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________ in China for almost ten years, the foreigner can speak Chinese very fluently.

[  ]

B.Having lived
D.Being lived

Having lived现在分词的完成式。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051


For three groups of explorers formed by college students and young white collars,it started out as a wonderful trip.[1] _________

The drama unfolded during the May Day holiday.One girl did not make it before the students were rescued.[2] _________

GPS,or Global Positioning System,is a satellite?based navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites.It was originally created for military use by the US in 1980s but is now available for civilian use.[3] _________

[4] _________A GPS receiver must be locked on to the signals of at least three ?satellites to calculate the latitude and longitude of its location.Once the user's position has been determined,the GPS receiver can calculate other information,such as speed, direction,distance to destination,and a whole lot more.

A.GPS will be fitted on all the cars.

B.They were enjoying themselves exploring the Inner Mongolian desert.But when the sandstorm came,the trip became a disaster.

C.GPS works in any weather conditions,anywhere in the world,24 hours a day.And the service is free.

D.With four or more satellites in view,the receiver can determine the user's altitude.?

E.GPS are only produced in China.

F.GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day and transmit signals and information to the earth.GPS receivers take this information and calculate the user's exact location.?

G.The group was eventually found with the help of a GPS receiver.


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省山一0910学年高二第一次段考试题(英语) 题型:其他题



首先, 请阅读下列的应用文

A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards are one of the most film honors in Asia. Founded in 1962, golden horses were initially awarded for local excellence. They’ve since been extended to professionals from the mainland and Hong Kong.

B. The establishment of the Academy (and its awards system) has had a major effect and influence upon the film industry, due to the enormous boost a nomination or award (for a film or actor) creates, by giving prestige and bottom- line profits to a studio or performer.

C. In 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament in Paris. Among its four closely-written pages, less than one refers to the donation which was destined to link his name with the supreme achievements of the modern world in science and literature and the cause of peace. In the will, Nobel made his lifelong love of literature clear, as one of the prizes was to be awarded to “the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction.”

D. Regarded as China’s Nobel Prize by those in the Chinese scientific circle, the Supreme State Science and Technology Award was established in 1999 to honour scientists who make remarkable contributions to the progress of science and the commercialization of technological findings. The top honour is bestowed on no more than two individuals each year and the prize is presented by the president.

E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize was created due to Mao Dun’s wish that outstanding novels should be encouraged and communist literature should be promoted. It is one of the most honorable literature awards in China.

F. The Fields Medal plays the most importance in the world of mathematics. It is awarded by the International Mathematical Union (IMU) every four years at ICM. It is accompanied by strict conditions. Only those mathematicans below the age of 40 are eligible to receive it. This is because they are meant to encourage future endeavour.

请阅读以下获奖者或获奖作品的信息, 然后匹配


On 2003 July 16, The American-Chinese Writers’ Association declared their nomination (提名) of Wang Meng, a contemporary Chinese writer and vice chairman of the China Writers’ Association, to the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm a candidate for the 2003 Prize.

“Red Poppy” has been widely acclaimed as one of the best novels written in China this century even before it won the prize. It tells about the rise and fall of a Tibetan landlord’s family, and the relationship between the Tibetan region and other parts of China.

Winning were geologist Liu Dongsheng and space and aviation scientist Wang Yongzhi. The two were rewarded for their decades of dedication to China’s development of geological and environmental science and satellite and aircraft engineering science, respectively.

Andrei Okounkov won the prize “for his contributions bridging probability, representation theory and algebraic geometry”

Charlize Theron, born in South Africa, who gave a career-making performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, won best actress.

获奖者或获奖作品                            奖项

56. Wang Meng                     A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards

57. Red Poppy                     B. Academy Awards

58. Liu Dongsheng & Wang Yongzhi   C. Nobel Prize in Literature nominee

59. Andrei Okounkov                D. The Supreme State Science and Technology Award

60. Charlize Theron                 E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize

F. The Fields Medal



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省中山一中09-10学年高二第一次段考 题型:任务型阅读



  首先, 请阅读下列的应用文

A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards are one of the most film honors in Asia. Founded in 1962, golden horses were initially awarded for local excellence. They’ve since been extended to professionals from the mainland and Hong Kong.

B. The establishment of the Academy (and its awards system) has had a major effect and influence upon the film industry, due to the enormous boost a nomination or award (for a film or actor) creates, by giving prestige and bottom- line profits to a studio or performer.

C. In 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament in Paris. Among its four closely-written pages, less than one refers to the donation which was destined to link his name with the supreme achievements of the modern world in science and literature and the cause of peace. In the will, Nobel made his lifelong love of literature clear, as one of the prizes was to be awarded to “the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction.”

D. Regarded as China’s Nobel Prize by those in the Chinese scientific circle, the Supreme State Science and Technology Award was established in 1999 to honour scientists who make remarkable contributions to the progress of science and the commercialization of technological findings. The top honour is bestowed on no more than two individuals each year and the prize is presented by the president.

E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize was created due to Mao Dun’s wish that outstanding novels should be encouraged and communist literature should be promoted. It is one of the most honorable literature awards in China.

F. The Fields Medal plays the most importance in the world of mathematics. It is awarded by the International Mathematical Union (IMU) every four years at ICM. It is accompanied by strict conditions. Only those mathematicans below the age of 40 are eligible to receive it. This is because they are meant to encourage future endeavour.


请阅读以下获奖者或获奖作品的信息, 然后匹配


On 2003 July 16, The American-Chinese Writers’ Association declared their nomination (提名) of Wang Meng, a contemporary Chinese writer and vice chairman of the China Writers’ Association, to the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm a candidate for the 2003 Prize.

“Red Poppy” has been widely acclaimed as one of the best novels written in China this century even before it won the prize. It tells about the rise and fall of a Tibetan landlord’s family, and the relationship between the Tibetan region and other parts of China.

Winning were geologist Liu Dongsheng and space and aviation scientist Wang Yongzhi. The two were rewarded for their decades of dedication to China’s development of geological and environmental science and satellite and aircraft engineering science, respectively.

Andrei Okounkov won the prize “for his contributions bridging probability, representation theory and algebraic geometry”

Charlize Theron, born in South Africa, who gave a career-making performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, won best actress.



获奖者或获奖作品                             奖项

1.Wang Meng                     A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards

2.Red Poppy                      B. Academy Awards

3.Liu Dongsheng & Wang Yongzhi   C. Nobel Prize in Literature nominee

4.Andrei Okounkov                D. The Supreme State Science and Technology Award

5.Charlize Theron                 E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize

F. The Fields Medal



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  首先, 请阅读下列的应用文

A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards are one of the most film honors in Asia. Founded in 1962, golden horses were initially awarded for local excellence. They’ve since been extended to professionals from the mainland and Hong Kong.

B. The establishment of the Academy (and its awards system) has had a major effect and influence upon the film industry, due to the enormous boost a nomination or award (for a film or actor) creates, by giving prestige and bottom- line profits to a studio or performer.

C. In 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament in Paris. Among its four closely-written pages, less than one refers to the donation which was destined to link his name with the supreme achievements of the modern world in science and literature and the cause of peace. In the will, Nobel made his lifelong love of literature clear, as one of the prizes was to be awarded to “the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction.”

D. Regarded as China’s Nobel Prize by those in the Chinese scientific circle, the Supreme State Science and Technology Award was established in 1999 to honour scientists who make remarkable contributions to the progress of science and the commercialization of technological findings. The top honour is bestowed on no more than two individuals each year and the prize is presented by the president.

E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize was created due to Mao Dun’s wish that outstanding novels should be encouraged and communist literature should be promoted. It is one of the most honorable literature awards in China.

F. The Fields Medal plays the most importance in the world of mathematics. It is awarded by the International Mathematical Union (IMU) every four years at ICM. It is accompanied by strict conditions. Only those mathematicans below the age of 40 are eligible to receive it. This is because they are meant to encourage future endeavour.

请阅读以下获奖者或获奖作品的信息, 然后匹配


On 2003 July 16, The American-Chinese Writers’ Association declared their nomination (提名) of Wang Meng, a contemporary Chinese writer and vice chairman of the China Writers’ Association, to the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm a candidate for the 2003 Prize.

“Red Poppy” has been widely acclaimed as one of the best novels written in China this century even before it won the prize. It tells about the rise and fall of a Tibetan landlord’s family, and the relationship between the Tibetan region and other parts of China.

Winning were geologist Liu Dongsheng and space and aviation scientist Wang Yongzhi. The two were rewarded for their decades of dedication to China’s development of geological and environmental science and satellite and aircraft engineering science, respectively.

Andrei Okounkov won the prize “for his contributions bridging probability, representation theory and algebraic geometry”

Charlize Theron, born in South Africa, who gave a career-making performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, won best actress.

获奖者或获奖作品                             奖项

56. Wang Meng                     A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards

57. Red Poppy                      B. Academy Awards

58. Liu Dongsheng & Wang Yongzhi   C. Nobel Prize in Literature nominee

59. Andrei Okounkov                D. The Supreme State Science and Technology Award

60. Charlize Theron                 E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize

F. The Fields Medal


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  首先, 请阅读下列的应用文

A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards are one of the most film honors in Asia. Founded in 1962, golden horses were initially awarded for local excellence. They’ve since been extended to professionals from the mainland and Hong Kong.

B. The establishment of the Academy (and its awards system) has had a major effect and influence upon the film industry, due to the enormous boost a nomination or award (for a film or actor) creates, by giving prestige and bottom- line profits to a studio or performer.

C. In 1895, Alfred Nobel signed his last will and testament in Paris. Among its four closely-written pages, less than one refers to the donation which was destined to link his name with the supreme achievements of the modern world in science and literature and the cause of peace. In the will, Nobel made his lifelong love of literature clear, as one of the prizes was to be awarded to “the person who shall have produced in the field of literature the most outstanding work in an ideal direction.”

D. Regarded as China’s Nobel Prize by those in the Chinese scientific circle, the Supreme State Science and Technology Award was established in 1999 to honour scientists who make remarkable contributions to the progress of science and the commercialization of technological findings. The top honour is bestowed on no more than two individuals each year and the prize is presented by the president.

E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize was created due to Mao Dun’s wish that outstanding novels should be encouraged and communist literature should be promoted. It is one of the most honorable literature awards in China.

F. The Fields Medal plays the most importance in the world of mathematics. It is awarded by the International Mathematical Union (IMU) every four years at ICM. It is accompanied by strict conditions. Only those mathematicans below the age of 40 are eligible to receive it. This is because they are meant to encourage future endeavour.

       请阅读以下获奖者或获奖作品的信息, 然后匹配


On 2003 July 16, The American-Chinese Writers’ Association declared their nomination (提名) of Wang Meng, a contemporary Chinese writer and vice chairman of the China Writers’ Association, to the Nobel Committee of the Swedish Academy in Stockholm a candidate for the 2003 Prize.

“Red Poppy” has been widely acclaimed as one of the best novels written in China this century even before it won the prize. It tells about the rise and fall of a Tibetan landlord’s family, and the relationship between the Tibetan region and other parts of China.

Winning were geologist Liu Dongsheng and space and aviation scientist Wang Yongzhi. The two were rewarded for their decades of dedication to China’s development of geological and environmental science and satellite and aircraft engineering science, respectively.

Andrei Okounkov won the prize “for his contributions bridging probability, representation theory and algebraic geometry”

Charlize Theron, born in South Africa, who gave a career-making performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster, won best actress.

       获奖者或获奖作品                             奖项

56. Wang Meng                     A. Taiwan’s Golden Horse Awards

57. Red Poppy                      B. Academy Awards

58. Liu Dongsheng & Wang Yongzhi   C. Nobel Prize in Literature nominee

59. Andrei Okounkov                D. The Supreme State Science and Technology Award

60. Charlize Theron                 E. The Mao Dun Literature Prize

F. The Fields Medal

