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 I        _use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comes by my house.

A. mustn't           B. shouldn't            C. needn't                D. couldn't


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省菱湖中学2010年高三下学期第二次模拟考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

I have found that the way I treat insects acts as a reflection of my approach to kindness.  Like most kids, I suppose, I mistreated bugs terribly. But many adults continue the rampage against insects, and I have often found that they do this mindlessly.
With the weather getting warmer, more bugs are getting into our houses.  We also spend more time in "their house," as we enjoy the great outdoors.  We find ourselves reaching for the fly swatter and insecticides(杀虫剂)to get rid of them.  But why do we do this?  Most insects pose no threat to us, but we kill them anyway.
As a young adult, I found myself questioning my treatment of bugs.  It became a moral issue.  I remember reading a Native American story about a mother who saw her daughter stomp on a spider.  The mom simply asks the child: "Now who'll take care of that spider's children?  Who would take care of you if someone killed me?" It became a powerful lesson to the child.
All creatures have a purpose, and our world would be terribly out of balance without insects.  If we can treat them with kindness and respect, we can treat any creature that way.  The more I learned about the unique behaviors and purposes of insects, the more I appreciated their place in the world.  I have literally become someone who "wouldn't hurt a fly."
The more I have practiced, the better I've become at catching flies with my hand and escorting them back outside. I use a small glass with a thin piece of cardboard to catch spiders, ants, and bees, and release them where they'll be happier--outdoors. Sure it takes more work than just squishing them, but I feel more in harmony with nature by being kind to bugs. If we could model that for our kids, perhaps they'd grow up to be kinder adults and help make this a kinder world to live in.
49.According to the author, many adults kill bugs ___________.
A.because they hate bugs    B.to stop bugs spread diseases
C.just out of their cruelty    D.just for no special reason
50.The author mentions a Native American story in the third paragraph in order to___________.
A.tell readers the importance of protecting insects
B.show its deep influence on the author
C.appeal to readers to look after spiders’ children
D.describe American mother’s kindness to insects
51.Suppose a bug appears in the author’s room, he will probably___________.
A.kill it without hesitation    B.catch it and free it outside
C.drive it outside tenderly     D.let it be and not disturb it
52.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?
A.Showing kindness to insects    B.My childhood and insects
C.The significance of insets      D.Some tips of treating insects


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届辽宁省五校协作体高三上学期期初考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Do you mind if I use a phone?


A. Why not?               B. That’s all right.      C. Come on!                D. Be my guest!



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届甘肃省高三目标诊断英语试卷(三)(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Do you mind if I use a phone?


A. Why not?               B. That’s all right.      C. Come on!                D. Be my guest!



科目:高中英语 来源:高考真题 题型:单选题

I       use a clock to wake me up because at six o'clock each morning the train comesby my house.         
[     ]
 A. couldn't          
B. mustn't          
C. shouldn't        
D. needn't


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Until I was twelve years old, I thought everyone in the world knew about the grinnies, if I thought
about the term at all - which is unlikely. After all, everyone in my family used the word quite naturally,
and we understood each other. So far as I knew, it was a word like any other word  - like bath, or
chocolate, or homework. But it was my homework which led to my discovery that grinnies was a
word not known outside my family.
     My last report card had said that I was a "C" student in English, and my parents, both teachers,
decided that no child of theirs would be just an average student of anything. So nightly I spelled words
aloud and answered questions about the fine points of grammar. I wrote and rewrote and rewrote every
composition until I convinced my mother that I could make no more improvements. And the hard work
paid off. One day the teacher returned compositions, and there it was - a big fat, bright red "A" on the
top of my paper. Naturally, I was delighted, but I didn't know I was attracting attention until the teacher
spoke sharply, "Helen, what are you doing?"
     Called suddenly out of my happy thoughts, I said "Oh, I've got the grinnies!" The teacher and my
classmates burst into laughter, and then I understood that grinnies were used inside my family. Other
people were not so lucky.
     And it is really lucky to have the grinnies, an uncontrollable, natural state of great pleasure. Grinnies
are shown on the outside by sparkling eyes and a wide, wide smile - not just any smile, but one that
shows the teeth and stretches the mouth to its limits. A person experiencing the grinnies appears to be
all mouth. On the inside grinnies are characterized by a feeling of joyful anxiety. Grinnies usually last just
a few seconds, but they can come and go. Sometimes, when life seems just perfect, I have occasional
attacks of the grinnies for a whole day.
     The term originated in my mother's family. Her younger sister, Rose, who had deep dimples (酒窝),
often expressed her pleasure with such a grin that the dimples appeared to become permanent. When
Rose was about four, she started explaining her funny look by saying, "I have the grinnies". The term
caught on, and it has been an important word in our family now for two generations.
     The occasion doesn't matter. Anything can bring on the grinnies - just so long as one feels great
delight. When my brother finally rode his bicycle - without training wheels - from our house to the corner
and back, he came home with the grinnies. When I was little, my mother's announcement that we would
have homemade ice cream for dessert always gave me the grinnies. My father had the grinnies when I
was chosen to make a speech at the end-of-school-year ceremony. Grinnies can be brought on by a
good meal, a sense of pride, a new friend, a telephone call from someone special, an achievement. Or
sometimes one gets the grinnies for no reason at all: just a sudden sense of happiness can bring on a
case. Whatever brings them on, an attack of the grinnies is among life's greatest pleasures.
     In fact, now that I look back on the experience, I feel sorry for my seventh-grade teacher. I think it's
a pity that she didn't know the word grinnies. It's such a useful term for saying, "I'm really, really pleased!"
1. After the writer was twelve years old, she ______.
A. thought everyone knew the meaning of "grinnies"
B. equaled "grinnies" to bath or chocolate in meaning
C. got to know "grinnies" was used only inside her family
D. discovered the word "grinnies" through her mother
2. When her English teacher called her name, the writer was ______.
A. looking at the big "A" on the top of her paper
B. listening to her English teacher attentively
C. too happy to notice what's happening around her
D. busy rewriting and improving her compositions
3. According to the writer, the word "grinnies" originates from______.
A. her mother
B. her aunt
C. her brother
D. her father
4. The writer feels sorry for her seventh-grade teacher because the teacher______.
A. has no pity on her students
B. should not have laughed at her
C. doesn't have any luck to meet her parent
D. has no idea of what "grinnies" is
5. What method does the writer use to explain "grinnies"?
A. Cause and effect.
B. Examples.
C. Comparison and contrast.
D. Process.

