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Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived to collect, I found the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window.

I walked to the door and knocked. “Just a minute.” answered a weak, elderly voice. After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase. I took the suitcase to the car, and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the car. She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It’s nothing,” I told her. “I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated.”

“Oh, you’re such a good man,” she said. When we got into the taxi, she gave me an address, and then asked, “Could you drive through downtown?”

“It’s not the shortest way.” I answered quickly.

“Oh, I’m in no hurry.” she said. “I’m on my way to a hospice(临终医院). I don’t have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have very long.”

I quietly reached over and shut off the meter(计价器). For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl. Sometimes she’d ask me to slow down in front of a particular building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing. At dawn, she suddenly said, “I’m tired. Let’s go now.” We drove in silence to the address she had given me.

“How much do I owe you?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I said.

“You have to make a living.” she answered. “Oh, there are other passengers,” I answered.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly. Our hug ended with her remark. “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”

1. The old woman chose to ride through the city in order to .

A. show she was familiar with the city

B. see some places for the last time

C. let the driver earn more money

D. reach the destination on time

2.The taxi driver did not charge the old woman because he .

A. wanted to do her a favor

B. shut off the meter by mistake

C. had received her payment in advance

D. was in a hurry to take other passengers

3. What can we learn from the story?

A. Giving is always a pleasure.

B. People should respect each other.

C. An act of kindness can bring people great joy.

D. People should learn to appreciate others’ concern.






1.B细节理解题。由For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl可知我陪她看了很多以前的地方,而且前文提到I don't have very long可知我没有多长时间了,所以B正确。





科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东枣庄第九中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The decision to inspect the middle school is _______ so that they can see the true situation of both teachers and students.

A.random B.serious C.mental D.normal


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年辽宁大连市高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina

For the first time ever, two little fairy tale (童话) characters meet in one fun-filled, action-packed musical adventure. Trying to find their way in a great big world, Tom Thumb and Thumbelina join forces and face difficulties in a great journey to find their true home.

Starring: Elijah Wood, Peter Gallagher

Runtime: 1 hour 16 minutes

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Uptown Girls

Carefree Molly Gunn loses her inheritance (遗产) and must do something she’s never done before---to get a job. She ends up as babysitter to an 8-year-old girl who teaches Molly to be a grownup, while Molly teaches her to be a kid.

Starring: Brittany Murphy, Dakota Fanning

Runtime: 1 hour 33 minutes

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Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story

Based on a true story, the movie Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story is about the British author’s rise to fame, from poor single mother to author of the popular Harry Potter books, and one of the wealthiest woman in the world.

Starring: Poppy Montgomery, Emily Holmes

Runtime: 1 hour 26 minutes

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The Book Thief

To everyone’s excitement, Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson star in this moving film based on the bestseller about a girl who changes the lives of those around her in World War II Germany.

Starring: Emily Watson, Geoffrey Rush

Runtime: 2 hours 11 minutes

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1. Where can the passage be found?

A. On the website. B. In a newspaper.

C. In a magazine. D. On a poster.

2._______ will be interested in the passage.

A. People who love books

B. People who enjoy films

C. People who are fond of stories

D. People who are crazy about music

3.Which of the following will help you know about the writer of Harry Potter?

A. The Adventures of Tom Thumb and Thumbelina.

B. Uptown Girls.

C. Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story.

D. The Book Thief.

4. According to the passage, which actor or actress may be the most popular?

A. Poppy Montgomery B. Emily Holmes

C. Brittany Murphy D. Geoffrey Rush


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西南昌第三中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Because of my ______ English, I can't make myself ______.

A. broken; understand B. broken; understood

C. break; understood D. breaking; understanding


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广西桂林第十八中学高二下开学英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Last summer I went through a training program and became a volunteer teaching people how to read. When I what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I began to realize the true of reading.

My first student Marie was a 44-year- old single mother of three children. In the first lesson, I found out she walked two miles to the nearest twice a week because she didn’t know which bus to take. When I told her I would get her a bus schedule. She told me it would not help because she could not read it. She said she also had once she got to the supermarket because she couldn’t always the things that she really needed. she did not know words, she could not write out a shopping list. Also, she could only items by sight.

We worked hard together, learning how to build Marie’s , which encouraged her to in her studies. She began to make rapid and was even able to take the bus to the supermarket. After this trip, she told me how self-confident she felt. the end of the program, she began her youngest son with his reading. She sat with him before he went to and read bedtime stories. When his eyes became with excitement as she read, was written all over her face. As she described this experience, I was proud of myself as . I found that helping Marie to build self-confidence was very rewarding.

I learned a great deal about and helping others and I may have learned more from the than Marie did.

1.A.forgetB. discoveredC. pickedD. supplied

2.A.importanceB. intelligenceC. possibilityD. responsibility

3.A.restaurantB. schoolC. supermarketD. station

4.A.difficultyB. moneyC. friendsD .pleasure

5.A.affordB. learnC. explainD. remember

6.A.IfB. SinceC. OnceD. Though

7.A.recognizeB. tasteC. touchD. sell

8.A.determinationB. confidenceC. conclusionD. consideration

9.A.stopB. forgetC. failD. continue

10.A.differenceB. mistakesC. progressD. noise

11.A.hopefulB. meaningfulC. carefulD. successful

12.A.AtB.InC. ForD. With

13.A.helpingB. expressingC. studyingD. learning

14.A.schoolB. workC. marketD. bed

15.A.newB. wideC. farD. sad

16.A.pressB. prideC. surpriseD. kindness

17.A.wellB.terribleC. goodD. bad

18.A.myB. herC. yourD. his

19.A.learningB. teachingC. readingD. communicating

20.A.experienceB. trainingC. planD. lesson


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高考原创英语预测卷 02(新课标1卷) 题型:信息匹配


Are You Ready to Make a Lifestyle Change?

When it comes to weight loss, the words you might hear are: lifestyle and changes. 1. But, if it were that simple, I'd be out of a job and you'd be too busy working out to read this.Losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life like, how you spend your time, how you schedule your day, and how/what you eat.

What's Your Lifestyle Like?

2. So what is a healthy lifestyle? The typical components include not smoking, eating healthy foods, exercising and keeping the body at a healthy weight. First, figure out how much time you spend doing the following:

Sitting at a desk


Sitting in front of a computer

Drinking alcohol

Eating fast food or junk foods

Staying up late/not getting enough sleep

Now, How Much Time Do You Spend?

Being active in general (taking the stairs, walking instead of driving, gardening, cleaning, etc. )

Doing cardio exercise

Strength training for all muscle groups with challenging weights

Tracking your calories


Dealing with stress in a healthy way

4. Living healthy means spending time and energy on your body-moving it around and paying attention to what you put into it. Staying in an unhealthy lifestyle means you can avoid expending energy, time and effort. Choosing Health

As humans, we like habits and routines so much that we often keep doing the same things even when we know they aren't good for us. Changing bad habits takes time and effort. 5. For example, what time you get up each morning.

A. Sitting in front of a TV

B. How you spend your free time

C. For a healthy lifestyle, you may be changing a variety of things.

D. It may seem like losing weight is a simple goal-do some exercise, go on a diet!

E. The reason why lifestyle is so important is that it determines how healthy you are.

F. Losing weight takes hard work and that often means changing different aspects of your life.

G. If you spend more time doing the things in the first list than the second, it's time to change your lifestyle.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高考原创英语预测卷 01(新课标1卷) 题型:语法填空

A water carrier had a cracked pot so water in it leaked out .But he could see the good and make use 1. the crack to water flowers along the road.

What the water carrier said 2. (impress) me. No one in the world is perfect. We should learn to see the good in others 3. (tell) them they are extraordinary.

The lovely cracked pot reminds me of my desk-mate , 4. I always helped with maths. One day, she told me she was sorry for wasting so much of my time. I was 5. (shock) at her words. As a matter of fact, it was her diligence that pushed us 6. (work) together. It was her who let me know that whether we could 7. (success) achieve our goal didn't depend on how clever we were 8. how much we desired and how long we could insist on. To be frank, what I taught her were only some maths problems but what she taught me was a 9. (mean) lesson of life.

So in my opinion, everyone must have many virtues. Take a moment to observe 10. good in others and tell them. It is a simple but very powerful way to light up the whole world.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年高考原创英语预测卷 01(福建卷) 题型:语法填空


A few years ago, I drove to a gas station. It was a fine day, I was feeling good. As I walked into the station to pay for the gas, the attendant said to me: “You don’t look well” That completely took me by ___1.___, I told him I had never felt 2. (well). Without hesitation he told me I looked terribly bad and my skin appeared yellow.

When I left the gas station, 3. (feel) a little uneasy, I pulled over to the side of road and look at my face in the mirror. How did I feel? Was everything all right? Had I __4.___ up a rare disease? Had I had hepatitis(肝炎)?

The next time I drove into the gas station, I figured out what 5. (happen). The place had recently been painted a bright yellow, the light 6. (reflect) off the walls made someone inside look as __7._ they had hepatitis. I wondered how many folks had reacted the way I did. I had let one short conversation with a total stranger 8. (change) my attitude for an entire day. He told me I looked sick, and before long, I was actually feeling sick. That single negative observation had a profound effect 9. the way I felt and acted.

A little while later I saw how funny the incident was. I wonder how many other people that the man had told were ill 10. he realized that the gas station had a paint job.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年宁夏银川九中高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





All of us need friendship. An understanding between two friends mean both of them have similar ideas and trusting each other. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to help each other and to make their friendship to last long. As an old saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” So really friendship should able to stand all sorts of tests. And it is wise to have as many good friends that we can. The more fiends we have, the more we can learn for one another, but the more pleasure we can share together.

