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15.________ it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in the cities,some people think it should be limited.(  )

分析 当谈到城市中日益增长的机动车使用问题时,一些人认为机动车的使用应该受到限制.

解答 答案:C.
本句考查句型when it comes to sth,为一固定句型,表示当谈到…的时候;结合句子的意思可知,本句属于when引导的时间状语从句;故选C.

点评 本题考查时间状语从句的连接词,在充分分析句型再结合语义的基础上便能选出正确答案,同时要注意其他选项的意思


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.There is nothing more I can try _______ you to stay,so I wish you good luck.(  )
A.being persuadedB.persuadingC.to be persuadedD.to persuade


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.It was already dark when an old man came to a small town.He found an inn and wanted to stay there for the night.After he had gone to his room,the owner said to his wife,"Look at his bag,dear.I'm sure there are lots of valuable things in it.I want to steal it when he is asleep."
"No,no,"said the woman."He must look for his bag tomorrow morning.Then he'll take you before the judge."They thought and at last the woman had an idea."We have forgetful grass,"said the woman,"Why not put some into his food?If he has the food,he will forget to take his bag away.""How clever you are!"said the owner,"Don't forget it when you prepare supper for him."
The old man had the food with the forgetful grass and went to bed.The next morning,when the owner got up,he found the door was open and the old man had left with his bag.He woke his wife up and said angrily,"What a fool!Your forgetful grass isn't useful at all."
"No,no,"said the woman."I don't think so.He must forget something."
"Oh,I've remembered!"The owner cried out suddenly,"He forgot…"

21.The old man came to the innC.
A.in the morning  B.in the afternoon  C.in the evening  D.at night
22.The owner and his wife wanted toA.
A.get the man's bag
B.steal the man's money
C.make the man pay them more
D.hide the man's bag
23.The owner and his wife put the forgetful grass into the food becauseC.
A.the old man always forgot something
B.they wanted to make the food better
C.they hoped the old man would leave the bag in the inn
D.they wanted to know if the grass was useful
24.According to the passage the old man forgotD.
A.to take his bag away         
B.to tell the owner when he left
C.to close the door when he went to sleep
D.to pay them the inn money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.I'm not sure whether this is the room ________ she left her dictionary.(  )
A.whereB.thatC.whichD.in that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.I'll never forget the day ______ I worked with you in the Beijing Olympic Games.(  )
A.whereB.whenC.thatD.in that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.The reason ______ he was put in prison was _______ he helped to blow up some government buildings..(  )
A.why; becauseB.why; thatC.because; whyD.because; that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Head coach Li Yan bursts into tears of joy when she sees Zhou Yang first _____ the finish line at the women's 1500m short track speed skating final.(  )
A.to crossB.having crossedC.crossD.crossed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Dear daughter,
As we drove off from Columbia,I wanted to write to tell you all that is on my mind.First,I want to tell you how proud we are.Getting into Columbia is a real testament(证明) of what a great well-rounded student you are.You should be as proud of yourself as we are.
Your college years will be the most important of your life.It is in college that you will discover what learning is about.This will be the period when you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired,after which you must become a self-learner.So do take each subject seriously,and even if what you learn is of no practical use in real life,the learning skills you get will be something you will value forever.
Follow your passion(激情) in college.Take courses you think you will enjoy,don't be bothered by what others think or say,but make up your own mind.Most importantly,make true friends and be happy.Don't worry about their hobbies,grades,looks or even personalities.
Start planning early what you'd like to do.Where would you like to live?What would you like to learn?I think your plan to study fashion is good,and you should decide where you want to be,and get onto the right courses.I will always be there for you,but the time has come for you to be in the driver's seat-this is your life,and you need to be in control.Being in control feels great.Try it,and you will love it!
So please treasure your college years-make the best use of your free time,become an independent thinker in control of your destiny,and learn through your successes and challenges.
May your years at Columbia be the happiest of your life,and may you grow into just what you dream to be.
Dad & Mom.
(From Kai-Fu Lee's letter to his daughter)

50.We can read between the lines thatA.
A.Dad has a strong love for his daughter   B.Dad is very strict with his daughter
C.Dad always worries about his daughter.
D.Dad is much concerned about his daughter's health
51.The underlined word"destiny"in the passage is the closest in meaning toB.
A.weight       B.life      C.position      D.time
52.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?C
A.Plan things before you do them.B.Self-learning is very important in college.
C.Follow your passion and what others say.
D.Leading a life is just like driving a car.
53.The purpose of the author in writing the letter is to tell his daughter toD.
A.smile to her trouble in life     B.fight till she succeeds
C.be confident and happy       D.make the most of her college life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.A special education teacher and former police officer was honored by President Barack Obama at the White House as the 2009 National Teacher of the Year for his innovative (创新的) approach,community focus,and teamwork with other teachers."In a global economy where the greatest job qualification isn't what you can do,but what you know,our teachers are the key to our nation's success,"President Obama stated.
Mullen,a ninth-through twelfth-grade special education teacher at the ARCH School in Connecticut,is the 59th National Teacher of the Year.Mullen's goal is to provide passion,professionalism (职业特质),and perseverance as an educator."A teacher can receive no greater reward than the knowledge that he or she helped recover a lost student,"Mullen remarked.He will travel for one year as a full-time national and international spokesperson for education beginning June 1,2009.
The National Teacher of the Year Program focuses public attention on teaching excellence and is the oldest and most famous national honors program for teachers."ACEI is a proud participant (参与者) in the selection process for the National Teacher of the Year,and we are pleased to see Anthony Mullen selected.Mr.Mullen is a dedicated individual who possesses a wealth of talents and skills as a teacher.His devotion to young people,however,reaches beyond the call of duty.Mr.Mullen extends himself to adviser and guides children who need to know that they are not forgotten and that they,too,are unique and special,"stated ACEI Executive Director Diane Whitehead.
ACEI is one of 15 national education organizations that select the National Teacher of the Year from among the state teachers of the year,including those representing the District of Columbia,the Department of Defense Education Activity,and five U.S.extra state departments.
49.What is the passage mainly about?C
A.A White House ceremony.                 
B.An innovative teaching approach.
C.The 2009 National Teacher of the Year.         
D.The national education organizations.
50.We can learn from the first paragraph Obama stressesA.
B.community lives
D.innovative approach
51.According to Mullen,his success as an educator lies inB.
A.being a full-time national and international spokesperson
B.providing passion,perseverance and professionalism
C.helping those who can't find their way home
D.helping the students achieve high scores
52.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.the National Teacher of the Year Program hasn't been well-known
B.ACEI is the only organization in charge of selecting excellent teachers
C.Mullen is devoted to teaching the students for the call of duty
D.Mullen's success may be due to his previous work experience.

