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  Fire can help people in many ways.But it can also be very harmful.Fire can make water hot and house warm, give light and cook food.But fire can burn(燃烧)things, too.It can make trees, houses, animals and other things catch fire(起火).If some people can't run away from fire, it can kill them.This happens in every country every year.

  Sometimes big fire can burn forests.A month ago, a large forest fire broke out in Yunnan Province.It lasted nearly half a month.The forest in Heilongjiang Province and the grassland in Inner Mongolia caught fire in May, 2006.After more than ten days' fight, over 30,000 people and soldiers put out(扑灭)the fire at last.

  Nobody knows clearly when people began to make fire, but there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire.One story from Australia tells about a man who went to the sun and brought fire down a long time ago.Today people know how to make a fire with matches(火柴).Children sometimes like to play with them.But matches can be very dangerous.The match can burn a piece of paper and then it can burn a house.A small fire can become a big fire, and destroy many things.Fire kills many people every year.So you must be careful with fire.


The main idea of the passage is that ________.

[  ]


fire is dangerous and harmful


forest fire can be easily put out


who started a fire the first time


every month there is a forest fire in Yunnan Province


Matches can be dangerous because ________.

[  ]


they always burn a house


they can make things catch fire


they can burn a piece of paper


they kill many animals every year


Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


Someone started a fire in Heilongjiang Province.


Fire was brought down from the sun long, long ago.


We can only make a fire with a match.


Playing with fire is dangerous.


The writer of the passage wants to tell us that ________.

[  ]


we know when man began to make a fire


people should use fire carefully


fire can burn down all things in the world


all children like to play with matches


科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  Monarch butterflies(黑脉金斑蝶)are a common summer sight in the northern United States and Canada.These large orange and black insects(昆虫)brighten parks and gardens as they fly lightly among the flowers.What makes monarchs particularly interesting is that they migrate(迁飞)-all the way to California or Mexico and back.They are thought to be the only insect that does this.

  Every year in the late summer monarchs begin their journey to the south.Those heading for Mexico go first for the Louisiana Mississippi area, then fly across the Gulf of Mexico into Texas.Once in Mexico, they settle themselves in one of about fifteen places in a mountain forest filled with fir trees.Each place provides a winter home for millions of monarchs.The butterflies are so many that they often cover entire trees.When spring comes, they begin their long journey north.

  The question is often asked whether every butterfly makes the round trip journey every year.And the answer is no.The average monarch lives about nine months.So one flying north might lay eggs in Louisiana and then die.The eggs of that generation may be found in Kentucky; the eggs of the next generation may end up in Wisconsin or Michigan.The last generation of the season, about the fourth, will make their way back to Mexico and restart the journey.

  Scientists learn about monarchs’ migration by catching and making marks on the insects.By recatching a monarch with such a mark and noticing where it came from, the next scientist can get to know things like the butterfly’s age and its routing(路线).


One of the places where monarchs spend the winter is ________.

[  ]


the Gulf of Mexico


an area in Mississippi


a forest in Mexico


a plain in Texas


The routing of monarchs’ migration can be learned ________.

[  ]


by examining the marks made on them


by collecting their eggs in the mountains


by comparing their different ages


by counting the dead ones in the forests


What is the subject discussed in the passage?

[  ]


Migration of monarchs.


Scientists’ interest in monarchs.


Winter home of monarchs.


Life and death of monarchs.


科目:高中英语 来源:2009年高考英语(四川卷) 题型:050


  Hey there,

  So you’re about to spend four years of your life and tens of thousands of dollars of your parents’ money, and all you really know about college is that all of your friends are goingDo you ever atop to wonder why you’re going?

  BelaxYou’re making the right decisionFirst of all, you’ll discover what interests you by taking coursea in many subjectsFor example, it’s hard to decide if you want to be a painter if you’ve never painted any picture;once you’re in a drawing-room on campus, you’ll know one way or the otherCollege is also a lot of fun-after you graduate, you’ll be working every weekday for 50 or so yearsAnd remember that college graduates earn about twice the income of those who never attended college

  Finding the right college can be difficultFortunately, Johnson Revicetv is here to help you every step of the way

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How many reasons for going to college does the author mention in the text?

[  ]










The author thinks you should choose the college that is ________

[  ]










What does the author advise you to do to pay the high cost of college?

[  ]


To ask the family for help


To make a study of financial courses


To do research on the price of college


To get to know how to ask for financial aid


What’s the author’s purpose of writing this text?

[  ]


To suggest ways to prepare for college learning


To help readers find the right college


To make Johnson Review popular


To introduce college life


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省建水一中2012届高三9月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Walking down any of Shanghai's main shopping streets this week, newcomers might think the locals have been celebrating Christmas for centuries.Christmas may not be a customary holiday in China, but businessmen in Shanghai know it will bring something more valuable than tradition:people are willing to spend money.Most Chinese may feel little connection with the Christmas celebration, but with most shops offering discount(折扣), the message couldn't be clearer-it is the season to part with one's hard-earned cash.

  Much of that marketing drive is directed towards thousands of foreigners and foreign companies that call Shanghai home.But for Shanghai's 13 million locals, regardless of personal interest, there seems no avoiding the season's commercial greetings.Along some major roads, nearly every shop window displays some symbols to the holiday:a man-made fir tree(杉树)with lights, or a snowman.

  With an increasing number of westerners arriving in the city for work, young Shanghainese, eager to keep pace with the latest western fashions, have begun to show their interest in Christmas.But some people still don't think Christmas is an important festival in China.At least it is less important than the New Year and China's Spring Festival.


Why are people willing to spend money during Christmas?

[  ]


They have earned a lot of money.


Goods are much cheaper during this period of time.


It is time for shops to sell goods.


Businessmen like Christmas.


Which of the following statements is TRUE?

[  ]


Christmas is the season people will hold their hard-earned money tightly.


Most Chinese people think they have something to do with Christmas.


Christmas is the season for common people to earn money.


Few Chinese people feel they are connected with Christmas celebrations.


Why do some young Shanghainese show great interest in Christmas?

[  ]


They think themselves connected with Christmas celebrations.


They think Christmas is more important than New Year's Day.


They want to follow the up-to-date western fashions.


They want to part with their hard-earned cash during Christmas.


From the first paragraph we know that ________.

[  ]


It is difficult for most people to earn money.


It is easy for most people to earn money.


Only foreigners in Shanghai celebrate Christmas.


Christmas will be as important as China's Spring Festival.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省泉州一中2012届高三上学期期中考试英语试题 题型:050


  Modern man has cleared the forests for farmland and for wood, and has also carelessly burned them.More than that, though, he has also interfered(干涉)with the invisible bonds between the living things in the forests.There are many examples of this kind of destruction.The harmfulness of man's interference can be seen in what happened many years ago in the forest of the Kaibab plateau(凯亚巴布高原)of northern Arizona.Man tried to improve on the natural web of forest life and destroyed it instead.

  The Kaibab had a storybook forest of large sized pine, Douglas fir, white fir, blue and Engelmann spruce.In 1882 a visitor noted, "We, who...have wandered through its forests and parks, have come to regard it as the most enchanting region it has ever been our privilege(特权)to visit.”This was also the living place of the Rocky Mountain mule deer.Indians hunted there every autumn to gather meat and skins.The forest also had mountain lions, timber wolves and bobcats that kept the deer from multiplying too rapidly.

  Then, in 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt made the Kaibab a national game preserve.Deer hunting was forbidden.Government hunters started killing off the deer's enemies.In 25 years' time, 6,250 mountain lions, wolves and bobcats were killed.Before the program, there were about 4,000 deer in the Kaibab, by 1924, there were about 100,000.

  The deer ate every leaf and twig they could reach.But there was not nearly enough food.Hunting of deer was permitted again.This caused a slight decrease in the deer herd(鹿群),but a far greater loss resulted from starvation(饥饿)and disease.Some 60 percent of the deer herd died in two winters.By 1930 the herd had dropped to 20,000 animals.By 1942 it was down to 8,000.


The destruction of the environment of the Kaibab resulted from.

[  ]


turning the forest into cultivated land


interfering with natural cycle of forest life


forest fires caused by man's carelessness


cutting the trees for building materials


"Engelmann spruce"(Para.2)is most likely the name of.

[  ]


a tree


an animal


a mountain


a game


The number of the deer in the Kaibab had increased enormously in ________ years' time.

[  ]










Years later, large numbers of deer in the Kaibab died mainly because of.

[  ]


the cold


the organized kill


the shortage of food


the poor management


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省邢台一中2011-2012学年高二下学期第四次月考英语试题 题型:050


  We have met the enemy and he i s our s.We bought him at a pet shop.When monkey-pox, a di sea se u sually found in the African rain fore st suddenly turn s up in children in the American Midwe st, it' s hard not to wonder of the di sea se that come s from foreign animal s i s homing in on human being s.“Mo st of the infection s we think of a s human infection s started in other animal s, ” say s Stephen Mor se, director of the Center for Public Health Preparedne s s at Columbia Univer sity.

  It' s not ju st that we're going to where the animal s are; we're al so bringing them clo ser to u s.Popular foreign pet s have brought a whole new di sea se to thi s country.A strange illne s s killed I sak sen' s pet s and she now think s that keeping foreign pet s i s a bad idea, “I don't think it' s fair to have them a s pet s when we have such alimited knowledge of them.” say s I sak sen.

  “Law s allowing the se animal s to be brought in from deep fore st area s without stricter control need changing.” say s Peter Schantz.Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call.Re searcher s believe infected animal s may infect their owner s.We know very little about the se new di sea se s.A new bug(病毒)may be kind at fir st.But it may develop into something harmful.Monkey-pox doe sn't look a major infectiou s di sea se.But it i s not impo s sible to pa s s the di sea se from per son to per son.


We learn from Paragraph 1 that the pet sold at the shop may ________.

[  ]


come from Columbia


prevent u s from being infected


enjoy being with children


suffer from monkey-pox


Why did I sak sen advi se people not to have foreign pet s?

[  ]


Becau se they attack human being s.


Becau se we need to study native animal s.


Becau se they can't live out of the rain fore st.


Becau se we do not know much about them yet.


What doe s the phra se “the wake-up call” in Paragraph 3 mo st probably mean?

[  ]


A new di sea se.


A clear warning.


A dangerou s animal.


A morning call.

