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The new English textbooks are well written.


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

    Wouldn’t you like to be able to buy a book and then get back the money it cost after finishing reading it?

    That’s what the library is offering to do in Zhongshan, Guangdong ProvinceBut the books have to be about technical and scientific matters.

    The plan was recently announced by Zhongshan’s Association of Science and Technology and the local(当地的) library.

    Zhongshan lies near Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province, It has attracted a good many technicians(技术员)and scientists from inland provinces in recent years due to the fast economic(经济) development.

    But the book stores and libraries in Zhongshan cannot meet the reading demand of these professionals(专业人员).

    One engineer complained(抑怨)“We cannot keep up with the most up to date(新式的) scientific and technological developments without reading new books.”

    To solve the problem, early this month, with the support from the Association of Science and Technology, Zhongshan library adopted (采取) the “book reimbursing system.”

    Professionals who buy books on their business tour (任职期) can reimburse their expenses on the books after reading them and sending them to the library.

    The new system will increase the book storage of the library and can guarantee (保证) that readers can share different books.

1The library has adopted the new system because ________.

Abooks on science and technology are getting more expensive

Bthere are not enough books for the professionals to read

Cprofessionals haven’t enough money to buy books

Din this way the bookstore can sell more books

2Under the “book reimbursing system” professionals can ________.

Aborrow any kind of books from the library

Bget back the money they spent on the scientific or technical books

Cbuy books on science and technology for less money

Dget back their money on the books after they read them and send them to the library

3The main advantage (优点)of the new system is that ________.

Aprofessionals can spend less money on books

Bthe book storage of the library can be increased

C professionals can read more different books

Dit can attr?-fX?x-堦x-font-size:10.5pt;font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"'>.murder Futabayama

Chelp the referee

Dbreak a record


nt-size:10.5pt;font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman";mso-ansi-language:EN-GB'>.From the two pieces of news we can believe that ________.

Athere are at least two fire accidents at the Seabreeze Hotel that year

Bthe bedroom lamps were very old in some hotels in Beldon

Cfiremen went to the hotel to put out the fire

Dfire accidents never happened in Canfield


act more professionals from inland provinces

4Which of the following phrases can take the place of the phrase due to in the 5th paragraph?

Abecause of

Baccording to

Cabout to

Dout of



科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省五校2012届高三第二次模拟考试英语试题 题型:053


  John:The final exam is coming; seems you are busy preparing for it.

  Mary:Of course.Nobody, except you, is idling around the whole day long.

  John:Don't say that.  1   In fact, I've been working very hard these days.

  Mary:  2  

  John:Believe me, I've really made good preparations this time and I'm staying up late every night…

  Mary:Very well, that's to say, you don't need my help any more.

  John:You may well say so, but en…en…, if possible, would you be kind enough to do me a little bit of favour?

  Mary:No way.Never expect me to do that.  3  

  John:I'm begging you, Mary, please, just this one time.  4   I'm remembering the new words time and time again but keeping forgetting them time and time again.Besides, it is so easy a job:just pass on a note, that's OK.

  Mary:It is everything but easy! I was almost caught last time!

  John:  5  

A.Truth to tell, I hate it.

B.You are always not believing me.

C.I am not so good at English as you.

D.You see, I was born with a poor memory.

E.I promise to buy you a lovely Barbie girl, OK?

F.You wrong me if you think I know nothing but fun.

G.You are always that way:making efforts at the last moment.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Antarctic seabirds are breeding(繁殖)later, because thinner sea ice is causing their food supplies to decline, a new study says. The birds, which nest in East Antarctica, have delayed their spring arrival by an average of nine days and egg-laying by an average of two days over the past 50 years, according to polar researchers from the French National Center for Scientific Research in Villiers en Bois, France, study authors Christophe Barbrand and Henri Weimerskirch attribute this later breeding activity to decreases in sea ice caused by climate change.

The researchers say the disappearing sea ice, combined with a longer sea-ice season, has interfered with the birds’ breeding cycle by reducing the amount of krill(磷虾) and other prey(猎物)available in early spring in Antarctica. Because Antarctica’s seasons are opposite those in the Northern Hemisphere, spring on the icy continent begins in October.

The study is based on data collected at seabird colonies between 1950 and 2004 in Adélie Land, on the eastern edge of the frozen continent.

The findings were published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Of the nine species studied, some arrived up to 30 days later than they had in previous years.

Despite much later arrivals, the birds are laying their eggs at pretty much the same time as they had in the past. In the most extreme cases, birds were laying their eggs an average of 3. 7 days later in the season than they were 50 years ago.

56. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Seabirds are breeding later in East Antarctica.

B. The amount of krill in the ocean has decreased.

C. The weather in Antarctica has changed.

D. The spring in Antarctica is beginning later.

57. Why have the seabirds in East Antarctica delayed their breeding?

A. The food there has been polluted.

B. The sea ice doesn’t shrink any more.

C. The food supplies there have declined.

D. There are too many seabirds there.

58. In which of the following months is it autumn in Antarctica?

A. October.                                                     B. September.

C. November.                                                  D. June.

59. How many kinds of seabirds were studied by the researchers?

A. Two.                B. Five.                             C. Nine.                       D. Thirty.

60. What does the underlined word “attribute”in Para. 1 mean?

A. contribute                                                    B. cause

C. owe                                                                   D. devote


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省2010届高三6月份适应性模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解



Directions: Read the following three passages. Each'passage1 is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices' marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information giv­en in the passage.


Short reader – submitted stories – for the woman you should think of today!

                                                   ——Compiled by Amy Zerello

Great Minds Reminded of Mom

After a long, exhausting day, a friend of mine, Allen, headed home. On the road, he passed an elderly woman who was standing by a car with a flat tire. If that were his mother, he thought, he would want someone to help her. With a tired sigh, he turned around and drove back.

Just as he reached the stranded woman, a truck pulled up and a burly farmer got out. "Kindof reminds you of your mom, too?" the man asked as the two of them pitched in together to change the tire for the woman.

-- Contributed by Katherine L. Houge

Your Biggest Fan

While waiting in a bookstore for a guest author to sign her latest book, I leafed through some of the Civil War novels she had written. The woman in line behind me commented, "Those are the best books I've ever read. I couldn't put them down." Before I could reply, the author frowning, looked over and said, "Oh, come on, Mom!"

-- Contributed by Marilyn Kopp

Head of the Household

My husband, Jeff, and I came across several problems while assembling our new computer system, so we called the help desk. The man on the phone started to talk to Jeff in computer jargon(行业术语), which confused us even more.

"Sir," my husband politely said, "please explain what I should do as if I were a four-year-old."

"Okay," the computer technician replied. "Sweetie, could you please put your mommy on the phone?"

-- Contributed by Lena Worth

How does it feel to tickle your mom’s funny bone?

Now send your own funny story to us! You could earn up to $ 300!

1.Who would the burly man be in the first joke?

       A.Another kind helper.       B.The old lady’s son.

       C.Allen’s friend.         D.A policeman.

2.What was the guest author’s mom trying to do in the second story?

       A.Push hard to get her daughter’s signature.

       B.Promote her daughter’s books by pretending to be a fan.

       C.Show her pride in her daughter’s achievement.

       D.Persuade Marilyn Kopp to buy her daughter’s book.

3.The computer technician on the phone in the third story         .

       A.actually could find no way to solve Jeff’s problems

       B.teased Jeff about his poor knowledge of computer jargon

       C.wanted to talk to Lena instead

       D.believed that Jeff’s mom would know more computer jargon

4.What is the main purpose of the jokes?

       A.To make fun of moms.    B.To honor moms.

       C.To educate moms.    D.To amuse moms.

5.The passage is most possibly found          .

       A.in a storybook         B.in a commercial ad

       C.in a magazine          D.in a student’s textbook



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Only one of the ancient wonders of the world still survives — now history lovers are being invited to choose a new list of seven.

An original list of nearly 200 sites nominated by the public was narrowed to 21 by the organizers and experts, including the former director general of Unesco Professor Federico Mayor.

The vote is organized by a non-profit Swiss Foundation called New 7 Wonders which specializes in the preservation (保存), restoration and promotion of monuments (纪念碑), and the results will be announced on July 7, 2009, in Lisbon.

About 20 million votes have already been lodged (提出) including many from India, for the Tai Mahal; China, for the Great Wall; Britain, for the Stonehenge; the only British landmark and from Peru, for Machu Picchu, the fortress city of the Local.

The other original seven wonders of the ancient world were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon; the Statue of Zeus at Olympia; the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus; the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus; the Colossus of Rhodes and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.

Tia Viering, spokeswoman for New 7 Wonders, said: “Apart from the Pyramids, the seven ancient wonders of the world no longer exist.”

The only standard for the new list is that the landmarks were built or discovered before 2000.

Votes can be made online, at www.new7wonders.com. To vote your favorite Natural site for the selection of New 7 Wonders of the World, you will need to be a member of New 7 Wonders Campaign. For

the membership form, simply go to http://www.new7wonders.com/nature/en/vote_on_nominees

and get registered with the required information and email address. After registration process is complete, you can vote your favorite sites.

60. Why does Swiss Foundation organized the vote?

A. Because they want to make money from it.

B. They want to protect the ancient landmarks.

C. They want to show their influence in the world.

D. The UN asked them to organize the vote.

61. The word “nominated” in paragraph 2 probably means _______.

A. officially selected                           B. carefully chose       

C. finally decided                        D. formally suggested

62. Which is the only survivor of the original seven wonders?

A. The Great Wall.                      B. The Stonehenge.

C. The Pyramids.                        D. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

63. The passage most probably appears _________.

A. on the internet                        B. in a magazine

C. in a textbook                                 C. in a diary

