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1.He was _____ (接纳)as a member of table tennis team.

2.I don’t know him at all; he is a c___________ stranger to me.

3.Ice and snow are different forms of the same _______(物质) ,water.

4.The progaramme is d___________ to help people who have been out of work for a long time.

5.No final c_________ has yet been reached on this matter.

6.He has all the ___________(品质) of a successful businessman.

7.As a deaf and blind girl, Helen Keller learned languages in a slow and often ____________(疼痛的)way.

8.Different person has different _____________(态度) towards life.

9.Don’t let the child near the _____________(沸腾的)water; it’s dangerous.

10. _______(表达)of admiration for the driver’s heroic deeds flooded in from all over the county.
















1.句意:他被接纳成为一名乒乓球队员。be accepted as…被接纳成为…,故填accepted。



4.句意: 这个程序是被设计用来帮助那些失去工作很久的人。be designed to do sth被设计为…。故填designed。

5.句意:这件事还没有达成最后的结论。reach the final conclusion达成最后的结论,故填conclusion。



8.句意:不同的人对生活有不同的态度。如:I don't think it's fair to accuse me of having an attitude

problem. 我觉得指责我有态度问题有失公允。故填attitudes。

9.句意:不要让孩子靠近沸水旁;危险。boiling water沸水。





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


 1.His health s   ________   terribly from heavy drinking in the past.

 2.As far as I am c  ______  ,I can't agree with what you have said.

 3.The worker i  _____  his own danger and jumped into the river to save the boy.

 4.Now t  ____   like to surf the internet;some even forget his own studies.

5.Soon the robber was found   ________ (躲藏) in a mountain village.

6.I am now in a difficult   _______ (情形,情况).I badly need your help.

 7.The news quite   _______ (使他心烦意乱)him.

8.  I like being __________ (忙碌的).

9.  It’s my __________ (梦想) to see the Great Wall one day.

10.  Usually, it’s so _________ (拥挤的) that I can’t find anywhere to sit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



We should e_______ new ways to solve the problemss that we are facing.

I meant it to be a(n) i______(非正式的) discussion, but it didn’t turn out as I mentioned

Playing basketball is one form of p_______(身体的) exercise.

He caused his parents a great deal of s_____(痛苦).

That black suitcase on the floor b_________ to me..

She looks very _____(熟悉的),but I can’t remember where I met her.

She refused to answer questions about her personal f_____(财力)。

There are a lot of c____ relics in our country.

S____ this difficult problem to make it easier to be understood by everyone.

The a____(外观) of the old house completely changed.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届广东省梅陇中学高三第一次调研考试英语卷 题型:填空题

1.His health s   ________   terribly from heavy drinking in the past.
2.As far as I am c  ______ ,I can't agree with what you have said.
3.The worker i  _____  his own danger and jumped into the river to save the boy.
4.Now t  ____   like to surf the internet;some even forget his own studies.
5.Soon the robber was found   ________ (躲藏) in a mountain village.
6.I am now in a difficult   _______ (情形,情况).I badly need your help.
7.The news quite   _______ (使他心烦意乱)him.
8.  I like being __________ (忙碌的).
9.  It’s my __________ (梦想) to see the Great Wall one day.
10.  Usually, it’s so _________ (拥挤的) that I can’t find anywhere to sit.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.The _______(设计) of  the  room  was in the fancy style popular in those days.

2.This was a time ____the two countries were at  war.

3.Does any country want to h___  the Olympic Games ?

4.Atlanta made a  _______ (条件)with her father .

5.In a  _____, our programmer is like our coach.

6.You should _____ more attention to the rainforest where I live and appreciate how the animals live together.

7.He e    5000 yuan a month

8.My _______( 目标) is to provide humans with a life of high quality.

9.He tried his best to find a way to s________ the problem

10.Although I was young I could _______(简化) difficult sum.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:单词拼写




76. It took  a________________(大约="about)50" years in both England and the USA to sell the idea of a regular imcome tax..

77. The deep oceans and the c___________are different in their geological structure.(地质结构)

78. A b_____________diet and regular exercise are both of great benefit to our health.

79. He earned an u_____________ (难以置信的)amount of money when everyone felt frustrated at the market.

80. We cannot e_____________without food as well as water.

81. It is sometimes difficult for one to get used to the new  s_____________..

82. It is right for us to learn from others, but we should have i_____________thinking.

83. It is a Chinese t_____________that brides(新娘) get married in red dresses.

84. Although I can walk about, there is still a s_____________ (轻微的) pain in my leg.

85. China and Japan both have mid-autumn festivals, when people a_____________the moon and enjoy mooncakes.


