesitated before she decided to reach out
D.fell in love with the girl at the first sight
【小题2】The writer felt guilty for a moment because ________.
A.she was particular about food and also wasted so much
B.she was a strict vegetarian who ate very little
C.she didn’t order enough food for the girl
D.she urged the girl to take her share of food
【小题3】Why did Joyce end up unemployed and homeless?
A.She was a victim of high education
B.She actually had some kind of mental disorder
C.She graduated with average grades
D.The reason is not yet given.
【小题4】Which detail doesn’t show the coincidence in the story?
A.They both took interest in nursing.
B.They were about to ask names of each other at the same time.
C.When Claire headed to the theater, Joyce went back downstairs.
D.They were both musical lovers.
【小题5】The writer was very happy to have met Joyce because______.
A.she didn’t know what she was going to be until then.
B.this chance meeting changed her attitudes towards life in a way.
C.she was glad to be able to pay for someone in need.
D.hopefully the force that brought them together may bring good luck to Joyce.
【小题6】The passage is intended to _______.
A.arouse readers’ curiosity
B.explore social problems
C.teach readers a lesson
D.share a sweet personal story


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省湖州市菱湖中学高三上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

阅读下列材料, 并从所给的六个选项(A、B、C、D、E、F)中选出符合各小题要求的最佳选项并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。
The people below traveled abroad. Read the following stories and decide what problem each traveler experienced while traveling.
【小题1】_______ David got lost in an isolated place. To make matters worse, he had an accident and couldn’t walk freely. So he was in great need of timely help.
【小题2】_______ Paul had to buy a hamburger and ate it in the park instead of eating his mother’s delicious chicken, with which he couldn’t go through the customs(海关).
【小题3】_______ Ann was stopped at the customs because she was carrying drugs without a doctor’s prescription. How regretted she was not to have done that!
【小题4】_______ Sally offended some of the people in the town she was visiting by wearing inappropriate clothes. She should have found out about local customs and followed them.
【小题5】_______ Jack didn’t obtain a transit card when he changed planes at an airport, which made him very worried. There was no doubt that he was not allowed to get on board.

A.My mother was worried about me. She cooked me all my favourite dishes and put them into a box to take with me on my journey. But the customs officer inspected all the plant and animal products at the airport. Unfortunately it was illegal for me to bring into the country the kind of food my mother had given me and so it all had to be thrown away.
B.It was very hot so I put on some shorts and a T-shirt to go sightseeing. I hadn’t gone very far when I found everyone was looking at me, and they didn’t seem friendly to me. One woman even spat on me as I walked past. I decided to get off the crowded streets and so I turned down a small, quiet street.
C.During the four-day walking tour, I was amazed by mountain scenery and the ancient ruins we passed on our hike. On the last day, we arrived at the ruins of Machu Picchu in time to see the sunrise over the Andes. I spent the day visiting the ruins of that ancient Inca city before catching the train back to the capital city of the country.
D.When I got off the plane at the first airport, I saw someone handing out cards to some of the passengers, but I didn’t know what they were for, so I didn’t take one. When I tried to board the second plane they asked for my transit card, which I didn’t have. I was worried they were going to send me back to London.
E.I had been walking for about an hour when suddenly I slipped and fell down a riverbank. I hurt my ankle and couldn’t stand up. I didn’t know how I could get back to the village. I hadn’t told anyone where I was going, so no one would know where to look for me when they realized I was missing.
F.When I arrived at my destination, a customs officer at the airport looked in my bag and found the pills in a small box. He wanted to know what the pills were for and why they weren’t in their proper bottle with my name and the doctor’s name on it. I explained that the bottle had been too big and heavy. Then he wanted to know if I had a letter from my doctor explaining about the pills.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年福建省高三第六次质检考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The night was dark, though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to be seen in the sky.The poor men held on to any bit of ____ they could find. They called to the Marie for ? ? ? but she was far ? ? ? the reach of the human voice. At one o’clock in the morning suddenly some ? ? ? were seen in the distance: another ship! The shouts of the ? ? ? were heard on board, and willing hands pulled them out of the water. The ? ? ? of the ship that had arrived at the scene ? ? ? to save their lives was Ellen. What had ? ? ? her to the exact spot ? ? ? the darkness and the pathless sea? Her captain had known ? ? ? of the wreck and had, indeed,? ? ? to sail away from it. But let him speak for himself.

? I was forced by the wind to change my course, a small bird flew across the ship once or twice and then flew at my face. I ? of this until exactly the same thing happened a second time, ? caused me to think it rather ? . While I was this ? , the same bird, for the third time, made its appearance and flew ? in the same way as before. I was then ? to change my course back to the original one. I had not gone far ? I heard a strange voice; and when I tried to ? where they came from, I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked. I immediately did my best to save them.”

1.A. land????????????? B. grass????????????? C. hope????????????? D. wood

2.A. food????????????? B. help????????????? C. rest????????????? D. stop

3.A. off????????????? B. out????????????? C. beyond????????????? ????????????? D. from

4.A. people????????????? B. lights????????????? C. ships????????????? D. houses

5.A. sailors????????????? B. captains????????????? C. rescuers????????????? ????????????? D. swimmers

6.A. name????????????? B. owner????????????? C. captain????????????? ????????????? D. finder

7.A. ahead of time????????????? B. at times????????????? C. on time????????????? D. in time

8.A. brought????????????? B. carried????????????? C. kept????????????? D. caused

9.A. in ????????????? B. on ????????????? C. through????????????? ????????????? D. around

10.A. everything B. nothing????????????? C. something????????????? D. Anything

11.A. attempted B. managed????????????? C. allowed????????????? ????????????? D. demanded

12.A. Just as????????????? B. In case????????????? C. Only because????????????? D. Even though

13.A. paid no attention? B. took good care??? C. took no notice????????????? D. kept close watch

14.A. which????????????? B. what????????????? C. that????????????? D. this

15.A. Interesting? B. funny????????????? C. friendly????????????? D. unusual

16.A. searching????????????? B. expecting????????????? C. considering????????????? D. studying

17.A. back????????????? B. about????????????? C. up????????????? D. down

18.A. forced????????????? B. decided????????????? C. persuaded????????????? D. forbidden

19.A. when????????????? B. until????????????? C. then????????????? D. while

20.A. listen to ????????????? B. search for????????????? C. make sure????????????? ????????????? D. look out


