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Dear Carol,

I wear braces (牙箍) and I know I look just terrible in them. Is there anything I can do to improve my appearance until they come off?

Connie N.

Philadelphia, PA

Dear Connie,

Start by thinking about how good you are going to look when your braces come off. If you are negative(负面的)about your appearance, people will pick that up right away about you. In the meantime there are several things that you can do to lift your spirits:

Change your hairstyle. Be sure to get a good cut so that the shape of your hair will be flattering to your face and also good for your type of hair (fine, thick, straight, curly, etc.) Choose a hairstyle that draws attention away from your face. Hair pulled back into a pony-tail or into a ball on top or slightly off-center can be attractive and practical for this purpose.

Keep skin clean. If you choose to wear makeup(化妆品), it should look natural. Blusher(腮红) and lip gloss(润唇膏) in light tones of peach or pink are best.

Be well-groomed(打扮). Neatness really counts. People see a total look about you before they ever become aware of your braces. And first impressions are lasting ones!

1.Why did Connie write to Carol?

A. Because she really cared about her clothes.

B. Because she cared much about her appearance.

C. Because her teeth were not good.

D. Because she didn’t know how to make up.

2.Carol’s idea about one’s appearance is that _________.

A. change your hairstyle and you will look beautiful

B. keep your skin clean and you will look good

C. neatness really counts

D. if you yourself don’t think you look smart, neither will people

3.Carol tries to let Connie know that __________.

A. the deepest impressions one leaves on others is the first ones

B. spirits are important when we talk about one’s appearance

C. there are some practical ways to draw people’s attention away from where you don’t feel good

D. all of the above

4.The underlined word “count” means “_________” in the last paragraph.

A. say numbers in order B. be important

C. not include D. be accepted






试题分析:本文介绍了两封信:一封是Connie N.询问Carol如何在戴牙箍的情况下使自己变得好看,另一封则是Carol针对此问题的回信。

1. improve my appearance until they come off?可知她的困扰是如何在脱掉牙箍前改善外貌。故选B

2. you are negative(负面的)about your appearance, people will pick that up right away about you可知自己对自己外貌不自信,人们就不会认为你的好看。故选D

3. can do to lift your spirits,第三段的Hair pulled back into a pony-tail or int.. be attractive and practical for this purpose.第四段的first impressions are lasting ones可知A、B、C都正确,故选D

4. impressions are lasting ones可知第一印象最重要,所以干净是很重要的。故选B



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北通城第二高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Mrs Evens was home from work. She had just gone into the kitchen to make the afternoon tea she saw a mouse running around on the kitchen floor. She and jumped up on the table. As soon as the mouse had disappeared, she jumped off from the , rushed out of the kitchen, her coat, ran out of the house and got on a bus was going into the town.

There she hurried into a shop and a large mouse-trap(捕鼠器). She wanted to put to this mouse as quickly as .

When she got home the trap, she realized that she had forgotten 0 any cheese to put in it. She searched everywhere there was in the house. It was too late to buy any because now all the shops were . She wondered what to do. In the end , she a clever idea. She took a pair of scissors(剪刀) and cut a picture of a piece of cheese a magazine. Then she put the picture in the trap a piece of cheese.

The next Mrs Evans came down to the and went straight away to the place she had put the trap. She wanted to see if her plan had . The picture of the cheese had gone and in its place was a picture of a mouse.

1.A. where B. what C. while D. when

2.A. laughed B. cried C. surprised D. pleased

3.A. table B. floor C. house D. kitchen

4.A. pulled on B. have on C. wore D. dressed in

5.A. it B. when C. which D. as

6.A. asked B. bought C. sold D. left

7.A. a cheese B. an end C. a mouse D. a picture

8.A. possible B. he could C. possibly D. she can

9.A. for B. out C. with D. without

10.A. to sell B. selling C. buying D. to buy

11.A. and B. so C. but D. or

12.A. none B. not one C. no D. anything

13.A. open B. shut C. close D. on show

14.A. had B. brought C. thought D. used

15.A. away B. by C. out of D. on

16.A. instead of B. including C. instead D. with

17.A. afternoon B. hour C. evening D. morning

18.A. cooking room B. bathroom C. reading room D. sitting room

19.A. that B. what C. which D. where

20.A. worked B. took C. changed D. made


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东汕头潮师高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

There was an old rooster(公鸡). One day as the sun was sinking, he ____into a tree to rest. He was about to put his head under his wings when he suddenly saw a long pointed nose — there just below him stood a fox.

“Have you heard the ____ news?” cried the fox excitedly.

“What news?” asked the rooster very _____. But in fact, he was very nervous, because he was very much_____of the fox.

“Your family and mine and all other animals have ____to live in peace from now on and forget our ____forever. Just think of it! I simply cannot wait to embrace(拥抱) you ! Do come down,dear friend, and let us _____the exciting news.”

“How great!” said the rooster.“I am certainly____about the news.” But when he said this, he seemed to be looking at something far off.

“What is it you see?” asked the fox _____ .

“Oh, a couple of ____are coming this way. They must have heard the good news and...”

But the fox did not wait to hear more. He turned and ___as fast as he could.

“ Wait ,” cried the rooster. “Why do you run? The dogs are ____of yours now!”

“Yes,” answered the fox . “ But they might not have heard the news.Besides, I have a very important thing that I had almost ____about.”

Seeing this , the wise rooster smiled as he hid his head in his feathers and went to ____, for he had succeeded in _____a very crafty(狡猾的) enemy.

Those who cheat people are easily cheated.

1.A.flewB. fellC. knockedD. walked

2.A. surprisingB. interestingC. helpfulD. wonderful

3.A. calmlyB.sadlyC.clearlyD.rudely

4.A.tiredB. fondC. afraidD. proud

5.A. triedB. agreedC. preferredD. hoped

6.A.mistakesB. promiseC. differencesD. friendship

7.A. spreadB. celebrateC. makeD. hear

8.A. happyB. nervousC. shyD. worried

9.A. angrilyB. seriouslyC. quietlyD.anxiously

10.A. roostersB. humansC. foxesD.dogs

11.A. finishedB.ranC. spokeD. jumped

12.A. brothersB. partnersC. enemiesD. fans

13.A. thoughtB. forgottenC. learnedD. cared

14.A. singB.workC.sleepD. eat



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建莆田第一中学高二上第一学段考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is required that the plan________ out firmly.

A. be carried B. must be carried

C. will be carried D. carries


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安溪第八中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 应聘语言版的编辑(editor of language section);2. 应聘理由:为了提高自己的语言水平;想获得更多的机会;3. 优势:参加过许多实践活动;有积极的工作态度。


1.词数120左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安溪第八中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The first thing he does every morning is to read through the job offers in the newspapers.

A. advertised B. advertising

C. to be advertised D. being advertised


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安溪第八中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

in 1898, Beijing University is one of the top universities in China.

A. Being founded B. It was founded

C. Founded D. Founding


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年河南洛阳高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When my mother was alive, she used to tell me again and again about the value of just being nice. “Never underestimate(低估)the power of a smile,” she would say. I fear she would be very disappointed looking at the world today. A lot of people don’t smile and when it comes to service today, they’re just not nice. Now don’t give me wrong, not all service workers but a good many.

I was on the phone the other day with a computer help desk. First a man, then later a woman, who couldn’t have been ruder. And this to a customer, who didn’t know his way around a PC. But no matter, I could tell they thought I was a bother, The woman, in fact, seemed to be chewing gum as she unemotionally clicked off a series of commands for me to perform.

The next day I heard from a friend of mine who got a performance review without his boss once looking up at him. Not once.

You see it everywhere. Gone are the days when people cared about you. It’s a sign of the time, I suspect. But that makes me sad — for them and for us all. People who aren’t happy, who don’t smile, who don’t kid, who don’t joke or make light of even bad situations, make for an even worse situation.

And it spreads like a cancer. Someone’s rude to you, you’re rude to them and to the next fellow you meet, and on and on. Smiles are contagious(易感染的)but so annoyances. The boss who can’t be bothered with his workers. The celebrity who can’t be bothered with her annoying fans.

You know, my mom used to judge presidential candidates by how they smiled. I would say, “But mom, you don’t know if that smile is real.”

“Oh, yes I do,” she would tell me. “I can feel it.”

It’s in their eyes, she would say. And it’s in their smile. The rest just kind of falls into place.

1.Why did the writer mention his phone call?

A. To prove his mother is wrong.

B. To show many people aren’t nice.

C. To tell us he knows little about computer.

D. To share his funny experience with us.

2.What is the author’s attitude towards the boss of his friend?

A. Opposed. B. Doubtful.

C. Respectful. D. Supportive.

3.When someone is rude to you, you’re advised to ________.

A. be rude to the next person

B. be nice to the people you meet

C. become one just like him or her

D. make for a worse situation

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. The power of a smile

B. Don’t judge a person by his look

C. The effect of rudeness

D. Feel a person in his eyes


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江衢州市五校高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

If you’re familiar with the story of the hare (野兔) and the tortoise(乌龟), you know that the tortoise proved that perseverance is much more important than speed. 1. , but fewer people have the patience and perseverance of the tortoise. Here are some tips that can help you to improve your perseverance.

●Set goals and write them down.

If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, it’s hard to persevere(坚持) until you do. 2. instead of making many projects that may upset you

● 3. , and cross each step off the list as you complete it.

If you want to master the ability to cook German dishes, you’ll need to read cookbooks, study the recipes(食谱), buy ingredients(食料) and practice making the dishes. Write down all these steps and remove each step as you go.

●Make a list of the rewards related to any project to encourage yourself to persevere.

When you want to lose 40 pounds, it may seem like a difficult goal. 4. . You can lower yourblood sugar or fit into your favorite pair of jeans(牛仔裤). Keep those rewards in mind to encourage yourself to stick to your diet and exercise program.

●Imagine your success.

Take time each day to sit back, relax and picture the life you’ll lead once you’ve reached your goal. 5.Read them over several times a day to encourage yourself to keep going.

A. Like the hare, many people start off strong

B. Or you can write out a paragraph or two about how reaching your goal will change your life

C. You can’t lose weight only by going on a diet

D. Make a list of the steps needed to reach your goal

E. But there are big rewards for doing so

F. Choose one or two goals that are most important to you and work toward those

