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3.Although Rio knew little about marketing,he succeeded _____ other more well-informed managers failed.(  )

分析 尽管Rio对市场营销知之甚少,但在其他很多管理者失败的地方成功了.

解答 答案:D.根据he succeeded 说明后面整句是地点状语从句,而地点状语从句 other more well-informed managers failed,可知句子不完整,缺地点状语,在其他很多管理者失败的地方成功了,故选D.

点评 本题考查地点状语从句的连接词,在充分分析句型再结合语义的基础上便能选出正确答案,同时要注意与定语从句中缺地点状语不要混淆


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.The plan you came up with doesn't sound very practical.It will become the     of the attack.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错


Dear Tom,
How is everything going recently?That has been a long time since we meet in China last
time.Having passed the finally exams,I am busy planning a two-weeks trip to the US during this
winter holiday.Do you have any suggestions about the choice of America cities?I prefer to big
and modern cities.I guess I'd better pre-order a hotel.What is the price for single boy like myself?
Is it easy to find Chinese food?What is the traffic like,after I travel between cities in the US?
Hope to hearing from you.Thank you!
Best regards!.
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A kitchen that gives step-by-step cooking instructions in French could inspire a revolution in language learning in the UK.By using a new technology,it speaks to you as you prepare a French dish.The kitchen breaks new ground by taking language learning out of the classroom and linking it with an enjoyable and rewarding real-life activity.
The new kitchen is designed to be used in schools,universities and even people's homes.It could also be an existing kitchen.The first version of the technology was tested in the kitchens of project partner Newcastle University.The kitchen could be available for schools and universities,and for the UK market by the June of 2014.
The Newcastle University team is now working on ways to put it on the market.And the European Union has given money to begin programs in six other languages,including English Italian and Spanish.Finally,versions could be developed for any language cuisine(烹饪法)in the world.
Professor Paul says,"By international standards,the UK students are now poor when it comes to learning languages-a problem that certainly has an economic influence.We believe that developing skills in a country's language and its cuisine will help change the trend."
On a computer fixed into the kitchen,the user first selects the French recipe(菜谱)they want to follow.Digital sensors built into dishes,containers and other equipment then communicate with the computer to make sure the right instructions are given at the right time,the user can ask the computer to repeat an instruction,or translate it into English,simply by pressing the touch screen.After cooking,the user can test what they have learned by carrying out a short test on the computer.
All grammar and vocabulary has been carefully selected to make sure that using the kitchen adds to basic proficiency(熟练)in understanding French.
Now three easy-carrying versions of the kitchen are being prepared.They're to be fixed in Newcastle University and at Institute Francais,a London-based charity devoted to teaching the French language.
57.The new kitchen is designed mainly toC.
A.increase people's interest in cooking
B.teach people how to cook French dishes
C.offer people a new way to learn languages
D.help cooks learn spoken French in the kitchen
58.Which of the following is TRUE about the kitchen?C
A.It has versions in six languages now.
B.It is already available for sale in the UK.
C.It has received strong support from the EU.
D.It can be used only in schools and university.
59.When a person is using the kitchen,B.
A.it will give him a test on his cooking skills
B.it can translate French into another language
C.the cooking process will stop if he goes wrong
D.he must be careful so as not to make mistakes
60.What would be the best title for the text?D
A.UK students have problems in language learning.
B.New technology helps students learning cooking.
C.An enjoyable and rewarding real-life activity.
D.A Talking Kitchen That Teaches You French.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Eastern Energy
We are here to help and provide you with personal advice on any matters connected with your bill or any other queries regarding your gas and electricity supply.
Moving home.
Please give as much notice as possible if you are moving home,but at least 48hours is required for us to make the necessary arrangements for your gas and electricity supply.Please telephone our 24-hour line on 01316 753219with details of your move.In most cases we are happy to accept your meter reading on the day you move.Tell the new occupant(住户) that Eastern Energy supplies the household,to ensure the service is not interrupted.Remember we can now supply electricity and gas at your new address,anywhere in the UK.If you do not contact us,you may be held responsible for the payment for electricity used after you have moved.
Meter reading
Eastern Energy uses various types of meter ranging from the traditional dial meter to new technology digital display meters.Always read the meter from left to right,ignoring any red dials.If you require assistance,contact our 24-hour line on 0600 7310310.
Special services
Passwords-you can choose a password so that,whenever we visit you at home,you will know it is us.For more information,ring our helpline 0995 7290290.
Help and advice
If you need help or advice with any issues,please contact us on 0136 440188.
We hope you will never have a problem or cause to complain,but,if you do,please contact our complaints handling team at PO Box 220,Stanfield ST55 6GF or telephone us on 01316 75320.
Supply failure
If you experience any problems with your electricity supply,please call free on 0600 7838 836,24hours a day,seven days a week.

69.If an occupant wants to make sure how much electricity he has consumed,which number should he (she) dial?B
A.0600 7838 836       B.0600 7310 310     C.01316 440188    D.0.316 753219
70.When an occupant (住户) moves home,he (she) shouldA.
A.ask Eastern Energy to read the meter and pay the bill
B.telephone Eastern Energy to stop the electricity supply
C.leave the electricity bill with the new occupant
D.pay Eastern Energy for the electricity in advance
71.The following statements are true EXCEPTD.
A.Eastern Energy uses traditional meters and digital meters.
B.Passwords are needed when Eastern Energy staff visit occupants home.
C.Complaints can be done orally or in written word.
D.Eastern Energy supplies electricity only in Eastern Britain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.If you are travelling _________ the customs are really foreign to your own,please do as the Romans do.(  )
A.in whichB.whatC.whenD.where


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

You are here:Experts>Science>Science/Nature for Kids>Science for Kids>Life Science for teens<>
Expert:Science Adviser-<>3/21/2011
QUESTION:Dear Marie,
Do you have some good suggestions of biology:plant,animal,human science experiments that would work well with teenagers?Scientific methods must go with the experiments.Thanks!
ANSWER:Dear Donna,
Marie is not online and I'll help you instead of him.There are a lot of little things that can be done,but do you mean lab experiment or statistical analysis,etc.?Let us know what can be suitable for you teens,and we will do our best to send you some experiments to do.
Expert:Science Adviser-3/23/2011
QUESTION:Dear Gloria,
I need lab experiments.The teenage students and I will use data from these experiments to make charts,graphs,tables,etc.and to provide claims and evidence to explain more about the results.Thank you very much.
Hi there,
Your best and easiest way is to do some chemistry experiments.Those are very easy and most probably you can do it in the lab and have charts,etc.for you.I do not have any particular one at the top of my head because I do cancer research and it is a bit more difficult than research for teenagers.I think you can look through these and see if you find something useful for you.
If not,get back to me and Marie,and we'll look more.The good thing about this site is that it has the procedures that you can follow.
                                                            Good luck,
67.How many Science Advisers are there working for this websiteB?
A.Only one.     B.At least two.   C.About three.   D.Over five.
68.According to Donna,she and the teenage students needA.
A.experiments in the lab                 B.statistical analysis
C.chemistry experiments                  D.charts and evidence
69.Who is this text for?A
A.Teenagers.     B.Teachers.      C.Parents.    D.Experts.
70.According to Gloria,Donna and the teenage students shouldC.
A.turn to others for help                 B.do cancer researches
C.look through a website                  D.tell who will be helped.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.With the speedup of the railway,now you can get to your destination       by train.(  )
A.fastB.fasterC.fastestD.the fastest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.1always figured that comedians were the best kind of people to hang around with as a kid.They tell funny stories,make joke after joke,and happiness seems never to leave them.But time goes on,and we come to see these same people as clowns on the outside,but crying a river in the inside.Comedy from these people comes from a deep pain and sadness in their lives,or out of a deep-seated anger they have at the world around them.
Look at Richard Pryor,need I say more?Richard seemed to have everything.For Superman,he ended up getting more money than Christopher Reeve did.Yet he said while he was in his forties that the last truly happy moment he remembered in his life was when he was jumping around in the dirt while pretending to be a cowboy at the age of 10.This guy set himself on fire,and he played that for laugh while performing live at the Sunset Strip!Comedy was his constant weapon against pain,and he never held anything back.
The movie Funny People understand very well this gloomy field many comedians have to survive in.It stars Adam Sandler as George Simmons,a famous comedian in the movie.Simmons has it all:a beautiful mansion overlooking the sea,a swimming pool,great cars,and so on.But in his eyes,we see that he is a sad man who has come to truly look down upon himself for what he has become.All the wealth he has collected only serves to separate him from the rest of the world and it makes him defensive when around total strangers who cannot see him as a normal person.But now,he hears from his doctor that he has a terminal disease and has only months left to live.Simmons reacts to this news as if someone took away his blood in the heart,and it makes him clearly see just how much he hates his life.So now he has to make every minute count.Then come a series of funny stories.
Comedy is just life as it is,isn't it?
32.What can we infer about"comedians"according to the text?D
A.Comedians like to get along with kids.
B.Comedians'life is full of jokes.
C.Comedians often cry in their daily life.
D.Comedians often use their sad experience
33.When was the happiest moment for Richard Pryor?C
A.When he played the part of SupermanⅢ.
B.When he got more money than Christopher Reeve.
C.When he pretended to be a cowboy in the childhood.
D.When he performed live at the Sunset Strip.
34.Why was George Simmons unhappy?A
A.He wasn't accepted by the outside world.
B.He had no friends at all.
C.He spent too much on his house.
D.He was hated by all the strangers around.
35.By saying"Comedy is just life as it is,isn't it?",the author meansB
A.life like comedy will make you happy
B.comedy comes from the sadness in real life
C.there is no happiness at all in real life
D.life is full of comedy in reality.

