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    learning how to see Words

    Each time we see the familiar or same thing,we should see something new.

    In high school,I had a teacher who made me aware of this concept,although it took many years before I appreciated it fully.

    One day,Mrs. Lambert,my English teacher,brought in several baskets filled with all kinds of stuff. Each of us took something and wrote a composition about it for homework. The next day,the baskets reappeared,and we were instructed to select the same object. This time we had to write a composition about the object without repeating anything from the first one.

    Over the next few days the same thing happened,with each day bringing an increasing sense of (失意) as we tried to see something new in a familiar object. I will never forget the last piece I wrote about my blue and white Delft fisher boy. After struggling to find something different to say,I got inspired to write a poem. It allowed me to see beyond the porcelain ( figure and into the 從sence (本质) of the character. Mrs. Lambert had shown me how to use my own eyes and creativity to see what I otherwise would have looked at and dismissed.

    Fifty years later,as I remember Mrs. Lambert,I wonder,are schools today showing kids how to use their own eyes to see beyond the superficial and into the essence of things? This,I believe,is the most important lesson a child can take into adulthood.

True (T) or False (F) :

1. Mrs. Lambert used to give her students too much homework.()

2. It can be inferred from the text that the author is thankful to Mrs. Lambert. ()


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sharks have been around for hundreds of millions of years. 1       Some sharks live near the surface,some live deep in the water,and others on or near the ocean floor.

We tend to think of sharks as big dangerous creatures. We sometimes read about shark attacks in the newspapers,and in1975 the film Jaws terrified moviegoers with the story of a great white shark which attacked holiday makers in a small seaside town in the USA. 2       It can reach 6 metres in length and up to2,000 kilograms in weight. It has as many as3,000 needle sharp teeth,so it can sever (割断) a man's leg in a single bite.

But not all sharks are like the great white. 3       There are almost400 species of sharks and more than half of these are under a metre in length. The biggest sharks of all are not at all dangerous to humans. The basking shark and the whale shark grow to around 12 metres,but they are quite harmless.

4       Among all these sharks,the bull shark is the one that is most likely to attack people. It swims in very shallow waters where people swim. 5       Indeed you are far more likely to be killed by a dog or by bees than by a shark,and some scientists believe that sharks only attack people because they mistake them for their favourite food.

   A. The pigmy shark,for example,is only about 20 centimetres in length.

   B. Less than one hundred people are attacked by sharks each year.

   C. A shark is a large fish considered to be dangerous to humans.

   D. Only about 25species are dangerous to people.

   E. The great white is certainly a fearsome creature.

   F. We can never imagine such things can happen.

   G. They live in oceans and seas all over the world.

1.         2.         3.       4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

            A  ★★★★☆

    Every year 10 to 15 percent of babies bom in the ?.S. end up in the neonatal intensive care unit(新生儿重症监护病房) (NICU) of a hospital because of heart problems or other issues. And for the parents of those children,NIC? nurses are their rock.

    “Care in the NIC? is intensive,” one nurse,Renee Hendrix,says in the video Tiny Miracles put out by Kleenex in recognition of annual Neonatal Nurses Day. “Our babies are in great danger,” she continues. “I treat them like I would want somebody to treat my baby when I’m not there. That’s the most important thing.”

     But to her,gratitude is the most important thing in this video,which shows the nurse,who works at WellStar Kennestone Hospital,became very happy because of the thank-you messages from 17 families of her former patients.. The video producers surprise Hendrix by opening a door to show each of those grateful families gathered together to thank her in person,along with the babies she saved. “Are you kidding me?” in the video Hendrix screams. “All my favorit? people are in one room!” Aft?r hugging her former patients,she says in the video,UI love taking care of these babies. I don’ t do what I do for any kind of thank you but it's a wonderful feeling to be appreciated."

     This campaign(活动) of thanks is continuing in social media as well,with other NIC? families cheering on the nurses who made a difference in their lives. It’s all part of the job,though,according to Hendrix. She says being a NIC? nurse makes her gain more than what she devotes. “Working with babies that you thought would never even make it out of here and knowing that you had a part in helping them survive is a wonderful feeling,” she says.

1. What is the purpose of the video Tiny Miracles?

   A. To show how nurses treat babies.

   B. To celebrate Neonatal Nurses Day.

   G. To show how the sick babies are doing now.

   D. To advertise the neonatal intensive care unit.

2. Why did Hendrix scream?

   A. Someone played jokes on her.

   B. She was surprised to see the video producers,

   C. She saw her former patients and their families.

   D. A nurse,s opening the door suddenly frightened her.

3. What does Hendrix think of her job?

   A. It is difficult.   B. It is tiresome,

   C. It is interesting.   D. It is rewarding.

4. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The dream of a NIC? nurse

   B. Showing gratitude when necessary

   C. Many babies bom in the ?.S. end up in NIC?   

D. A NICU nurse gets thanks from the kids she's saved 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出修改后的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    A boy about 20 year old looted out of the train window and shouted excited, Dad,the trees are going behind.M The father smiles. I looked at the big boy's childish behavior in pity.Suddenly,they shouted again, “Dad,the clouds are running with us!” I couldn’t help ask the father, “Why not to take your son to a good doctor,sir?” The old man said, “I did and we had just come from the hospital. My son was blind from birth but he just got his eyes today.” “Oh,I see!” I felt really happy for the big boy and at same time said sorry to the father and his son.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

         D ★★★☆☆

    We usually work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. However,for some people,it’s bedtime. These people are night workers. Working at night brings particular problems: Family life is difficult,social life is limited arid it's bad for people's health. With all these problems,who choose to work at night,and are they planning to stay in their jobs?

    “I work at night because I like stars very much,I’m the happiest when Ilooking down my telescope. The stars are amazing,and it's great taking pictures of them. Honestly,Inever going to change my job. Of course,my social life is poor,but Im going to make friends with people abroad online. They are awake when Iworking!”

                             —Robert Moore 

“My work involves repairing railway tracks,so I have to work at night. It's not so bad,our team spirit is great and we get paid extra. However,Igoing to leave this job. It's tiring and I have to find a normal job because I will become a father next month. I hope to be a builder in the future. It’s hard work,but no more nights!”

                              —Tony Baggio

“When I came to this country,the only work I could find was as a night doorman. This job is boring because it’s so quiet,but I’ve decided to turn this problem into an advantage,Igoing to start a degree in literature by distance learning,Igoing to read my course books during the long quiet nights!I want to be a teacher in the future.”

                              —John Millar

“I work in a call center in India,but I answer calls from people in the UK. So I have to work at night. It's a good job with a good salary. It's also interesting because I use my English and talk with different people every day.”

                             —Peter Patel 

13. What is Robert Moore probably?

   A. A socialist.

   B. A translator,c. An inventor.

   D. An astrophotographer.

14. What do we know about Tony Baggio?

   A. He lacks team spirit.

   B. He likes taking pictures,

    C. He will have a baby soon.

   D. He doesn’t want to do hard work.

15. According to John Millar, .

   A. he has a personal teacher

   B. he likes working quietly 

    C. he wants to change his job   

    D. he has a degree in literature

16. What does Peter Patel think of his job?

   A. It is creative.

   B. It is enjoyable.

    C. It is dangerous.

   D. It is meaningless.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    A ★★★☆☆

    When you learn that Jim Abbott played in the Olympics,and pitched (投.) a no-hitter,it might come as a surprise to hear that Abbott W?s bom without a fully formed right hand.

    Abbott never complained about his disability,instead,he took it as a challenge. Perhaps life wasn’t easy or fair,but he decided to make the best of it. As long as he could play sports,he figured,everything would be all right. He worked at becoming a highly competitive athlete. That wasn’t easy. He was cut from the freshman basketball team,and after he made the freshman baseball team,he went an entire season without ? hit. Despite these setbacks,he never gave up.

    By the time Abbott went to college,he could throw a baseball almost 90 miles per hour. His team,the Michigan Wolverines,won two league champion-ships (联赛冠军) while he was pitching for it. In 1988,the California Angels signed Abbott to a major-league baseball (合同) ,but before he joined his team,he went to the Olympic Games in Seoul,South Korea. Abbott played on the United States’ gold-medal winning baseball team there.

    After four seasons with the California Angels,Abbott was traded to the New York Yankees. He was upset that he wasn’t playing well,but he wasn’t about to give up. Instead,he continued playing with determination,and in 1993,he pitched a no-hitter for the Yankees. The opposing team,the Cleveland Indians,got no hits and scored only one run. A no-hit game is a rare event in baseball. Abbott continued playing until 1999,when he retired. Throughout Abbott’s life,he refused to give up for tjie people who loved him and also for himself.

1. What do we know about Abbott?

   A. He was bom with only one arm.

   B. He had no interest in basketball.

    C. He had a positive attitude towards life.

    D. He thought playing sports was easier than other

2. The underlined word 4 setbacksM in Paragraph.2 can be best replaced by .

   A. fights   B. failures

    C. opportunities . D. achievements

3. In 1993,Abbott threw a no-hitter against .

   A. the Michigan Wolverines

   B. the California Angels 

    C. the New York Yankees   

    D. the Cleveland Indians

4. Which is the correct order of the events that happened to Abbott?

a;Abbott joined the California Angels.

b. Abbott went to the University of Michigan.

c. Abbott was traded to the New York Yankees.

d. Abbott took part in the 1988 Summer Olympic Games.

A. d-b-a-c   B. b-d-a-c

c. b-a-d-c   D. a-c-b-d 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   It was the first time that I 21(take) part in a boxing competition. Like other participants I was 22(excite) about the event. In the first round I beat my opponent easily and went into the second round. I was watching every opponent's techniques so that I could be aware of their moves.

   I fought hard and got into the 此所诉似/ (半决赛) .My opponent injured me 23 accident,but I didn’ t give up. I fought back and got into the final. I knew that 24 (get) the gold medal was my dream.

   As I was 25 new face there were no supporters on my side. The crowd was screaming and cheering for my opponent. I could only hear my opponent's name.

   I knew 26 I couldn,t  make it that day,I would regret it. Therefore,I ignored the crowd's screams. I told myself no matter 27 strong my opponent was,I must do my 28(good) and fight well. 29(keep) this in mind,I adopted a uwait and attack" strategy.

   When the time was up,I was leading 3-0. I was so proud of 30(me) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

            Don’t stop swimming!

    On September 2 ,2013,Diana Nyad became the first person to swim successfully the dangerous Florida Straits,a 177 km passage from Cuba to Florida,without the protection of a shark cage (鲨鱼笼) . She was 64 years old at that year.

    When she was in her twenties,Diana was already a famous long-distance swimmer,but she retired in 1979. During her early career,Diana had one unsuccessful swim: Her attempt(尝试) to swim .from Cuba to Florida in 1978 ended after 42 hours in the water. Although she went on with her life,this unrealized dream remained in the back of her mind.

    In early 2010,she turned 60 and decided it was time to pursue her dream again. She began training and,in August 2011,she entered the water to try again 33 years after she had first tried this challenging swim. However,this time she faced strong winds and sea currents and had to give up after 29 hours in the water.

    She tried again a month later,but still wasn’t successful. She waited until the following year for her fourth attempt,but pain from jellyfish?(海蜇) bites forced her to give up. Her fifth attempt began on 31st August,2013t After 53 hours in the water,she. reached Florida and set a new world record.

    It was an unbelievable achieve-ment,but in the words of Diana, “Find a way. Never,ever give up."

    Too many people never realize their dreams,listing all the reasons why they can not achieve them. But Diana N?ad’s story tells US that you should never give up and you’ re never too old to make your dream come true.

True (T) or False (F) :

1. Diana Nyad became a famous swimmer in 1979.()

2. Diana Nyad was faced with strong winds on her fifth attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida.()


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. —Tom has a sore t and he has lost his voice.

—Ask him to drink more hot water with honey.

