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1. I have many ________ (亲戚) living in Shanghai.
2. She ________ (弯腰) to pick up her wallet just now.
3. My mother is an ________ (受过教育的) and sensitive woman.
4. The People's ________ (共和国) of China is a developing country.
5. He is as________ (顽固的, 固执的) as a mule.
6. Mary is very ________ (活跃的, 积极的) and she likes all kinds of activities.
7. _______ (陷入困境) in the coal mine, they had no choice but to wait for rescue.
8. Five plus five ________ (等于) ten.
9. Courage is one of the ________ (品质, 质量, 性质) of a good solider.
10. They were ________ (极端地) tired and soon fell asleep.
11. His ________ (坚决的) look showed that he had made up his mind.
12. Of the two the ________ (后者) is better than the former.
13. I have got a very full ________ (时间表, 日程表) today.
14. I think it's warm enough to eat ________ (在户外) this evening.
15. A ________ (连续, 系列) of events happened recently in our city.
1. relatives  2. bent  3. educated  4. Republic  5. stubborn
6. active  7. Trapped  8. equals  9. qualities  10. extremely
11. determined  12. latter  13. schedule  14. outdoors  15. series

科目:高中英语 来源:2014届陕西省高二上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

单词拼写: (10分) 

1.Urban inhabitants have to live with the _______(典型的,特有的) noises of cities.

2.I was very much pleased by your _________(分析) of the situation.

3.The old man was utterly ________(吸引) in the book.

4.The scientist often _________(做贡献)to an academic journal.

5.The board _________(拒绝) all our ideas.

6.The boss is _________(小心谨慎的) about making promises.

7.It seemed the water was to ________(责备)

8.He is very ________(严格) with his students.

9.His wound became ________(感染) with a new virus

10.The swimming pool is___________(可利用的) only in summer.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年北师大版高中英语必修一Module7Unit21练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Bread _________(消化) easily.

2.I can’t ___________(忍受) your rudeness.

3.People in that country __________(反对) changing the law.

4.Children under 16 receive ____________(强制的) education in China.

5.The president’s speech on unemployment was ______________(站不住脚的).

6.These __________(年度) conference attracted lots of journalists .

7.Diamond is a kind of precious _____________(矿物).

8.He ___________(滥用) his position as headmaster by giving jobs to his friends.

9.Checking the patients’ ___________(脉搏) is the doctors routine.

10.The football match has been ___________(推迟) because of the hurricane.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年北师大版高中英语必修一Module7Unit20练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Tom and Jack had ___________________( 通信 ) for many years.

2.Professor Smith , an ear ____________(专家 ), organized a national survey of nose  disease in children.

3.Singing, playing games, and reading are forms of _____________(消遣)

4.The chairman is considering changes to the sex ________________(歧视) law to promote equal opportunities.

5. A p_______ gives the owner their right to be the only one who can make , use or sell an invention or product for a particular number of years.

6.Everyone was encouraged to d________ a day’s pay to help survivors of the disaster.

7.Had not Tom dived into the river to r___________ him, the boy would have drowned.

8.A car is very h______ for people who live some little distance from town.

9.Some good sources of information can a_______ us in making the best selection.

10.his medicine is ____________( 有毒的) if taken in large quantities.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012年人教版高中英语选修八Unit1练习卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.It is just a __________(提示) to him that he is very important to me. 

2.Charles Dickens was one of the greatest 19th century n____________. 

3.I can't afford a new car just now. I'm no___________(百万富翁), you know. 

4.Health is the most important w_________.

5.Mum and Dad didn't seem to approve much of my new c____________(同伴).

6.She never agreed to the public e__________ of her sculptures while she was still alive.

7.In some parts of the city, teachers have to deal with _________(暴行)in the classroom.

8.She won a __________(文学的) prize for her popular novel.

9.She tore open the_________ and anxiously read the letter.

10.He erected a __________(纪念碑) on the spot where his daughter was killed.



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省2009-2010学年高一下学期5月月考英语试题 题型:单词拼写



1.When the police caught the thief, he _______(假装) an ordinary man.

2.He failed in his first a________(  尝试 )to ride a horse, but he would try a second time.

3.This company shows great _______( 尊重 )for human rights.

4.We should honor those who have made great _________(贡献) to the society.

5.They ________(宣布) the date of their wedding in the paper.

6.He was not a regular ___________(顾客) of that shop, for he just dropped in sometimes.

7.He is a j____(新闻记者) collecting and writing news reports for newspapers and magazines.

8. A good salesman must be ________(进取的) if he wants to succeed.

9. B_________(举止) yourself, or you’ll not be allowed to take part in the party.

10. I’ve got about $10 in my w_____________.(钱包)


