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1. 据……;依照……

2. 另一方面;反过来说

3. —点点地;逐渐地


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面的短文,请根据文后的要求用英语答题(请注 意问题后的词数要求) 。

[1 ] A “dad” is the tenth most popular Christmas list request for children with youngsters being happy to forgo the latest iPad,toy or new pet,a survey has found.

[2 ] When it comes to Christmas,it might be safe to think children will ask Santa for a long list of toys and games. But a survey of their typical lists for Father Christmas has shown many have more serious concerns,requesting a “dad” instead.

[3 ] By a study of 2 ,000,British parents found most children would put a new baby brother or sister at the top of their Christmas list,closely followed by a request for a real-life reindeer (卓鹿). A pet horse was the third most popular choice,with a toy car making a surprising record at number four. Despite their material requests,the tenth most popular Christmas wish on the list was a “dad”.

[4 ] The survey,of consumers at Westfield London and Westfield Stratford City,found children aged three to twelve also wanted a dog,chocolate and a stick of rock. Traditional hopes for a white Christmas were represented (代表 ) by a wish for “snow” in the ninth place.

[5 ] Of the top 50 festive requests, 17  are related to with some imaginative children hoping for a

donkey,chicken and elephant;iPhones and iPads also appeared on the list with some children asking for the moon,a time machine,a lake and a pair of wings. A request tor a “mum” reached number 23 on the list.

71. What are the top three most popular Christmas list requests for children? (no more than 15 words)

72. What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 15 words)

73. Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words,  (no more than 3 words)

74. What do you think of the children's request for a “dad” as a gift? (no more than 15 words)

75. Explain the underlined sentence in the passage. (no more than 30 words)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. with so much trouble,we failed to complete the task on time.

   A. Faced   B. Face   C. Facing   D. To face


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      In the United States there was an unusual story telling of the daughter of a mechanic (^H) . One day while walking along the bank of a lake,the girl 1 to see 20  eggs laid by a wild goose. After some time the girl 2 the mother would not return to her eggs and she 3 to take them home. There she carefully 4 the eggs in the heat of a lamp. Several days 5 the eggs broke and the baby geese came into the 6 .

    Geese are known to take the first living thing they see as their mother. 7,to these young geese,the girl was their mother.

    As they 8 , the girl was able to 9 her birds to run across the grass,but she could not teach them to 10 . The girl became increasingly worried about this,both when 11 and in her dreams. Later,she had an 12 :she would pilot a plane to guide them in 13 . She asked her father for a plane and he assembled (组装) a small aircraft for her.

Caring about 14 safety,the father decided to pilot the plane himself. However,the birds did not 15 or follow him,and 16 slept in the grass.

     One day,the girl 17 into the plane,started it and soon left the 18 . Seeing their mother take to the air,the birds 19 flapped (拍打) their wings and 20 . She flew the plane freely in the sky,her young birds following.

1. A. managed   B. attempted

   C. happened   D. supposed

2. A. realised   B. expected

   C. imagined   D. admitted

3. A. helped   B. decided

   C. afforded   D. meant

4. A. placed   B. protected

   C. treated   D. examined

5. A. ago   B. out

   C. later   D. long

6. A. family   B. lake

   C. home   D. world

7. A. But   B. Also

   C. Thus   D. Still

8. A. increased   B. improved

   C. rose   D. grew

9. A. ask   B. lead

   C. want   D. allow

10. A. fly   B. race

   C. swim   D. sing

11. A. asleep   B. away

   C. around   D. awake

12. A. idea   B. opinion

   C. explanation   D. excuse

13. A. sky   B. space

   C. flight   D. plane

14. A. his   B. her

   C. their   D. its

15. A. respect   B. remember

   C. recognise   D. receive

16. A. so   B. instead

   C. hardly   D. too

17. A. climbed   B. looked

   C. reached   D. fell

18. A. house   B. floor

   C. water   D. ground

19. A. secretly   B. disappointedly

   C. patiently   D. eagerly

20. A. looked away   B. set out

   C. went by   D. turned back


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. The boy is brave enough to swim (横过) the river.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. The boy who is speaking to Helen enjoys playing (英式足球) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. (就面积而言) ,Russia is the largest country in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填人空白处 的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

W : 1 Did you go downtown yesterday?

M:No. I stayed at home all day yesterday. I bought the books online.

W : 2 Are you learning Chinese now?

M:I want to. 3 I bought the books for my little nephew. He is learning Chinese now.

WiThat interesting. Why does he want to learn Chinese?

M : He is just interested in learning Chinese. He probably thinks learning Chinese is fun.

W: It's easy for kids to learn a new language. 4 M : They have more time than us. Besides,they can memorise new words more quickly.

W : We are just too lazy. 5

   A. Books are cheaper on the Internet.

   B. It seems they learn much faster than us.

   C. They are all Chinese books.

   D. We prefer to go shopping and hang out with friends.

   E. But it is too difficult for me.

   F. Look at all these new books.

   G. I prefer to learn English.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Being organised is an important skill for school and life. When you’re well organised,you can stay focused,instead of spending time hunting things down.

1 For schoolwork,it means having one notebook or place where you store all your assignments,so you know what you have to do and when. Keeping la-beled folders (贴有标签的文件夹) for handouts (课堂讲讲义) and keeping all your schoolwork neat and in a specific place一these are the main parts of organisation.

      For home stuff,being organised means having a place to put your things and putting them back as you go. 2 It means keeping your schoolbag,your shoes and your clean underwear in the same places so you always know where to find them.

     Planning is part of being organised,too. 3 Calendars,lists and schedules can help you plan. You can buy or draw a calendar and keep it near your workplace. Making a schedule or “to-do” list for yourself is a good idea. Looking at your list helps you keep track of what you need to do. 4 Check off things when you’ve done them. Using your list to help you decide which thing is the most important to work on first. 5 But once you’re organised,it feels great. The less time you spend hunting around for things or panicking about homework,the more time you have for better things,like reading a good book or playing.

   A. Planning means deciding what you will do and when you will do.

   B. First,you should get your schoolwork organised.

   C. Add new things as you get assignments.

   D. You will benefit a lot from a good habit.

   E. What does it mean to be organised?

   F. It takes some extra efforts to organise yourself and your stuff.

   G. It means hanging your coat up instead of dropping it on the floor or throwing it on a chair.

