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---My room gets very cold at night.

  1. A.
    So is mine
  2. B.
    So mine is
  3. C.
    So does mine
  4. D.
    So mine does
试题分析:考查固定句式。表示前面的肯定情况同样适用于另外一个人的结构:so 助动词/情态动词/be 另一主语;意为:的确如此。本题因为前面是get,所以后面使用助动词does。故C正确。句意:—我的房间在晚上非常冷。—我的也一样。故C正确。
点评:表示前面的肯定情况同样适用于另外一个人的结构:so 助动词/情态动词/be 另一主语;意为:的确如此。

科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年天津市高三第三次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

 Even before my father left us, my mother had to go back to work to support our family. Once I came out of the kitchen, complaining, “Mom, I can’t peel potatoes. I have only one hand.”

    Mom never looked up from sewing. “You get yourself into that kitchen and peel those potatoes,” she told me. “And don’t ever use that as an excuse for anything again!”

    In the second grade, our teacher lined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkey bars, swinging from one high steel rod to the next. When it was my turn, I shook my head. Some kids behind me laughed, and I went home crying.

    That night I told Mom about it. She hugged me, and I saw her “we’ll see about that” look. The next afternoon, she took me back to school. At the deserted playground, Mom looked carefully at the bars.

    “Now, pull up with your right arm,” she advised. She stood by as I struggled to lift myself with my right hand until I could hook the bar with my other elbow. Day after day we practiced, and she praised me for every, rung I reached. I’ll never forget the next time, crossing the rungs, I looked down at the kids who were standing with their mouths open.

    One night, after a dance at my new junior high, I lay in bed sobbing. I could hear Mom come into my room. “Mom,” I said, weeping, “none of the boys would dance with me.”

    For a long time, I didn’t hear anything. Then she said, “Oh, honey, someday you’ll be beating those boys off with a bat.” Her voice was faint and cracking. I peeked out from my covers to see tears running down her cheeks. Then I knew how much she suffered on my behalf. She had never let me see her tears.

1.Which of the following expressions can be used most suitably to describe Mom’s attitude when she made the child peel potatoes?

A. Cruel.         B. Serious.          C. Strict.            D. Cold.

2.From the passage, we know monkey bars can help a child train _________.

A. the skill to throw and catch things

B. the speed of one’s hand movement

C. the strength and skill to hang and sway

D. the bodily skill to rotate round a bar

3.What does the sentence “I saw her ‘we’ll see about that’ look” imply?

A. Mom believe every aim could be achieved if you stuck to it.

B. The race across monkey bars was not difficult enough for a child to give up.

C. Mom was determined to prove she herself was better than the teacher.

D. What the child had said brought Mom great attraction and curiosity.

4.When the child looked down at the kids, they were standing with their mouths open because          .

A. they felt sorry for what they had done before

B. they were afraid the author might fall off and get hurt

C. they wanted to see what the author would do on the bars

D. they were astonished to find the author’s progress

5.The most probable conclusion we can draw after reading the passage is _________.

A. the last incident was sad enough to make Mom weep

B. the child’s experience reminded Mom of that of her own

C. Mom could solve any problem except the one in the last paragraph

D. in fact Mom suffered more in the process of the child’s growth



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省唐河三高2009-2010学年高二下学期期末模拟试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


第三部分:阅读理解 (共16小题:每小题1.5分,满分24分)

第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共13个小题,每小题1.5分,满分19.5 分)并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Our little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was preparing supper, and handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his mom dried her hands on her apron (围裙) , she read it, and this is what was said:

For going to the store for you $2.

For cutting the grass in the garden $3.

For cleaning up the yard this week $2.5.

For cleaning up my room this week $2.

For setting the table for meals this week $1.

For baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping $1.5.

For getting a good school report $5.

Total owed: $17.

His mother looked at him, who was standing there with expectation. Memories flashed through her mind. Then she picked up a pen, turned over the paper he had written on, and wrote:

For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me, No Charge(收费) .

For all the nights that I’ve sat up with you and taken care of you, No Charge.

For all the problems and troubles that you’ve caused through the years, there is No Charge.

When you add it all up, the cost of my love is No Charge.

For all the nights that were filled with fear and for the worries I knew were ahead, No Charge. For the toys, food, clothes, and even wiping up your nose? There is No Charge. And when you add it all up, the full cost of real love is, No Charge, Son.

Well, friends, when our son finished reading what his mother had written, there were big tears in his eyes, and he looked straight up at his mother and said, “Mom, I sure do love you..” And then he took the pen and in great letters he wrote, “ PAID IN FULL.”

1. What might the mother be doing when the boy came into the kitchen?

   A. Getting the dishes ready.          B. Repairing the cooker.

   C. Washing dirty dishes.             D. Laying the table for dinner.

2. According to the boy’s bill, his mom owed him ______ for his helping with the house work.

   A. $7.50          B. $10.50          C. $12.00          D. $17.00

3. This story tries to tell us that ________.

   A. real love is priceless  B. housework is endless  C. the mother is wise D. the boy is selfish



科目:高中英语 来源:北大附属实验学校2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:完形填空


第二节: 完形填空(共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16-30各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。

    It was 3:43. Thunder was crashing and the rain pouring. Suddenly my father_____16_____into my room.

    “Adam! Adam! Get up! We’re flooding!” he shouted and shook me by the shoulders. That _______17______me up! I ran downstairs to the basement(地下室). It was like a swimming pool.

    My mother and I immediately started to pick up things and ______18______them upstairs. I had no _______19_______ on, so my feet were absolutely freezing.

    Things got worse every minute. Within the next hour, we had moved ______20______that we could to the first floor. The computer, big-screen television and heavy boxes______21_______with our most valuable things were taken to safety. However, our piano, sofa, washing machine and water heater were all still down there-----being______22______. There was nothing we could do.

    That was the ______23________part. Knowing that your home is being destroyed is bad enough, but realizing that you can’t do anything to stop it feels even worse. Most people don’t really know how sickening the feeling of being totally helpless is.

    Water had come in our front door. Rescue_______24_______ were floating in our streets. Mother told me to pack an overnight bag of clothes and valuables and get ready to leave.

    When it was______25_______ safe to walk inside, all the people in the neighborhood ______26______ at the street corner. People became friends, and friends became like family. People comforted each other. We_______27_______later that the National Weather Service had _______28_______ the storm a flash flood.

    I really have learned something from this flood. I have learned what destruction is. I’ve learned what ______29______ means. I know in the future, when I watch people’s lives _______30_______ by natural disasters, I can understand them. I will show great pity on them and I will do what I can to help them.

16. A. rushed     B. climbed      C. fell        D. looked

17. A. showed    B. phoned      C. dressed      D. woke

18. A. take       B. catch        C. help        D. make

19. A. hat        B. shoes       C. jacket       D. glasses

20. A. something  B. nothing      C. anything    D. everything

21. A. covered    B. crowded     C. filled       D. fixed

22. A. discovered  B. arranged     C. measured   D. destroyed

23. A. hardest     B. longest      C. earliest     D. smallest

24. A. ships       B. boats       C. cars        D. buses

25.A. usually      B. finally      C. exactly     D. certainly

26.A. restored     B. developed   C. gathered     D. recovered

27. A. learned     B. realized     C. thought      D. concluded

28. A. made       B. appointed   C. declared     D. elected

29. A. truth        B. safety      C. value       D. regret

30. A. shared      B. rescued     C. risked       D. affected



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年河北省唐山市高三摸底考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

One Sunday morning in June 1959 my mother walked into my room. “Surprise!” she said, proudly holding up a yellow dress. “I made it just for you. What do you think?”

         I bit my tongue. How could I tell Mom it was the ugliest dress I had ever seen?

         “It’s perfect for church,” my mother continued delightedly.“I wish someone had made a dress like this for me.”

         Too bad you can’t wear it, I thought. But I knew Mom had spent a lot of time on the dress. No one should refuse.

         Unwillingly I put it on.

         All through church I prayed(祈祷),Lord, let me get out of here without anyone seeing me. Especially Dennis Pearce, the boy I had a crush on, one of the coolest boys at Neptune High School. Although we were in some of the same classes, Dennis had never taken any notice of me. Every time I got near him, I became tongue-tied.

         At the end of the service I rushed for the door. But I had to wait on the steps while my parents chatted with their friends. Just a little while longer…Then out of the corner of my eye I saw the Pearces coming near. Before I could escape, Dennis was right beside me.

         I started talking, hoping if I kept it up he wouldn’t notice my ugly dress. “I’m going to college in September,” I said.

         “That’s great,” Dennis replied “I got accepted to police academy(学院).”

         “Wow!” I said. Somehow I kept the conversation going. The next thing I knew Dennis had asked me out on a date!

         We courted(恋爱)through college, and eventually got married. Months after our wedding I asked Dennis if he remembered the day he had first asked me out.

“Certainly I do,” he said.“You were always quiet in school. I didn’t think you’d be much fun. But you were so lively when we talked on the church steps, I wanted to get to know you better.” Maybe that yellow dress wasn’t what I would have chosen, but that day it was the perfect dress for me.

1.Why did she accept such a dress?

         A.She was fond of its new pattern.

         B.Her Mom just brought it for her.

         C.It was proper to go to church in it.

         D.She understood her Mom’s love.


2.The author tried to carry the dialog on,hoping        .

        A.she would catch other boys’ attention

        B.Dennis would get her out for a date

        C.Dennis wouldn’t take notice of her dress

        D.she could be noticed by Dennis’s parents

3.The underlined part“had a crush on’’ in Paragraph 6 probably means:“      ”.

       A.10ved deeply          B.met by chance      C.100ked down on   D.worried about

4.What would be the best title for the text?

         A.An Ugly Dress                                                B.A Perfect Dress

    C.A Dress for the Church                                 D.A Dress for the Date



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年四川省高三上学期10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a terrible mood. Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn’t invited me.I was in my room thinking of ways to make them sorry when my father came in. “Want to go for a ride,today,Beck? It’s a beautiful day.”

         “No ! Leave me alone!”Those were the last words I said to him that morning.

         My friends called and invited me to go to the mall with them a few hours later.I forgot to be mad at them and went. I came home to find a note on the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it. “Dad has had an accident. Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital”.

    When I reached the hospital,my mother came out and told me my father’s injuries were extensive(大量). “Your father told the driver to leave him alone and just call 911,thank God! If he had moved Daddy,there’s no telling what might have happened.A broken rib(肋骨)might have pierced(穿透)a lung….”

         My mother may have said more,but I didn’t hear.I didn’t hear anything except those terrible

words:Leave me alone.My dad said them to save himself from being hurt more.How much had I hurt him when I hurled(猛投) those words at him earlier in the day?

    It was several days later that he was finally able to have a conversation.I held his hand gently, afraid of hurting him.

         “Daddy… I am so sorry….”

         “It’s okay,sweetheart.I'll be okay.”

         “No,”I said,“I mean about what I said to you that day.You know, that morning?”

         My father could no more tell a lie than he could fly.He looked at me and said.“Sweetheart,

I don’t remember anything about that day, not before,during or after the accident.I remember kissing you good night the night before,though.”He managed a weak smile.

    My English teacher once told me that words have immeasurable power.They can hurt or they

can heal.And we all have the power to choose our words. I intend to do that very carefully from now on.

1.The author was in bad mood that morning because ________.

    A.his father had a terrible accident

    B.he couldn’t drive to the mall with his friends

    C.his friends hadn’t invited him to the cinema

    D.his father didn’t allow him to go out with his friends

2.Why did the author say sorry to his father in the hospital?

         A.Because he didn’t go along with his father.

         B.Because he was rude to his father that morning.

         C.Because he failed to come earlier after the accident.

         D.Because he couldn’t look after his father in the hospital

3.The reason why the author’s father said he forgot everything about that day is that ________.

         A.he had a poor memory

         B.he didn’t want to comfort his son

         C.he just wanted to comfort his son

         D.he lost his memory after the accident

4.What lesson did Beck learn from the matter?

         A.Don’t treat your parents badly.

         B.Don’t hurt others with rude words.

         C.Don’t move the injured in an accident.

         D.Don’t be angry with friends at small things


