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We all wonder so many students and their families are visiting Boston —area schools, such as Harvard, in their summer holidays.

A. why it is that B. why is it that

C. that it is why D. it is why




试题分析:考查宾语从句。句意:我们都不知道为什么如此多的学生和他们的家人在暑假访问波士顿的地区公立学校如哈佛。动词后是宾语从句,要用陈述句语序。这里包含一个强调句型:it is +被强调部分that,因此答案是A。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届甘肃高台第一中学高三9月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the history of American movies. He is often called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.

He was known for making movies that offered sharp social comment.Wilder was one of the first directors to do this.Between the middle l930s and the l980s,Billy Wilder made almost fifty movies.During that time he received more than twenty nominations(提名)from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.He won six of the Oscar awards.His movies have been seen by people around the world.

In l944,Billy Wilder made the film Double Indemnity.Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors.Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945.Ray Milland plays the part of an alcoholic writer in the movie.It shows that alcohol rules his life,yet he does not admit it.He hides alcohol in his home and says he is not drinking.

In l950, Wilder made Sunset Boulevard.This movie told of an aging actress in silent movies.She plans to return to movies though facing many problems.In l954,Billy Wilder became an independent producer.The next year,Wilder’s first movie as an independent filmmaker was a huge success.It was The Seven Year Ihch.In this movie,a married man wants to cheat on his wife with some of his friends.In l959,Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular.It was Some Like It Hot.It tells about two jazz musicians being chased by criminals.They decide to wear women’s clothes and join a band in which all the musicians were women.

Wilder died in March,2002.He was ninety—five.A current Hollywood producer said:“Billy Wilder made movies that people will never forget.”

1. The text is mainly about ________

A.the background of American movies

B.Wilder’s achievements in American movies

C.Wilder’s attitude to American movies

D.the development of American movies

2. What was Wilder famous for according to Paragraph 2 ?

A.Sharp remarks on society in his movies.

B.His unique style of making movies.

C. More than twenty awards he received.

D. Almost fifty movies he produced himself.

3. Which of the following made Wilder among the greatest Hollywood directors?

A.The Lost weekend. B.Sunset Boulevard.

C.Double Indemnity. D.Some Like It Hot.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖南益阳箴言中学高三上第三次模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We shall not start the project until it_____ by the committee.

A. will be approved B. has been approved

C. approves D. is to approve



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届辽宁大连第二十高级中学高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Here is the tour that’s voted “3rd best tour in London” on the Best Things to Do--TripAdvisor! Hairy Goat is the best and most original tour company in London.

Do you like walking around a city and discovering something that makes a great photo? London is full of interesting photo chances and maybe you need someone to lead you to them. The tour is perfect for team events,

families, groups of friends and school or college classes.

Bring: A fully charged camera and plenty of memory cards or film, a drink and wear comfortable walking shoes. Dress for three hours’ walking outside.

Price: ?45 per adult (18yrs and over), ?40 per child (12-15yrs) and full-time students (student ID required). Some tours to be booked and paid in advance. Please call or email for details. Please follow the links on the website or call Corinna at +44(0)7540832771.

Meet: Meet in front of the Royal Exchange Building at Bank Underground Station. Take Exit 3 or 4 from the underground station.

When: See the website for scheduled dates.

Duration: Three hours, at a comfortable walking pace.

Finish: By an underground station within the city. Location varies daily.

1.A family of four, including a son of 19 and a daughter of 13, should pay ________.

A. ?180 B.?175

C. ?170 D. ?160

2.According to the passage, the tour _________.

A. is intended for individuals only

B. takes three hours on a sightseeing vehicle

C. has been voted the best tour in London three times

D. offers chances to take great photos

3.According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?

A. Hairy Goat organizes the tour.

B. All the tours are not to be booked in advance.

C. People can go through the website to find the date.

D. The tour finishes at the same location every day.

4.The passage is written mainly to __________.

A. introduce the best thing to do in London

B. show more information about London

C. attract people to take the tour in London

D. encourage people to walk instead of driving



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建莆田第八中学高三上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

As a leading Chinese language school and a cultural exchange institute in China,Global Exchange Education Center has been providing Mandarin (or Putonghua) language courses and cultural exchange programs for over a decade.

How to apply for our programs

■In order to apply for all of our programs, you must beat least 18 years old. in good health,

a senior high school graduate.

■Application Procedure for Chinese Language Programs

Step 1. Send us a completed application form by email or fax.

Step 2. Send us $60 application fee after receiving our email confirmation.

Step 3. Arrange the payment transfer.

Step 4. Plan the trip to Beijing.

■Application Procedure for Chinese Business Internship (实习)Program

Step 1. Send us a completed application form with your CV and personal statement for the program by email or fax.

Step 2. Send us $ 310, including $60 application fee and $250 internship placement deposit, after receiving our letter of acceptance for the program.

Step 3. Arrange final payment transfer after receiving our second confirmation.

Step 4. Plan the trip to Beijing.

■Personal Statement for applicants for Chinese Business Internship Program

You should state why you want to take this program and what your expectations of the program are. How you will make use of this program in your future career.

■ Application Deadlines

The applications for most programs are reviewed on a rolling basis. You are encouraged to submit your application ahead of the application deadlines.


Having received your application, Global Exchange Education Center usually sends out an email confirmation for the booking within 2-5 working days.

1.The text is probably written for ______.

A. junior high graduates B. international students

C. job seekers D. language trainers

2.If you apply for both of the programs, the total application fees will be ______.

A. $310. B. $ 120. C. $250. D. $ 370.

3. If you want to apply for Chinese Business Internship program successfully, you'll ______.

A. send the application form by post

B. send personal statement and CV only

C. have to get confirmed at least twice

D. have to make a travel plan in Beijing

4.Which of the following is not necessarily included in applicants,personal statement?

A. Their purposes of taking the program.

B. Their expectations of the program.

C. Their future practice of the program.

D. Their feedbacks on the program.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建莆田第八中学高三上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now?

—I am afraid you , in case he comes late for the meeting.

A. will B. must

C. may D. can



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建莆田第八中学高三上第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world.

A. The; the B. /; the

C. A; the D. a; a



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建莆田第八中学高三上第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The dictionary is being printed and it will soon____.

A. turn out B. come out

C. start out D. go out



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高三上学期第二次质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

In societies where social roles are determined, boys usually copy the behavior of their fathers, and girls ___of their mothers.

A. that B. those C. one D. the ones


