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11.这款手机一上市就吸引了世界各地的年轻人. (Hardly)Hardly had this kind of cell phone been put/been launched on the market when it attracted/drew/appealed to young people all over/across/throughout the

分析 Hardly had this kind of cell phone been put/been launched on the market when it attracted/drew/appealed to young people all over/across/throughout the world.

解答 结合句意可知本句主句用一般过去时,从句用过去完成时.
本句为一特殊句式hardly…when…,"一…就…";句子结构用倒装即Hardly+过去完成时的疑问句语序 when+一般过去时.注意这里有包含被动语态,手机是被投放市场的(be put/launched on the market).
 attract/draw/appeal to  sb"吸引某人";all over/across/throughout the world"世界各地".

点评 注意倒装句式和时态的恰当运用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.虽然他很快恢复了健康,医生还是建议他不要熬夜太晚.(despite)Despite his rapid recovery from illness,the doctor still suggested that he shouldn't stay up too late..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配


(56)F.The debate has been raging for years over the safety of,and necessity for,childhood vaccinations,which has been so much so that it is termed"The Vaccine War".The debate has only a few moments that might be inspiring to those who have been following this now familiar issue.
(57)C.There are certainly benefits of using a star in a film.It makes the film easier to market.Stars
also help sell more tickets and drive DVD sales,which are a big part of studio revenue.However,a star does not guarantee success.The simple fact is that if you pay a star a great deal of money for a film that people don't want to see,then it won't work.
(58)A.They are barely in their twenties and are already multimillionaires.At the age when many people are looking for their first job,the youngsters of The Sunday Times Rich List are buying country estates or jetting off to their overseas homes.Daniel Radcliffe,for example,who plays Harry Potter,has a fortune of£42 million,at 20.
(59)D.Millions of jobless Americans,who might be suffering in anxiety and lacking a sense of security,are showing up at emergency rooms of state-owned hospitals,contributing to a longer waiting time and a higher risk of cursory treatment by overworked doctors and nurses.
(60)E.Alice Miller,a psychology expert,who died at 87 at home in Provence,France,on April 14,repositioned the family as a central place of abnormal psychological function with her theory that parental power and punishment lay at the root of nearly all human problems.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.屠呦呦是中国第一个被授予诺贝尔奖的女科学家.(award)Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist to be awarded the Nobel Prize.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.One of the executives gathered at the Aspen Institute for a day-long leadership workshop using the works of Shakespeare was discussing the role of Brutus in the death of Julius Caesar."Brutus was not an honorable man,"he said."He was a traitor(叛徒).And he murdered someone in cold blood."The agreement was that Brutus had acted with cruelty when other options were available to him.He made a bad decision,they said-at least as it was presented by Shakespeare-to take the lead in murdering Julius Caesar.And though one of the executives acknowledged that Brutus had the good of the republic in mind,Caesar was nevertheless his superior."You have to endeavor,"the executives said,"our policy is to obey the chain of command."
During the last few years,business executives and book writers looking for a new way to advise corporate America have been exploiting Shakespeare's wisdom for profitable ends.None more so than husband and wife team Kenneth and Carol Adelman,well-known advisers to the White House,who started up a training company called"Movers and Shakespeares".They are amateur Shakespeare scholars and Shakespeare lovers,and they have combined their passion and their high level contacts into a management training business.They conduct between 30and 40workshops annually,focusing on half a dozen different plays,mostly for corporations,but also for government agencies.
The workshops all take the same form,focusing on a single play as a kind of case study,and using individual scenes as specific lessons.In Julius Caesar,sly provocation(狡诈的挑唆) of Brutus to take up arms against the what was a basis for a discussion of methods of team building and grass roots organism.
Although neither of the Adelmans is academically trained in literature,the programmes,contain plenty of Shakespeare tradition and background.Their workshop on Henry V,for example,includes a helpful explanation of Henry's winning strategy at the Battle of Agincourt.But they do come to the text with a few biases (偏向):their reading of Henry V minimizes his misuse of power.Instead,they emphasize the story of the youth who seizes opportunity and becomes a masterful leader.And at the workshop on Caesar,Mr.Adelmans had little good to say about Brutus,saying"the noblest Roman of them all"couldn't make his mind up about things.
Many of the participants pointed to very specific elements in the play that they felt related Caesar's pride,which led to his murder,and Brutus's mistakes in leading the  after the murder,they said,raise vital questions for anyone serving as a business when and how do you resist the boss?

73.According to paragraph 1,what did all the executives think of Brutus?A.
74.According to the passage,the Adelmans set up"Movers and Shakespeares"toB.
A.help executives to understand Shakespeare's plays better
B.give advice on leadership by analyzing Shakespeare's plays
C.provide case studies of Shakespeare's plays in literature workshops
D.guide government agencies to follow the characters in Shakespeare's plays.
75.Why do the Adelmans conduct a workshop on Henry V?A
A.To highlight the importance of catching opportunities.
B.To encourage masterful leaders to plan strategies to win.
C.To illustrate the harm of prejudices in management.
D.To warn executives against power misuse.
76.It can be inferred from the passage thatD.
A.the Adelmans'programme proves biased as the roles of characters are maximized.
B.executives feel bored with too many specific elements of Shakespeare's plays.
C.the Adelmans will make more profits if they are professional scholars.
D.Shakespeare has played an important role in the management field.
77.The best title for the passage isD.
A.Shakespeare's plays:Executives reconsider corporate culture
B.Shakespeare's plays:An essential key to business success
C.Shakespeare's plays:a lesson for business motivation
D.Shakespeare's plays:Dramatic training brings dramatic results.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.有些家长从未意识到,做家务可以培养孩子的责任心.(Never)Neverare parents aware that doing housework can cultivate/develop children's sense of resposibility..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.When people think of Hollywood,they think of the city where dreams come true.This did not apply to F.Scott Fitzgerald,a screenwriter who had his share of ups and downs in this land.Fitzgerald was not a successful Hollywood writer because he was not good at the career path he chose.He was an amazing novelist,but his efforts of turning them into screenplays ended in disappointment and confusion.It was because of a lack of potential for screenwriting as well as his addiction and desire to be famous.
Growing up as a boy,Fitzgerald went to movies a lot.He wanted to write stories that would eventually turn into movies.The problem was:just because Fitzgerald wanted to do something didn't necessarily mean that he was good at it.He made his attempts,but most of these efforts ended in disappointment because he thought about the change from script(剧本)to screen too much.His plot was too detailed and complicated; his tone was too serious or his dialogue too sentimental(感伤的).
Fitzgerald's quick rise to fame also led to his fall.In life,things are not meant to happen all at once,all that the same time but it did for Fitzgerald.At his best time,three of his early stories were made into short films,including The Great Gatsby and Babylon Revisited.As the twenties approached,he was gradually forgotten by the reading public.He became drunk and constantly took pills both to sleep and wake up.His marriage was destroyed and his wife broke down mentally.He seemed unsure about his life.
Fitzgerald had another chance at success when many opportunities came his way,including revisions of Emlyn William's play The Light of Heart and production of one of his own scripts,Cosmopolitan.However,these were all put aside and he was right back where he started,left behind and called a"ruined man".Fitzgerald simply wanted too much in his life.He wanted"to be both a great novelist and a Hollywood success,to write songs like Cole Porter and poetry like John Keats".His addiction to fame held him back and led to his failure as a Hollywood writer.

36.Which is a reason that Fitzgerald failed in screenwriting?A
A.He was not talented in screenwriting.
B.He had a miserable family life.
C.He spent too much time watching movies.
D.He was greedy for money in his life.
37.Fitzgerald's screenwriting wasB.
A.disappointing in ending
B.complex in plot
C.playful in tone
D.simple in dialogue
38.Which of the following was NOT written by Fitzgerald?C
A.The Great Gatsby
B.Babylon Revisited
C.The Light of Heart
39.When Fitzgerald had another chance at success,heC.
A.took full advantage of it
B.went back home to start business
C.refused to make changes
D.started to write songs and poems
40.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.Fallen for Fame Addiction:F.Scott Fitzgerald
B.An Inch into Fame:F.Scott Fitzgerald
C.F.Scott Fitzgerald:A Great Novelist
D.F.Scott Fitzgerald:A Great Screenwriter.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.一个人大笑时,其体内的一切都会运作得更健康,更有效率.(operate)Everything in his body operates in a healthy way more efficiently when a person


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.孩子们总是对圣诞节的礼物充满好奇.(curious)(The) kids are always curious about (the) Christmas presents..

