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12.61.These days Ada and her classmates are arguing about whether a woman can play an important role in the political area as Hillary,they are searching for any useful information about women and politics.F
62.Albert shows great interest in Asian history.These days he is busy collecting information about how people in Asia fought against colonists(殖民者)in the 1930s.He thinks the people from that time were very great.A
63.Elva realizes that it is difficult to combine music and performance perfectly so she wants to watch more films and plays that are full of music.D
64.Ivy is something of a dreamer.She is always hoping that one day she will come across a boy in an unexpected situation.In her opinion,films like that are the most romantic.C
65.Tim majors in science,but these days he finds it difficult to concentrate on his work.He's not sure if he's fit for the course so he wants to watch a film that can give him some courage.E

Gandhi is the biography of Mahatma Gandhi,who became the famous leader of the Indian movement against the British through his philosophy of non-violent protest(非暴力抗争).This film describes his life and times and how he managed to free his country from the British rule using peaceful means.
It is a film directed by Ronald F.Maxwell which presents a lifelike picture of the Gettysburg War,the turning point of the Civil War.The famous speech The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln is related to this war.
C.Roman Holiday
Roman Holiday,a 1953romantic comedy,introduced American audiences to Belgian-born actress Audrey Hepburn.The film was remade for television in 1987.
Princess Anne signs up for a very popular tour of all the European capitals;however,when she arrives in Rome,she becomes dissatisfied with her very restricted(受限制)schedule.
D.The Sound of Music
The Sound of Music is a 1956film directed by Robert wise and starring Julie Andrews in the lead role.The film is based on the Broadway musical The Sound of Music,with songs written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II,and with the musical book written by the writing team of Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse.Ernest Lehman wrote the screenplay.
E.A Beautiful Mind
This is a 2001American film about John Forbes Nash.The story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University,as he develops his"original idea"that will revolutionize the world of mathematics.Early in the movie,Nash begins developing schizophrenia(精神分裂症)and brings a heavy burden upon his wife and friends.
Eva(Evita)Peron,started out life as a poor girl who went on to become an actress and then the wife of the president of Argentina,Juan Peron.The musical is a story of love and polities.Evita's huge political influence and constant charity(慈善)work earned her love from people all over the country.She is described-as the most beloved woman in Argentina.

分析 本文讲述的是六部电影的信息,它们分别是:圣雄甘地;盖茨堡之役;罗马假日;音乐之声;美丽心灵;艾薇塔.然后和不同的人群想看的电影相匹配.根据不同的语境和电影中的情节相匹配.

解答 61-65        FADCE
61.F. 句中信息"whether a woman can play an important role in the political area as Hillary…women and politics."女性能否像Hillary一样在政治领域中起重要作用与F项"a poor girl…then the wife of the president of Argentina…The musical is a story of love and polities…She is described as the most beloved woman in Argentina."这部音乐剧是关于一个爱与政治有关的故事,她被称为阿根廷最有爱心的女性信息一致.故选F.
62.A. 句中信息"Asian history…how people in Asia fought against colonists in the 1930s…"这是亚洲的历史,人民是如何在20世纪30年代在亚洲对抗殖民主义的与A项"…Gandhi is the biography of Mahatma Gandhi…the famous leader of the Indian movement against the British"印度领导人带领人民对抗英国统治信息一致.故选A.
63.D. 句中信息"to combine music and performance perfectly…more films and plays that are full of music."将音乐与表演完美结合起来与D项"The Sound of Music…with songs written by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II and with the musical book written"音乐之声信息一致.故选D.
64.C. 句中信息"hoping that one day she will come across a boy in an unexpected situation…films like that are the most romantic"渴望像电影情节中一样与男孩浪漫邂逅与C项"Roman Holiday,a 1953 romantic comedy"罗马假日--1953年一部浪漫喜剧信息一致.故选C.
65.E. 句中信息"majors in science…finds it difficult to concentrate on his work…to watch a film that can give him some courage"在科学方面贡献卓著,无法集中精力专注工作,想看一部能给他勇气的电影与E项"A Beautiful Mind…revolutionize the world of mathematics"美丽的心灵,数学界的革命信息一致.故选E.

点评 信息匹配要学会定位阅读,强化对应意识.同时要注意利用所给的句子信息和特别是一些关键的句子的使用.在答题中,应首先略读一下各小题,然后把几个选项含义理解透,反复阅读,反复体会,找出最佳选项.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Lemons can be made into a nice drink when you ______their juice with sugar and water(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.These homeless children need much care and attention in the course of their growth; ______ they need our love.(  )
A.in allB.above allC.after allD.at all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.These days we are all conditioned to accept newness,whatever it costs.Very soon,there is no doubt that Apple's tablet (平板电脑) will seem as a vital tool of modern living to us as sewing machine did to our grandparents.At least,it will until someone produces an even smarter,thinner and more essential tablet,which,if recent history is any guide,will be in approximately six months'time.Turn your back for a moment and you find that every electronic item in your possession is as old as a tombstone.Why should you care if people laugh just because you use an old mobile phone?But try getting the thing repaired when it goes wrong.It's like walking into a pub and asking for an orange juice.You will be made to feel like some sort of time-traveler from the 1970s."Why not buy a new one?"you will get asked.
And so the mountain of electrical rubbish grows.An average British person was believed to get rid of quite a number of electronic goods in a lifetime.They weighed three tons,stood 7 feet high,and included five fridges,six microwaves,seven PCs,six TVs,12 kettles,35 mobile phones and so on.Even then,the calculation seemed to be conservative.Only 35 mobiles in a lifetime?The huge number of electronic items now regularly thrown away by British families is clearly one big problem.But this has other consequences.It contributes greatly to the uneasy feeling that modem technology is going by faster than we can keep up.By the time I've learnt how to use a tool it's already broken or lost.I've lost count of the number of TV remote-controls that I've bought,mislaid and replaced without working out what most of the buttons did.
And the technology changes so unbelievably fast.It was less than years ago that I spotted an energetic businessman friend pulling what seemed to be either a large container or a small nuclear bomb on wheels through a railway station.I asked."What have you got in there?Your money or your wife?""Neither,"he replied,with the satisfied look of a man who knew he was keeping pace with the latest technology,no matter how ridiculous he looked."This is what everyone will have soon-even you.It's called a mobile telephone."
I don't feel sorry for the pace of change.On the contrary,I'm amazed by those high-tech designers who can somehow fit a camera,music-player,computer and phone into a plastic box no bigger than a packet of cigarette.If those geniuses could also find a way to keep the underground trains running on the first snowy day of winter,they would be making real progress for human beings.What I do regret,however,is that so many household items fall behind so soon.My parents bought a wooden wireless radio in 1947,the year they were married.In 1973,the year I went to university,it was still working.It sat in the kitchen like an old friend-which,in a way,it was.It certainly spoke to us more than we spoke to each other on some mornings.When my mum replaced it with a new-style radio that could also play cassette-tapes,I felt a real sense of loss.
Such is the over-excited change of 21st-century technology that there's no time to satisfy our emotional needs.Even if Apple's new products turn out to be the most significant tablets I very much doubt if they will resist this trend.
50.When you try getting an old mobile phone repaired,B.
A.you are travelling through time            B.you are thought to be out of date
C.you will find everything wrong             D.you have got to buy a new one
51.Throwing away so much electronic rubbish makes the writer feel quiteA.
A.lost and upset    B.unbelievably fast     C.broken or lost     D.regularly wasteful
52.The example of the businessman implies thatB.
A.the businessman mastered the latest technology    
B.mobile phones used to be quite big just years ago
C.the businessman was a very ridiculous person      
D.the writer failed to follow modern technology
53.The passage is organized in the pattern ofD
A.time and events       B.comparison and contrast    
C.cause and effect      D.examples and analysis
54.Which of the following is conveyed in the passage?D
A.The fast pace of change brings us no good.
B.We have to keep up with new technology.
C.Household items should be upgraded quickly.
D.We should hold on for new technology to last.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

7.近年来我市大力打造旅游产业,以此推动经济的发展.现请你根据表格内容,谈谈 你的看法并就此提出建议.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.The bad weather is reported _______ the passenger plane crash in Iran on January 9.(  )
A.to contribute toB.contributing to
C.contributed toD.to have contributed to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4._____ a successful fish scientist,you need to have a curious mind and be able to work on your own.(  )
A.BecomeB.To becomeC.BecomingD.Having become


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.Nobody will______ with breaking the law.(  )
A.run awayB.get awayC.put awayD.throw away


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.The remote desert area is aaccessible (可进入) only by helicopter.

