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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Elizabeth has already achieved success _____her wildest dreams.

    A. at    B. beyond     C. within     D. upon


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—— What do you think of the concert?—— Oh, it was______success.

A. a very        B. quite a            C .so               D. really


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their first efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skill. It is only several years later, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed. For the parents of such kids, whose own ambition is often tied to their children’s success, it can be a painful experience.

Figuring out why the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesn’t suffer from a learning disability, or isn’t involved in some family crisis(危机) at home, many educators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or classmate pressure. “Everything is within the kids’ control; their intelligence is changeable,” says Lisa Blackwell, a research scientist at Columbia University. More than any teacher or workshop, Blackwell says, “parents can play a key role in conveying this message to their children by praising their effort, and progress rather than emphasizing their ‘smartness’ or praising high performance alone. Most of all, parents should let their kids know that mistakes are a part of learning.”

Some experts say our education system, with its strong emphasis on testing and separation of students into different levels of ability, also bears blame for the disappearance of drive in some kids. “These programs shut down the motivation of all kids who aren’t considered gifted and talented. They destroy their confidence,” says Jeff Howard, a social psychologist. Howard and other educators say it’s important to expose kids to a world beyond homework and tests, through volunteer work, sports, hobbies and other extracurriculum activities.

“The problem of the issue is that many students experience education as irrelevant to their life goals and ambitions,” says Michael Nakkual, a Harvard education professor. The key to getting kids to aim higher at school is to free them of the idea that class work is irrelevant, to show them how doing well at school can actually help them fulfill their dreams beyond it. They need to understand that you have to learn to walk before you can run.

46.According to the passage, the parents of kids with no ambition        .

A.don’t do a very good job teaching them to walk

B.are to blame if the kids do poorly in school

C.feel pain because ambitions are connected to their success

D.should take part in extracurriculum activities with kids

47.The underlined part “the fire went out” probably means        .

A.the motivation was suddenly lost

B.the fear of failure was suddenly gone

C.the learning disability was suddenly lost

D.the fire was suddenly gone

48.All the following can contribute to a sudden lack of ambition except        .

A.learning disability                                       B.classmate pressure

C.emphasis on testing                                     D.extracurricular activities

49.What is the most important thing for parents in motivating their kids?

A.By punishing kids who don’t display ambition.

B.By emphasizing smartness and high performance.

C.By telling kids that mistakes are a part of learning.

D.By praising the effort and progress they have made.

50.We can infer from the passage that        .

A.children who have lost their ambition will never succeed in life

B.school performance has much to do with students’ later success

C.both the parents and the school are to blame for the lost ambition

D.younger kids learning to walk are more ambitious than older ones


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Since the 1950s, most of the stars of pop music have come from Britain and America. However, in the last ten years, when many different kinds of music have established themselves on the pop scene, more and more stars have come from other countries.

    Pop music changes all the time and new stars appear and become famous. For a musician to stay popular and still produced good, original music over a long period of time, is a sign of true star.

Most stars start their careers in a simple way---playing in unknown night clubs or dance-hall where people want to dance to the music, not listen to it. They may have continued doing this for many years until they get a “break”---a chance to perform in a well–known place or get a recording contract. To become a star is the aim of every singer or musician and the dream of many a pop-crazy teenager.

However a group or star makes it to the top, they can be sure that their lives will change once they are successful. Ordinary teenagers living at home with their parents may suddenly find themselves rich enough to buy their own houses. An established superstar may be able to buy several.

Despite the large amount of money that are earned, life at the top is not easy for many stars. The pop scene is hard work and many stars need to spend a lot of time away from home. For a lot of them, this means they have no home life and their personal relationships suffer. Despite great public success, life at the top can be very lonely.

Since the 1950s, most of the stars of pop music have come from _________.

A. America  B. America and Britain  C. America and Europe  D. other countries

According to the passage, a “break” may mean a chance to ______.

perform in a well-known concert

C. play in dance-halls    B. get a recording contract

D. meet a lot of pop-crazy teenagers

If a star becomes successful, he ______ according to the passage.

A. will have an easy life because of the larger amount of money earned

B. may have a happy home life and good person relationships

C. will live at home with their parents  D. may have a lonely life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A person may have a false idea about himself that will stop him from doing good work.

       He may have the belief that he is unable to do it.A child may think he is  36  because he doesn’t understand how to make  37  use of his mental gifts.Old people may have a false idea that they are unable to learn things new because of their  38

       A person who believes that he is stupid will not make a real  39  because he feels that it would be useless.He won’t go at a job with confidence necessary for  40 .Besides, he won’t work his hardest way, even though he may think he is doing so. 41 , he is likely to fail, and the failure will  42  his belief in his incompetence(无能) in turn.

       Alfred Alder, a famous doctor, had  43  like this.When he was a small boy, he had a poor 44  in maths.His teacher told his parents he had no ability in maths in order that they would not  45  too much of him.In this way, his teacher and parents  46  the idea.He  47  their false judgment of his ability, feeling that it was useless to  48 .Then, he was very poor at maths,  49  as they expected.

       But one day everything changed.He worked out a problem which  50  of the other students had been able to solve.He  51  in solving the problem which gave him confidence (信心).Soon he became especially good at  52

       Alder now  53  with interest, determination and purpose.He not only proved that he could learn maths well, but luckily he learned it  54 , not too late.From his own experience, we can tell that if a person goes at a job with determination and purpose, he may  55  himself as well as others by his ability.

A.clever        B.shy        C.useless          D.stupid

A.big           B.full       C.high       D.great

A.age           B.ability          C.brain     D.knowledge

A.decision     B.plan            C.effort           D.promise

A.work         B.study     C.improvementD.success

A.Truly         B.Really          C.However   D.Therefore

A.lead to     B.strengthen C.improve    D.get rid of

A.an experience       B.an example      C.a thought  D.a story

A.state          B.mind     C.start      D.ending

A.blame      B.expect          C.get        D.win

A.developed    B.organized  C.discovered       D.found

A.broke       B.refused     C.doubted    D.accepted

A.manage           B.argue    C.try        D.act

A.only         B.almost          C.just       D.then

A.none        B.all        C.some     D.most

A.broke       B.succeeded C.failed           D.believed

A.physics           B.medicine   C.English         D.maths

A.studies     B.works     C.plays          D.graduates

A.early        B.deeply          C.later       D.simply

A.discourage   B.love      C.surprise    D.disappoint

