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I met Ryan, a young man with cerebral palsy (脑瘫), in my biology class. My simple "Hello!" and his cheerful reply were the ________ to our friendship from the first day of school. There was a time when Ryan was not able to come to school. He was in a great deal of ________ after having a surgery on his legs, but he ________ his sufferings from everyone.

In our junior year, we found that we didn't ________ a single class. This was not a problem, though. We just talked a little more in the hallway________ passing periods. That year seemed to fly by. One day, Ryan asked me to hold the torch (火炬) runner's flag that would ________ the spot where Ryan would ________ his Olympic torch run. He gently explained that he would be honored ________ I would accept this position for him. The Olympic committee sent a letter saying that the person that holds the flag for him must be someone ________to him. He said I was the only true friend he had ________made that talked to him and not to his wheel chair. How could I________ such a request?

On the morning of June 5th, as I walked down the sidewalk, my heart ________and my mind became a factory of questions. I kept wondering how everything was going to happen and how Ryan would ________ the huge crowd of thousands of people.

After the van arrived, the other runners got out and lined up outside the van, chanting his name, "Ryan! Ryan!" Then all of the people ________ in, “Ryan! Ryan!” The lift then lowered Ryan to the ground. There he was, in all his ________ .

It all became slow motion at the sight of the arriving torch. The runner lit Ryan's torch and then Ryan began his ________ . As he took off down the street, the chanting became louder and louder. The________ filled the air and even I felt like I was on cloud number nine. I could not have been any prouder of Ryan! He ________ this moment in time --a historic moment--a moment that he was a part of and________ me to be a part of, too.

Mr. Weinheimer, the next torch runner, bent over and gave Ryan a hug. That moment will last in time forever. It symbolized the whole ________of the flame: love, excitement, enthusiasm, brotherhood, and life of any man. The flame united us all and showed that love is really what makes this small world go around after all.

1.A. solutions B. keys C. routes D. notes

2.A. danger B. fear C. pain D. puzzle

3.A. hid B. prevented C. released D. relieved

4.A. change B. miss C. leave D. share

5.A. except B. for C. during D. before

6.A. mark B. test C. number D. decorate

7.A. cover B. begin C. continue D. lead

8.A. while B. although C. if D. unless

9.A. polite B. kind C. grateful D. important

10.A. ever B. never C. also D. even

11.A. admit B. refuse C. make D. repeat

12.A. ached B. raced C. stopped D. sank

13.A. explain to B. differ from C. respond to D. call on

14.A. joined B. stepped C. poured D. broke

15.A. potential B. preference C. glory D. surprise

16.A. training B. journey C. life D. struggle

17.A. anxiety B. satisfaction C. harmony D. excitement

18.A. deserved B. recalled C. treasured D. chose

19.A. promised B. encouraged C. allowed D. followed

20.A. mystery B. power C. information D. meaning


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川雅安中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Having left the town, the girl stopped the car at the landing near the entrance of the bay (海湾).She stepped into the ________ and rowed(划船) out silently. The tide was rushing to the entrance and________ to the wild open sea. She had to row across the bay to reach ________ side. The waves struck against the side of the boat, ________ and uneven; it became ________ difficult to row. If she ________ for a moment, the tide would push the boat back towards the ________ .

She wasn' t even halfway, ________ she was already tired and her hands ________ from pulling on the rough wooden oars (船桨). “I'm never going to ________ it”, she thought. She rested the oars on her knees and ________ her head helplessly, then looked up as she ________ the boat shift(晃动) against the tide.

The east wind , which had swung(旋转) around from the south-west, ________ her help and pushed the boat towards the mountains. It was going to be ________ . Her hands weren't so painful. Her chest didn’t feel as if it was about to burst________ .

The lights of the town became ________ . one of the oars banged against the side of the boat and she ________ it with a start. Had she been asleep, or just ________ ? She looked over her shoulder. She was almost on the beach. The girl gave one last ________ on the oars to ground the boat, and then lay back against the seat. She listened to the waves ________ and knew she had come home. Far across the moonlit bay the lights were no more than a sparkling chain.

1.A. car B. boat C. ship D. mail

2.A. beside B. before C. behind D. beyond

3.A. another B. other C. either D. the other

4.A. deep B. calm C. gentle D. rough

5.A. more B. less C. as D. least

6.A. slept B. continued C. rested D.rowed

7.A. home B. mountains C. south-west D. entrance

8.A. if B. so C. but D. since

9.A. hurt B. ruined C. troubled D. broke

10.A. get B. make C. keep D. take

11.A. mined B. dropped C. cocked D. raised

12.A. saw B. made C. heard D. felt

13.A. got to B. came to C. sent for D. reached for

14.A. difficult B. serious C. all right D. certain enough

15.A. any more B. still more C. no more D. once more

16.A. brighter B. bigger C. closer D. smaller

17.A. destroyed B. threw C. repaired D. seized

18.A. dreaming B. guessing C. inventing D. expecting

19.A. blow B. hit C. pull D. strike

20.A. anxiously B. happily C. sadly D. carefully


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西临川第一中学高二12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


How You Can Be Calm Even When Things Get Rough

1. Cry if you need to---for a while.

Some people are more emotional than others. But repressing(压制) your emotions doesn’t always help. If you do repress them, ___1.__. You can do it for a while, but it will eventually come back to the surface---and sometimes in an explosive manner. So have a good cry once in a while. Let the emotions out in order to help yourself think more clearly afterwards.

2. Be solution-oriented.

Concentrating on the negatives won’t change anything. Let’s say you just lost your job. ___2._. So you’ve had your cry or the time to freak out(吓坏), and then you made the decision to put your logical hat on. Now look at the possibilities. Start applying for jobs. Think about a career change or starting your own business. Look at the actions you can take to make your situation better. Then do something.

3. Ask for help.

Unfortunately, __3.____. It’s not! Where has it ever been written that everyone needs to go through their problems alone? Nowhere! Having other people support you-either emotionally or by actually doing something to help-will make you feel like you have less of a burden on your shoulders. Less burden equals more calm, collected, and lighter feelings.

4. Believe that things will get better.

Hope. _4.___. If you don’t believe that things will change, then they won’t. I always love to quote Henry Ford when he said, “Whether you think you can-or you think you can’t- either way, you are right.” If you think things will get better, then they eventually will. If you think they won’t, then they won’t. your beliefs shape your experience.

Staying calm when life gets rough takes practice, but it can be done. If you practice these steps on a regular basis, eventually __5.___.

A. Maybe it was a shock

B. it’s like holding a beach ball under the water

C. It might feel like you’re staying in the same place

D. Hope is everything

E. Maybe you didn’t lose your job

F. it will become second nature to you

G. a lot of people think that asking for help is a sign of weakness


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届黑龙江牡丹江第一高级中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Asian elephant has been respected for centuries and is still used today for ceremonies and religious purposes. It is respected, not only because it plays a role in Asian culture and religion, but also because it is a key biological species in the tropical forests of Asia.

The Asian elephant is the largest land mammal in Asian. It is smaller than the African elephant, with relatively smaller ears. Asian elephants have a single “finger” on the upper lip of the long trunk, while African elephants have a second on the lower tip. A number of adult male Asian elephants have no tooth, and the percentage of males carrying ivory(象牙)is different from only about 5% in Sri Lanka to 90% in south India. Asian elephants keep their ears in constant motion in order to free the heat they produce. The species is reported to have well-developed hearing, vision, and smell , and they are also fine swimmers.

Asian elephants prefer to convey something to form groups surrounding 6 to 7 related females that are led by the oldest female. Like African elephants, these groups occasionally join others to form herds, although these associations are relatively temporary.

More than two thirds of the day may be spent feeding on grasses, but large amounts of tree bark, roots, leaves and small stems are also eaten. Crops such as bananas, rice and sugar plants are favored foods. Besides, they need to drink at least twice a day so the source of water is quite important.

The Asian elephant used to live from modern Irap and Syria to the Yellow River in China at first, but it is now found only from India to Vietnam, with a tiny population in the extreme southwest of China’s Yunnan Province. More than 100,000 Asian elephants may have existed at the start of the 20th century. The population is estimated to have fallen by at least 50% over the last 60-75 years.

1.What can we learn from Paragraph2?

A.The Asian male elephant is the largest animal in the world.

B.The population of Asian male elephants with ivory varies by district.

C.The Asian elephant has two “fingers” on the lips of the long trunk.

D.Asian elephants continuously move their ears to warm themselves.

2.The Asian elephants are most likely to fed themselves______.

A. in a very large forest

B. in the field with leaves and stems

C. close to a river with grasses and leaves

D. on the hillsides with grasses and trees

3.What makes the author worried in the last paragraph?

A. That there are fewer and fewer Asian elephants.

B. That Asian elephants originally ranged more widely.

C. That Asian elephants may suffer some diseases.

D. That there was too much killing in the last century.

4.The passage introduces Asian elephants mainly in the aspects of ______.

a.the diet habit

b. the social structure

c. the life circle

d. the physical description

e. the skin color

f. the population and distribution

g. the cultural status

A. b-c-d-e-f B. c-d-e-f-g

C. a-b-c-d-f D. g-d-b-a-f


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西上高二中高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


It’s spring again, and it’s the season of fireflies (萤火虫). Their warm and gentle lights glitter in the quiet 1. (dark), especially in mountainous areas or near water. No matter 2. you are, or how old you are, you’re sure to fall under their spell.

For many older people, fireflies are a reminder of childhood. That’s because they were a lot 3. common long ago, 4. the industrial development destroyed so much firefly habitat. Wetlands 5. (appear) and chemicals were dumped into rivers. Fireflies were left with 6. to feed or breed. What’s more, fireflies seem to keep away 7. artificial lights. As these spread, the bugs retreated. Not until they had almost vanished 8. (do) people realize what was happening.

Over the past few years, though, conservation groups and enthusiastic firefly lovers have come together to save these special creatures, 9. are making a comeback. In natural settings all around the island, fireflies are once again lighting up the night and 10. (help) create special memories for the next generation.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州遵义航天中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Once a young man, a horse trainer’s son, was dreaming of owning a horse ranch(养马场) of his own though his family wasn’t rich.

When he was a senior, he was asked to write a __ __ about what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. That night he wrote a seven-page paper _ _ his goal. He wrote it in great _______ and he even drew a ____________ of a 200-acre ranch, showing the location of all the buildings, the stables(马厩) and the track. But two days later he _________ his paper back with a large red ___________ on the front page and a note that reads, “See me after ____________.”

The boy with the __________ went to see the teacher after class and asked, “Why did I get an F?” The teacher said, “This is an unrealistic dream for a __________ young boy like you. You come from a family with no resources. Owning a horse ranch __________ a lot of money. There’s no __________ you could ever do it.” Then the teacher added, “If you will _________ this paper with a more realistic goal, I will reconsider your grade.”

The boy went home and __________ about it long and hard. He asked his _________ what he should do. His father said, “Look, son, you have to ________ your own mind on this. However, I think it is a very important ________ for you.” Finally, the boy turned in the same paper making no ___________ at all. He stated, “You can keep the F and I’ll keep my dream.” Years later, the boy ________ his dream.

Later, his teacher admitted when seeing his ranch, “When I was your teacher, I was something of a dream ___________. During those years I stole a lot of kids’ dreams. Fortunately you had enough gumption(进取心) not to __________ yours.”

1.A. novel B. Poem C. paper D. letter

2.A. reminding B. describing C. seeking D. recognizing

3.A. detail B. total C. need D. time

4.A. line B. signal C. sign D. picture

5.A. received B. posted C. accepted D. brought

6.A. C B. D C. E D. F

7.A. all B. noon C. school D. class

8.A. dream B. tears C. ranch D. pride

9.A. rich B. clever C. poor D. kind

10.A. earns B. requires C. wastes D. collects

11.A. point B. way C. use D. idea

12.A. report B. explain C. excuse D. rewrite

13.A. wrote B. thought C. complained D. laughed

14.A. mother B. teacher C. father D. friend

15.A. make up B. look up C. pick up D. close up

16.A. work B. reason C. mind D. decision

17.A. changes B. excuses C. corrections D. marks

18.A. doubted B. realized C. improved D. dreamed

19.A. maker B. helper C. stealer D. robber

20.A. step down into B. keep up with C. look down upon D. give up on


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年北大附中河南分校高一上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Simon: ___1.___ did you begin this sort of work, Fiona?

Fiona: Let me see. Um, about four years ago.

Simon: Are you enjoy ___2._____?

Fiona: Oh, yes, very much. It is very _____3._____ (tire) because of long working hours, sometimes as many as 12 hours. But it’s exciting to meet people from all over the world.

Simon: What _____4.__ (exact) do you do?

Fiona: Well, I take tourists to the famous places in the city, tell them the history of the places, and explain why they’re famous.

Simon: What special qualifications are ____5._____ (necessity) for guides?

Fiona: Well, they have to enjoy _____6.___ (meet) new people. And they ____7._____ (take) special courses in the history of the city when they studied at college.

Simon: And do you have to know a foreign language?

Fiona: That’s _____8.____ must. My company will only hire those ____9.____ can speak at least two foreign languages.

Simon: And you? How many foreign languages can you speak?

Fiona: I can speak three: Spanish, ____10.____ (France) and Italian.

Simon: Three foreign languages? Then I can understand why your work is so easy for you.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届吉林长春外国语学校高三上学期第二次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





2.提出建议并说明理由: 向朋友倾诉, 加强户外运动, 保持积极心态等。





参考词汇:lose one's temper 发脾气

Hi, Worried,

I'm sorry to know that you're having such a bad time at the moment.







科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江苏淮阴中学高二上第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.Young people who have got jobs may realize university lessons can’t be the only preparation for all the situations__________ appear in the working world.

2.With a large amount of work___________(remain) to be done, the chief manager couldn’t spare time for a holiday.

3.In Thailand, many people do not trust the government to do anything much, let alone ____________(make) decisions about life and death.

4.________________quickly are science and technology advancing that what is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.

5.On her birthday, she received from her parents a nice present___________ which a note was attached, saying “We love you so much”.

6.----What about your self-drive trip yesterday?

----Tiring! The road is being widened, and we___________(have) a rough time.

7.They’re paying you 10,000 dollars now for those____________(改编本) of Shakespeare’s plays.


8.Most of these are consumer goods to be____________(分销) to shops locally and nationwide.

9.The beautiful girl finally decided to live on an island, which was____________________(可到达的) only by boat.

10.The company is committed to________________(牺牲) short-term profits for the sake of long-term growth.

