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Robots have been widely used in our daily life. They can be 1 (see) in many factories today and have gone to such far places as 2 moon. Some robots can” see" 3( clear). For they use TV cameras as their 4 (eye), Many robots have computer brains, Now they have even come into 5 (we) homes and work as 6 (help) at home , Not only can they do simple jobs for us ,such as 7 (put) things into boxes , but also they can look8 babies Unlike human beings 9 needy sleep, robots can work 24 hours a day. In the future, with the aid of robots, our life will become much 10 (easy) than before.














1考查动词。句意:机器人可以在许多工厂被看到并且走到了月亮那么远。根据句意,应用被动形式,see的被动为be seen。故填seen






7考查动词。句意:例如把东西放进盒子里。根据搭配such as doing sthas为介词,后面要用动名词形式,put为动词,其动名词形式为putting。故填putting

8考查固定搭配。句意:而且他们能照顾宝宝,并且他们不像人类一样需要睡眠。look after为固定搭配,意为“照顾”。故填after

9考查定语从句。句意:而且他们能照顾宝宝,并且他们不像人类一样需要睡眠。分析句子,本句为定语从句,human beings为先行词,指人,故引导词应该用who。故填who



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1In which year did James Harman die?


2How do most people know Anna Collins?

A.From a novel.B.From a film.C.From a charity.

3Whose ten books achieved massive sales?

A.Anna Collins’.B.Ian Cheriton’s.C.Sylvia Daniels.

4What can we know about Sylvia Daniels?

A.She got a best actress award.B.She had a job in her hometown.

C.She seldom came back to Tanbride.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 劳动实践内容(如家务劳动、校园劳动、校外劳动等)及其意义;

2. 你最常参与的劳动实践活动,并谈谈感受。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The cracked step four years ago was the start of it. That day, I awoke tired—the children were tiny and needing so much—and I had a golden afternoon of rest ahead, my mother stepping in to allow me to catch up on my sleep. I dropped them off and drove home—the sun shining and my bed signaling. As I was about to enter the house, I caught sight of a deep crack beneath my feet.

Without thinking, I turned around, walked back to the car and drove to a DIY store. Four hours later, I had all the tools, mixed my own cement, filled in the crack and repaired the foundation. Perfect. As I stood up to take a photo of my handiwork, I realized that I was trembling. I’d forgotten my shot at a nice long nap, and my children were already on their way home. That sleep... that promise to self was broken, because I had focused, instead, on the crack in the step.

Suddenly, everything started to hurt. My head, my throat, my back. I couldn’t stop shaking. What earned then is that when we break the promises we make to our bodies they will not be silenced. This is when we overwork and overthink to the point of breaking down. Ironically (讽刺地), for many of us, it is only when we have no choice— when we fall ill—that we learn to listen. For me, when that crack ended in a hospital stay which sent me to bed for two unmoving weeks when my body worked to clear two different infections, the lesson is ever present. I did it to myself—a whole twisted spin on DIY.

Sadly it took another two ridiculous DIY projects to finally get through. The cracks will never be fully filled. Focus, then, on your own inner core, the feeding of light, fire and strength.

1What made the author so sleepy in the first place?

A.Taking care of the kids.B.Asking her mother for help.

C.Driving to her mother’s houseD.Dealing with DIY projects.

2How did the author feel as soon as she finished her repair work?



3What can be implied from Paragraph 3?

A.Our health is ignored deliberately.

B.Our body will respond to what we do.

C.The author took her mother’s advice.

D.The author was infected before the DIY.

4What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A.To describe an unfortunate event.

B.To show the danger of DIY.

C.To stress the importance of sleep.

D.To encourage focusing on oneself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 If you follow any people who like traveling on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed they’ve posted amazing photos from Portugal in the last few years, especially during peak summer months. Mario Fernandes, a co-creator and the editor of Golisbon said he had seen increased interest in traveling to Portugal in the past five years, particularly in the last two or three. Cindy Goldberger, a travel adviser for Hiatus, an agency in Brooklyn, New York, said that she noticed an increase in Portugal trips about three years ago and that she gets more requests to plan people’s visits there every year. According to Reuters, the number of foreign tourists visiting Portugal hit a record for 2017, and in the same year the country won the world’s leading destination at the World Travel Awards.

Fernandes suggested it’s because Portugal is safe and more affordable than many other Western European countries. The country’s frequent sunshine is also attractive to many visitors. The Algarve, the southernmost area of Portugal, is home to “some of Europe’s most beautiful beaches,” according to Fenandes. Goldberger noted that many airlines have offered better routes to the country in recent years. She’s also a fan of the new hotels that have opened, including farms that have become hotels.

Eric Hrubant, the president of Cire Travel, noted that there is another reason. “It’s a small country, yet you have cities with rich history, culture and food, as well as a lot of beach and golfing options,” he said. “In five to 10 days, you can have a vacation or honeymoon that caters to all of your senses and desires.”

Hrubant pointed out that celebrities(名人) like Madonna and newlyweds Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander have moved to Portugal, which has put the country more popular.

So you don’t know where to go for a vacation this summer? Now you can make a better choice.

1What does Paragraph 1 mainly say about Portugal?

A.It’s doing its best to attract tourists.

B.It’s been made popular by Instagram.

C.It’s become a popular tourist destination.

D.Its development depends on its tourism.

2According to Cindy Goldberger, what encourages more people to go to Portugal?

A.Lower expenses.B.Convenient transportation.

C.Frequent sunshine.D.Beautiful beaches.

3What does the underlined words “caters to” in paragraph 3 mean?



4What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the text?

A.To encourage people to visit Portugal.

B.To recommend some Portuguese trips.

C.To tell some basic facts about Portugal.

D.To explain why Portugal has become famous.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Executive and employee.

C.Doctor and patient.

2Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At home.B.In a company.C.At a restaurant.

3How does the woman think of the dinner together this evening?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What is Sally doing?

A.Reading a letterB.Washing clothesC.Making a phone call

2Why does Tom ask Sally and John to call him?

A.He wants to meet them at the station.

B.He wants to invite them to dinner.

C.He wants them to visit his family.

3What is Tom’s telephone number?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Last year, a report by a committee of education experts said that a lot of American students cannot write well. The report noted the concerns of business leaders and teachers. The experts said that more students should have to pass a writing test 1 they can finish high school. They pointed out major college entrance tests are changing now 2 (include) a writing part.

Educators know that teaching students to write well is not easy. One problem is the amount of time needed to read through large amounts of work. So some companies 3 (develop) computer programs that can grade students writing more quickly than a person can. Writing tests can also cost 4 (little) to carry out by computer than paper-and-pencil. These computer systems, known as e-readers, use artificial intelligence to think in a way 5 teachers. For two years, both a computer and humans graded the student writing. Officials say there was almost no difference between the computer grades and 6 given by the human readers.

The entrance test commonly 7(use) by business schools, the GMAT, already uses e-readers. The GRE and TOEFL tests might start; officials are deciding.

Systems 8(use) to grade writing in college classes as well. The computers read a few hundred examples of student writing already graded by humans. Then the systems compare new writing against those already examined.

Some teachers say machines can never do the job as well as people can. A computer can find spelling and grammar mistakes, but it can never really understand 9 a writer is trying to say. Critics say a program cannot follow a thought or judge humor or understand a beautifully expressed idea.

But inventors of the programs say computer grading guarantees that each piece of writing is graded in the same way. They also say the systems 10(mean) to judge knowledge more than creativity.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 New York is an overwhelming city to visit with children. What follows is carefully collected advice from New Yorkers on how to cover the city right.

Tenement Museum

The Tenement Museum on the Lower East Side offers a fantastic glimpse into urban family life. Guided tours reveal the daily routines of generations of Irish, Jewish and Italian immigrants who made their mark then quickly moved up and out. Pick up a copy of “All-of-a-Kind Family”or a vintage toy in the museum shop, one of the city’s best.

MoMA Museum

MoMA Museum does an excellent job making modern and contemporary art accessible to children as young as 4. On weekend mornings, guided tours are divided into age-appropriate groups in which children can observe a number of works and draw; later they gain free admittance to the entire museum. The cafeteria is both grown-up and child-friendly, and there’s an art laboratory with hands-on activities and even an audio guide for young people.

Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum

The most significant in the museum is the Space Shuttle Pavilion, which is scheduled to reopen in July, showcasing the Enterprise, NASA’s first space shuttle, which arrived last year. The U.S.S. Intrepid, a World War II-era aircraft carrier, is worthwhile in itself. While the complex suffered damage during Hurricane Sandy, most of its facilities are once again shipshape. Families may want to consider Operation Slumber, which allows for overnight visits with special activities for children 6 and older.

Children’s Museum of the Arts

All the artwork here is made by children, and visitors can make their own bonus: you don’t have to clean up. An area for younger children includes sand, Play-Doh and guided music activities. Children go berserk for the Ball Pond, a closed-in area of oversize balls. Is it experiential art? An installation? Children need not bother with such imponderables.

1Which of the following museums offer free admission?

A.Tenement Museum.B.MoMa Museum.

C.Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.D.Children’s Museum of Arts.

2How is Children’s Museum of the Arts different from the other three museums?

A.It is located in New York.

B.It exhibits a lot of artwork.

C.Its artwork is all created by children.

D.It used to be damaged in the Hurrican Sandy.

3What do the four museums have in common?

A.They are all children-friendly.

B.They all show visitors contemporary artwork.

C.They can offer visitors activities to take part in.

D.They are all suitable for children over 4 years old.

