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For the past four years, the Green Festival in Washington, D.C., has brought together people from around the country who are interested in the environmental movement. The groups call the festival "a party with a purpose". They say the purpose of the Green Festival is to create an economy in which natural resources are used in a way that does not destroy the environment. To the people who organize the event, "green" means having a safe and healthy community and a strong local economy.

Throughout the two-day event, over one thousand people volunteered to help the festival run smoothly. Four hundred businesses and organizations showed their products and projects. About three thousand visitors came to the party. They could find everything from naturally made organic food to clothing made from bamboo plants.

There were over one hundred fifty speakers and discussion groups. For example, you could learn how to be an environmentally friendly traveler. You could also watch several movies about political and environmental issues. Then you could listen to some live music performances. After sitting for too long, visitors could take a yoga exercise class. There was even an area for children. Younger visitors could enjoy fun games and lessons on subjects like protecting the rainforest and creating chocolate sweets.

Green building was one of the important subjects at the festival. Many companies and organizations aim to create environmentally safe buildings. They design structures with reduced energy use, fewer chemicals and more recycled materials. The Loading Dock is an organization based in Baltimore, Maryland. Its message is that "a person could build a house with what others throw away". The Loading Dock collects donations of used building materials such as flooring, lighting, doors, and windows. These materials would otherwise end up in a landfill trash center. Then, the group resells the materials. This way, the materials are recycled. This form of recycling provides entire families and neighborhoods with low cost solutions for rebuilding their communities.

Spending a day at the Green Festival showed people many solutions for improving the health of our planet. People have inclusive green choices, from the things people buy to the ways people eat, think, and live. The Green Festival connects a wide community of people who care deeply about, and are working to improve, our shared environment.

1.What is the purpose of the Green Festival?

A. To bring people together.

B. To study the environment.

C. To improve people's health.

D. To develop a green economy.

2.What could younger visitors do in the festival?

A. They could watch some movies about love.

B. They could build a house with their hands.

C. They could play fun games and have lessons.

D. They could taste food made from bamboo plants.

3.The underlined word "inclusive" in the last paragraph probably means___________.

A. wide B. right C. important D. possible


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东省日照市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:填空题


Based on recent researches.distance.1earning is slowly proving as1. (value)as the traditional campus.based form.It is a fixed truth that this form of learning is2.________ the increase.Moreover, both students and teachers have expressed their 3.________ (happy)with these courses.The best part of distance learning courses is their flexible format.Students can continue4. (work)and study at the same time without any kind of difficulty.You will 5. (provide)with the facilities of a virtual(虚拟的)classroom and a virtual campus.Anyone 6. upgrades their professional knowledge to a new level can apply for these courses.With an online study format,the tests and notes can be 7. (access)with just a mouse click from your home computer.However, a student 8. (attend)an online course must take the time management9. (serious).Every online student must keep10. in mind that proper management of time and study schedule is the key towards success in this format.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津六校高三上学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is required that in no case________ our password.

A. we should forget B. should we forget

C. shall we forget D. we shall forget


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届四川双流中学高三2月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Some students who had graduated visited their university professor. The conversation soon turned into1.(complain) about stress in work and life. 2.(offer) his guests coffee, the professor 3.(go) to the kitchen and returned with a pot of coffee and4.variety of cups—porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking, some expensive—telling them to help themselves to the coffee.

It was when all the students had a cup of coffee in hand that he said, “All the nice-looking expensive cups have been taken up,5.(leave) behind the plain and cheap ones. Actually, the cup itself adds no quality 6.the coffee. What all of you really want7.(be) coffee, not the cup. You consciously went for the best cups, and then you began eyeing others’ cups.”

“Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups,8.are just tools to hold and contain life. The type of cup we have does not change the quality of life . If we concentrate only on the cups, we fail 9.(enjoy) the coffee. I10.(true) hope that you will never let the cups drive you enjoy the coffee instead.”


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北京市西城区高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


节日名称:重阳节(Double Ninth Festival)


时 间:每年农历九月初九



参考词汇:阴历lunar year/lunar calendar,花糕:flower cakes

注意:1. 信的开头已为你写好;

2. 词数不少于60。

Dear Mike,

How are you! In your last letter, you asked me about Double Ninth Festival.______





Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北京市西城区高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We ________ a sign at the park entrance to tell people to protect the trees and flowers.

A. put down B. put up C. put away D. put off


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北京市西城区高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I ________ many interesting lectures since I came to this school.

A. attended B. had attended

C. am attending D. have attended


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北永年县第一中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Alex London Research Laboratory (ALRL) is part of Alex Co., Ltd., a major Australian medicine-making company. Opened in 1992, ALRL specialises in the development of new medicines for the treatment of heart diseases.

A position is now open for a Research Operations Manager(ROM) to support our growing research team at the new laboratories in Hatfield,due to open in the autumn of 2010.

Reporting to the Director,you will help set up and run the technical and scientific support services of our new laboratories now under construction.You will be expected to provide expert knowledge about and be in charge of all areas of ALRL’S Health and Safety,and to communicate (沟通)with support employees at ALRL’S laboratories based at University College London.Working closely with scientists and other operations and technical employees,you will manage a small number of research support employees providing services to help with the research activities to be carried out at the new laboratories.

Candidates(申请人) will have experience of both management and research support/technical services.Knowledge of research operations and excellent communication skills are necessary. Education to degree level is also desirable.

If you are interested in this position,please send your CV(简历)to Alex London Research

Laboratory,University College London,Hatfield,London,W1E 6B7 or by email to ALRL@alex.co.uk.

For more Information.please visit www.alex.co.uk.

1.What can be learnt about the new laboratories from the text?

A.They have not yet been set up.

B.They are in Hatfield,Australia.

C.They belong to University College London.

D.They are new workplaces for Australian researchers only.

2.What does the fourth paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The technical skills of a would—be ROM.

B.The practical experience of a would—be ROM.

C.The personal information of a would—be ROM.

D.The necessary requirements for a would—be ROM.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To describe the job of a ROM.

B.To provide information about ALRL.

C.To announce an open position at ALRL.

D.To make known the opening of the new laboratories.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北宜昌葛洲坝中学高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Daniel Devlin lives in the same house 1.his children and sees them every day –– yet he is 2.(able) to recognize them at all. Mr. Devlin, 46, from Nunhead, London, is suffering 3. an illness called prosopagnosia (人面失认症), also 4. (know) as face-blindness, meaning he struggles to recognize faces – even those of his own family.

Mr. Devlin, a painter, 5.(force) to memorize his family’s voices and body language in order to know who they are.6., reading voices and body language doesn’t always work, and he has even mistaken another boy for his son when 7. (pick) his children up from school.

Mr. Devlin said, “ Humans have a special ability to recognize people by seeing their face , but I really don’t have this ability.”

“Maybe a good way to imagine 8.it’s like to have prosopagnosia is to try and recognize people by what their hands look like.”

“If I saw my wife Katarina somewhere unexpectedly and she pretended not to know me, then I’m not sure I would know 9.was her. It often leaves me in some awkward(令人尴尬的) situations, 10. (especial) when I don’t recognize the people that I should know or I think I know the people that I don’t.”.

