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Marilyn Monroe

  At 9∶30 a.m.on June 1st, 1926 Norman Jean was born in Los Angels General Hospital.At the age of six months, she was placed with foster parents.She went back to live with her mother when she was seven.She went to school at the Hollywood Grammar School.In 1934 her mother became ill and entered Los Angeles State Mental Asylum.Some kind-hearted neighbours offered to look after the child.Two years later she went into an orphanage in Los Angeles and stayed there for two years.

  She left school in 1942.On June 18th, three weeks after her sixteenth birthday, she married an 18-year-old young man whose name was Jim Dougherty.She got a job as a parachute packer.While she was working, a photographer used her as a model for a magazine article.In 1944 she became a full-time photographic model.Soon she appeared on several national magazines and calendars.Two years later, she wrote to her husband, who was stationed in the navy in Shanghai, to say that she wanted a divorce.

  On July 16th, 1946, she went to Twentieth Century For studios and asked to see Ben Lyon, the casting director for Fox films.Lyon agreed to see her.“I want, more than anything to get into pictures,” she said.Lyon looked at her and told her “Honey, you’re in pictures.” He immediately offered her a seven–year contract.During the next sixteen years Norman Jean (now known as Marilyn Monroe) made over thirty films.On Saturday, August 4th 1962, she took an overdose of sleeping pills and died.She was just thirty-six.


Who took care of Marilyn Monroe when her mother was ill?

[  ]


Her father.


Her grandparents.


Some kind-hearted neighbours.




What childhood did she have?

[  ]


a happy one.


An unhappy one.


An exciting one.


A usual one.


How long did she work as a film actress?

[  ]


For sixteen years.


For twelve years.


For twenty years.


For eighteen years.


How did she die?

[  ]


Her husband killed her.


She died in an accident.


She killed herself by taking an overdose of sleeping pills.


She died of an illness.


科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修一英语人教版 人教版 题型:050


Marilyn Monroe

  At 9∶30 a.m.on June 1st, 1926 Norman Jean was born in Los Angels General Hospital.At the age of six months, she was placed with foster① parents.She went back to live with her mother when she was seven in 1933.She went to school at the Hollywood Grammar School.In 1934 her mother became ill and entered Los Angeles State Mental Asylum.Some kind-hearted neighbours offered to look after the child.Two years later she went into an orphanage② in Los Angeles and stayed there for two years.

  She left school in 1942.On June 18th, three weeks after her sixteenth birthday, she married an 18-year-old young man whose name was Jim Dougherty.She got a job as a parachute③ packer.While she was working, a photographer used her as a model for a magazine article.In 1944 she became a full-time photographic model.Soon she appeared on several national magazines and calendars.Two years later, she wrote to her husband, who was stationed in the navy in Shanghai, to say that she wanted a divorce.

  On July 16th,1946, she went to Twentieth Century Fox studios and asked to see Ben Lyon, the casting director for Fox films.Lyon agreed to see her.“I want, more than anything to get into pictures,” she said.Lyon looked at her and told her, “Honey, you’re in pictures.”He immediately offered her a seven-year contract④.During the next sixteen years Norman Jean(now known as Marilyn Monroe)made over thirty films.On Saturday, August 4th,1962, she took an overdose⑤of sleeping pills and died.She was just thirty-six.


How long did she live with her mother?

[  ]


For two years.


For eight years.


For one year.


For seven years.


Who took care of Marilyn Monroe when her mother was ill?

[  ]


Her father.


Her grandparents.


Some kind-hearted neighbours.




What childhood did she have?

[  ]


A happy one.


An unhappy one.


An exciting one.


A usual one.


How long did she work as a film actress?

[  ]


For sixteen years.


For twelve years.


For twenty years.


For eighteen years.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省卢氏二高2010届高三上学期期末模拟高三英语试题 题型:050


Does anyone know who really shot the president?

  HE was killed 40 years ago.Since then his memory has been clouded by dark tales of affairs with the likes of Marilyn Monroe(玛莉莲·梦露), and links with the Mafia(黑手党).

  But the myth(神话)of John F.Kennedy, the 35th President of the US, will not disappear.As America marked the anniversary of his death in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, questions were still being asked.

  The official conclusion was that Lee Harvey Oswald, who worked at a Dallas book storehouse, murdered Kennedy.But all kinds of other ideas have been put forward as to what happened and why.

  Some people believe Oswald was a madman, who spent some time in Russia and was an admirer of Fidel Castro, president of Cuba.It is said he was inspired by the James Bond spy novels and killed Kennedy as a gift for Castro.

  But Oswald's brother thought he was a sad and lonely man who murdered the president to get attention and show off his shooting skills.

  Meanwhile, some experts say that Oswald was really aiming for Texas Governor John Connally.He is said to have been angry with Connally, who was also secretary of the navy, over how he had been forced to leave the service.

  A large number of people think the truth has been covered up on purpose; even now, surveys show that more than half of Americans believe that Oswald was not working alone.An investigation(调查)found that four shots were fired, with one shot coming from the building that Oswald was in.

  But two days after the murder, Oswald himself was killed by Jack Rubinstein, a nightclub owner.Rubinstein had Mafia connections and this has led to the theory that they were actually responsible for killing Kennedy.

  Lyndon Johnson, who became president after Kennedy, has also been accused of being behind it all.According to reports, Johnson was sworn in(宣誓就职)even before Kennedy's death was announced."We have a really tough decision that we don't want to face.There was a conspiracy(合谋)and people want an answer," said Barr McClellan, who has written a book about the murder.

  "The myth is very powerful." said Robert Dallek, a historian at Boston University, who has just published a book about Kennedy."He was the first president to appear on television.He is frozen in our minds aged 46, forever young, energetic and charming."


Why does the writer mention the dark tales about Kennedy?To show that ________.

[  ]


though he is popular, he wasn't perfect


even though he wasn't perfect, he is still popular


rumours(谣言)are human nature


in America, presidents don't have much privacy(隐私)


Which of the following was the major question being asked on the 40th anniversary of Kennedy's death?

[  ]


What has made Kennedy an American myth?


Why was he linked to the Mafia?


Did Oswald murder him?


Who killed Kennedy?


Which of the following can be used to replace the phrase“put forward”in Paragraph 3?

[  ]


made up








Which of the following statements about Lee Oswald is wrong?

[  ]


He only fired one shot.


One shot fired at Kennedy was from the sixth floor of the building he was in.


He was an employee of a book storehouse in Dallas, Texas.


He once served in the American navy, but he was forced to leave.


Which of the following will the writer probably write about following the last paragraph?

[  ]


What he achieved as a president.


What else makes Kennedy a mythical figure.


What happened after his death.


His affairs with the likes of Marilyn Monroe and the Mafia.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省严州中学2011-2012学年高二10月阶段性测试英语试题 题型:050


  Being considered a leader in our society is indeed of high praise.Leadership means power, commands, respect and, most important, encourages achievement.Unlike vitamin C, leadership skills can't be easily swallowed down.They must be carefully cultivated.

  Different from popular belief, most good leaders are made, not born.They learn their skills in their everyday lives.But which do they develop?How do they(and how can you )get others to follow?

  Always give credit.Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes.Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world.It is also an act of generosity(慷慨)that's never forgotten.

  Giving credit is more effective than even the most constructive criticism(批评), which often hurts rather than helps.Kenneth Blanchard, the author of The One-Minute Manager, agrees.“Catch people doing something right!” he says.Then tell everyone about it.

  Take informed risk.(冒险).“The best leaders know that taking a risk is not a thoughtless exercise,” says management adviser Marilyn Machlowitz.“Sky divers don't go up in an airplane without checking the parachutes beforehand.”

  Because the idea of risk also carries with it the possibility of failure, many of us usually wait for others to take charge.But if you want to be a leader, you must learn to fail-and not die a thousand deaths.Pick yourself up and start all over again.

  Encourage enthusiasm.(热情)“When people understand the importance of work, they lend their mental strengths,” says Lee Ducat.But when they get excited about the work, all their energy gets poured into the job.That's a great force!Is this the best way to create excitement?Be enthusiastic yourself-You will be followed by everyone.


The underlined word “cultivated”(paragraph 1)roughly means ________.

[  ]










The part “Always give credit” tells us that a leader should ________.

[  ]


give helpful criticism


regard others as real heroes


praise people for their good performances


praise everyone


To be a good leader, you should ________.

[  ]


not be afraid of any risks


think twice before taking risks


try to avoid any possible failures


know what a thoughtless exercise is


Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Leadership Is of Skills and Techniques


Leadership Is Very Important


Not Many Can Be Leaders


How to Be a Leader


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Doomed beauties such as Cleopatra and Marilvn Monroe were far from alone in their misery.  Very
attractive people tend to form partnerships that are less stable and satisfying than those enjoyed by plain
     According to research by Dr John Blaine of the University of Southem Califormia, relationships
between people whose professions largely depend on their appearances, such as models or actors, tend
to end much faster than those between lawyers, doctors or students.
    Blaine said the beautiful felt different from childhood.  They are treated as special, which may create
both arrogance(傲慢)and insecurity.  All too often, beauty can be used as an alternative to education.  
Often they are pushed out of their class or town, told to go off and make their fortune in Hollywood or
London and, when the majority fail, they have few talents to make a living.  
    Blaine added that beautiful people score poorly on the "big five" - the key factors American experts
consider when helping distressed couples.  These are neuroticism(神经过敏), including anger and
anxiety; extroversion(性格外向); openness to new experiences; agreeableness; and conscientiousness,
or sticking by agreements they have made.  Attractive people often see no reason to try to change until
their looks start to fade.  
    Krista Sutherland, of the University of California Los Angeles, said partnerships that appeared to be
perfect from the outside, such as the former "dream teams" of Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise or Hugh
Grant and Elizabeth Hurley, where backgrounds and aspirations(抱负)are often shared, did not
necessarily lead to happiness.  
1.  What does the underlined sentence "Doomed beauties such as Cleopatra and Marilyn Monroe 
      were far from alone in their misery. " mean?   
A.  Beautiful women always felt lonely.  
B.  Beautiful women always were alone.  
C.  Many beautiful women didn't end up with a happy life.  
D.  Beautiful women always lived a happy life.  
2.  The underlined phrase "plain Janes" in the passage refer to __________.   
A.  ordinary-looking women
B.  women called Jane
C.  common people
D.  attractive women
3.  We can infer in the passage that _________. 
A.  Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Hurley were a couple
B.  Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise were very satisfied with their life
C.  When they fail in Hollywood, the beautiful have little trouble in making a living
D.  The marriages of the beautiful often last long

