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7.A.Shaolin Kungfu
Shaolin Kungfu is one of the most influential genres of Chinese martial arts,and it's named after where it originated-the Shaolin Temple,founded on the Songshan Mountain in Dengfeng County,Henan Province in Central China.The monks in the Shaolin Temple began to study martial arts during the Northern and Southern dynasties and this tradition prevailed during the Sui and Tang dynasties.
B.Kunqu Opera
Kunqu Opera is one of the oldest forms of opera still existing in China,with its origins dating
back to the end of the Yuan dynasty.It has distinguished itself by the virtuosity of its rhythmic patterns and has exerted a dominant influence on all the more recent forms of opera in China,including the Sichuan and Beijing operas.In 2001,UNESCO proclaimed Kunqu Opera as a masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.
C.Puppet Shows
Chinese puppetry has a long history.It is noted for its many types of puppets and superb manipulative skills.It's a truly unique art combining opera,music,fine art and craftsmanship.It creates magic with a beam of light.Puppet shows from various places have their own unique characteristics with strong local color in terms of figure modeling.
D.T'ai Chi Ch'uan
T'ai Chi Ch'uan is a major division of Chinese martial arts.Literally,T'ai Chi Ch'uan means"supreme ultimate fist"; T'ai means"supreme",Chi means"ultimate",and Ch'uan means"fist".T'ai Chi Ch'uan has its philosophical roots in Taoism and is considered an internal martial art,utilizing internal energy,or Qi,and following the simple principle of"subduing the vigorous by the soft."
E.Traditional Chinese Medicine
In Chinese medicine,doctors use various diagnostic methods to get full and detailed information about the patients and to guide their treatment.The methods include observation,auscultation and olfaction,interrogation,and checking the pulse and heart rate.They are also known as the four major methods,each having a distinctive function.
F.Xianzi Dance
The Xianzi dance,also called Xie or Ye,is danced to the accompaniment of a Tibetan-style
two-string instrument.The most typical kind of Xianzi Dance is Batang Xianzi in Ganzi,Sichuan Province.Batang is a Tibetan inhabited area.The dancers dance in a circle or randomly,sometimes resembling a winding dragon.They sing to each other to express their feelings.

46.Janet,who likes Chinese traditional art very much,is a dancing teacher in California University.She wants to know more about a truly unique art combining opera,music,fine art and craftsmanship.
47.Cathy is a medical college student in UK.Now she is preparing her thesis about other countries'medicine,so she wants to find some information online.
48.Kate is a college student in America.She wants to get more information about Chinese traditional art,especially Chinese traditional music.
49.Jason,who has been living in America for about 30years,wants to learn some Chinese Kungfu which is represented by the famous symbol of Yin and Yang.
50.Freda,a 23-year-old girl,is fond of playing Tibetan-style instrument.This time she decides to visit Sichuan and plans to know more about its typical dance.

分析 文章通过五段内容的描述和后面的人物的爱好结合起来,为他们选择合适的学习内容如少林功夫、昆曲、木偶戏、太极拳、传统的中医药和弦子舞.

解答 第二节:46-50 CEBDF
46  考查上下文的语境理解能力.Janet非常喜欢中国传统艺术,可以阅读与C介绍中国的木偶戏有关的网页信息.
47  考查上下文的语境理解能力.Cathy在英国学习医学,想要了解其他国家的医术,可以阅读与E中医有关的网页信息.
48  考查上下文的语境理解能力.Kate想要了解中国传统的美术和音乐,可以阅读与B昆曲有关的网页信息.
49  考查上下文的语境理解能力.Jason想要学习中国功夫,可以阅读关于D太极拳的网页信息.
50  考查上下文的语境理解能力.Freda想要了解西藏风格的弦乐器,可以阅读与F弦子舞有关的网页信息.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.According to the school rule,________ breaks the school windows on purpose will be punished.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

A.Using expensive testing equipment
B.Staffing a modern hospital
C.Testing becoming a great help
D.Cost of medical accidents
E.Cost of training medical workers
F.Measures of reducing medical costs
Physicians'fees are only one reason for rising health costs in the United States.Medical research has produced many tests to diagnose,or discover,patients'illness.Physicians usually feel obliged to order enough tests to rule out all likely causes of a patient's symptoms.A routine laboratory bill for blood tests can easily be more than $100.
Sophisticated new machines have been developed to enable physicians to scan body organs with a clarity never before possible.One technique involves the use of ultrasound-sound waves beyond the frequencies that human beings can hear-to produce images.Others use computers to capture and analyze images produced by X-rays or magnetic fields.These machines are extremely expensive:The price of a single machine can exceed one million dollars.
New technologies also mean new personnel.Physicians,nurses and orderlies can no longer staff a hospital alone.Hospitals now require a bewildering number of technical specialists to administer new tests and operate advanced medical equipment.
Physicians and hospitals also must buy malpractice insurance to protect themselves should they be sued for negligence by patients who feel they have been mistreated or have received inadequate care.The rates for this insurance have been raised very steeply in the last ten years,as patients have become more medically knowledgeable,and as juries sometimes awarded very large amounts of money to injured patients.
As a result,hospital costs and physicians'fees rose steadily through the 1990s.Government agencies became convinced that it was necessary to limit rising medical costs.One approach is to require hospitals to prove that a need exists for new buildings and services.Hospitals also have faced pressure to run their operations more efficiently,and to decrease the duration of hospital stays for patients receiving routine treatment or minor surgery.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.How To Deal With A Bullying Problem
Question for Cindi:
My son Greg is about to turn 13,he is in grade 8.He has been constantly bullied since we moved to this neighborhood.By our neighbor's son and a few boys up the street.In addition,he tends to get a lot of name calling at school.I have got in touch with his teacher this year and reported it to the principal.The boys up our street wrote on the school brick walls about him.The police were called and spoke with my son.They gave him their card.I have left two messages with them but have not had any response.Also,my son is telling them to get lost but they continue bullying him.For example,Writing notes to him and making fun of him constantly in front of his classmates.He does not want to report it.He gets very emotional and feels defeated.His father does not think he is doing enough fighting back.I believe he is.At the same time,his support of friends at school is not so supportive.I am at a loss.Please help.
Response form Cindi
You and your son need some help!I am relieved to hear that you are not suggesting he fight back because that kind of action can lead to much more serious harm for your son.Please re-contact the school.You may want to consider showing them the email you sent.Your son deserves to feel safe at school,and it sounds as if he is being targeted.Set up a meeting with the teacher and the principal.Write out your concerns and what your son needs in order to feel safe and successful at school.Contact the school police officer and ask for some assistance.Expect some help and support from the school,for both your son and yourselves.If you are unsatisfied with the results of your meeting,contact the district official.It is also a good idea to keep a written record of all phone conversations and meetings that you attend.Act right away.Your son needs you to support on his behalf.Good luck.
(Note:Answer the following question and complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

62.What does Greg's mother mainly complain about?She complains about his son being bullied at school/His son being bullied.
63.Cindi is much satisfied that Grag's motheris not suggesting his fighting back/is not advising him to fight back..
64.According to Cindi's advice,Greg's mother shouldre-contact the school first,and thenthe district official if she is unsatisfied.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.[1]Everyone has periods in his life when everything seems very.hard.When there's nobody to talk to,the mood is just getting worse and worse.There are some things that may help you lift up your mood.
[2]The first thing you should try is socializing(交往).It is very hard,because usually when we feel bad we always lock ourselves at home.But if you try to chat with a friend,the chances of changing your mood into a better one are very good.Just try to avoid thinking the bad side.Instead,try to think      of your life.Don't forget:We are what we think we are.
[3]You should also try doing something only for yourself.This could be something you wanted for a long time:maybe a short trip,a coat,a ring or anything that could lift up your mood.This doesn't have to be expensive.The point of all these is being good to yourself.
[4]Giving presents to yourself can lift up your mood.What's more,buying things to others may be a perfect way to feel happy.Think of your friends,choose one person and give him a gift that doesn't have to be something expensive.It may be just a little toy to your poor neighbor's child.Making another person feel happy will make you feel good in your heart.
[5]Meeting a positive person should be very useful.Just try to keep your problems off the conversation.The idea here is to get out of your shell and have some communication.Get involved with someone else and your mind will take a turn.
76.What's the main idea of the passage?(no more than 7 words)
How to lift up your mood.
77.What do we usually do when we feel bad?(no more than 6 words)
We always lock ourselves at home.
78.List two of the four main ways that can lift up your mood mentioned above.(no more than 9 words)
①Having a cup of coffee with a friend ②Having a short trip
79.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
Instead,try to thinkthe good sideof your life.
80.What does the word"It"(Line 3,Paragraph 4)probably refer to?(no more than 2 words)A gift.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.[1]At some point in your life you are bound to be required to give a speech.But are you capable of having the effect on an audience that you want to have?Here are some things to keep in mind.
[2]You may think it's good to create an informal effect,or even that it's cool to use filler words (填充词) such as"like"and"you know".But in reality,these words add nothing,and create the danger of making you sound foolish and uninformed.
[3]Pauses can be of significant help in adding depth to your speech,but only when they are used at the right moments.Pausing suddenly and with a panicked look will just make your audience uneasy.Also,a very long silence is the last thing you need.Make sure that your pauses are nicely placed if you want to sound like a speaker who has absolute control of what he is talking about.
[4]You also need to be careful when you switch to a new idea during the course of a speech.Often speakers ________transition words such as"well","so",and so on,when they move on to new ideas.My advice,however,is to avoid such words and to try to think of a way of making a transition that is unique to the topic of your speech.
[5]Finally,avoid"umming"and"ahhing"the way many people do when they give speeches.You want to sound confident and assured,and the way not to do so is to put an"urn"or an"ah"in the middle of every sentence.
76.What is the text mainly about?(No more than 8 words)
How to make an effective/a good speech
77.Complete the following statement with proper words.(No more than 4 words)
It's careful to switch toa new ideawhen you give a speech.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(No more than 3 words)
make use of transition words/use transition words
79.Why does the author say it's not good to use filler words?(No more than 12 words)Because these words will make you sound foolish and uniformed.
80.What does the word"they"(paragraph 3)probably refer to?(No more than 2 words)pauses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Should the color be white or black?Or perhaps navy blue!Well,choosing the right graduation dress for middle school students can be a little difficult at times.Here are some ideas for graduation dress for middle school students.
For many students,middle school graduation marks a big change in their lives.This is a step that takes students away from junior high school but towards the elementary level before senior high school.Compared to elementary(初级的)school,middle school means more lessons and more classes,but of course,students can also see it as an opportunity to make new friends.
Well,it is no wonder that the graduation day of a middle school is often planned formally.Although this occasion is not considered to be really formal like a high school graduation,it is still celebrated in many ways.Besides,it is also considered to be a very important part of someone's life.
Many schools often have middle school graduation parties.Well,the question that often  arises  in the minds of young students is about the right graduation dress for themselves.Long flowing dress with caps are commonly seen.Students should always stick to a common graduation dress that creates uniformity(统一)among all.The dress can be royal blue,black or even golden.If they seem too formal for the party,you can even plan for a common color for all the students.For example,white shirts with black pants or skirts can serve the needs of such a special occasion.
Whether the graduation party is simple or great,the graduation dress for middle school students should be planned accordingly.The main idea would be to accept the success of the students and celebrate with family and friends.

61.What does the text mainly talk about?(no more than 10words)
Choosing the right graduation dress for middle school students./Some ideas for graduation dress for middle school students.
62.What does middle school mean to students compared to elementary school?
(no more than l2words)
More lessons,more classes and many new friends.
63.Please explain the underlined word"arises''in Paragraph 4in English.
(no more than 3words)
64.What is the common graduation dress like?(no more than 9words)
Long flowing dress with caps.
65.What is the purpose of a graduation party?(no more than l5words)
To accept the success of the students and celebrate with family and friends..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.While by no meanswere they rich,the music hall provided the Chaplins with a comfortable living.(rich)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Actually(实际上),all things change and develop in society as time goes on.

