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   The “challenges” of family holidays are well-known. It's 1 enough getting on with your husband,wife or kids at home,so how can you 2 yourself while travelling with them? Susan M. Shaw,expert on leisure(休闲) at the University of Waterloo,thinks the term “family leisure” is full of 3 . “Research suggests that such 4 do not always make you feel relaxed,” she writes,darkly.

Family holidays probably,don't add much to the sum of human 5 . However,as one of my friends likes to 6 , people don't have children for happiness. Research has shown that 7 are less happy than childless people. 8 , says my friend,having children is best understood as a biological urge. You have them not for the present but for the 9 ,so that your 客從從(基因) will continue to exist when you are gone. And 10 , you go on family holidays not for the present but for the future.

   Thus,the aim of the holiday,much of the time,is to stock up on 11 : to leave all family members with 12 of happiness that they can look back on after the family doesn't exist. Indeed,much of what we remember of our families comes from 13 . On holiday,the family exists more clearly than at any other time: all together for once,14 work,school or friends. On holiday,you are much closer to your 15 . Holiday photographs make that feeling of closeness 16 . In fact,the photographs themselves are perhaps the main 17 of the holiday: that's where the memories get laid down.

   A family holiday is for memories. Once you grasp that,you will not 18 it. I vividly remember,about 30 years ago,returning from an Italian 19 to our handsome brick house. 20 we opened the front gate,my mother said,uThat's the best part of a holiday: coming home." At the time I didn't know what she meant.

1. A. happy   B. hard   C. fortunate   D. strange

2. A. enjoy   B. teach   C. blame   D. hurt

3. A. fun   B. luck   C. questions   D. problems

4. A. relationships   B. terms   C. definitions   D. activities

5. A. population   B. wealth   C. happiness   D. kindness

6. A. argue   B. complain   C. guess   D. predict

7. A. teachers   B. parents   C. husbands   D. wives

8. A. Still   B. Thus   C. Rather   D. Indeed

9. A. dream   B. joy   C. future   D. health

10. A. difficultly   B. similarly   C. sadly   D. quickly

11. A. merftories   B. imaginations   C. information   D. impression

12. A. details   B. photographs   C. description   D. evaluation

13. A. customs   B. language   C. holidays   D. behaviour

14. A. except   B. against   C. despite   D. without

15. A. family   B. friends   C. home   D. cameras

16. A. possible   B. positive   C. better   D. stronger

17. A. function   B. reason   C. aim   D. advantage

18. A. learn from   B. suffer from   C. seek for   D. care for

19. A. vacation   B. meeting   C. performance   D. training

20. A. Because   B. Before   C.If       D.As 

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. D 17. C 18. B 19. A 20. D



1. B. 

2. A.根据本段开头的The “challenges” of family holidays 可推 测,这里指平时在家里跟家人相处己 经很“难(hard) ” 了,那么跟他们一起 度假又怎么能“过得愉快(enjoy) ”呢?

3. D.既然跟家人度假是琐挑战,那么 “家庭休闲”这种说法本身就有“问题 (problems) ”。

4. D.这里是指度假这些“活动 (activities ) ”不能总是让人感到放松。

5. C.根据下句中的 people don't have children for happiness 可知,作者用“人 们养育孩子不是为了幸福”来反驳全 家度假可能不会增加人们的“幸福 (happiness ) ”总值的观点。

6. A.舍据本句开头的However可知,本 句与上一句是转折对比关系,故ai^ue (反驳) 符合此处语境。

7. B.根据上句中的have children与本 句中的childless people可知,这里是 将有孩子的人,即:“父母(parents) ”与 没有孩子的人作比较。

8. C.根据上文中的 people don't have children for happiness 及本空后的 having children ... so that your genes will continue to exist when you are gone可知,作者的朋友认为人们养育 孩子不是为了幸福,“而是(Rather) ”为了让自己的基因延续。

9. C.本段末的 not for the present but for the fbture提示了本题答案。

10. B.根据上文中的 You have them not for the present ...及本空后的内容可 知,度假跟养育孩子“相似 (similarly) ”,都不是为了.现在,而是 为了将来。

11. A.根据本段中的remember of及 memories可知,很多时候,度假的目 的就是为了存储“回忆(memories) ”。

12. B.本段#后两句出现的photo-graphs提示了本题答案。

13. C.根据本空后两句开头的On holiday可知,我们对家庭的很多回 忆来自“holidays (假期) ”。

14. D. 

15. A.根据常识我们知道,跟家 人度假的时候我们身边“没有(without) ”工作、学校或朋友,因此我 们跟“家人(family) ”更加亲近。

16. D.度假时拍的照片会让家人之间 的亲密感“更加强烈(stronger ) ”。

17. C.根据本句冒号后的内容可知,作 者认为度假时拍的照片也许就是度 假的主要“目的(aim) ”:留住回忆。

18. B.作者认为全家人一起度假很有意 义,能留下很多美好的回忆,所以你 一旦认识到这一点,你就不会因为跟 家人度假而“感到痛苦(suffer from) ”。

19. A.根据下一句中的 That's the best part of a holiday可知,这里是指作者 跟家人从意大利度“假(vacation) ”归 来.

20. D.“我们打开门”和“妈妈说:‘度假 最好的地方就在于回家’ ”是几乎同 时发生的,故As符合此处语境。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第45期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Whether you want to go to high school,work for CCTV,or seek more advanced education in the United States,a strong writing ability in English is 1. (great) desirable. It would not only help you serve the country better,2. create many more opportunities in today's exciting social,cultural,and economic life.

   Almost all American colleges and universities require 3. least one term of a writing program,4. is usually reading and writing and expects a lot from the students. Most colleges also require students 5. (take) one or two more advanced reading and writing courses. Besides English,almost all social science courses include a considerable amount of writing,in 6. form of term papers,research projects,or essay exams.Many 7. (nature) science professors also like to have a writing part in 8. (they) course requirements. Its reasonable to say that writing often 9. (decide) the grade a student will get from a course; it sometimes makes the 10.(different) between A or B. pass or fail. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一 个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写 出修改后的词。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只充许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    While shopping in a store yesterday,I was slightly annoying by somebody’s screaming children,who just would not quiet down. The little boy could be heard throughout the store. He looked for me as I passed his mother and I smiled as I looked back. He said “hi” in quiet and easy tone. I said “hi” back and gave him an even big smile. The boy didn’t smile back but I didn't hear it yelling the rest of the time when I was in the store. It is truly that if you smile at someone,you would brighten their day. In fact,it not only brightens their day,and makes your own light to shine as well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Part Time Weekend 

1P.M. — 6 P.M.




Basic Computer Hardware Knowledge and interest in computer repair field is required.

Contact Nancy Sabino at nancy@sabinocompeth.com for application or for more information. 

  假定你是李华。你在某英文报上看到了一则招聘 启事。请阅读启事并根据写作要点写一封应征邮件。 


         2. 说明应征条件(能力、性格等) ;

         3. 询问情况(是否可以只做三个月, 有无年龄限制) 。

  注意:1. 词数100左右;

      2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

      3. 结尾部分已写好,不计入总词数。


   I’m looking forward to your reply.

                                                          Yours sincerely,

                                                                 Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Have you ever tried a strawberry pizza? If you went to Oxnard,the Strawberry Capital of 61. World,in May,you could!

   Oxnard is in Southern California and this part of the state takes 62.(it) strawberries very seriously. At the two-day California Strawberry Festival you can taste strawberries 63.(prepare) in all sorts of ways. In addition 64.traditional treats such as strawberry shortcake,strawberry jam and strawberries dipped in chocolate,there 65. (be) strawberry pizza!This dessert pizza is topped with strawberries and cream on a sweet bread baked like a pizza. Strawberry (烤肉串) dipped in powdered sugar are 66. (absolute) delicious. And drinks made of strawberries can wash it all down.

   Oxnard is California's largest strawberry producer,67. (supply) about one-third of the state's annual strawberry production. The peak harvesting season in California runs from April through June,68. up to 10 million pint baskets of strawberries 69. (ship) daily. The festival,which attracts more than 85 ,000 visitors,features three stages with musical 70.(entertain) , 335 exhibits,clowns,artists,face-painting,contests,and a “Strawberryland” for children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Cancers Cells in our bodies are always dividing,as new cells replace old ones. 36 Cancer cells divide rapidly,and form growths called tumours(肿瘤). They can spread to take over a whole organ and stop it working properly. If cells break away from the tumour,they can travel to other parts of the body and start new tumours.

   We do not know why some people get cancer while others don't. But faulty genes are certainly the cause of some cancers. Others are caused by chemicals in the environment.

   Cancer is not a single disease. 37 The most common types affect the digestive system and lungs. In women,cancers of the breasts and cervix (子宫颈) are also common.

   Smoking is the cause of almost all cases of lung cancer. Tobacco smoke contains chemicals which can damage the lungs. The more cigarettes a person smokes,the greater their risk of suffering from lung cancer. 38 

   Cancers of the skin are also quite common. Many types of radiation,especially ultraviolet rays (紫外线) from the Sun,can damage skin cells and cause cancer.

   Most cancers can be treated successfully if they are caught early enough. Some treatments involve surgery to remove the tumour. This is often followed by a course of strong drugs. 39 They kill healthy cells as well as cancer cells.

   In the most up-to-date treatments,drugs are delivered directly to the cancer cells using “magic bullets”. These are special antibodies which only attach themselves to cancer cells.

   Similarly, radiotherapy(放射疗法) is a type of cancer treatment which uses radiation to kill cancer cells. A narrow bean(光线) of radiation is focused directly at a tumour. 40

   A. Most skin cancers are completely curable.

   B. And the healthy cells nearby are not damaged.

   C. Many of these drugs have unpleasant side-effects.

   D. An X-ray of the lungs shows the position of a tumour.

   E. Different cancers can affect almost any part of the body.

   F. But sometimes the process goes wrong,and a cancer cell is formed.

   G. Fortunately,the risk of getting cancer is reduced when someone stops smoking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Cambridge Shakespeare Festival 2015 

Titus Andronicus 

13 July to 1 August 

Robinson College Gardens

Titus Andronicus is about a cycle of revenge(复仇) between the families of Titus,the great  Roman general,and Tamora,the Queen of the Goths.

Romeo and Juliet 

13 July to 1 August 

St John1 s College Gardens 

Romeo and Juliet are caught R between two worlds,as their families feud(长期争斗) to the death. This impressive and fast-paced production brings romance,passion(激情) and violence together.

Much Ado About Nothing 

3 August to 22 August 

Trinity College Gardens 

Beatrice 一 determined never to marry — and Benedick 一unlikely to marry,and the efforts of their friends to bring them together in the most unlikely of unions. Will there be a happy ending?


3 August to 29 August 

King's College Gardens 

This production brings together the themes of madness,the thirst for power,and the darkness of the supernatural before reaching an explosive conclusion.

A Midsummer Night's Dream 

3 August to 22 August 

St John's College Gardens 

This delightful fairy-tale story - brings to life all the magic and humour of Shakespeare's best-loved play. Why not invite your children to come along dressed as fairies to add to what promises to be a great evening!

Ticket Information 

Performances take place every evening except Sundays. All performances begin at 7:30 pm.

Tickets cost £16 and are available: Online at www.cambridgeshakespeare.com. Tickets are also available on the door and in advance from: City Centre Box Office,Wheeler Street,Cambridge.

Tel: 01223 357851. We always keep a book of tickets for sale on the door!

21. What's the main purpose of the text?

   A. To compare different plays.

   B. To show colourful campus life.

   C. To advertise some performances.

   D. To introduce Shakespeare's plays.

22. Which play will be put on for the longest time?

   A. Titus Andronicus.

   B. Macbeth.

    C. Much Ado About Nothing.

   D. Romeo and Juliet.

23. If you want to buy a ticket,you can.

   A. book one at the student centre

   B. get one in advance on the Internet

   C. buy one every evening except Sundays

   D. receive a discount at City Centre Box Office


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Interviewer: Today,weJ re pleased 61.(welcome) Janet Whittall,our local Comic Relief organiser. Hello,Janet. Thanks for being with us here today. 

   Janet: It's a pleasure.

   Interviewer: Could you tell us 62. little bit of the history behind Comic Relief?

   Janet: Yeah. In 1985,the charity 63. (create) to raise funds for the victims of the famine (饥荒) in Sudan. But they also wanted to look at the more widespread needs 64. poor people all over the world.

   Interviewer: Why Comic Relief? What's the story behind the name?

   Janet: Well,it was first set 65. by com (喜剧演员) and it uses laughter to get its message across. And the appeal of 66. (do) something silly in a good cause is very 67. (power) . More than 80 million pounds were raised on Red Nose Day last year.

   Interviewer: 68. will you be doing on Red Nose Day this year?

   Janet: We are holding a huge Red Dinner Party in the centre of town. Everyone has to dress in red,bring along some red food and of course pay

a generous bill 69. will all go to Comic Relief... What about you?

   Interviewer: The staff here have advised me to shave my head and have a red dragon 70. (paint) on it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A shopping center in Brazil is growing vegetables on its rooftop using waste collected from the mall's restaurants. The garden is on the roof of the Eldorado shopping center in Sao Paolo. Workers there use trash(垃圾) from the restaurants to create compost(堆肥) for the garden. Compost is used to improve the soil of the garden. A spokesman for the mall says that the waste from 10 ,000 meals served each day in its food court goes into the compost.

   Workers grow different kinds of fhiits and vegetables on the rooftop garden,including tomatoes,lettuce and eggplant. The fruits and vegetables grown there provide free food for the employees. Mall officials also hope to reduce the amount of waste that would end up in a garbage dump. This,they hope,will reduce carbon gases entering the atmosphere.

   Cicero Evangelista leads the waste recycling effort. He says about 400 kilograms of organic waste are created every day from the mair s'food court.

   He says ,“We weigh the material and add enzymes that remove bacteria,reduce humidity (湿度) and accelerate decomposition(分解). This is how we turn organic waste into organic compost."

   Officials at the shopping center want to save as much waste as possible. So,they held workshops for employees to learn how to best collect waste from their stores. Neide Lopes is a food court worker. She says it is helpful to put in the extra work.

   “The program is active and creative,and they distribute the produce among us,so it's very good. It is a way of reducing waste,and we receive food that we don't have to pay for,and that's the best part!” 

   Mall employees say the project reuses waste food to make food and reduces the shopping center's carbon footprint(碳排放量) at the same time.

28. The food court of the Eldorado shopping center.

   A. is on the rooftop

   B. is far from the garbage dump

   C. leads to the setup of the garden

   D. mainly offers take-away service 

29. The produce of the garden is .

   A. for self-use   B. mostly fruits

   C. for sale   D. rich in enzymes

30. According to Cicero Evangelista, .

   A. officials are not very supportive of the program

   B. the organic waste is not made full use of

   C. producing organic compost is not so simple

   D. workshops for employees are ineffective

31. What's the best title for the text?

   A. A new way of making compost

   B. An environmentally friendly lifestyle

   C. Compost is being widely used in Brazilian gardens

   D. Mall in Brazil uses compost to reduce carbon footprint

