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     I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner. The smells of food flew over from the
kitchen. Mother was pulling out quilt after quilt from the boxes,proudly showing me their beauties.She
was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church. When we began to fold and put them back into
the boxes,l noticed something at the bottom of one box. I pulled it out. " What is this?"I asked.
      " Oh? " Mom  said , " That's  Mama's  quilt. "
      I spread the quilt. It looked as if a group of school children had pieced  it  together:irregular designs ,
childish  pictures , a crooked line on the right.
      "Grandmother made this?" I  said, surprised. My grandmother was a master at making quilts. This
certainly didn ' t look like any of the quilts she had made.
      " Yes , right before she died,l brought it home with me last year and made some changes, "she said. "I'm still working on it. See, this is what I' ve done so far. "
       I looked at it more closely. She had made straight a crooked line. At the center of the quilt, she had
stitched(缝) a piece of cloth with these words : "My mother made many quilts. She didn't get all lines
straight. But l think this is beautiful. I want to see it finished. Her last quilt. "
       " Oh, this is so nice, Mom, " I said. It occurred to me that by completing my grandmother' s quilt,
my mother was honoring her own mother. I realized. too, that I held in my hands a family
treasure. It started with the loving hands of one woman, and continued with the loving hands of another.
1. Why did the author go to her mother's home?_________ 
A. To see her mother's quilts.
B. To help prepare for a show.
C. To get together for the family dinner.
D. To discuss her grandmother's life.
2. The author was surprised because__________. 
A. the quilt looked very strange
B. her grandmother liked the quilt
C. the quilt was the best she had seen
D. her mother had made some changes
3. The underlined word "crooked"  in the passage most probably means__________. 
A. unfinished                      
B. broken
C. bent                            
D. unusual
4. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?_________ 
A. A Quilt Show                  
B. Mother's Home
C. A Monday Dinner            
D. Grandmother's Quilt

科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省高考真题 题型:阅读理解

     A wise teacher once told me that every teenager needs to experience a not-so-fun first job from
working at a grocery store to the fast food industry.
     Now I still remember my first day at a fast food restaurant three years ago. I wanted to save up
money and buy my own car, so I applied everywhere I could that summer. The restaurant called me right
away and I thought to myself, this is going to be easy. Within four hours of my first shift (轮班), I had
angry customers who complained how slow I was. I watched in fear as a kid spilled his milk everywhere,
and I heard the words that no 16-year-old boy or anyone for that matter wants to hear:"Mike, there's a
problem in the men's bathroom and you might want gloves for this one." I realized right away that working at the restaurant was not going to be a picnic. The manager expected a clean environment and, particularly, fast service with a friendly smile.
     Over three years later I still work at that restaurant whenever I go home during vacations. I love my
co-workers there and all the customers know who I am. Every morning the same senior citizens come in
and get their morning coffees. They chat with us workers and joke around. Our smiles have just as much
to do with them making us a part of their everyday lives as the coffee does.
     From my first job at the restaurant, I learned teamwork and devotion. I also learned staying positive
no matter how rough things seem to get. I will forever carry the experience that I gained at the restaurant
with me as I go forward in my life.
1. Why did the author apply everywhere that summer? (No more than 12 words)  (2 marks)
2. What did the manager particularly expect the workers to do? (No more than 14 words)  (3 marks)
3. Why does the author still work at the restaurant during vacations? (No more than 13 words)  (2 marks)
4. What did the author learn from his first job? (No more than 13 words)  (3 marks)


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏同步题 题型:阅读理解

     Adopting a vegan diet dramatically(显著地)reduces one person's impact on the environment.
     It would help deal with the problem of climate change if people ate less meat, according to a
government agency.
     A leaked email to a vegetarian campaign group from an Environment Agency official expresses
sympathy with the environmental benefit of a vegan diet, which bans dairy products and fish.
     The agency also says the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(DEFRA)is
considering recommending eating less meat as one of the key environmental behavior changes needed
to save the planet.
      It says that this change would have to be introduced"gently"because of"the risk of alienating(使疏远)
the public".
      David Miliband, the Environment Secretary, has raised the issue that farm animals are blamed for
producing large amounts of powerful greenhouse gas, methane, and told farmers they need to do
something about it but the agency's response appears to go further than official advice.
     It has provoked(引起)an immediate response from the National Farmers Union, which said the
suggestion was"simplistic"and"a cause of concern".
     The agency's official was responding to an email from the vegan group Viva, which argues that it
is more efficient to use land to grow crops for direct consumption by humans rather than feeding them
to dairy cows or livestock(家畜)raised for meat.
      The campaign group entered a comment on the Environment Ageney's website saying:"Adopting
a vegan diet reduces one person's impact on the environment even more effective than giving up their
car or forgoing several plane trips a year!Why aren't you promoting this message as part of your
World Environment Day campaign?"
      An agency official replied:"While potential benefit of a vegan diet in terms of climate impact could
be very significant, encouraging the public to take a lifestyle decision as substantial as becoming a vegan
would be a request that few are likely to take up."
       You will be interested to hear that the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is
working on a set of key environmental behavior changes to mitigate climate change.Consumption of
animal protein has been highlighted within that work.As a result the issue may start to figure in climate
change communications in the future.It will be a case of introducing gently as there is a risk of alienating
the public.
      "Future Environment Agency communications are unlikely to ever suggest adopting a fully vegan
lifestyle, but certainly encouraging people to examine their consumption of animal protein could be a
key message."
      Juliet Gellatley, director of Viva, said, "I think it is extraordinary that a government agency thinks
becoming a vegetarian or a vegan could have such a positive impact on the environment yet it is not
prepared to stand up and argue the case."
      A DEFRA spokesman said:"The government is not telling people to give up meat.It isn't the role
of government to enforce a dietary or lifestyle change on any individual."


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省同步题 题型:完形填空

   I first met her on the beach near where I live.I drive to this beach a__1__of three or four miles,whenever
   I'm feeling down.At that time she was__2__something.
   Looking__3__,she said,"Hello." I nodded,not wanting to__4__with a small child.
   "I'm Wendy and I'm building something," she said.
   "I see.But what is it?" I asked,not__5__.
   "I don't know.I just like the__6__of sand."
   A sandpiper (矶鹞鸟) flew by.
   "That's a__7__.Mum says sandpipers come to bring us joy."
    "Goodbye,joy,"  I thought to myself, " hello, __8__."  and  walked  away. My  life  then  seemed
completely out of__9__.
   "Come again," she called,"and have another__10__day."
   But the days and weeks that followed__11__to other people:naughty boys and a__12__mother.One
morning I suddenly realized I needed my__13__and headed for the beach.The breeze was cool,but I
walked along,trying to recapture (捕捉) the inner peace I needed.I had almost__14__the child so I was
surprised when she appeared.
   "__15__do you live?" I asked.She pointed toward a summer cottage.
   Then one day,I rushed to my beach in great pain,even in no__16__to greet the girl."If you don't mind," I
said coldly,"I'd rather be__17__today." She seemed unusually__18__ and out of breath.
   "Why?" she asked.
   "My mother died!"
   "Did it hurt when she died?"
   "Of course it hurt!" I shouted,misunderstanding her.
   When I next went to the beach,she wasn't there.Feeling__19__,and admitting I__20__her,I went up to
the cottage.A woman answered the door."Wendy,my daughter,died last week.She had leukemia (白血病).Maybe she didn't tell you."
(      )1.   A.length  
(      )2.A.observing
(      )3.A.up    
(      )4.A.work    
(      )5.A.caring  
(      )6.A.feel    
(      )7.A.sorrow  
(      )8.A.comfort  
(      )9.A.balance  
(      )10.A.sad    
(      )11.  A.added  
(      )12.  A.kind    
(      )13.  A.party  
(      )14.  A.searched
(      )15.  A.How    
(      )16.  A.mood    
(      )17.  A.alone  
(      )18.  A.happy  
(      )19.  A.sorry  
(      )20.  A.cheated
B.  led      
B.  poor      
B.  sandpiper
B.  known    
B.  What      
B.  time      
B.  lonely    
B.  pale      
B.  excited  
B.  lost      
C.  belonged  
C.  lonely    
C.  chance    
C.  noticed  
C.  Where    
C.  way      
C.  unique    
C.  good      
C.  cold      
C.  troubled  
D.  related    
D.  sick      
D.  holiday    
D.  forgotten  
D.  Which      
D.  place      
D.  special    
D.  powerful  
D.  puzzled    
D.  missed    


科目:高中英语 来源:0109 期中题 题型:阅读理解

A. defensive B. common C. fact D. fear E. consciousness
F. values G. rush H. questioned  I. unlikely J. unusually

     Ten years after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, America
has come out of the smoke a very different country. Nearly 3,000 people died on September 11.
     Suddenly America had to wake up to the    1   that not everyone loves the USA. Members of al-Qaeda, the
militant group that carried out the attacks, were angry about US support for the Israelis against Palestinians in
the Middle East, about US troops in Saudi Arabia, and about sanctions (制裁) against Iraq.
     "September 11 and the years that followed were a shock to our national    2  ," said Nicholas Burns,
American ambassador to NATO at the time. The struck not only concrete and steel, but also Americans' faith
in their power. The   3  that America had lost control of events was widespread.
     Historian Douglas Brinkley said 9/11 put America into a   4  "crouch". It started a mad   5    for protection.
The government agreed to measures that pulled apart privacy.
     In the name of fighting terrorism, the US launched wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. More than 6,000
Americans have died. Tens of thousands of ordinary people in those countries have also lost their lives. But
casualties are only part of the story. The world was shocked by photographs of Americans torturing Iraqis in
Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. David Goldstein, a reporter with The Kansas City Star,    6    American
behavior:"Has torturing so-called terrorists saved American lives or made the    7   we trumpet around the
world weaker?…Is that who we've become?" However, a brief moment of national unity did occur straight
after 9/11."Americans were coming together in an    8  powerful way… in the ashes. We live in a bittersweet
memory of that collective tragedy and collective possibility," said filmmaker Ken Burns. September 11 was
that kind of   9   moment. When it was over, the Earth still turned in its usual way and the stars in the sky
shone as before. But the universe had shifted somehow.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省期中题 题型:完形填空

Dear Abby,
        In a recent column, a lady wrote to say that one of her guests at a dinner party had stolen a fork. She
did not know how to   1   it.
        I was not that guest, but over the last ten years I have   2   three things from where I have been a
guest. Abby, I cannot understand   3   I took these things! I have thought over as to how I can give these
things   4  !
        I cannot do it openly and   5   that I took them. This is a small town, and I am well known here. If
just one of these people   6   about it, I would be finished.
        Abby, what is wrong with me? They are   7   unimportant things. I considered seeing an   __8   for
a long time, but should I be   9   going to an expert, it would be known in the entire town   10  . I am sure
thousands of people like me wish to have the courage to return   __11   does not belong to themselves.
Should I just wait until it is   12  , and then find a good chance to   13   the things in the mailboxes of their
right   14  ?
        Help me! I’m eagerly looking forward to your reply!
                                                                                                                                A Guilty Conscience
Dear Guilty Conscience,
        Yes. It will make you feel   15   to tell your story, but it will not solve your problem. You need to 
  16   help to find out why you took those things so you won’t   17  this kind of behavior. See an expert
in   18   town or city nearby to protect your   19  . He/She will give you much help.
        Please   20   my advice, and let me hear from you again. I care. 
(     )1.A. get
(     )2.A. made
(     )3.A. when
(     )4.A. out
(     )5.A. remember
(     )6.A. talked
(     )7.A. hardly
(     )8.A. editor
(     )9.A. avoided
(     )10.A. in no time
(     )11.A. which
(     )12.A. dark
(     )13.A. research
(     )14.A. owners
(     )15.A. worse
(     )16.A. provide
(     )17.A. realize
(     )18.A. other
(     )19.A. story
(     )20.A. follow
B. cover
B. taken
B. how
B. back
B. unders tand
B. worried
B. really
B. official
B. understood
B. at one time
B. that
B. dawn
B. bring
B. relatives
B. good
B. seek
B. continue
B. the other
B. clue
B. offer
C. recover
C. borrowed
C. where
C. off  
C. admit
C. quarreled
C. lately
C.  expert
C. seen  
C. ahead of time
C. as    
C. broken
C. put  
C. parents
C. bad   
C. supply
C. stop
C. others
C. privacy
C. refuse
D. discover
D. delivered 
D. why 
D. away
D. forget 
D. imagined 
D. shortly
D. artist  
D. allowed 
D. for the time being
D. what  
D. gone 
D. carry  
D. friends 
D. better 
D. enjoy  
D. mention 
D. another 
D. article 
D. send              

