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In 1932, my father had to declare bankruptcy (破产). He was ashamed of it, but it came about because of his  1heart.

He had been in the milk business and every day he  2milk to many homes. His route(线路)included many people  3worked at the local steel company. Dad  4delivering milk even when his customers were unable to  5him.

After the bankruptcy, he started selling hamburgers from a  6building he and his brothers had built. That was the  7of the Poplar Inn, named  8the row of poplar trees(杨树)nearby. My mother was a good cook, and soon many dishes were  9to the menu. Later, another two buildings were built and the Poplar Inn   10much larger.

On Saturdays, Mother would spend the whole day in the kitchen  11for parties. During dinner, my sister Phyllis and I helped  12customers. Phyllis would dance, and I would sing the latest songs. Square dances were  13then and many adults would dance. As the evening went  14, and children became bored with watching their parents  15, they were often taken to our bedrooms.

Since Dad had a big heart, it was not  16for him to help others without asking for payment. Every time my father made a loan (借出的贷款), he  17out a card, but he never tried to  18those debts. Finally, he destroyed the cards — therefore there were no  19at all.

The Poplar Inn was  20around 1953 to make way for a new highway. But if I stood there now, instead of hearing traffic, I think I’d hear music and the sound of people laughing.

1.A. warm          B. stupid        C. ugly           D. powerful

2.A. bought        B. took          C. presented      D. fetched

3.A. who           B. which         C. whom           D. what

4.A. stopped       B. recommended   C. kept           D. advised

5.A. aid           B. pay           C. employ         D. inform

6.A. small         B. huge          C. convenient     D. single

7.A. history       B. story         C. end            D. beginning

8.A. after         B. with          C. at             D. to

9.A. devoted       B. contributed   C. added          D. related

10.A. went         B. became        C. appeared       D. changed

11.A. preparing    B. sending       C. standing       D. searching

12.A. predict      B. disappoint    C. concern        D. entertain

13.A. important    B. curious       C. popular        D. meaningful

14.A. away         B. on            C. up             D. down

15.A. dance        B. sing          C. play           D. drink

16.A. common       B. unknown       C. patient        D. unusual

17.A. filled       B. carried       C. picked         D. stood

18.A. throw        B. collect       C. form           D. complete

19.A. affairs      B. dialogues     C. debts          D. problems

20.A. set aside    B. brought in    C. pulled down     D. put together

























科目:高中英语 来源:山东省潍坊市寿光现代中学2012届高三12月月考英语试题 题型:001




1.What’s the most probable relationship between the speakers?


B.Doctor and patient.

C.Husband and wife.

2.What time is it now?




3.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At home.

B.In a bookstore

C.In a restaurant.

4.When is it the most crowded?

A.In the summer.

B.In the spring.

C.In the fall.

5.What was the result of the game?

A.AC Milan won.

B.The other team won.

C.It was a tie.




6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a tailor’s

B.At a clothing store.

C.At a dry cleaner’s.

7.What will the woman do with the man’s trou-sers?

A.Make them a little tighter.

B.Make them a little shorter.

C.Give them a different style.


8.What do we learn about the man?

A.He is new here.

B.He has no map.

C.He is a manager.

9.Where is the man going first?

A.The National Park.

B.The Central Department Store.

C.A famous university.


10.Where does the woman usually spend her birthday?

A.At home.

B.At a restaurant.

C.At her grandparents’.

11.Who wrote the song “Good Morning to You”?

A.Patty Smith Hill.

B.Patty Smith Hiss and Mildred Hill.

C.Mildred Hill.

12.When did the song” Happy Birthday” begin to be popular?

A.In 1892.

B.In 1932

C.In 1982.


13.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a club.

C.In a hotel.

14.What time is it now?

A.5∶30p. m.

B.6∶25p. m.

C.7∶00p. m.

15.What is the man’s nationality?




16.Where will the man have supper?

A.In his room.

B.In the dining room.



17.What can we learn from the speaker?

A.More people smoke now than before.

B.More people think badly of smoking now.

C.Smoking is quite common among young people.

18.Where can people in Finland still smoke?

A.In cinemas.

B.At workplaces.

C.In restaurants.

19.When will smoking be completely banned in Finland?

A.By 2007.

B.By 2008.

C.By 2009.

20.What should smokers do before they smoke in a private home?

A.Ask for permission from others.

B.Ask for the host’s permission.

C.Go outside.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省集贤县第一中学高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Rosa Parks was an African-American woman who began the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat to a white person on a bus . She stood up for what she believed was right , and her courage inspired countless others to do the same.
Born in Alabama in 1913 , Mrs. Parks grew up on a farm just outside Montgomery in a town called Pine Level . She was home-schooled until she was 11. She later attended the Industrial School for Girls in Montgomery. She briefly attended the Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes , but had to drop out to take care of her mother and grandmother when they became ill.
Mrs. Parks married Raymond Parks in 1932 . He encouraged her to finish her education . This was very uncommon at that time , especially for a woman. Less than 7 percent of African-Americans studied in a high school in the 1930s.
Mrs. Parks also succeeded in gaining the right to vote, which was very difficult for blacks under the segregation laws( 种族隔离制度 ) . In 1943, she began working as a secretary for the NAACP----National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
Mrs. Parks made her historic decision on December 1,1955. She recalled in her autobiography(自传) :
“When the driver saw me still sitting, he asked if I was going to stand up and I said , ‘ No, I’m not.’ Then he said , ‘ Well , if you don’t stand up , I’m going to have to call the police and have you arrested .’ I said , ‘ You may do that.’”
Mrs. Parks died on October 24,2005. “ She sat down in order that we might stand up,” said civil rights leaders Jesse Jackson. “ Her imprisonment opened the doors for our long journey to freedom.”
【小题1】 From the passage we can infer that in Rosa Parks’ time black people ______________.

A.were not allowed to take buses
B.only stood in the buses
C.were looked down upon
D.had no right at all
【小题2】From the second paragraph we know that Rosa Parks ____________________.
A.began to learn at the age of 11
B.studied at home until she was 11
C.attended the Industrial School when she was 11
D.graduated from the Alabama State Teachers College
【小题3】 Rosa Parks didn’t give up her seat to a white person because ________________.
A.she was tired after a day’s work
B.there were empty seats on the bus
C.she didn’t want to stand on the bus
D.she wanted to be treated equally
【小题4】 In this passage the phrase “ stood up for ” in the first paragraph probably means “___________”.
A.acted to protectB.paid attention to
C.looked forward toD.gave up to


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏省沭阳县高二下学期期中调研测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Medalists of the 1948 London Olympic Games look back on their summer of victory.

SAMMY Lee, 91, U.S.


I first had my Olympic dream at 12, when they held the 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles. My father and I were at a grocery store, and I asked, “What are all the flags doing here?” He said, “We are having the Olympic Games. That’s where they honor the greatest athletes in the world.” I said, “Papa, someday I’m going to be an Olympic champ.”

Walking up the 10-meter platform, I thought to myself, “I’ve waited 16 years for this moment. Am I going to win?” So I prayed to God that I was most deserving of winning the Games.



During the war, I spent six years in Royal Air Force. I think in general, the 1948 Olympics meant very little to most people. We were too busy after the war to be worried about sport very much anyway.

Our team had about six weeks before the Olympics down at Torquay and we went out sailing every day.

Winning gold was quite something. It was nice to stand on the platform with lots of people cheering. We celebrated by going to a big dance.



I started rowing when I was 14. I joined the navy in 1942. In 1945 the war came to an end and I started rowing again.

In 1948 we were still on rations (配给供应): 4 oz. of red meat a week. But the United States had all the meat they wanted. They were the favorites to win.

On the day of the final, we led the Americans at the start, but their stronger staying power took them through to win. There were no ribbons on the medals, so we just showed them round the family.



At 14 I left school and got a job delivering groceries on a bicycle, which excited my interest in cycling. When the war broke out, I volunteered but was held back, so I continued riding.

After my team won our bronze medals, we went home just round the corner and had a sit-down and a chat and a laugh. It was a different world. Money was never, never thought about.

1. According to the passage, Sammy Lee ___________.

A.was 28 when he attended the 1948 Olympics

B.never thought he could win medals in diving

C.found that he has a talent for sports at age 12

D.prepared for the 1948 Olympics for 16 years

2. Michael Lapage blamed his team’s loss of the gold medal on their ___________.

A.weak will                              B.poor skill

C.poor nutrition                          D.hurried preparation

3. What did David Bond and Thomas Godwin have in common?

A.They both took part in a team event.

B.A lot of money was awarded to them.

C.The 1948 Olympics meant little to them.

D.They both served in the army during World War II.

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Long-lived medalists                     B.The 1948 Olympics

C.Famous athletes                        D.Great in 1948



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江省高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Rosa Parks was an African-American woman who began the civil rights movement by refusing to give up her seat to a white person on a bus . She stood up for what she believed was right , and her courage inspired countless others to do the same.

Born in Alabama in 1913 , Mrs. Parks grew up on a farm just outside Montgomery in a town called Pine Level . She was home-schooled until she was 11. She later attended the Industrial School for Girls in Montgomery. She briefly attended the Alabama State Teachers College for Negroes , but had to drop out to take care of her mother and grandmother when they became ill.

Mrs. Parks married Raymond Parks in 1932 . He encouraged her to finish her education . This was very uncommon at that time , especially for a woman. Less than 7 percent of African-Americans studied in a high school in the 1930s.

Mrs. Parks also succeeded in gaining the right to vote, which was very difficult for blacks under the segregation laws( 种族隔离制度 ) . In 1943, she began working as a secretary for the NAACP----National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

Mrs. Parks made her historic decision on December 1,1955. She recalled in her autobiography(自传) :

“When the driver saw me still sitting, he asked if I was going to stand up and I said , ‘ No, I’m not.’ Then he said , ‘ Well , if you don’t stand up , I’m going to have to call the police and have you arrested .’ I said , ‘ You may do that.’”

Mrs. Parks died on October 24,2005. “ She sat down in order that we might stand up,” said civil rights leaders Jesse Jackson. “ Her imprisonment opened the doors for our long journey to freedom.”

1. From the passage we can infer that in Rosa Parks’ time black people ______________.

A.were not allowed to take buses

B.only stood in the buses

C.were looked down upon

D.had no right at all

2.From the second paragraph we know that Rosa Parks ____________________.

A.began to learn at the age of 11

B.studied at home until she was 11

C.attended the Industrial School when she was 11

D.graduated from the Alabama State Teachers College

3. Rosa Parks didn’t give up her seat to a white person because ________________.

A.she was tired after a day’s work

B.there were empty seats on the bus

C.she didn’t want to stand on the bus

D.she wanted to be treated equally

4. In this passage the phrase “ stood up for ” in the first paragraph probably means “___________”.

A.acted to protect                        B.paid attention to

C.looked forward to                       D.gave up to



科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省2009-----2010学年度高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解


Classified ads

For direct classified service, call 800-0667 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday—Friday.

For rent

Excellent room for girls, begins Jan., 2,4,or 8 months lease(租期). Single,$105-125.Double,$140. Call 800-1932.

Family home, 3 bedrooms, large yard.$275. Call 800-4300


For sale

Sheepskin coat, men’s size 42, 1 year old. $85. After 6 p.m.Call 800-5224.

Color TV21,$150;transistor radio, $15;recorder,$25. Call 800-0739.


Help wanted

Babysitter — My home

If you could find a few hours during the day, some evenings and weekends to care for 2 school-age children, please call 800-1111.



A black bag with a pencil-box and some books left in the reading room. Will the finder please come to Class 3,Grade 1?



A green Jacket was left on the sports ground yesterday afternoon(April 15th).Will the owner please ring 656-6688?

59.“Classified ads”may probably mean____________.

A.ads about everyone’s life

B.ads giving one some necessary information

C.ads divided into different groups according to a certain rule

D.ads for which you needn’t pay any money

60.If you want to place an ad. What number should you call?

A.800-0739.                 B.800-1932.                 C.800-4300.                 D.800-0667.

61.If you want to get a used color TV and a recorder, how much will you have to pay?

A.$275.                      B. $150.                    C. $25.                     D.$175.

62.If you want to find a part-time job,you will look at                .

A.For rent                   B.For sale                     C.Help wanted                     D.Lost

63.If you can’t find your school card,you will put up a notice at_________.

A.Lost                          B.Found                       C.Help wanted                     D.For sale


