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17.Some colors people see late at night could cause signs of clinical depression.That was the finding of a study that builds on earlier study findings.They show that individuals who live or work in low levels of light overnight can develop clinical depression.Doctors use the word"clinical depression"to describe severe form of depression.Signs may include loss of interest or pleasure in most activities,low energy levels and thoughts of death or suicide.
In the new study,American investigators designed an experiment that exposed hamsters(仓鼠)to different colors.The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal,which means they sleep during the day and are active at night.
The animals were separated into four groups.One group of hamsters was kept in the dark during their night-time period.Another group was placed in front of a blue light,a third group slept in front of a white light,while a fourth was put in front of a red light.
After four weeks,the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank.They found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water.
Randy Nelson heads the Department of Neuroscience at Ohio State University.He says animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed."What we saw is that these animals didn't show any sleep uneasiness at all but they did mess up biological clock genes and they did show depressive sign while if they were in the dim(微弱)red light,they did not."
Randy Nelson notes that photosensitive(感光)cells in the eyes have little to do with eyesight.He says these cells send signals to the area of the brain that controls what has been called the natural sleep-wake cycle.
He says there's a lot of blue in white light.This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness.

25.Researchers use hamsters in the experiment becauseD.
A.they are similar to humans in dealing with colors
B.they are easy to observe and study
C.they are sensitive to colors like human beings
D.they are active at night and sleep during the day
26.What sign shows that the hamsters are being depressed?A
A.They drink less sugary water.
B.They don't sleep well.
C.Their eyesight becomes worse.
D.Their energy level becomes low.
27.Ctends to cause hamsters to be depressed.
A.Dim light 
B.Red light
C.Blue light 
28.What can help people who work late at night to avoid being depressed?B
A.Not being exposed to dim red light when using computers.
B.Equipping their computer screens to put it more in the reddish light.
C.Living or working in low levels of light overnight.
D.Going to see doctors of clinical depression regularly for help.

分析 文章主要介绍的是一项科学研究.人们在深夜看到的一些颜色能够引起临床沮丧的症状.研究发现,整夜在较暗的环境中生活或工作的人可能会表现出临床沮丧.相关症状包括对活动失去兴趣和乐趣,精神不振和产生死亡或自杀念头等.

解答 25.D细节理解题.根据第二段The researchers chose hamsters because they are nocturnal,which means they sleep during the day and are active at night.可知研究者使用仓鼠,是因为它们在白天睡觉,晚上却出来活动.故选D.
26.A细节理解题.根据第四段"…the researchers noted how much sugary water the hamsters drank.They found that the most depressed animals drank the least amount of water"可知研究人员发现,压抑感最强的仓鼠喝的糖水最少.故选A.
27.C推理判断题.根据第五段中的"…animals that slept in blue and white light appeared to be the most depressed".可知睡在蓝光和白光里的仓鼠看起来最压抑;根据第五段中的"if they were in the dim(微弱)red light,they did not"可知在昏暗的红光里,仓鼠一点也看不出压抑;根据第七段中的"This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness"可知处在蓝光中的仓鼠比在黑暗里的仓鼠也更加压抑.故选C.
28.B推理判断题.根据最后一段中的"This explains why the blue light and white light hamsters appear to be more depressed than the hamsters seeing red light or darkness"可知在红光或黑暗中,仓鼠的压抑感表现得比蓝光或白光中的仓鼠少.由此可知,B项中的让电脑屏幕多显现出一些红光的做法是可取的.故选B.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Nowadays,there is a heated discussion in our school about if cloning should be allowed or not.Some students are strong for it.There are four reasons account for this.First,cloning is optional way to treat the parents who find it difficult to have children.Another reason is to reproduce such great talents like Einstein.A further reason is to obtain a supply of stem cell which can develop into every other type of cell in the body.So it was possible for someone badly injured to recover.A fourth reason is that scientists believe that a cloning crop can resist pests.Besides,the students against cloning hold the view that it will raise up many problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.I ________ many interesting lectures since I came to this school.(  )
A.attendedB.had attendedC.am attendingD.have attended


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.I usually doubt about any research that concludes that people are either happier or unhappier or more or less certain of themselves than they were 50years ago.While any of these statements might be true,they are practically impossible to prove scientifically.Still,1was struck by a report which concluded that today's children are significantly more anxious than children in the 1950s.In fact,the analysis showed,normal children between 9and 17have a higher level of anxiety today than children who were treated for mental illness 50years ago.
Why are America's kids so stressed?The report cites two main causes:increasing physical isolation (孤独)    brought on by high divorce rates and less involvement in community,and a growing perception that the world is a more dangerous place.
Given that we can't turn the clock back,adults can still do plenty to help the next generation to cope.
At the top of the list,nurturing (培育) is a better appreciation of the limits of individualism.No child is an island.Strengthening social ties helps build communities and protect individuals against stress.
To help kids build stronger connections with others,you can pull the plug on TVs and computers.Your family will thank you later.They will then have more time for face-to-face relationships,and they will get more sleep.
Limit the amount of virtual (虚拟的) violence your children are exposed to.It's not just video games and movies; children see a lot of murder and crime on the local news.
Keep your expectations for your children reasonable.Many highly successful people never attended Harvard or Yale.
Make exercise part of your daily routine.It will help you deal with your own anxieties and provide a good model for your kids.Sometimes anxiety is unavoidable,but it doesn't have to ruin your life.

31.What does the author thinks of the conclusion that people in America are unhappier than 50years ago?D
A.Surprising  B.Confusing  C.Illogical  D.Questionable
32.What does the author mean by saying"we can't turn the clock back(Para.3)?B
A.It's impossible to slow down the pace of the change.
B.The social reality children are facing cannot be changed.
C.Lessons learned from the past should not be forgotten.
D.It's impossible to forget the past.
33.According to an analysis,compared with normal children today,children 50years agoC.
A.were less isolated physically
B.were probably less self-centered
C.probably suffered less from anxiety
D.were considered less individualistic
34.What is the first and most important thing parents should do to help their children?C
A.To provide them with a safer environment.
B.To lower their expectations for them.
C.To get them more involved socially.
D.To set a good model for them to follow.
35.What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?C
A.Anxiety,though always unavoidable,can be coped with.
B.Children's anxiety has been enormously exaggerated(夸大).
C.Children's anxiety can be removed with more parental care.
D.Anxiety,if properly controlled,may help children become mature.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.People are more likely to lie or cheat during the afternoon because self control reduces during the day,according to researchers.
   Volunteers taking part in two experiments where they could benefit by cheating were more likely to do so if the tests took place after midday,researchers found.
   The findings back up previous studies which have shown that our capacity for self-control declines during the day,due to tiredness and repeatedly making decisions.
    Psychologists from Harvard University first showed a group of volunteers various patterns of dots on a computer screen,asking them to decide whether there were more dots on the left or the right hand side.
Instead of being rewarded for getting the answer right,the participants were paid based on which side they chose,earning ten times as much for choosing the right hand side as the left.
   People who were tested after midday were significantly more likely to select the right hand side,even if there were clearly more dots on the left,than those who took part during the morning.
   In a second test,participants were shown a series of word fragments,such as"-ral"and"e-c-"and asked which words they associated with them.
   In morning experiments,participants were more likely to form the words"moral"and"ethical"while during the afternoon the words"coral"and"effects"were most common.
   Further tests conducted online showed that people were more likely to send dishonest messages or claim to have solved an unsolvable problem in the afternoon than in the morning.
   Writing the Psychological Science journal,the researchers said the difference was particularly pronounced in people with higher ethical standards,who always behaved morally during the morning but slipped during the afternoon.
In contrast,those who were able to"morally disengage",or behave unethically without feeling guilty,tended to cheat whatever the time of day.
   Dr.Maryam Kouchaki,one of the lead authors,said:"Unfortunately,the most honest people,such as those less likely to morally disengage,may be the most susceptible (易受影响的) to the negative consequences associated with the morning morality effect."
   The findings could be relevant to organizations that should be more alert about the behavior of customers and employees during the afternoon,she added."Our findings suggest that mere time of day can lead to a systematic failure of good people to act morally."
74.Volunteers can get more money when theyB
A.gave the correct answer                  B.chose the right hand side
C.chose the left hand side                 D.remembered the patterns of dots
75.Why are participants less likely to form words like"ethical","moral"in the afternoon?D
A.Because their vocabulary becomes smaller.
B.Because they are unwilling to tell the truth.
C.Because the words are the voice of their heart.
D.Because self control declines after midday.
76.The underlined word"pronounced"( in paragraph 10 ) is closest in meaning toC
A.dominated            B.announced            C.marked       D.exposed
77.Which of the following statements is TRUE?A
A.The finding especially applies to those who behave ethically.
B.Mere time of day can lead to systematic failure of organizations.
C.The finding doesn't agree with that of previous studies.
D.People who act morally feel guilty after telling a lie.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Did you know that there are actually people who have paid for a flight to the moon?In the future,there will be a lot more opportunities to travel to faraway places than now…perhaps even as far as the moon.As people adventure further and further away and as planes,trains,cars,and rocket ships become faster,is it safer to have these vehicles controlled by humans or by computers?
While many flights by plane are controlled automatically by machines,most people today wouldn't let their car drive itself.That's because currently the autopilot function on your car can only keep it on the same course you are travelling on.It won't turn the car right or left.It won't stop if an animal jumps in the way.However,cars today can sense when something is too close and warn the driver with flashing lights and alarms.Many cars also have GPS(global positioning systems) that tell drivers which road to take and when to turn.These systems,unlike human drivers,never get lost.In the future,it is easy to believe that your car will be better able to drive itself with the aid of computers that can determine the position of your car and the speed it should travel at.
In addition to computers being‘smarter'than people regarding the best way to go or knowing how close another vehicle is,computers don't get sick,tired,or angry.This means they won't make the same mistakes that people make when they are not having a good day.While responding with emotion is a good thing when choosing the best way to deal with a friend's personal problem,it may not be such a good thing when deciding what to do at the wheel of a fast-moving vehicle.
So what are the disadvantages of autopilot systems?Maybe one disadvantage is that a small computer problem could cause a serious accident.It could also be argued that in unexpected situations,computers might not be able to respond appropriately; some decisions require human emotions.Another problem might be that if everything were controlled by computers or robots,people wouldn't have any jobs.

67.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.The Development of Autopilot
B.Technology of Future Travel
C.A New Driving System
D.Computerized Cars
68.Which of the following is the disadvantage of an autopilot system?C
A.It won't make the same mistakes as people do.
B.It can point out the best route for the driver.
C.It might not respond properly to unexpected situations.
D.It does not have human emotions to influence its function.
69.If some falling rocks roll down toward your car,the autopilot on your car willA.
A.inform you of the danger
B.turn the car right or left
C.do nothing about it
D.stop the car
70.What's the author's attitude towards the autopilot?B
A.Approving. B.Objective. C.Negative. D.Doubtful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

9.My friends and I had just finished lunch at a hotel when it started to pour(1)C.When it became lighter,I decided to get my car,which was(2)Aat my office three streets away.
   My friends argued that I shouldn't go,mainly because I was seven months pregnant then.I assured them that I'd be very(3)B.
   I walked out of the(4)Dand started making my way to the car.At the traffic junction,a van stopped and the passenger got off with an umbrella.Before I knew what was happening,he walked right beside me and told me he'd escort(护送) me to my(5)A.I was very embarrassed and declined(辞谢),but he was very(6)C.
During our(7)C,he kept telling me to walk slower,as the ground was(8)B.When we got to the car park,I(9)Ahim and we parted ways.I did not get his(10)Dand may not even recognise him now.Did he (11)D stop for me?I'll never know.
So how did I pay it forward?I was at home when I(12)Btwo Indian construction workers walking in the heavy rain.They were probably on their way to the construction (13)Dnear my estate,which was a long walk in.I went out and passed them an umbrella.I told them they should take the umbrella and(14)Ait.They were very grateful and like me,probably wondered why a (15)Bwas offering such kindness.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.The girl was back home out of breath.She ________ have run all the way.(  )
A.has toB.willC.mustD.need


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.In search of Mr.or Mrs.Right,dozens of Japanese are attending a new school in Tokyo aiming to turn them into marriage material.
The school offers various classes for brides and grooms at a time when many people in
Japan are either avoiding marriage or are finding it very difficult to hook up with a partner.The school which is open to men and women,teaches students how to talk,walk and present themselves elegantly(优雅)in order to capture the hearts and minds of partners and their parents.who are often a major obstacle(障碍)to successful unions.The school,opened last month.now has about 30female students.An almost equal number of males have signed up,but those actually coming to class are much fewer than females.
"I had never thought that my boyfriend's mother could play such a big role in my relationship.but now I've realized I need to start thinking seriously about how to impress my future in-1aws,"said Kozue Sugawara,29,who joined the school after her previous marriage plans failed.
Government statistics show nearly two-thirds of women under the age of 34are unmarried.
despite some 3,800firms in Japan offering match-making services.The average age of the school's female students is 30.
"Before,people would find it easy to get married because families and society would connect them in some way,sometimes pushing them to get married.But now,people have too many choices to make up their minds,"said Etsuko Satake,principal of the school.
Instructors provide suggestions on students'dress,posture and even details such as how they CROSS their legs or get out of a car.Men and women are taught different skills,which range from how to set a table well to how to be more emotionally expressive.Students also simulate (模拟)dates,during which their instructors grade their performance and point out what they did wrong.

57.The new school is opened to teach students how toB.
A.get along with their parents-in-law    
B.prepare themselves for their marriage
C.behave and present themselves well 
D.get back to marriage after divorce
58.Nowadays many Japanese find it more difficult to get married becauseD.
A.they are being forced to marry by parents
B.the society and family refuse to help them
C.they have fewer and fewer partners to make
D.they have too many choices to make a decision
59.Which of the following is true?B
A.Successful marriage has little to do with future in-1aws.
B.Most women under 34find it difficult to get married.
C.The school helps men and women while they are in love.
D.The number of men and women attending class is equal.
60.The undedincd part"Mr.or Mrs.Right"probably meansC.
A.a person with the family name"Right"
B.a person who is always right
C.the righi person one wants to marry    
D.the couple who never tell lies.

