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() 35. —Eric went out without an umbrella just now.

It's raining heavily now.

   A. That's OK   B. Sounds,good

C. It's silly s D.not a big deal


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                              ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

          There is so much to see and do at Mary Arden’s Farm l Step back in time for all the sights,smells and sounds of a real Tudor (都铎王朝的) farm and explore the ho\ise where Shakespeare's mother, Mary Arden,grew up. Experience the daily routine,skills and crafts and try your hand at some of them yourself.

          Highlights at Mary Arden's Farm 

          In the morning,watch the farmer's wife prepare her home-grown food and learn about Tudor table manners when Tudors gather to eat their dinner.

          Daily activities around the farm 

          10:00 Goose parade 

          10:45Falconry (鹰猎) display 

          12:30 Tudor dancing 

          13:00 Tudor dinner 

          13:30 Blacksmith demonstration 

          14:00 Meet the shepherd 

          15:00 Falconry display 

          16:30 Tudor music 

          17:00 Animals go to bed 

          Children's activities 

          ?Discover our new exhibition all about Mary Arden and the house she grew up in 

          ?Try your hand at (箭术) 

          ?See our rare breed animals 

          ?Explore our nature trails               

          ?Enjoy refreshments and light meals

          ?Kids under ten can enjoy our adventure playground                                                 Tickets and location

          Save on tickets with the Shakespeare Five House Pass,including the entry to all five of Shakespeare's family homes and Shakespeare's final resting place at Holy Trinity Church.

          Mary Arden's Farm is located in Wilmcote,just 3. 5 miles from Stratford-upon-Avon town centre,and a short walk from Wilmcote train station.

          We are a working farm,open from March to November each year. With a full calendar of seasonal activities and Tudor events,there are lots of reasons to visit time and time again to make the most of your 12 month pass.

13. When can visitors learn about Tudor table manners at Mary Arden's Farm?

   A. At 10:00.   B. At 12:30.

   C. At 13:00.   D. At 15: 00.

14. At Mary Arden's Farm,children over ten can .

   A. look after rare breed animals

   B. have a chance to shoot arrows

   C. play in the adventure playground

   D. plan an exhibition about Mary Arden

15. What do we know about Mary Arden's Farm?

   A. It is open all the year round.

   B. It provides many seasonal activities.

   C. It is 3. 5 miles from Wilmcote train station.

   D. It offers free tickets for Shakespeare's family homes.

16. The purpose of this text is to .

   A. show the history of Mary Arden's Farm

   B. stress the importance of Mary Arden's Farm

   C. give a brief introduction to Mary Arden's Farm

   D. give tips on how to enjoy yourself at Mary Arden's Farm


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          When Lydia Nash appeared on the TV programme Who wants to be a millionaire? and was fortunate enough to win £16,000,she decided to give all the money away. This wouldn't  have been surprising if she had been rich or famous,but Lydia is a 19-year-old student.

          Lydia gave all the money to a charity which helps orphans in Thailand. ul first visited the orphanage when I was seventeen,and I felt very depressed by what I saw. When I got back to England I felt angry — looking around all I could see were people who were obsessed with money. That persuaded me to return to Thailand the following year."

          After she donated the money some of her friends thought that she had made the wrong decision. “Some people said I should have saved it for a deposit,” Lydia said. aStudents always complain about being poor. But there's  an enormous difference between us and people who have absolutely no money."

          With the help of the money Lydia gave them,the charity has just finished building “Rainbow House”,a new facility that will house 50 young children.

          If Lydia had won a million pounds and not only £16,000,would she still have given away all the money? She said, “Before going on the show I thought a lot about what it would be like to have a lot of money and I realized that I wouldn't  like it at all. And as I had been to the orphanage and had seen all the work that needed to be done,I knew how useful that money could be. I definitely think I got more enjoyment from giving the money away than if I had kept it for myself."

1. Why were people surprised at Lydia's  donation?

   A. She is an orphan.

   B. She isn’t very famous.

   C. She is young and not very wealthy.

   D. She donated a large amount of money.

2. The underlined words “obsessed with” in Paragraph 2

probably mean.

   A. very proud of   B. very careless of

   C. too interested in   D. rather generous with

3. According to the text,the charity used Lydia's  money to.

   A. buy many books   B. buy some clothes

   C. build a playground   D. build a new house

4. How did Lydia feel about her donation?

   A. Regretful. B. Doubtful.

   C. Excited.   D. Hopeful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

74. 面对挑战,他们表现得非常出色

They did a good job challenges.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 这次经历使她变得更坚强了。

This experience her a stronger person. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 23. In the face of the problem,most people gave up. Only Joe was enough to face the stress.

   A. brave   B. weak C. lonely   D. clever


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 30. —What do you think of the film Devil and Angel?

—Oh,it's one of films I have ever seen.

   A. amazing   B. more amazing

C. most amazing   D. the most amazing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     C   易读度★

    Michael Morpurgo is a much-loved writer from Britain,He (出生) on October 5 ,1943 and grew up in the south of England. French (法语) was his favorite subject at school and he studied it at university. After that,he became an officer (军官) in the army,but he soon left and became a primary school teacher. This is when he found that he had a talent for storytelling and soon began writing stories for children. u\ could see there was magic in it for them,and realized there was magic in it for me ,” he said.

    Michael Morpurgo gave up teaching after 10 years and bought a farm with his wife. Together they began a c/?an?y (慈善机构) called Farms for City Children. They now own three farms where children from cities can come to spend time looking after animals.

    Michael Morpurgo has written over 100 books,mostly for children. He writes about children and their relationships with older people and animals. Many of them have won prizes and several are now films or plays,including War H?^se,which is now well known around the world. Another popular book is Kensuke's Kingdom. He wrote it in 1999.


Information card 

Name: Michael Morpurgo 

Date of birth: (61) 

Favorite school subject: (62) 

First two jobs:

Army officer and (63) 

Name of the charity: (64) 

Number of books written for children:

Over 100 

Popular books: (65) , Kensuke’s Kingdom and so on 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

72. 凯?有点儿害怕她父亲的反应。

Cathy isafraid of her father’s reaction.

