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The mental aspect of athletics is underrated. The common expression, “athletics are 90 percent ____ and 10 percent physical,” is often used by coaches, and stresses that mindsets make a huge ____ in competitions.

“The physical aspect of the sport can only take you ____ ,” said Olympic gold medal-winning gymnast Shannon Miller during an interview with the Dana Foundation. “The mental aspect has to ____ , especially when you’re talking about the best of the best. In the Olympic games, everyone is talented. Everyone ____ hard. Everyone does the work. What ____ the gold medalists from the silver medalists is simply the mental game.”

Many athletes have used the technique of mental imagery, or ____ , to perform at their best. Research on the brain patterns of ____ found that the patterns activated when a weightlifter lifted heavy weights were activated ____ when they simply imagined lifting and some studies have suggested that mental ____ can be almost as effective as physical training. One study, published in the Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology in 1996, found that ____ weight lifting caused ____ changes in muscle activity.

“Mental imagery ____ many cognitive (认知的) processes in the brain: motor control, attention, perception, planning, and memory,” researcher Angie LeVan wrote in Psychology Today. “So the ____ is getting trained for actual performance during visualization. It’s been found that mental practices can enhance motivation, increase confidence, improve motor performance and ____ your brain for success.”

____ visualizing is more than just thinking about an upcoming event. ____ athletes use visualization, they truly feel the event taking place in their mind’s eye.

“During visualization, she incorporates (整合) all of her ____ into the experience,” sports psychologist Dr JoAnn Dahlkoetter wrote in a blog post on The Huffington Post ____ a speed skater she works with. “She feels her forefoot pushing off the track, she hears her skating splits, and she sees herself racing ahead of the competitors. She experiences all of the elements of her race ____ before executing (完成) her performance.”

1.A. lucky B. intelligent C. mental D. strategic

2.A. difference B. importance C. improvement D. challenge

3.A. so long B. so far C. so much D. so high

4.A. turn on B. show off C. take up D. set off

5.A. thinksB. moves C. runs D. trains

6.A. breaksB. pushes C. decidesD. distinguishes

7.A. activation B. visualization C. motivation D. perception

8.A. athletes B. gymnasts C. weightlifters D. skaters

9.A. regularly B. normally C. finally D. similarly

10.A. connection B. practice C. performances D. directions

11.A. imagining B. considering C. reviewing D. dreaming

12.A. few B. usual C. actual D. strange

13.A. impacts B. increases C. slows D. follows

14.A. brain B. body C. attention D. memory

15.A. help B. apply C. useD. prepare

16.A. Though B. But C. Thus D. Otherwise

17.A. Unless B. After C. When D. Until

18.A. observations B. spirit C. determination D. senses

19.A. to B. for C. about D. with

20.A. in surprise B. in detail C. on time D. for example














































科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省苏锡常镇四市联考(二)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Hacking our senses to boost learning power

Some schools are pumping music, noises and pleasant smells into the classroom to see if it improves exam results. Could it work? Why do songs stick in our heads? What does your school smell like? Is it noisy or peaceful?

It might not seem important, but a growing body of research suggests that smells and sounds can have an impact on learning, performance and creativity. Indeed, some head teachers have recently taken to broadcasting noises and pumping smells into their schools to see whether it can boost grades. Is there anything in it? And if so, what are the implications for the way we work and study?

There is certainly some well-established research to suggest that some noises can have a harmful effect on learning. Numerous studies over the past 15 years have found that children attending schools under the flight paths of large airports fall behind in their exam results. Bridget Shield, a professor of acoustics (声学) at London South Bank University, and Julie Dockrell, from the Institute of Education, have been conducting studies on the effects of all sorts of noises, such as traffic and sirens (汽笛), as well as noise generated by the children themselves. When they recreated those particular sounds in an experimental setting while children completed various learning tasks, they found a significant negative effect on exam scores. “Everything points to a bad impact of the noise on children’s performance, in numeracy, in literacy, and in spelling,” says Shield. The noise seemed to have an especially harmful effect on children with special needs.

Whether background sounds are beneficial or not seems to depend on what kind of noise it is — and the volume. In a series of studies published last year, Ravi Mehta from the College of Business at Illinois and his colleagues tested people’s creativity while exposed to a soundtrack made up of background noises — such as coffee-shop chatter and construction-site drilling — at different volumes. They found that people were more creative when the background noises were played at a medium level than when volume was low. Loud background noise, however, damaged their creativity.

Many teachers all over the world already play music to students in class. Many are inspired by the belief that hearing music can boost IQ in later tasks, the so-called Mozart effect. While the evidence actually suggests it’s hard to say classical music boosts brainpower, researchers do think pleasant sounds before a task can sometimes lift your mood and help you perform well, says Perham, who has done his own studies on the phenomenon. The key appears to be that you enjoy what you’re hearing. “If you like the music or you like the sound — even listening to a Stephen King novel — then you do better. It doesn’t matter about the music,” he says.

So, it seems that schools that choose to prevent disturbing noises and create positive soundscapes could enhance the learning of their students, so long as they make careful choices. Yet this isn’t the only sense being used to affect learning. Special educational needs students at Sydenham high school in London are being encouraged to revise different subjects in the presence of different smells — grapefruit scents for maths, lavender for French and spearmint for history.

1.The four questions in the first paragraph are meant to ________.

A. create some sense of humour to please the readers

B. provide the most frequently asked questions in schools nowadays

C. hold the readers’ attention and arouse their curiosity to go on reading

D. declare the purpose of the article: to try to offer key to those questions

2.What does the conclusion of the studies of noise conducted by Bridget Shield and Julie Dockrell suggest?

A. Peaceful music plays an active role in students’ learning.

B. Not all noises have a negative impact on children’s performance.

C. We should create for school children a more peaceful environment.

D. Children with special needs might be exposed to some particular sounds.

3.Ravi Mehta’s experiment indicates that ________.

A. students’ creativity improves in a quiet environment

B. we may play some Mozart music while students are learning

C. a proper volume of background noises does improve creativity

D. noise of coffee-shop chatter is better than that of construction-site drilling

4.Towards the positive impact of appropriate background sound and smell on students’ learning and creativity, the author’s attitude is ________.

A. ambiguousB. doubtfulC. negativeD. supportive

5.Which of the following is most likely to follow up the research findings?

A. Experts’ research into other senses that can improve students’ grades.

B. More successful examples of boosting learning power by using music.

C. Suggestions for pumping lots of pleasant smells into school campuses.

D. Debates on whether noises can really have positive effect on students’ performance.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省高三3月份模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mo Yan, ____ famous contemporary Chinese writer, this year’s Nobel Prize winner for literature, abandons _____conventional writing style and advocates his unique way of Magic Realism.

A.the; a B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省淮安市高三5月信息卷英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

To ensure that children from poor areas can receive fair education, the government has planned to _______ more money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.

A. announce B. allocate C. advocate D. accumulate



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:填空题


Zebras have their own bug repellent(驱虫剂)?

Eww bugs! They are so annoying! We humans are lucky that we can apply repellents to avoid nasty bites. But what’s an animal to do? They have no choice but to spend their days shooing them off with their tails, unless, of course, they are zebras, who apparently have their own automatic repellent--- their striped skin!

Scientists had originally thought that the reason why the animal had developed the black and white lines was to help protect itself from predators in the African savannah, because the stripes make it difficult to single out one zebra that is traveling with a herd.While that may be true, the theory has never been tested or proven. Now the experts have another---that the stripes have evolved to repel the annoying horse flies that not only feed off their blood, but also, transmit dangerous germs into the bodies of these innocent animals.

The study was performed by a team of Swedish scientists. One of the clues that got them thinking along these lines was the fact that darker horses got bitten more often than light-colored or white ones.

The fact that zebras are born black and only develop strips as they grow older made the scientists theorize that the stripes may be something the animals have developed to make themselves less attractive to flies.

To test if this may be the case, they painted some boards at a horse-infested horse farm in Budapest with patterns of black and white stripes of varying widths and applied a layer of glue on them. What they noticed was that the places where the black and white stripes were at their narrowest (similar to what zebras have) attracted the fewest flies. They achieved similar results when they painted horses with black and white zebra-like stripes.

While the research are not sure why this may be the case, they believe it may be something to do with the way insects operate---horseflies are attracted to horizontally polarized light(偏振光); since white does not reflect it, white horses are luckier than black ones. But zebras seem to be the luckiest of all. When the researchers measured the polarized light reflected from real zebra skins, they found that it matched light patterns that were the least attractive to horseflies.

While this theory does make logical sense, nobody is 100 percent sure that it is really true, given that it has never been tested on a real zebra. If it is true, it does raise the question of why a horse, a close relative of the zebra has failed to develop stripes. The researchers believe that this could be because there are more horseflies in Africa, where zebras reside, then anywhere else in the world.


Zebras have their own bug repellent?

Reasons for zebras developing their strips

Original belief

With the black and white lines, one zebra is difficult to single out while traveling with a herd, thus ___1.___ it from its enemies.

New theory

Zebras, residing in Africa where there are most horseflies in the world ,have developed strips to avoid being___2.____ .






A study


A team of scientists from ___3.____



To test if strips are developed to make zebras less attractive to flies.



*White or light-colored horses are less __5.___ to get bitten than dark ones.

*Zebras develop strips as they grow older though born black .



*Some boards at a horse farm are painted with patterns of black and white stripes variously ___6.___ , a layer of glue applied on them

*Measured the polarized light reflected from real zebra skins



*The places where the black and white stripes were similar to the ___8.___zebras have attracted the fewest flies

*Strips of zebras matched light patterns that were the least attractive to horseflies

Principle of zebras’ black and white strips repelling the flies

Horizontally polarized light, which white does not reflect, ____9.___ to horseflies.



____10.___tested on real zebras, the theory isn’t definitely true.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The agent was about to sign his name to the document ________,to our surprise,a stranger broke in to prevent him.

A.while B.when C.as D.until



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to _______ a life _______.

A. get… up B. take… off C. bring… up D. turn… around



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省高三4月阶段测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

What’s the chance of ________ a general election this year?

A. there beingB. there to beC. there be D. there going to be



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江苏省高三模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—What a pity! Their experiment is a failure.

—They ________ better under more favorable conditions.

A. should have doneB. could have done C. must have doneD. may have done


