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Who doesn’t love sitting beside a cosy fire on a cold winter’s night ? Who doesn’t love to watch flames (火苗) curling up a chimney? Fire is one of man’s greatest friends, but also one of his greatest enemies. Many big fires are caused by carelessness. A lighted cigarette thrown out of a car or train window or a broken bottle lying on dry grass can start a fire. Sometimes, though, a fire can start on its own. Wet hay (草) can begin burning by itself. This is how it happens: the hay starts to rot (腐烂) and begins to give off heat which is trapped inside it. Finally, it bursts into flames. That’s why farmers cut and store (贮存) their hay when it’s dry. 

    Fires have destroyed whole cities. In the 17th century, a small fire which began in a baker’s shop burnt down nearly every building in London. Moscow was set on fire during the war against Napoleon. This fire continued burning for seven days. And, of course, in 64 A.D. a fire burnt Rome. Even today, in spite of modern fire-fighting methods, fire causes millions of pounds’ worthy of damage each year both in our cities and in the countryside. It has been wisely said that fire is a good servant but a bad master .

The writer considers it ________ to sit beside a fire on a cold winter night .

       A. nice       B. dangerous       C. unhappy         D. painful

Which of the following describes the way how hay begins burning on its own ?

       A. wet hay ---- becomes dry ---- gives off heat ---- burns

       B. dry hay ---- gets too much heat from the sun ---- gives out heat --- starts to burn

       C. wet hay ---- begins to rot ---- gives out heat ---- starts to burn

       D. dry hay ---- gives off heat ---- starts to rot ---- starts to burn

Many big fires are caused __________ .

       A. by cigarette             B. by their own    

       C. by dry grass              D. by people’s carelessness

How many examples did the writer give to show fires can destroy the whole city ?

       A. One       B. Two       C. Three            D. Four

Which of the following statement is not true ?

       A. Fires still cause much damage now although there are modern fire - fighting

     methods .

       B. Fires cause less damage in the country than in the city .

       C. Fire can be man’s good friend and also great enemy .

       D. One should be careful not to throw a lighted cigarette everywhere .








科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and required words limit.Write your answers on your answer sheet.

       Scientists have determined it's not advisable to hurry marriage.But what’s the best age to wed?

       When Avril Lavigne announced she was splitting from her husband, comments from her friends suggested that she was only 21 when she tied the knot and later she said that she realized she'd been too young to make such a life-altering decision.Could fellow young celebrity divorcées(离婚者) Reese Witherspoon, Kate Hudson, and Britney Spears have also hit the same age-related issue?

       The Magic Number

       There are practical reasons for the mid-20s dividing line, and most of them boil down to two biggies: education and money.

       It turns out that the more years of higher education a woman has under her belt on her wedding day, the lower the chances that she'll get divorced ...and by 25, you're more likely to have earned a degree or two.Educated women tend to be more confident about who they are and less willing to settle for a man who doesn't meet their standards.

       Odds(可能性) are that by 25 you're also supporting yourself, so there's less incentive(刺激; 鼓励)for you to rush into marriage because you're seeking financial security from him.But the marriage-related benefits of working and having money of your own go beyond feeling secure.Learning to budget your cash carefully when you're single will help you avoid financial problems—one of the main causes of couple fights—for the rest of your life.

       Knowing the Real You

       At 25, you've had time for some crucial life experiences, including a relationship or two that may have improved your Mr.Right radar.You've probably dated enough to have a better idea of what you don't want in a man, which makes it easier to know what you can live with and can't live without.

       Perhaps the most important aspect of waiting is that you'll know what your goals and values really are.While you don't want to marry someone just like you, marriage is a lot easier if you two share a similar outlook on life.

       Twenty-four and already married to the man of your dreams? Don't worry: Many young marriages survive.But given the choice, you might consider putting off the big day until your mid-20s or later.

What main factors influence the mid-20s dividing line? (No more than 3 words)


According to the author, why does a couple probably fight?(No more than 4 words)


How do you know what you don’t want in a man? (No more than 5 words)


What suggestion does the passage mainly give? (No more than 10 words)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The best way of learning a language is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes you’ll get your words mixed up(混合)and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you can’t understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默感),you can always have a good laugh at the mistakes you make. Don’t be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes. It’s better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they don’t understand what you are saying.The most important thing for learning English is:“Don’t be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.”

What should you do in learning English?

A. Be careful not to make any mistake.   B. Write as quickly as you can.

C. Speak English as much as you can.    D. Laugh all the way.

When people laugh at your mistakes, you should______.

A. not care    B. be happy  C. feel worried   D. be unhappy

When you make a mistake, you should______.

A. keep quiet   B. get angry   C. be kind       D. keep your sense of humor

The story tells us: “________”

 A. Only foolish people make mistakes   B. Few people make mistakes

C. People never make mistakes         D. There is no one who doesn’t make mistakes


科目:高中英语 来源:青海师大附中2009-2010学年度高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Definition of Happiness

A proverb from ancient China was widely spread in the West: “If you want to be happy for a few hours, go to get drunk; if you want the happiness to last three years, get married; if you want lifetime happiness, take up gardening.” The reason for the last is this: Gardening is not only useful, but it helps you to identify(与……一致) yourself with nature, and thus brings you new joy each day besides improving your health.

A research of a US university that I’ve read gives a definition of happiness as what makes a person feel comfortably pleased. To put it specially, happiness is an active state of mind where one thinks one’s life is meaningful, satisfactory and comfortable. This should be something lasting rather than transitory (短暂的).

Lots of people regard it the happiest to be at leisure (空闲). But according to a study, it is not a person with plenty of leisure but one at work that feels happy, especially those busy with work having little time for leisure. Happiness does not mean gains one is after but a desire to harvest what one is seeking for. People often do not treasure what they already have but desire what they cannot get. That is somewhat like a man with fond dreams of numerous lovers while unwilling to settle down with the woman beside him.

Happiness is a game balancing between two ends — what one has and what one wishes for, i.e. one’s dream and the possibility to realize it. The study comes to this conclusion: A happy man is one who aims high but never forget his actual situation; one who meets challenges that develop his ability and potentiality; one who’s proud of his achievements and the recognition given to him. He has self-respect and self-confidence; treasures his own identity and loves freedom. He is sociable and enjoys wide range communication with others; he’s helpful and ready to accept assistance. He knows he is able to bear sufferings and failures; he is sensible enough to get fun from daily work. He is a man capable of love and passion.

1. According to the passage, gardening can bring lifetime happiness because _______.

A. it is a business that brings money     

B. it can strengthen gardeners’ ability to remake nature

C. it can make gardeners enjoy very happy marriage

D. gardeners can build good relationship with nature

2. It can be concluded from the research of the university that most people feel happy when _______.

A. they are at leisure      

B. they are engaged in working

C. they are gardening     

D. they have numerous lovers

3. The writer mentioned a man with fond dreams of numerous lovers in order to _______.

A. give an example of a person who doesn’t value what he already owns

B. show that this kind of person has plenty of leisure time to do what he wants

C. make it clear that only this kind of person can enjoy happiness

D. show the serious problem in marriage in modern society

4. From the passage we can know that happiness is _______.

A. getting everything one longs for    

B. just dreams made by those confident people

C. taking up gardening              

D. a balance between what one owns and what one dreams of



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省高三年级学情调研测试(英语) 题型:单项填空

A scientist who can speak English is in closer touch with those of other countries than ______ who doesn’t.

A. that     B. those        C. /            D. one



科目:高中英语 来源:2012届辽宁省东北育才学校高二期中考试英语试题 题型:阅读理解

If English means endless new words, difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation, you are wrong. Haven’t you noticed that you have become smarter since you started to learn a language?

According to a new study by a British university, learning a second language can lead to an increase in your brain power. Researchers found that learning other languages changes grey matter. This is the area of the brain which processes information. It is similar to the way that exercise builds muscles.?

The study also found the effect is greater, the younger people learn a second language.?

A team led by Dr Andrea Mechelli, from University College London, took a group of Britons who only spoke English. They were compared with a group of “early bilinguals” who had learnt a second language before the age of five, as well as a number of later learners.

Scans showed that grey matter density(密度)in the brain was greater in bilinguals than in people without a second language. But the longer a person waited before mastering a new language, the smaller the difference.?______

“Our findings suggest that the structure of the brain is changed by the experience of learning a second language,” said the scientists.?

It means that the change itself increases the ability to learn.?

Professor Dylan Vaughan Jones of the University of Wales, has researched the link between bilingualism and maths skills. “Having two languages gives you two windows on the world and makes the brain more flexible(灵活的),”he said. “You are actually going beyond language and have a better understanding of different ideas.”

The findings were matched in a study of native Italian speakers who had learned English as a second language between the ages of two and 34. Reading, writing, and comprehension were all tested. The results showed that the younger they started to learn, the better. “Studying a language means you get an entrance to another world,” explained the scientists.?

1.In the second paragraph, the writer mentions “exercise” in order to_____________.

A. say language is also a kind of physical labor?

B. prove that one needs more practice when he (she) is learning a language?

C. to show the importance of using the language when you learn the language?

D. make people believe language learning helps grey matter work well?

2. The underlined word “bilingual” probably means_____________.?

A. a researcher on language learning      B. a second language learner?

C. a person who can speak two languages  D. an active language learner ?

3.We may know from the scientific findings that_____________.?

A. the earlier you start to learn a second language the higher the grey matter density is

B. there is no difference between a later second language learner and one who doesn't know a second language?

C. the experience of learning a second language has bad effect on people's brain

D. the ability of learning a second language is changing all the time?

4.In the last two paragraphs, the author wants to tell us that_____________.?

A. learning a second language is the same as studying maths

B. early learning of a second language helps you a great deal in study other subjects

C. Italian is the best choice for you as a second language?

D. you’d better choose the ages between 2 and 34 to learn a second language



